how to choose the base windows image when create windows docker image? - docker

For some reason, we have to build windows based docker. from here, we know there are 4 types of base image we could build from.
I am sure I am not IOT relevant, so windows/iotcore is excluded. while it is not sure about the remains three. it seems from size perspective (nanoserver < servercore < windows). I should try in this order. by now, my service will not start in 1 neither 2. i have to try 3.
what are the criteria to choose between them?
clearly, I am missing some dll to start the service, while dependencywalker seems also not work in the base image 1 and 2. do someone have experience on how to identify this missing DLL? in this way, it still is possible to use minimize base image with the missed dll.
Progress update:
My service succeed run with #3(windows base image). but the docker image size is very very large. see following. this makes the choice important. 10.0.14393.2430 9fd35fc2a361 15 months ago 1.14GB 1809-amd64 733821d00bd5 5 days ago 4.81GB 1809-amd64 57e56a07cc8a 6 days ago 12GB
Many Thanks.

you've probably moved on by now but essentially
IOT - tiny, for builders and maker boards.
Nanoserver = smallest. running netcore apps. you have to build it using multi stage builds. It's quite advanced from what I see to get working.
ServerCore = middle. GUIless windows server. Is the most common default base image. You've not said what service is not running but it's possible that including the App Compatability FOD might solve the problem without increasing the size as much. Use newest container. 1903 I think it is.
Windows = fattest, the whole shebang


including dependencies in to docker image

I am learning docker from linked in learning video class. Here trainer mentioned as below
Include installer in your project . Five years from now the installer
for version 0.18 of your project will not still be available. Include
it. If you depend on a piece of software to build your image, check it
into your image.
How can I check dependency into my image? My understanding is that if we build image software by giving commands like below.
FROM ubuntu:14.0
We already downloaded ubuntu software 14.0 version and created image. Why trainer is mentioning that version 14.0 is not possible to download
after 5 years down the line? Is my understanding right.
Thanks for your time in clarifying
I'm having difficulty understanding what the LinkedIn teacher is trying to explain.
For images no longer available on DockerHub there is usually many years of pre-warnings before they're removed. For example .Net Core 2.1
It's a no brainer that people (and companies) should invest to time to move away from unsecured legacy software. If an online teacher is saying pin Ubuntu 14 because you might need it in 2028, I consider that bad practice and not something a decent Engineer would ever aspire to do.
What your code is doing is asking for an Ubuntu image with the tag 14 so you can search here to see the results. 14.04 has been recently pushed and scanned for log4js (a massive security vulnerability), coming back clean which is great. On the other hand 14.04.1 was pushed 7 years ago and is clearly not maintained.
One thing most companies do is to push images to ECR/Artifactory/DockerHub/etc so you could docker pull say ubuntu:14.04 and then docker push it to your own container registry and you'll have it forever and ever amen. In this case you'd add your private registry to docker so it can discover the image or use a custom URL like

cant manage ram and core settings in docker

I am using Docker for Windows last version.
Before a week I had an update which asked me if I want to switch between HYPER-V to WSL if I remember correctly.
Swapped it and everything worked well as it should be, today I added a ram (same ram as I had, corsair vengeance 2x8gb 3200mhz ddr4).
but everything works good. I have 32 gigabyte now so I wanted to change the limit I gave to docker which was 6/16 cores and 6/16 ram. wanted to switch it up for like 12/32 ram so I was searching for the advanced setting which I used to limit the ram and cores before and I didn't manage to find it.
seems like the option just disappear.
I have to give docker more ram because I want him to run 2 programs at the same time which take more than 6gb ram.
what I have and what did I try conclusion :
I'm using windows.
I have 32 gigabyte ram.
I tried to reinstall docker.
I tried to remove the image and containers and add them again.
still did not find the setting which I used before which is really annoying.
any ideas ?
apparently using WSL based engine removes the option "advanced" so Currently using hyper-v instead of wsl solved my problem.
thanks anyway

How are all official windows docker images related?

I have been working with Docker for Windows for about a year now, and I still do not have a good grasp of when I should use the different images, how they are related, and what components of Windows that are in them.
On this link:
there are four "Featured repos":
I understand that windows/servercore should contain more things that nanoserver, but what are does things exactly? Why does some programs work in servercore and not nanoserver and is there some way of finding what is missing in nanoserver for a particular program?
In addition to this, they list three related repos:
Both of the dotnet repos contain five sub repos, and the difference is that dotnet-framework is based on server core, while dotnet is based on nanoserver.
Is there some comprehensible documentation of all these repos/images, maybe with a graph for a simple overview? Do some of them have a public Dockerfile that explains how they were created, like for example this:?
The differences your are mentionning are less linked to Docker than you think.
All images are a successions of operation which will result in a functionning environnement. See it as an automated installation, just like you would do it by hand on a physical machine.
Having different images on a repo means that the installation is different, with different settings. I'm not a .NET expert nor a Windows Server enthousiast, but for what I found, Nano Server is another way to install a Windows Server, with less functionnality so it's light-weigth. (
Those kind of technical difference are technology specific and you'll find all the informations needed on the official documentations of Microsoft.
Remember that Docker is a way to do something, not the designer of the os you are using, so most of the time you'll have to search in the actual documentation of your system (in that case, Windows Server and .NET framework).
I hope this helped you to understand a little better, have fun with Docker!

Good way to pick a TAG for Dockerfile

I was wondering, what is some good ways, to decide which TAG for Dockerfile.
For instance, I'm clear on my requirement.
I need Python 3.6
I need Alpine distribution due to its small size.
Should I pick
FROM python:3.6.6-alpine3.8
FROM python3.6-alpine
Even if python:3.6-alpine is an alias for python:3.6.6-alpine3.8, generally (but it's a personal preference), I tried to be as precise as possible when choosing a base image, so I would rather use python:3.6.6-alpine3.8.
It avoids misunderstanding for people reading the Dockerfile, and for people using the image, like :
Oh! Why's that library not available in the image? Maybe because of Alpine version? By the way, what's the Alpine version? I'm going to check /etc/alpine-release to see...
For Python version, it's more complicated because using 3.6.6 tag, your build can eventually fail in the future if a 3.6.7 version is released; indeed, by looking Python images versions on Docker store, only images with the latest fix version seems to be kept. But all depends if your image will need to be rebuilt, or if it's just pushed once to your own registry and then used as a base image. If regular builds are expected, in that particular case, I would maybe use 3.6-alpine3.8, because, normally, fix versions does not remove compatibility and just add small improvements/bug fixes.
In short, it does not cost anything to be precise when choosing a tag and saves a lot of explanation when the image is used : you know exactly what's in the base image you extend, just by reading the Dockerfile. But be careful if those tags have a short life expectancy.

Do all docker images have minimal OS?

I am trying to learn Docker and for that referring to online materials. I came to know that there is official hub of images which we can pull, and run a container.
The repos are available at , part of screen shot:
In this diagram we can see the official images of ubuntu, httpd, mysql (and so on).
My question is:
Do all these images have "minimal OS" on which they run. For example, if we consider httpd image, does it have the needed OS on which it runs?
From my understanding images are built in a layered architecture from a parent image. So we have a parent image and then the changes for this image is one more layer above parent image. If you see dockerfile for an image you can see something like this
FROM node:6.11.5
This node:6.11.5 is a parent image for our current image.
If you check dockerfile of parent images you will find they are somewhere in the hierarchy follow from base image.
This base image is basically an OS without kernel but has only userland software based on the different linux distributions(eg, centos, debian). So all the images uses the host OS kernel. Hence, you cannot install a Windows container on a Linux host or vice-versa.
So basically all images are layered changes on the base image which is an OS without kernel.
Please find below links for further information:
If you need to create a base image you can see the steps here.
Please correct me if i am wrong.
Here's the answer: "Containers," in all their many forms, are an illusion!"
Every process that is "running in a container" is, in fact, running directly on the host operating system. But it is "wearing rose-colored glasses." It thinks that it knows what its user-id is ... but it doesn't. 🤷‍♂️ It thinks it knows what the network looks like. What the filesystem looks like. ... ... ...
And, it can afford to think that way, because nothing that it is able to see would tell it otherwise.
... But, nothing that it sees is actually the physical truth.
"Containerization" allows us to achieve the essential technical requirement – total isolation – at very-considerably less cost than "virtualization." The running processes see what they need to see, and so "they need be none the wiser." Meanwhile, the host operating system, which is aware of the actual truth, can very-efficiently support them: it just has to maintain the illusion. The very-expensive "virtual machine" software layer is completely gone. The only "OS" that actually exists is the host.
Most images are based on a distribution as you can see it in their Dockerfiles. Except for the distribution images themselves. They have a different base-image, which is called scratch.
You can review the images they are based on when you visit the project's page on DockerHub, for example
Their Dockerfiles are referenced and you can review them by clicking on them, e.g. the first tag "2.2" refers to this file. The first line in the Dockerfile is FROM debian:jessie and shows, that it is based on a Debian image.
It is widely used to have a separated tag with the postfix -alpine in it to indicate, that alpine linux is used, which is a much smaller base-image than the Debian image. This leads to a smaller image of the httpd image, because the base-image is much smaller.
The whole idea is that the whole image is completely stand-alone running on hardware/virtualization layer. And thus (the pro:) also cannot be influenced by anything else than that is part of the image.
Every image contains an complete os. Special docker made OS's come with a few mega bytes: for example linux Alpine which is an OS with 8 megabytes!
But bigger OS like ubuntu/windows can be a few gigabytes. Both have their advantages since docker cuts an image up in layers so when you use anbase image twice (FROM command, see N20 Answers) then you will only download this layer once.
Smaller OS has the pro of only needing to download a few megabytes. but for every (linux) Library you want to use, you will have to download & include yourself. This custom made layer then is only used in your own image and thus is not re-used in other images and thus creates a customer extra download layer & megabytes people will have to download to run your image.
If you want to make an image from nothing you can start your dockerfile with:
FROM scratch
But this is not advised, unless you really know what your are doing and/or you are hobbying around.
I think a lot of these answers miss the point. Explaining what you can or may do does not answer the question: do all docker images need an OS?
After a bit of digging, the answer is no.
FROM scratch
ADD hello /
CMD ["/hello"]
There's no OS defined in this Dockerfile. Only a precompiled binary hello world app
Also here
Also in this question:
An answerer makes this statement:
why do we base the container on an OS image? Because you'd want to use some commands like (apt, ls, cd, pwd).
So often the OS is just included because you might want to use some bundled low level tools or SSH into it to do some things.
