How to automatically deploy and run docker images on server? - docker

I'm trying to setup the deployment of docker images to Linux server (Debian 10).
I looked over the internet to find an easy solution to deploy images from docker repository onto a server automatically.
I know that Docker Hub has webhooks.
Also, there is an option to use Kubernetes, but it seems to be a bit too much for a simple application running on one server.
What I am looking for is a way for server to detect that docker image has been updated, so that it downloads it and runs the newest version.
Currently, I have setup automatic build of docker images on Azure DevOps that are pushed to private repository on Docker Hub (I will most likely move to privately hosted Nexus repository).
I am looking for suggestions on how to do it with relatively low complexity (e.g. should I use docker-compose for it or some sort of bash script on a server).
The closest thing to what I am looking for is this solution: How to auto deploy Docker Image on own server with GitLab?
I would like to know if this is the recommended way to do or are there any other, possibly easier ways to approach it.

I found this project that looks good as a solution for my case.


How to develop and test Docker images remotely that are going to be deployed into K8s cluster that has different hardware than my local computer?

What are the "best practices" workflow for developing and testing an image (locally I guess) that is going to be deployed into a K8s cluster, and that has different hardware than my laptop?
To explain the context a bit, I'm running some deep learning code that needs gpus and my laptop doesn't have any so I launch a "training job" into the K8s cluster (K8s is probably not meant to be used this way, but is the way that we use it where I work) and I'm not sure how I should be developing and testing my Docker images.
At the moment I'm creating a container that has the desired gpu and manually running a bunch of commands till I can make the code work. Then, once I got the code running, I manually copy all the commands from history that made the code work and then copy them to a local docker file on my computer, compile it and push it to a docker hub, from which the docker image is going to be pulled the next time I launch a training job into the cluster, that will create a container from it and train the model.
The problem with this approach is that if there's a bug in the image, I have to wait until the deployment to the container to realize that my Docker file is wrong and I have to start the process all over again to change it. Also finding bugs from the output of kubectl logs is very cumbersome.
Is it a better way to do this?
I was thinking of installing docker into the docker container and use IntelliJ (or any other IDE) to attach it to the container via SSH and develop and test the image remotely; but I read in many places that this is not a good idea.
What would you recommend then instead?
Many thanks!!

What is the Docker URL on a proget instance

We are using Proget as our Docker Repository of choice and we are running into size issues rapidly. There isn't a good mechanism to prune pre-releases or old images that are no longer needed like there is for other artifacts.
I am using Docker.Dotnet nuget library and have a process where I can connect to a Docker API, evaluate the images using their tags and label or purge what has aged out.
The issue I am running into is that I cannot find the Docker API URL:Port anywhere. My current setup is (and is what I have registered locally), but I cannot connect my Docker client to it.
We are planning on migrating away from this repository anyhow, but this would apply for any other docker repository of choice. For example, what is the URL of the docker hub for API interaction?
Did you look at the ProGet Retention Rules? There's a section on Container rules that seems to already purge what you want...

Understanding docker principles

I have made a quite simple golang server and I need to deploy it to a digitalocean droplet.
I know that there can be issues with cross-building go apps in case they use cgo, so to not to think about it in future I decided to use docker, so my app will be build and run always in same environment.
The first thing I dont get is about developing an app. When I create a Dockerfile I use commands to add files from my project directory into newly created docker image. Then I run the container created from this image. But what if I edit my code? - as I understood I must stop the container, remove an image and then build it again. This is a bit tricky for such a common situation - or am I doing things wrong?
Second one - I have created a docker droplet on a DO: Whats the way to deploy my app?
I have to push my image to any docker repository and pull it on to the droplet?
Or I can upload it directly?
Or I have to scp my source code to droplet and run same process as on my local machine, building image and then runnjng a container?
But what if I edit my code? - as I understood I must stop the container, remove an image and then build it again. This is a bit tricky for such a common situation - or am I doing things wrong?
Don't delete the image just rebuild it. It will be much faster than the first initial build. Also why is it tricky? It's just one or two commands, you can create a bash or .bat script if it gets annoying.
I have created a docker droplet on a DO: Whats the way to deploy my app?
All three options are a possibility. For the second one you would have to set up your VM as a docker-hub repo which might be more than you need. Using docker hub isn't bad. You could also just build the image on your server. I recommend using docker hub for it's ease and having watchtower set up on your server to restart your web app on new image pushes.
Edit: the above advice was for a VM not a docker droplet. I'm not familiar with DO but this article should help:

Resume ways of using dockers (web development)

Screenshot: my docker-compose for wordpress
I've learned last week how to deploy 3 containers of wordpress, phpmyadmin and mysql. They work fine. The containers were connected between them, using a volume and the same network. The docker was configured from a docker compose file. .yml I used Git of my native operative system to version the changes.
But then I found another way to do the same:
I installed a image of Debian, then added git, apache2, mariadb and phpmyadmin, i connected all and use a "docker commit" to save changes of my development every time.
Then, a coworker told me to use a docker-file and add volumes an use Git for versioning.
Which is the best way?
What problems have the first and second ways?
Is there another way?
From my view you search for optimal deployment structure, its a long way to go and find information about. Here my opinons:
I wouldn't recommend this version because the mix of operation system (win/linux) can cause big problems. Example, Line Breaks, Folder/File Filename.
But the docker compose idea is the right way to setup the test, dev enviroment local.
is outside of git, thats not optimal, but a good solution when save everything.
is alright, but you done already with docker compose. Here the usage of volume can cause same problems as 1. You can use git versioning in commandline mode to develop, but I don't recommend it.
Alternative Ways
Use Software that able to deploy remotely to the php server, like PHPStorm, Eclipse, Winscp use local to develop the application and link it to the Apache/PHP Maschine or Container over FTP/SFTP. You work local and transfer the changed files into the running maschine or container. The Git Versioning would be done on the local maschine. You can also use mysql tools to backup the database local. So if the docker container brake you can setup it easy again.
Make sure you save also config files of apache, php, mysql into git, that makes the resetup of docker container smart.
Use (Gitlab & Gitlab CI), (Bitbucket & Bamboo), (Git & Jenkins) to deploy your php changes to the servers or docker containers.
At best read articles over continuous delivery and continuous integration.
This option is suitable for rollout to customer or dev, beta systems.

Docker for non-code deployments?

I am trying to help a sysadmin group reduce server & service downtime on the projects they manage. Their biggest issue is that they have to take down a service, install upgrade/configure, and then restart it and hope it works.
I have heard that docker is a solution to this problem, but usually from developer circles in the context of deploying their node/python/ruby/c#/java, etc. applications to production.
The group I am trying to help is using vendor software that requires a lot of configuration and management. Can docker still be used in this case? Can we install any random software on a container? Then keep that in a private repository, upgrade versions, etc.?
This is a windows environment if that makes any difference.
Docker excels at stateless applications. You can use it for persistent data style applications, but requires the use of volume commands.
Can docker still be used in this case?
Yes, but it depends on the application. It should be able to be installed headless, and a couple other things that are pretty specific. (EG: talking to third party servers to get an license can create issues)
Can we install any random software on a container?
Yes... but: remember that when the container restarts, that software will be gone. It's better to create it as an image, and then deploy it.See my example below.
Then keep that in a private repository, upgrade versions, etc.?
Here is an example pipeline:
Create a Dockerfile for the OS and what steps it takes to install the application. (Should be headless)
Build the image (at this point, it's called an image, not a container)
Test the image locally by creating a local container. This container is what has the configuration data such as environment variables, the volumes for persistent data it needs, etc.
If it satisifies the local developers wants, then you can either:
Let your build servers create the image and publish it an internal
docker registry (best practice)
Let your local developer publish it
to an internal docker registry
At that point, your next level environments can then pull down the image from the docker registry, configure them and create the container.
In short, it will require a lot of elbow grease but is possible.
Can we install any random software on a container?
Generally yes, but you can have many problems with legacy software which was developed to work on bare metal.
At first it can be persistence problem, but it can be solved using volumes.
At second program that working good on full OS can work not so good in container. Containers have some difference with VM's or bare metal. For example due to missing init process some containers have zombie process issue. About others difference you can read here
Docker have big profit for stateless apps, but some heave legacy apps can work not so good inside containers and should be tested good before using it in production.
