The last label on xaxis disappears partly in Highcharts - highcharts

As I am forcing Highcharts to show the last label on the xaxis, this last label is partially hidden, or partly disappears:
Why is that? And what can I do? Setting the »marginRight« in the »chart« settings does not do the trick.
Thanks for any hints.

You can set align: 'right' attribute for the last label:
chart: {
events: {
render: function() {
var ticks = this.xAxis[0].ticks;
Highcharts.objectEach(ticks, function(tick) {
if (tick.isLast && tick.label.xy.opacity) {
align: 'right'
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This might be the chart container width being too small, or the chart itself is too small.
You should try:
have you tried changing chart width?
try making the container for the chart wider


Hightcharts: Set series label in last point

I want to use Accessible line chart of Highcharts (
In demo, I saw some series label position on last point, some in middle and first point.
How can I set all series label on last point?
Sorry for my bad English!
You can use data labels instead of series labels.
plotOptions: {
series: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
formatter: function() {
if (this.point.index === this.series.points.length - 1) {
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Highcharts Bar - Display DataLabel at the right end of the plot

I need the dataLabels to be always displayed at the right end of bar chart irrespective of the data value. According to the Highcharts API, the dataLabel position is adjustable only relative of its current position. Is there a way to change the datalabel position relative to the chart area?
You're looking for something like this?
If you make the labels HTML elements instead of SVG elements..
plotOptions: {
bar: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
allowOverlap: true,
//Labels are easier to move around if we switch from SVG to HTML:
useHTML: true,
}'s quite easy to move them around using CSS:
.highcharts-data-labels.highcharts-bar-series {
/* Stretch the labels container across the whole chart area: */
right: 0;
.highcharts-label.highcharts-data-label span {
/* Disable the default label placement.. */
left: auto !important;
/* ..and put them along the right side of the container */
right: 8px;
You can also position data labels in the render event:
events: {
render: function() {
var chart = this;
chart.series.forEach(function(s) {
s.points.forEach(function(p) {
if (p.dataLabel) {
x: chart.plotWidth - p.dataLabel.width
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Can we Fixed High charts graph portion height irrespective of number of series or legends?

I have different high charts as shown below. I have more number of series in one graph and have only one series in other one, In this case in my actual screen graph portion of first graph is bigger than second one, so is it possible to keep graph height constant without considering number of series (legends which occupied height at bottom)?
As was mentioned in the comment, you grab maximum of charts' margin bottom and set it for the rest of the chart. It should be set on load event in the last chart.
function adjustLegend() {
var charts = Highcharts.charts;
var marginBottomMax = charts
.reduce((prevChart, currChart) => Math.max(prevChart.marginBottom, currChart.marginBottom));
charts.forEach(chart => {
if (chart.marginBottom < marginBottomMax) {
chart: {
marginBottom: marginBottomMax
chart: {
events: {
load: adjustLegend
If you know what should be the legend height, you can set legend.maxHeight.
legend: {
layout: 'vertical',
maxHeight: 50,

HighStock scrollbar customization

Is there any way to completely hide scrollbar's buttons which contain arrow?
In addition to this, is there any way I can set the position of scrollbar such as setting y value so that the scrollbar hovers on the chart?
Setting its color to transparent doesn't help.
scrollbar: {
buttonBackgroundColor: 'transparent',
buttonBorderWidth: 0,
buttonArrowColor: 'transparent',
buttonBorderRadius: 0
Even if I hide the elements, I cannot use the space left as the picture below.
You can manipulate SVG elements.
chart: {
events: {
load: function () {
var chart = this;

Axis Label centered in highchart

I have a custom chart here
I have set label property as
labels: {
formatter: function() {
return Highcharts.dateFormat('%Y', this.value);
I have a linked axis which shows year.
What I want is the axis label should be in center of the two extremes as in image.
what I have done now is, I have given x:150 to label.but that wont work if I resize the browser window.
Is there a way to do it?
Thanks in advance.
Here is the way I found it.
Instead of using static values,
I used useHTML, and positioned labels by CSS styles.
labels: {
formatter: function() {
return '<span class="label">'+Highcharts.dateFormat('%Y', this.value)+'</span>';
Simple example here
