I was trying to use docker pull other AWS ec2 instance but got the error below.
(py36) ubuntu#ip-xxx:~$ docker pull xxxxx.dkr.ecr.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/xxxx/xxxx:latest
Error response from daemon: Get https://xxxxx.dkr.ecr.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/v2/xxxx/xxxx/xxx/xxxx: no basic auth credentials
I was referring this (https://forums.docker.com/t/docker-push-to-ecr-failing-with-no-basic-auth-credentials/17358). But it didn't work, does anyone know how to do with it?
--registry-ids <some-id>
Based on "no basic auth credentials" when trying to pull an image from a private ECR
I have created some images in the Gitlab Container Registry. I am unable to pull them using docker on my local system. The login command succeeds but when I type the following command:
docker pull reg-gitlab-project.company.com/services/palimited/integrationservices/springbootproject/springbootproject:latest
I am getting the following error
Error response from daemon: Head "https://reg-gitlab-project.company.com/v2/services/palimited/integrationservices/springbootproject/springbootproject/manifests/latest": denied: access forbidden
I am unable to figure out why this error is occuring? Can anyone guide me.
You need to authenticate with the container registry at reg-gitlab-project.company.com before issuing a docker pull command.
See, GitLab Docs: Authenticate with the Container Registry.
My company uses Artifactory to store it's artifacts and I was getting this error when I tried to pull down the image.
When I run docker compose up -d I got the error, Error response from daemon: unauthorized: The client does not have permission for manifest
I have no idea what to do with this. I was directed to this article but it didn't do anything: K8s Image Pull from Private Artifactory
But still didn't work
It turned out I needed to run the command docker login -u your-username#your-domain.com your-company-or-project-docker.jfrog.io
Then you put in your Artifactory apikey as the password.
It could also be that you do not have the permission to access this image (its manifest). So check your access rights.
I am using minikube to develop my Kubernetes application. I have a private azure registry where my images are saved. Whenever I start the app, k8s start to pull an image. It throws the following error
Failed to pull image "myregistry.azurecr.io/myapp:mytag": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get https://myregistry.azurecr.io/v2/myapp/manifests/mytag: unauthorized: authentication required, visit https://aka.ms/acr/authorization for more information.
I am configuring my minikube using this documentation. where first, I log-in to acr using below command,
az acr login --name myregistry.azurecr.io --expose-token
And after using the token provided by the above command, I log-in to my private docker-registry by the below command in minikube ssh.
docker login myregistry.azurecr.io -u 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
After that as per mention in the document, I copy the .docker/config.json to /var/lib/kubelet/config.json in minikube ssh. Still I am facing above error.
If I manually pull the image using the docker pull command, it works. I tried with imagepullsecret also and it is working. But from the above method, getting an authentication error. Do I have missing any step here? Can you please help me?
It seems all the steps are right. Maybe you can check if you really copy the config file to all the minikube nodes. In default, the command minikube ssh connect the control plane. You can check if the nodes' IP addresses is right when you copy the config file to them.
But in my opinion, it's not a good way to use the way like this. It's better and more convenient to use the imagePullSecret and service account.
Ok so I'm trying to make Bitbucket build a docker image using Bitbucket pipelines and I could sign in a week ago but now it doesn't work anymore.
And I'm using the same username and password, here it's a list of the commands I have tried and their output.
docker login cloud.canister.io:5000 --username $CANISTER_USERNAME --password $CANISTER_PASSWORD:
Error response from daemon: Get https://cloud.canister.io:5000/v2/: authorization server did not include a token in the response
docker login --username $CANISTER_USERNAME --password $CANISTER_PASSWORD cloud.canister.io:5000
Error response from daemon: Get https://cloud.canister.io:5000/v2/: authorization server did not include a token in the response
docker login cloud.canister.io:5000 --username $CANISTER_USERNAME
Password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Error saving credentials: error storing credentials - err: exit status 1, out: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY
echo "$CANISTER_PASSWORD" | docker login cloud.canister.io:5000 --username $CANISTER_USERNAME --password-stdin
Error response from daemon: Get https://cloud.canister.io:5000/v2/: authorization server did not include a token in the response
echo "$CANISTER_PASSWORD" | docker login --username $CANISTER_USERNAME --password-stdin cloud.canister.io:5000
Error response from daemon: Get https://cloud.canister.io:5000/v2/: authorization server did not include a token in the response
I've also tried on a local machine and tried to do it without environment variables also tried to sign out and then try to sign in again but nothing works
for logging in this worked for me:
docker login --username=USERNAME cloud.canister.io:5000
Unfortunately, i am still getting this error message whenever i try to push my image.
I had the same issue when trying to push a new image to cloud.canister.io. It turned out I had not created the repository through the web frontend yet.
After creating the repo on cloud.canister.io I could successfully push my image up.
First you need to create an empty repo on cloud.canister.io
website with same name of the image you are trying to push.
Then you will be able to push to that repo.
Make sure you have authenticated the canister account using
sudo docker login --username=<username> cloud.canister.io:5000
Been a while. But this helped me:
docker push (registryFullUrl)/$(dockerId)/$(imageName):$(MAJOR).$(MINOR).$(PATCH)
$(registryFullUrl) = cloud.canister.io:5000
$(dockerId) = your canister id
$(imageName) = repository name
$(MAJOR).$(MINOR).$(PATCH) = version
This worked for me. Hopefully this will be helpful to somebody.
I built an image from a custom Dockerfile. I am running Docker Desktop on my Win11.
docker build -t <image>:<tag> .
I logged into canister.io.
docker login --username=<username> --password=<username> cloud.canister.io:5000
I tagged the build.
docker tag <image>:<tag> cloud.canister.io:5000/<canister-namespace>/<canister-repo>
I pushed the image to canister.
docker push cloud.canister.io:5000/<canister-namespace>/<canister-repo>
I deleted the image from my Docker Desktop and I tried to pull it from canister.
docker pull cloud.canister.io:5000/<canister-namespace>/<canister-repo>
Here's an examples with some dummy values:
docker build -t tc5:tc5tag .
docker login --username=myusername --password=mypassword cloud.canister.io:5000
docker tag tc5:tc5tag cloud.canister.io:5000/mynamespace/testrepo
docker push cloud.canister.io:5000/mynamespace/testrepo
# pull test
docker pull cloud.canister.io:5000/mynamespace/testrepo
I am trying to push a Docker image to Google Container Registry from a CircleCI build, as per their instructions. However, pushing to GCR fails due to an apparent authentication error:
Using 'push eu.gcr.io/realtimemusic-147914/realtimemusic-test/realtimemusic-test' for DOCKER_ARGS.
The push refers to a repository [eu.gcr.io/realtimemusic-147914/realtimemusic-test/realtimemusic-test] (len: 1)
Post https://eu.gcr.io/v2/realtimemusic-147914/realtimemusic-test/realtimemusic-test/blobs/uploads/: token auth attempt for registry: https://eu.gcr.io/v2/token?account=oauth2accesstoken&scope=repository%3Arealtimemusic-147914%2Frealtimemusic-test%2Frealtimemusic-test%3Apush%2Cpull&service=eu.gcr.io request failed with status: 403 Forbidden
I've prior to pushing the Docker image authenticated the service account against Google Cloud:
echo $GCLOUD_KEY | base64 --decode > ${HOME}/client-secret.json
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file ${HOME}/client-secret.json
gcloud config set project $GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID
Then I build the image and push it to GCR:
docker build -t $EXTERNAL_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT/realtimemusic-test -f docker/test/Dockerfile .
gcloud docker push -- $EXTERNAL_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT/realtimemusic-test
What am I doing wrong here?
Have you tried using the _json_key method for authenticating with Docker?
After that, please use naked 'docker' (without 'gcloud').
If you are pushing docker image using google cloud sdk. You can use temporary authorization with the following command:
gcloud docker --authorize-only
The above command gives you a temporary authorization for pushing and pulling images using docker.
You can refer this link for details Gcloud docker.
Hope it helps to solve your issue.
After many retries... I solved using access token:
gcloud auth print-access-token | docker login -u oauth2accesstoken --password-stdin https://[HOSTNAME]
The service account requires permission to write to the Cloud Storage bucket containing the container registry. Granting the service account either the project editor role or write access to the bucket (via ACL) solves the issue. The latter should be preferable since the account doesn't receive wider permissions than it needs.