Size Mismatch when passing a state batch to network - machine-learning

Since I’m a beginner in ML, this question or the design overall may sound silly, sorry about that. I’m open to any suggestions.
I have a simple network with three linear layers one of which is output layer.
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(in_features=2, out_features=12)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(in_features=12, out_features=16)
self.out = nn.Linear(in_features=16, out_features=4)
My states are consisting of two values, coordinate x and y. That’s why input layer has two features.
In I’m sampling and extracting memories in ReplayMemory class and pass them to get_current function:
experiences = memory.sample(batch_size)
states, actions, rewards, next_states = qvalues.extract_tensors(experiences)
current_q_values = qvalues.QValues.get_current(policy_net, states, actions)
Since a single state is consisting of two values, length of the states tensor is batchsize x 2 while length of the actions is batchsize. (Maybe that’s the problem?)
When I pass “states” to my network in get_current function to obtain predicted q-values for the state, I get this error:
size mismatch, m1: [1x16], m2: [2x12]
It looks like it is trying to grab the states tensor as if it is a single state tensor. I don’t want that. In the tutorials that I follow, they pass the states tensor which is a stack of multiple states, and there is no problem. What am I doing wrong? :)
This is how I store an experience:
memory.push(dqn.Experience(state, action, next_state, reward))
This is my extract tensors function:
def extract_tensors(experiences):
# Convert batch of Experiences to Experience of batches
batch = dqn.Experience(*zip(*experiences))
state_batch =[0] for d in experiences))
action_batch =[1] for d in experiences))
reward_batch =[2] for d in experiences))
nextState_batch =[3] for d in experiences))
return (state_batch,action_batch,reward_batch,nextState_batch)
Tutorial that I follow is this project's tutorial.
Look between 148th and 169th lines. And especially 169th line where it passes the states batch to the network.

SOLVED. It turned out that I didn't know how to properly create 2d tensor.
2D Tensor must be like this:
states = torch.tensor([[1, 1], [2,2]], dtype=torch.float)


How to use DeepQLearning in Julia for very large states?

I would like to use the DeepQLearning.jl package from In order to do so, we have to do something similar to
using DeepQLearning
using POMDPs
using Flux
using POMDPModels
using POMDPSimulators
using POMDPPolicies
# load MDP model from POMDPModels or define your own!
mdp = SimpleGridWorld();
# Define the Q network (see Flux.jl documentation)
# the gridworld state is represented by a 2 dimensional vector.
model = Chain(Dense(2, 32), Dense(32, length(actions(mdp))))
exploration = EpsGreedyPolicy(mdp, LinearDecaySchedule(start=1.0, stop=0.01, steps=10000/2))
solver = DeepQLearningSolver(qnetwork = model, max_steps=10000,
exploration_policy = exploration,
recurrence=false,double_q=true, dueling=true, prioritized_replay=true)
policy = solve(solver, mdp)
sim = RolloutSimulator(max_steps=30)
r_tot = simulate(sim, mdp, policy)
println("Total discounted reward for 1 simulation: $r_tot")
In the line mdp = SimpleGridWorld(), we create the MDP. When I was trying to create the MDP, I had the problem of very large state space. A state in my MDP is a vector in {1,2,...,m}^n for some m and n. So, when defining the function POMDPs.states(mdp::myMDP), I realized that I must iterate over all the states which are very large, i.e., m^n.
Am I using the package in the wrong way? Or we must iterate the states even if there are exponentially many? If the latter, then what is the point of using Deep Q Learning? I thought, Deep Q Learning can help when the action and state spaces are very large.
DeepQLearning does not require to enumerate the state space and can handle continuous space problems.
DeepQLearning.jl only uses the generative interface of POMDPs.jl. As such, you do not need to implement the states function but just gen and initialstate (see the link on how to implement the generative interface).
However, due to the discrete action nature of DQN you also need POMDPs.actions(mdp::YourMDP) which should return an iterator over the action space.
By making those modifications to your implementation you should be able to use the solver.
The neural network in DQN takes as input a vector representation of the state. If your state is a m dimensional vector, the neural network input will be of size m. The output size of the network will be equal to the number of actions in your model.
In the case of the grid world example, the input size of the Flux model is 2 (x, y positions) and the output size is length(actions(mdp))=4.

HMM : Learning states in a signal. (using hmmlearn python library)

I have time series data for which I am trying to learn 3 states in my HMM model. The output which I am getting is this. I want to get three separate states for the 3 distinct clusters of data points. But the first cluster has mixed states learned from HMM instead of a single state.
Here is my code for the same.
model = hmm.GaussianHMM(n_components=3, covariance_type="full", verbose = True, n_iter =1000),1)))
Z1 = model.predict(test_array1_s.reshape(-1,1))
p = model.predict_proba(test_array1_s.reshape(-1,1))
The plot of probabilites of each state for the test data is this.
How can I get three distinct states for the the data?

Learning a Sin function

I'm new to Machine Learning
I' building a simple model that would be able to predict simple sin function
I generated some sin values, and feeding them into my model.
from math import sin
xs = np.arange(-10, 40, 0.1)
squarer = lambda t: sin(t)
vfunc = np.vectorize(squarer)
ys = vfunc(xs)
model= Sequential()
model.add(Dense(units=256, input_shape=(1,), activation="tanh"))
model.add(Dense(units=256, activation="tanh"))
..a number of layers here
model.add(Dense(units=256, activation="tanh"))
model.compile(optimizer="sgd", loss="mse"), ys, epochs=500, verbose=0)
I then generate some test data, which overlays my learning data, but also introduces some new data
test_xs = np.arange(-15, 45, 0.01)
test_ys = model.predict(test_xs)
plt.plot(xs, ys)
plt.plot(test_xs, test_ys)
Predicted data and learning data looks as follows. The more layers I add, the more curves network is able to learn, but the training process increases.
Is there a way to make it predict sin for any number of curves? Preferably with a small number of layers.
With a fully connected network I guess you won't be able to get arbitrarily long sequences, but with an RNN it looks like people have achieved this. A google search will pop up many such efforts, I found this one quickly:
An RNN learns a sequence based on a history of inputs, so it's designed to pick up these kinds of patterns.
I suspect the limitation you observed is akin to performing a polynomial fit. If you increase the degree of polynomial you can better fit a function like this, but a polynomial can only represent a fixed number of inflection points depending on the degree you choose. Your observation here appears the same. As you increase layers you add more non-linear transitions. However, you are limited by a fixed number of layers you chose as the architecture in a fully connected network.
An RNN does not work on the same principals because it maintains a state and can make use of the state being passed forward in the sequence to learn the pattern of a single period of the sine wave and then repeat that pattern based on the state information.

LSTM-RNN : How to shape multivariate Inputs

Hi everybody I am struggeling with the tensorflow RNN implementation:
The problem:
I want to train an LSTM implentation of an RNN to detect malicious connections in the KDD99 dataset. Its a dataset with 41 features and (after some preprocessing) a label vector of the size 5.
[x1, x2, x3, .....x40, x41],
[x1, x2, x3, .....x40, x41]
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
As a basic architurecture I would like to implement the following:
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(num_units=64, state_is_tuple=True)
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper(cell=cell, output_keep_prob=0.5)
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell(cells=[cell] * 3, state_is_tuple=True)
My question is: In order to feed it to the model, how would i need to reshape the input features?
Would I not just have to reshape the input features, but to build sliding window sequences?
What I mean by that:
Assuming a sequence length of ten, the first suqence would contains data point 0 - 9, the second one contains data points 1 - 10, 2 - 11 and so on.
I do not know the dataset but I think that you problem is the following: you have a very long sequence and you want to know how to shape this sequence in order to provide this to the network.
The 'tf.contrib.rnn.static_rnn' has the following signature:
tf.contrib.rnn.static_rnn(cell, inputs, initial_state=None, dtype=None, sequence_length=None, scope=None)
inputs: A length T list of inputs, each a Tensor of shape [batch_size, input_size], or a nested tuple of such elements.
So the inputs need to be shaped into lists, where each element of the list is the element of the input sequence at each time step.
The length of this list depend on your problem and/or on computational issues.
In Natural Language Processing, for example, the length of this list can be the maximum sentence length of your document, where shorter sentences are padded to that length. As in this case, in many domains the length of the sequence is driven by the problem
However, you can have no such evidences in your problem or still having a long sequence. Long sequences are very heavy from a computational point of view. The BPTT algorithm, used to optimize this models, "unfolds" the recurrent network in a very deep feedforward network with shared parameters and back propagates over it. In this cases, it is still convenient to "cut" the sequence to a fixed length.
And here we arrive at your question, given this fixed length, let us say 10, how do I shape my input?
Usually, what is done is to cut the dataset in non overlapping windows (in your example, we will have 1-9, 10-19, 20-29, etc. What happens here is that the network only looks a the last 10 elements of the sequence each time it updates the weights with BPTT.
However, since the sequence has been arbitrarily cut, it is likely that predictions need to exploit evidences that are far back in the sequence, outside the current window. To do this, we initialize the initial state of the RNN at window i with the final state of the window i-1 using the parameter:
initial_state: (optional) An initial state for the RNN.
Finally, I give you two sources to go into more details:
RNN Tutorial This is the official tutorial of tensorflow. It is applied to the task of Language Modeling. At a certain point of the code, you will see that the final state is fed to the network from one run to the following one, in order to implement what said above.
feed_dict = {}
for i, (c, h) in enumerate(model.initial_state):
feed_dict[c] = state[i].c
feed_dict[h] = state[i].h
DevSummit 2017 This is a video of a talk during the Tensorflow DevSummit 2017 where, in the first section (Reading and Batching Sequence Data), it is explained how and using which functions you should shape your sequence inputs.
Hope this helps :)

How to handle gradients when training two sub-graphs simultaneously

The general idea I am trying to realize is a seq2seq-model (taken from the in the models, based on the seq2seq-class). This trains well.
Furthermore I am using the hidden state of the rnn after all the encoding is done, right before decoding starts (I call it the “hidden state at end of encoding”). I use this hidden state at end of encoding to feed it into a further sub-graph which I call “prices” (see below). The training gradients of this sub-graph backprop not only through this additional sub-graph, but also back into the encoder-part of the rnn (which is what I want and need).
The plan is to add more such sub-graph to the hidden state at end of encoding, as I want to analyze the input phrases in a variety of ways.
Now during training when I evaluate and train both sub-graphs (encoder+prices AND encoder+decoder) at the same time, the net does NOT converge. However, if I train by executing the training in the following way (pseudo-code):
if global_step % 10 == 0:
So I am not training both sub-graphs simultaneously. Now it does converge, but the encoder+decoder-part converges MUCH slower than if I ONLY train this part and never train the prices-sub-graph.
My question is: I should be able to train both sub-graphs simultaneously. But probably I have to rescale the gradients flowing back into the hidden state at end of encoding. Here we get the gradients from the prices sub-graph AND from the decoder-sub-graph. How should this rescaling be done. I didnt find any papers describing such an undertaking, but maybe I am searching with the wrong keywords.
Here is the training-part of the code:
This is the (almost original) training-op-preparation:
if not forward_only:
self.gradient_norms = []
self.updates = []
opt = tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer(self.learning_rate)
for bucket_id in xrange(len(buckets)):
tf.scalar_summary("seq2seq loss", self.losses[bucket_id])
gradients = tf.gradients(self.losses[bucket_id], var_list_seq2seq)
clipped_gradients, norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, max_gradient_norm)
self.updates.append(opt.apply_gradients(zip(clipped_gradients, var_list_seq2seq), global_step=self.global_step))
Now, additionally, I am running a second sub-graph that takes the hidden state at end of encoding as input:
with tf.name_scope('prices') as scope:
#First layer
W_price_first_layer = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([num_layers*size, self.prices_hidden_layer_size], stddev=0.35), name="W_price_first_layer")
B_price_first_layer = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.prices_hidden_layer_size]), name="B_price_first_layer")
self.output_price_first_layer = tf.add(tf.matmul(self.hidden_state, W_price_first_layer), B_price_first_layer)
self.activation_price_first_layer = tf.nn.sigmoid(self.output_price_first_layer)
#self.activation_price_first_layer = tf.nn.Relu(self.output_price_first_layer)
#Second layer to softmax (price ranges)
W_price = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.prices_hidden_layer_size, self.prices_bit_size], stddev=0.35), name="W_price")
W_price_t = tf.transpose(W_price)
B_price = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.prices_bit_size]), name="B_price")
self.output_price_second_layer = tf.add(tf.matmul(self.activation_price_first_layer, W_price),B_price)
self.price_prediction = tf.nn.softmax(self.output_price_second_layer)
self.label_price = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[self.batch_size], name="price_label")
#Remember the prices trainables
var_list_prices = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, "prices")
var_list_all = tf.trainable_variables()
self.loss_price = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(self.output_price_second_layer, self.label_price)
self.loss_price_scalar = tf.reduce_mean(self.loss_price)
self.optimizer_price = tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer(self.learning_rate_prices)
self.training_op_price = self.optimizer_price.minimize(self.loss_price, var_list=var_list_all)
Thx a bunch
I expect that running two optimizers simultaneously will lead to inconsistent gradient updates on the common variables, and this might be causing your training not to converge.
Instead, if you add the scalar loss from each sub-network to the "losses collection" (e.g. via tf.contrib.losses.add_loss() or tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES, ...), you can use tf.contrib.losses.get_total_loss() to get a single loss value that can be passed to a single standard TensorFlow tf.train.Optimizer subclass. TensorFlow will derive the appropriate back-prop computation for your split network.
The get_total_loss() method simply computes an unweighted sum of the values that have been added to the losses collection. I'm not familiar with the literature on how or if you should scale these values, but you can use any arbitrary (differentiable) TensorFlow expression to combine the losses and pass the result to a single optimizer.
