Physical device (iPad) not detected in vs code for flutter but detected and working proper for debugging in Xcode - ios

Here's my Environment
Xcode Version: 11.1 (11A1027)
Physical device: - iPad mini 2 (IOS 12.4.2)
VSCode Version: 1.39.2
Flutter version: 1.9.1+hotfix.6
When I use the iOS part of the Flutter project and run it physical device using XCode, it detects the device and works fine but I am somehow not able to see the device on the available devices section on VSCode.
However VSCode detects and works fine with the simulator.
I also ran flutter doctor to see connected devices, but again it does not show the connected physical devices but shows the simulator created device.

Use rm -rf <flutter_repo_directory>/bin/cache to force delete the files in cache and then flutter doctor -v to reinstall the missing sdk directories.
Deleting the cache in flutter/bin/cache directory and then reinstalling the dart sdk solved this issue.
Referred to this issue in Flutter repository(Issue No:41006).

I had the same issue. In my case, a recent iOS update had turned off Developer mode, for some reason... So I needed to enable it again (Settings - Privacy & Security - Developer Mode).

iPadOS / iOS Devices Setup for Hot Reload
Before trying to flutter Debug on physical device from Vscode it is Required to first :
Run a successful Xcode build on that iOS or iPadOS device
Follow this steps if you don't know how to Run Xcode Build -> your device should then be detected by flutter :
Open Xcode & do all the classic Set Up (Signing in with a Team & choosing a UNIQUE bundle Identifier)
Set Your iPhone Auto-Lock to Never (& Unlock it !) - Connect your iPhone or iPad to Mac with USB cable & Accept Prompt on the iPhone
Run Xcode Build on your iPhone this alert prompt will select Ok
On your iPhone a new menu will have appeared - Navigate to it & Click « Verify App » or « Accept »
Now Run Xcode Build Again - if does not run try running flutter clean & flutter build ios & try running again
After Successful Xcode Build - Stop Running the App
Keep Xcode Open
— iOS Setup is done
Close all Simulators or Emulators - Close VsCode
run flutter devices to make sure your Device is now detected
if it’s not try Turning it off & plugging it back again - remember to accept Trust Computer Prompt - keep it device unlocked too !
Open back your project in VsCode or Android Studio
Hot Reload⚡️Using VsCode :
Press F8 or Select ▷ « Start Debugging » in main.dart
That’s it ! You now have the power of Hot Reload⚡️ with VsCode on a physical device !
Hot Reload using Terminal Commands :
run flutter run -d yourDeviceID
Have fun ! Press r in Terminal for HotReload⚡️
If you need to find your iOS device ID :
Select Add Additional Simulators
Hot Reload⚡️on Android Studio :
Select your device & run

All I had to do was to disconnect the device from the laptop, make sure VS Code is open, then connect the device again while no VS Code, then it detected right away and chose the device automatically.

Sometimes it doesn't detect the device if it is not directly connected to the computer. I had a docking station in between and it didn't recognized the device. Especially after you have updated you macOS just before.

With "focus mode" activated on the device (like "do not disturb" 🌙) it won't show up.

Check whether you have fully installed xcode by running flutter doctor -v
Incase you find that some thing like
[!] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS
✗ Xcode installation is incomplete; a full installation is necessary for iOS development.
Download at:
Or install Xcode via the App Store.
just run install Xcode and run
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch
Incase you installed xcode already, just run the above commands, they will do the magic.


Flutter iOS App not launching after removing USB

So i'm testing a flutter app that builds and installs successfully on an iOS simulator as well as a physical devices. However, when building and installing the app with xcode via the USB, it successfully installs and launches but when the USB is disconnected from my mac and i try to run the already installed device on the iPhone, it shows only the launch / splash screen and fades and closes.
Is there something i'm doing wrong that causes this to happen? As the app works fine when connected with the USB and it's being run.
If the build is in debug mode - it won't open.
if you want to open application after disconnecting, try profile / release mode
flutter run --profile
flutter run --release
In iOS, debug build doesn't work without USB. To use the app without USB trying making a release build using flutter run --release

React Native Expo Managed App doesn't launch/start on iOS simulator

I've been having hard times with my old Windows laptop while developing React Native apps so I moved to MacOS laptop. I installed Android Studio and Xcode (including Xcode command line tools). Then I initialized a blank expo managed project. I started both on Android Emulator and iOS simulator. Android one worked out with an ádb´ error (or maybe warning). But on the other hand, iOS simulator did nothing. There's no Expo Go app installed on iOS device, so it can not launch my app using it. I don't get any error or warning related to this problem, so I can't trace the problem.
I have tried deleting global expo folder located at ´~/.expo/´, I also tried to give 777 (all permissions) on that folder to my current user.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling expo package globally.
I made sure I have selected Xcode command line tools on ´Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> Xcode 13.2.1 (13C100)´
I tried to launch different iOS devices like (iPhone 6, 8, 13, iPod etc.)
I tried clearing cache and starting expo with ´sudo npm start --clear-cache´
I have been trying to solve this for at least 2 hours tried everything possibly related to my problem but none of them did work. There's one thing I don't understand though. Even though I used different iOS device simulators the Expo Metro Bundler showed this ´› Opening exp:// on iPhone 8´ output. I have tried iPhone 13, iPhone 6, iPod etc. but this was the same output for different devices. Here's some screenshot related to probem:
This tutorial video on YouTube helped me solve my problems. I think I was missing a few things:
I haven't granted required privacy permissions on my Mac for Xcode, Android Studio and VS Code. Open System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Go Privacy Tab > Give Full Disk Access to Xcode, VS Code, Android Studio, Terminal and Watchman (Watchman is not required, but I have also installed it for solving a problem before)
You should to launch both your Android and iOS simulators before starting your expo application. Simply go to Android Studio and launch your device. To launch iOS device use bash and type open -a simulator.
If you don't have Expo Go app installed on your iOS simulator then you should first install it before starting your expo app. To install it use expo client:install:ios command.
Start your app by using expo start command. Type i and a or click on Run on iOS simulator and Run on Android device/emulator buttons to launch your app on devices.
NOTE: If you app gets stuck at New update available, downloading... stage then you can start your expo app with cleaned cache using expo start -c command. It was helpful for me.
NOTE 2: You may need to use sudo command on some of the commands I've mentioned, I'm not sure which ones are required or not.
I run into the same issue every time when I tried to set it up on a new laptop.
Its fixed after the installation of xCode cli.
Take a look at this -
I fixed similar issue by hard restarting simulator
Top menu -> Device -> Erase All Content And Settings...

Flutter app stuck on Installing and Launching step for physical iPhone

Annoying problem here for my Flutter app: iOS13.3, Xcode11.3 on a physical iPhoneX. The iOS-Simulators all work. The problem is only happening on a physical device. The Flutter App freezes at startup (i.e. at Installing and Launching... step) ! Any ideas ??
My flutter doctor -v does not bring any problems. Also tried flutter clean and flutter upgrade. But nothing seems to fix the problem...
If I run the App from Xcode (Runner.xcworkspace) then everything works as well. Only from VSCode and Flutter, I can no longer launch my physical iPhoneX.
Also, when uploaded to TestFlight, the App freezes at App Start ! (grey screen freeze). Therefore Apple App Store rejects all Flutter Apps for now ! Very annoying.
I am not sure if the Installing and Launching... freeze is related to the TestFlight and App Store Problem !! Might as well be...
This fixed the issue for me:
Run the app from Xcode.
Disable WiFi on iPhone.
Run from Android Studio.
Turn on WiFi on iPhone once the launch process has completed.
This is a workaround solution
I was having this issue. I uninstalled the app from my device, opened the project in xcode, ran some build cleaning thing that appeared in the yellow triangle warning area, then built the app via xcode. Then uninstalled the app from device again. Then ran via android studio and it worked.
Basically, it is because of might some files
For me, this worked
Follows these steps: Go to Flutter > bin > cache
and delete the Artifact folder
Try executing the command: killall -9 dart and retry.
As in my case, I use one of following solutions to fix the issue:
#1. close WiFi on mac, then run from Android Studio; OR
#2. close WiFi on both mac and iphone, then run from Android Studio; OR
#3. enable hotspot on iphone and connect it from mac, then run from Android Studio;

Find iOS simulator where specific app is installed?

I have a ton of iOS simulators on my machine and I know that one of them has a certain app installed on it that I want to run again (and I can't easily rebuild this app on a different simulator). How can I find which simulator has a certain app installed on it?
I was able to get what I wanted by running the following commands in Terminal:
cd ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices
find . -name
Then I went into the folder for the device with the app and opened device.plist which has name and iOS version of that simulator, which I could then open from the Simulator app Hardware > Device menu.

React Native ios Simulator - Simulator is installed but is identified as '; don't know what that is

I'm trying to launch the ios simulator to try an React Native App. I did't hace XCode installed until now.
To install my simulator, I had installed XCode, and I started a project "Simulator", to push "next" I needed a company name, I put "simu", after that, I clicked on "Project > Run", and I could see my simulator run.
In my CLI, when I launch the command yarnpkg run ios, I get this error:
Simulator is installed but is identified as 'simu.Simulator'; don't know what that is.
23:55:17: Failed to start simulator:
Unable to verify Xcode and Simulator installation.
I removed all my simulators, but the name persists, I had search how to change the identificator, but I dont find results.
I would like to know if I can change the "simu.Simulator" to Simulator, someone can help me?
The issue you might be facing is there might not be command line tools selected in your xCode Preferences. In Preferences -> Location, Choose command line tool
By default, after installing Xcode command-line not selected, so open Xcode and go to Preferences >> Locations and set Command Line Tools...
This worked for me in MAC High Sierra, Xcode Version 9.3:
Press i to open iOS emulator...
And You can see a cool new iPhone simulator like below image:
For Expo 32, the other solutions didn't work for me.
This SO answer solved it for me: Just open the Simulator before invoking it from Expo.
This worked for me with IOS Ph 11 simulator and subsequently for all the other devices
