Where is documentation of -H:... options of GraalVM native-image? - graalvm

Substrate VM documentation on GitHub (e.g. CONFIGURE.md mentions multiple -H:... options like -H:ReflectionConfigurationResources or -H:ConfigurationFileDirectories. Where can reference documentation of these options be found? GraalVM Reference > Native Image gives just a basic overview.

Output of native-image --help suggests to call native-image --help-extra which suggests to call
native-image --expert-options-all
which prints documented list of options: https://gist.github.com/happylynx/ce642816411ee5c98f04fedd80f4c417.

Currently, there are different levels for the command help:
native-image --help prints default help message with regular options used for generating native image
native-image --help-extra prints help on non-standard options, it shows clearly the usage of the next two options
native-image --expert-options prints help for more advanced options to use by experts
native-image --expert-options-all prints all image building options available, it is clear in the output message that this last command should be used at your own risk
Therefore, you can append a grep expression to one of the four commands above and retrieve the help about a specific command. Here is an example:
native-image --expert-options | grep -A 1 ReflectionConfigurationResources
I am using grep with -A 1 to show one more line in case the first one is truncated
The previous command show the output bellow:
-H:ReflectionConfigurationResources=... Resources describing program elements to be made available for reflection (see ReflectionConfigurationFiles). Default: None


raku REPL appears unresponsive on `cygwin` under WIndows 8

I have cygwin under Windows 8 and I've installed and run raku which I understand to be just Perl6.
I wanted to print some strings and numbers but say doesn't do the job (please see the black snippet below) it just do nothing unlike it is described here:
hynek0#hynek /cygdrive/c/Users/hynek0/Desktop/FU
$ raku --version
This is Rakudo version 2020.05.1 built on MoarVM version 2020.05
implementing Raku 6.d.
This is probably the same bug as reported with https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4378 . It looks like Raku thinks there's nobody behind the keyboard ($*IN.t returning False) and thus switches to slurping the program to execute from STDIN.
At this point, I can only see a workaround: execute you example code with raku -e.

How do I command the Rascal Shell not to truncate my output if it's quite long

This seems like a pretty basic question to me, but I don't seem to be able to find the answer anywhere. I need to get the full output of a command in the Rascal shell, however, Rascal seems to truncate long outputs automatically. Is there any way to tell the shell to always show the full output for a given command.
list[list[loc]]: [
(note that the console outputs cuts off in the middle of the line with ...)
There are a number of ways. Here are the two I use most frequently:
use iprintln or println from the IO module. The former does indentation which is nice for complex outputs. example: import IO; iprintln(calculateCodeDuplication("smallsql0.21_src")); The nice thing about this is that in the terminal values of loc type are hyperlinks
open an editor for the value using the util::ValueUI module (only in Eclipse), for example: import util::ValueUI; text(calculateCodeDuplication("smallsql0.21_src")); This will pop up an editor with the indented output value (nice to search in using CTRL+F, but the loc is not a hyperlink. Would love to have a contribution in that direction :-))
Caveat for the first one is that scrolling up and down in the Eclipse terminal is very slow on Mac's, and not really fast on Windows either.

Using TensorFlow Audio Recognition Model on iOS

I'm trying to use the TensorFlow audio recognition model (my_frozen_graph.pb, generated here: https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/audio_recognition) on iOS.
But the iOS code NSString* network_path = FilePathForResourceName(#"my_frozen_graph", #"pb"); in the TensorFlow Mobile's tf_simple_example project outputs this error message: Could not create TensorFlow Graph: Not found: Op type not registered 'DecodeWav'.
Anyone knows how I can fix this? Thanks!
I believe you are using the pre-build Tensorflow from Cocapods? It probably does not have that op type, so you should build it yourself from latest source.
From documentation:
While Cocapods is the quickest and easiest way of getting started, you
sometimes need more flexibility to determine which parts of TensorFlow
your app should be shipped with. For such cases, you can build the iOS
libraries from the sources. This guide contains detailed instructions
on how to do that.
This might also be helpful: [iOS] Add optional Selective Registration of Ops #14421
The build_all_ios.sh script can take optional
command-line arguments to selectively register only for the operators
used in your graph.
tensorflow/contrib/makefile/build_all_ios.sh -a arm64 -g $HOME/graphs/inception/tensorflow_inception_graph.pb
Please note this
is an aggresive optimization of the operators and the resulting
library may not work with other graphs but will reduce the size of the
final library.
After the build is done you can check /tensorflow/tensorflow/core/framework/ops_to_register.h for operations that were registered. (autogenerated during build with -g flag)
Some progress: having realized the unregistered DecodeWav error is similar to the old familiar DecodeJpeg issue (#2883), I ran strip_unused on the pb as follows:
bazel-bin/tensorflow/python/tools/strip_unused \
--input_graph=/tf_files/speech_commands_graph.pb \
--output_graph=/tf_files/stripped_speech_commands_graph.pb \
--input_node_names=wav_data,decoded_sample_data \
--output_node_names=labels_softmax \
It does get rid of the DecodeWav op in the resulting graph. But running the new stripped graph on iOS now gives me an Op type not registered 'AudioSpectrogram' error.
Also there's no object file audio*.o generated after build_all_ios.sh is done, although AudioSpectrogramOp is specified in tensorflow/core/framework/ops_to_register.h:
Jeffs-MacBook-Pro:tensorflow-1.4.0 zero2one$ find . -name decode*.o
Jeffs-MacBook-Pro:tensorflow-1.4.0 zero2one$ find . -name audio*_op.o
Jeffs-MacBook-Pro:tensorflow-1.4.0 zero2one$
Just verified that Pete's fix (https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/15921) is good:
add this line tensorflow/core/ops/audio_ops.cc to the file tensorflow/contrib/makefile/tf_op_files.txt and run tensorflow/contrib/makefile/build_all_ios.sh again (compile_ios_tensorflow.sh "-O3" itself used to work for me after adding a line to the tf_op_files.txt, but not anymore with TF 1.4).
Also, use the original model file, don't use the stripped version. Some note was added in the link above.

How can I enable clang-tidy's "modernize" checks?

I just installed ClangOnWin,and I'm trying to get clang-tidy's "modernize" checks to work. Unfortunately, clang-tidy doesn't seem to know about them: clang-tidy -list-checks foo.cpp -- | grep modernize produces no output.
The "modernize" checks are listed here, but that page seems to document Clang 3.8, and the version I have installed is 3.7. However, version 3.7 is the current one listed at the LLVM Download Page.
clang-tidy knows about a variety of security checks, so I think I have it installed correctly. For example, clang-tidy -list-checks foo.cpp -- | grep security yields this:
Is there something special I need to do to enable checks such as modernize-use-override and modernize-use-nullptr?
The modernize checks were added after 3.7 (ported from clang-modernize), but try adding -checks="*" to see the whole list of available checks.
clang-tidy -list-checks -checks="*" foo.cpp --
Have you tried with the official binaries from LLVM: http://llvm.org/releases/download.html ? Maybe the ClangOnWin binaries are not compiled with all options, or something of that kind.

How to use flex option -o (--output=FILE)

I met a problem when trying to flex abcd.l. I wanted to redirect the output to a new file instead of the default one lex.yy.c
I looked up it in manual finding an option -o(--output=FILE) so I changed my command to flex xx.l -o lex.yy.1.c but error occurs.
flex: can't open --outfile=lex.yy.1.c
/usr/bin/m4:stdin:2621: ERROR: end of file in string
My working environment is cygwin and windows 7
You need to put command line options before positional arguments:
flex -o lex.yy.1.c xx.l
Once a positional (filename) argument is recognized, flex assumes that all following arguments are also filenames. This is the normal form of argument processing for command-line utilities, although some (gcc, for example) allow options to follow the filenames.
(Personally, I'd suggest using a filename like xx.lex.c, but the principle is the same.)
