How do I get display names from a custom field in Jira-python? - jira

I am using the jira rest api in python (jupyter notebook) and want to get the display name of a custom field from Jira.
The custom attribute I am using represents Team Name in Jira. ex. 202 = "A Team", 204 = "The Brew Team", etc.
when I for loop I am able to get team id's but I'd like to get the display names ("A Team", "The Brew Team", etc.)
for item in project:
team = item.fields.customfield_26588
Is there a way to get the actual display names from the custom field programatically?

Jira issue doesn't hold that information, jira instance does, since they associate the field with the issueType
you can get ALL the fields form the jira Instance, and match them against the ones in the issue with the id.
jira = JIRA(server=SERVER, basic_auth=(USER, PW))
issue_x = jira.issue("TEST-101")
all_the_fields = jira.fields()
for i in all_the_fields:
for xx in issue_x.raw['fields']:
if i["id"] == xx:

Object of custom field looks like:
"customfield_1234": {
"required": false,
"schema": {...},
"name": "Name",
"allowedValues": [...]
If you want to have name of the custom field itself, you can get it from 'name' attribute of object.
So, in your code you need to use:


Planner Plan URL or creating a Planner Tab in Teams

I've been trying to create a plan using the Graph REST API for .Net and Microsoft Planner. Following the provided documentation, I was able to create a plan. However, I've seen that after creating it, no URL in order to access that plan is provided.
I was wondering if there was a way of getting or constructing this URL having the planId.
Following this, I also want to link the created Plan to a Tab in Microsoft Plan, but could not find anything useful in the documentation. Is there even a way to create a Planner Tab in Ms Teams using the Graph API?
These are the documentation pages for adding tabs:
The URL for the Planner Tab page is as follows. You'll need to put your plan id there, but other variables in curly braces are part of the URL as variables, and get filled in by Teams when someone is viewing the tab.{tid}/Home/PlannerFrame?page=7&auth_pvr=OrgId&auth_upn={userPrincipalName}&groupId={groupId}&planId=<YourPlanId>&channelId={channelId}&entityId={entityId}&tid={tid}&userObjectId={userObjectId}&subEntityId={subEntityId}&sessionId={sessionId}&theme={theme}&mkt={locale}&ringId={ringId}&PlannerRouteHint={tid}&tabVersion=20200228.1_s
The full request looks like:
"displayName": "<Name of the tab>",
"teamsApp#odata.bind" : "",
"entityId": "<combined channel and plan id>",
"contentUrl": "{tid}/Home/PlannerFrame?page=7&auth_pvr=OrgId&auth_upn={userPrincipalName}&groupId={groupId}&planId=<Your plan Id>&channelId={channelId}&entityId={entityId}&tid={tid}&userObjectId={userObjectId}&subEntityId={subEntityId}&sessionId={sessionId}&theme={theme}&mkt={locale}&ringId={ringId}&PlannerRouteHint={tid}&tabVersion=20200228.1_s"
3 values need to be replaced there, the display name, the entity id and the plan id in the URL.
The entity id value looks like tt.c_<channel id>_p_<plan id> For example for Channel ID = ABC, and Plan ID = 123, you'd get literal string tt.c_ABC_p_123
The plans can be accessed to through this API:
Please refer this document:Top Planner API tasks
You should only need the Planner Id and Channel Id to create a Planner tab in Teams.
Here is my complete request body:
"displayName": "<Name of the tab>",
"teamsApp#odata.bind" : "",
"entityId": "tt.c_<Channel Id>_p_<Plan Id>",
"contentUrl": "{tid}/Home/PlannerFrame?page=7&auth_pvr=OrgId&auth_upn={userPrincipalName}&groupId={groupId}&planId=<Plan Id>&channelId={channelId}&entityId={entityId}&tid={tid}&userObjectId={userObjectId}&subEntityId={subEntityId}&sessionId={sessionId}&theme={theme}&mkt={locale}&ringId={ringId}&PlannerRouteHint={tid}&tabVersion=20200228.1_s",
"removeUrl": "{tid}/Home/PlannerFrame?page=13&auth_pvr=OrgId&auth_upn={userPrincipalName}&groupId={groupId}&planId=<Plan Id>&channelId={channelId}&entityId={entityId}&tid={tid}&userObjectId={userObjectId}&subEntityId={subEntityId}&sessionId={sessionId}&theme={theme}&mkt={locale}&ringId={ringId}&PlannerRouteHint={tid}&tabVersion=20200228.1_s",
"websiteUrl": "<Plan Id>?Type=PlanLink&Channel=TeamsTab"
The following attributes need values replaced:
displayName: Tab Title
entityId: Channel Id & Plan Id
contentUrl: Plan Id
removeUrl: Plan Id
websiteUrl: Plan Id

How to return friendly field names for zapier trigger (zapier developers)

I am working on a Zapier integration for an online form builder. Each unique form for our users has lots of long, auto-generated field names.
We have a trigger called “New form entries”, which polls our server for form entries, and comes back like this:
"id": "6209aee326baa600224d822c",
"email_907058157108782": "",
"phone_589083232390193": "12345",
"id": "61fd629f19408200225e1893",
"email_907058157108782": "",
"phone_589083232390193": "54321",
However, this results in end users seeing these really long, gross field names in the Zapier interface:
My question: how do I get Zapier to display friendly labels to the user, whilst using the unique field IDs behind the scenes?
I’m thinking of returning something like the following (each object represents a form entry, , but I need to know how to actually use “friendlyFieldName” and “value” in Zapier!-
// the id for the entry
"id": "62179ec5ab9daa0022df7d1d",
// the id for the first field entry
"text_576692390099896": {
// a friendly name and value for zapier
"friendlyFieldName": "What is your favourite colour?",
"value": "Blue"
Thank you :)
You can define output fields labels in outputFields. Here are the reference document that you can follow: Output Fields

Create a documentSet using graph API - configuration

I implemented with Graph API several calls to create a document set.
I followed the answer posted here concerning the possibility of creating a DocumentSet in SharePoint here : Is it possible to create a project documentset using graph API?
For this i followed those steps :
1. Getting the library driveId :
2. Creating the folder:
I have to pass an object:
"name": ${nameOfTheFolder},
"folder": {},
3. Getting the Sharepoint itemId:
4. Updating the document library:
and passing a body:
"contentType": {
"id": "content-type-id-of-the-document-set"
"fields": {
//whatever fields you want to set
I have questions concerning the folder creation and the updating:
What is expected in the folder object ?
"name": ${nameOfTheFolder},
"folder": {},
Concerning the path step:
"contentType": {
"id": "content-type-id-of-the-document-set"
"fields": {
//whatever fields you want to set
I have several questions :
Let's consider i have a document type called invoices. Which id is expected for document type id ?
finally how do i pass the fields ? let's say i want to pass 3 fields : invoiceId, claimId, clientId.
Graph API is great but some more information would be helpful. thanks !
I have questions concerning the folder creation and the updating: What is expected in the folder object ?
The folder object (sent as {}) is there to tell graph API that you are creating a folder and not a file. It is a property of the drive item
Let's consider i have a document type called invoices. Which id is expected for document type id ?
This is the id contentType subfield of the list item you are patching
ally how do i pass the fields ? let's say i want to pass 3 fields : invoiceId, claimId, clientId.
You just pass them with repective values like below. See Update listItem
"invoiceId": "value",
"claimId": "value"
One point I didn't express correctly was to know what id is expected here :
"contentType": {
"id": "content-type-id-of-the-document-set"
"fields": {
//whatever fields you want to set
I retrieved the different content types of my site by calling this kind of URL and check if the content type exists.${siteId}/lists/${listId}/contentTypes
From the result i retrieve in a Value object the id.
The id looks like this :
In modern SharePoint, you can also get the Content Type ID from the UI by browsing to SharePoint Site > Site Settings > Site content types > <ContentTypeName> > Content Type ID.
Content Type ID
Not sure if this is easier than via graph, but it's another option at least.

Retrieve all fields from Rally WSAPI Recycle bin

I am trying to list all the fields of the userstory in Recycle bin and I see only few. Can't all the fields be fetched?
var config = {
model: 'RecycleBinEntry',
filters: [{
property: "ID",
operator: "=",
value: "US060000"
fetch: ["Name","c_field"],
workspace: me.getContext().getWorkspace()._ref,
project: null
I don't get back my custom field(c_field) on the userstory. Can't you fetch all the fields of the User Story Model? I tried to get it from lookback and the value of the custom field is empty.
Unfortunately there is only a very small subset of the available artifact fields exposed on deleted items (RecycleBinEntry).

Pre-setting values to Docusign template

I am new to Docusign api and I am trying to post values from my form into a template. To be honest, I am not sure if I even created the custom fields properly or if there is some special way to set them into the form other than just creating a text field with a name.
I have read through the docs and recipes and about a dozen or more stack posts.
I am using rails and my fields post just fine but it's my tabs that do not. I read somewhere that I am supposed to use tabs and not custom_fields. Not sure if that's totally correct but that's how I've interpreted it.
Here is my current code:
body: {
"emailSubject": "DocuSign API call - Request Signature - Boom",
"templateId": "e1d5bce1-9757-4ffe-881b-054aa9139f2f",
"templateRoles": [{
"email": "#{}",
"name": "#{renter.background.legal_name}",
"roleName": "Lessee"
"email": "#{}",
"name": "#{}",
"roleName": "Lessor",
"tabs": {
"texttabs": [{
"tabLabel": "Rent",
"value": "#{}"
"tabLabel": "Address",
"value": "987 apple lane"
"status": "sent"
baseUrl that I am sending to:
In your texttabs section, you should be passing in the following parameters at a minimum per tab: tablabel & value.
tablabel is the name of the tab that you have defined on the template. So from what I can tell, you have a text box on your template called Address. So you should put "tablabel":"Address".
value is what you would like to pre-populate in the tab. Looks like you have that correct.
You do not want to use tabID as that is not a valid parameter in this flow. The API documentation details what parameters you can use:
I also see an extraneous parameter of "Rent" under templateRoles section. That value will be ignored since it is not a valid parameter.
Turns out the problem was not with the code but with the setup within docusign. Make sure that you are setting up your tabs correctly and if you want to replicate a field multiple times make sure that they all share the same exact name.
