I use wildfly for deployment of an application but I want to change URL of :9081/Portal/login to :9081/
Here is file web.xml :
This can be achieved by combining your web.xml and answer to this question on StackOverflow: How to define Context Path in Wildfly?
So, to sum it up:
Define <context-root> of your app as described in the linked question
Define a <welcome-file> as you are suggesting, writing <welcome-file>/jsp/login.jsp</welcome-file> should do
I'm using Struts 2.2.1 and tiles 2.1.4.
Wanted to know if there is a way to have multiple tiles-def xml files as my tiles-def xml file is becoming really big.
Not sure but i believe you need to pass param to Tiles listener in web.xml something like
<context-param id="struts_tiles">
Code above is not tested :)
I am using JSR 303 Bean validation in my JSF 2.0 web application and it works fine with annotations. Now I would like to ignore annotations and configure validation rules using the validation.xml file, so this is what I did (I am using an eclipse dynamic web project) :
Added validation.xml under WebContent/META-INF/validation.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation="http://jboss.org/xml/ns/javax/validation/configuration validation-configuration-1.0.xsd"
Then created the file constraint-mapping.xml under WebContent/META-INF/validation/constraint-mapping.xml
<constraint-mappings xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://jboss.org/xml/ns/javax/validation/mapping validation-mapping-1.0.xsd"
<bean class="my.full.path.ValidationMB" ignore-annotations="true">
Having these configurations in place, I suppose the annotations in my bean class ValidationMB shall be ignored, BUT this is not happening!, which makes me assume that the validation.xml file is not being loaded.
any ideas? thanks.
Apache Tomcat 7.0.23
From the spec: section 4.4.6. XML Configuration: META-INF/validation.xml
Unless explicitly ignored by calling
Configuration.ignoreXMLConfiguration(), a Configuration takes into
account the configuration available in META-INF/validation.xml. This
configuration file is optional but can be used by applications to
refine some of the Bean Validation behavior. If more than one
META-INF/validation.xml file is found in the classpath, a
ValidationException is raised.
To solve my problem I had to create a META-INF folder under the project src folder, which ends in the WEB-INF/classes/META-INF.
The structure of the web application is:
|_META-INF -- don't put validation.xml here
|__ classes
But I think that if I pack my web application in a jar file and reuse it in another project It may not work, I will let you know later once I do it.
Try to put your validation.xml directly into the WEB-INF/ directory.
I stumbled across this while looking for something else but wanted to clarify to the OP what is happening. You do in fact need the file to exist at META-INF/validation.xml; however, that is relative to the classpath which is why it worked when you put it under WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/validation.xml.
The cleaner approach is to let the file be put there for you. Your Eclipse project should already be outputting whatever is in your source directory to WEB-INF/classes somehow for you or nothing would be running. But sometimes there are filters on what it outputs so it might excluding something. You might want to check your src dirs and make sure they don't have exclusions.
Just as an example, if you had a Maven war project, all of your java sources would go in src/main/java and the generated classes would end up in the WEB-INF/classes directory. The equivalent happens for src/main/resources which contains non-source files. When I want *.xml, *.properties, etc. to end up in WEB-INF/classes I put them in src/main/resources. For your example I would have a src/main/resources/META-INF/validation.xml file.
Hope this helps anyone else who comes across this and is confused.
my site uses JSF and the url appears to be, http://mysitename.com/wompower6/faces/home.xhtml
I am using prettyfaces, so if I use the following in pretty-config.xml, i can change the name to http://mysitename.com/wompower6/home
<url-mapping id="home">
<pattern value="/home" />
<view-id value="/faces/home.xhtml" />
my questions are
how can i remove the application
name wompower6 , so that the url
becomes mysitename.com/home ?
in my web.xml, i have
but this does not seem to work. When
i type, mysitename.com, it does not
get mapped to home.xhtml. any clue
how can i remove the application name wompower6 , so that the url becomes mysitename.com/home?
This is a webapp <Context> setting and configuration is dependent on the servletcontainer used. If you're for example using Tomcat, then there are basically 2 options to make your webapp the root webapp.
Rename the WAR file to ROOT.war and Tomcat will by default deploy it on context root.
Set path attribute of <Context> element in Webapp/META-INF/context.xml (or Tomcat/conf/server.xml, depending where you'd like to define it) to an empty String. E.g.
<Context path="" ...>
Other containers support similar constructs. Consult their documentation for detail. If you're using an IDE like Eclipse, then you can also set it in the Web Project Settings property of the project properties (rightclick project and choose Properties). Set the Context root value to just /.
in my web.xml, i have home.xhtml, but this does not seem to work. When i type, mysitename.com, it does not get mapped to home.xhtml. any clue here?
I assume that you're talking about the <welcome-file> setting. This has to point to a physically existing file, not to a virtual URL, such as /faces/*. There are basically two ways to overcome this:
Provide a physically existing /faces/home.xhtml file (it can even be left empty).
Replace the ugly /faces/* URL pattern of the FacesServlet mapping in web.xml by *.xhtml so that it will just kick in on every request for a XHTML file.
This way you don't need to fiddle with /faces/* URL patterns.
I have one small doubt.. In Struts2, inside web.xml of tag, we will choose some filter name.
While searching in examples, I have came across with 2 types of filters using inside that tag.. They are
So, now Im in a confusion which one to use in what condition?? Waiting for your replies..
AS already described FilterDispatcher has been Deprecated
StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter Handles both the preparation and execution phases of the Struts dispatching process
With Struts2 we have to have struts.xml in the class path, so it no longer works to have it under WEB-INF. So the way I got my project to deploy was to stick it under WEB-INF/classes and have it include ../struts2.xml
2 Problems:
Eclipse cleans out the classes folder when I do a rebuild, so it
deletes struts.xml
Eclipse doesn't show the classes folder in my project browser, so
its a poor place to stick config files in the first place.
How are you Struts2 Eclipse developers doing this?
You can either just put the struts.xml at the root of your source directory or set up an additional resources source directory and put it there. Eclipse quite happily copies it to WEB-INF/classes for you when it does a compilation.
I am late to the party, we can configure the struts.xml in any directory in the classpath of the web application, but provide the location using the "config" init parameter of the filter configuration in web.xml as below, if my struts.xml file is in "/com/resources/" directory.
If we don't provide a config init parameter struts2 by default takes 3 values "struts-default.xml,struts-plugin.xml,struts.xml", you can see the struts2 Dispatcher class code below which will configure these 3 files to the configuration manager.
String configPaths = (String)this.initParams.get("config");
if (configPaths == null) {
configPaths = "struts-default.xml,struts-plugin.xml,struts.xml";
String[] files = configPaths.split("\\s*[,]\\s*");
for (String file : files)
if (file.endsWith(".xml")) {
if ("xwork.xml".equals(file))
this.configurationManager.addContainerProvider(createXmlConfigurationProvider(file, false));
this.configurationManager.addContainerProvider(createStrutsXmlConfigurationProvider(file, false, this.servletContext));
With Struts 1.2, it was required to put the struts-config.xml in the classpath (under WEB-INF folder) but with Struts 2.0, it is required to be in src/main/resources folder.
See the documentation Struts 2 Documentation here
I pasted struts.xml in this directory and the project executed fine.
I am not using Eclipse so this answer is not specific to your requirements but, I use Maven so we have all the "resources" that are needed by the application in a seperate folder called "resources" and When the application is built these files are copied into the appropriate places automatically. In Netbeans the files in the folder are available and I know that there are persons using eclipse with a similar setup.
I should point out that our project started from appfuse so most of these configurations were pre made. You can look at how it was done there.
In struts 2 projects, struts.xml file is added in src(Java Resources) folder along with the packages and libraries.
Please refer the image given below.
If u want to know more about struts 2 project structure please visit this link
Note: In eclipse, you are not allowed to paste a file directly in src folder. So you need to first paste it in any other place in the project( for example, in 'WebContent' folder), then use move functionality to put it in right place( That is 'src' folder).
You can place struts.xml file in src(Java Resources) packages.
When the compilation process struts.xml file will generate inside the ROOT/WEB-INF/classes directory.
if you get the same error again and again better check the struts actions.
check the deployed path of the application and you can find out what you want.
(struts.xml file)