activerecord joins multiple time the same table - ruby-on-rails

I am doing a simple search looking like this (with 8 different params, but I will copy 2 just for the exemple)
if params[:old] == "on"
#events = #events.joins(:services).where(services: { name: "old" })
if params[:big] == "on"
#events = #events.joins(:services).where(services: { name: "big" })
The query works fine when I have only one params "on" and returns my events having the service in the param.
BUT if I have two params "on", even if my event has both services, it's not working anymore.
I've tested it in the console, and I can see that if I do a .joins(:services).where(services: { name: "big" }) on the element that was already joined before, it returns nothing.
I don't understand why.
The first #events (when one param) returns an active record relation with a few events inside.
Why can't I do another .joins on it?
I really don't understand what's wrong in this query and why it becomes empty as soon as it is joined twice.
Thanks a lot

The code you're using will translate to:
SELECT "events".* FROM "events" INNER JOIN "services" ON "services"."event_id" = "events"."id" WHERE "services"."name" = ? AND "services"."name" = ? LIMIT ? [["name", "big"], ["name", "old"], ["LIMIT", 11]]
This is why it returns zero record.
Here is the solution I can think of at the moment, not sure if it's the ideal, but yes it works and has been tested.
# event.rb
class Event < ApplicationRecord
has_many :services
has_many :old_services, -> { where(name: 'old') }, class_name: 'Service'
has_many :big_services, -> { where(name: 'big') }, class_name: 'Service'
# service.rb
class Service < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :event
And your search method can be written this way:
if params[:old] == "on"
#events = #events.joins(:old_services)
if params[:big] == "on"
#events = #events.joins(:big_services)
#events = #events.distinct
# SELECT DISTINCT "events".* FROM "events" INNER JOIN "services" ON "services"."event_id" = "events"."id" AND "services"."name" = ? INNER JOIN "services" "old_services_events" ON "old_services_events"."event_id" = "events"."id" AND "old_services_events"."name" = ? LIMIT ? [["name", "big"], ["name", "old"], ["LIMIT", 11]]


Combining a 'where' clause with a method

In my app, a Team belongs_to :hunt. Once a Hunt is confirmed, then all associated teams are ready.
This a sample from my team.rb file, where I use the method ready? to check if team.hunt is confirmed.
def ready?
hunt.confirmed? ? true : false
I would love to have a scope in team.rb file so I can call Teams.all.ready.count to show the number of teams that are ready.
How can I write a method or a scope to achieve the behaviour above without adding anything to my DB or iterating through an array etc?
Thanks to #TomLord's insight, you'd rather do Solution 1 below instead of Solution 2. Also, added sample SQL to show comparison.
Solution 1
class Team < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :hunt
scope :ready, -> { joins(:hunt).where(hunts: { confirmed: true }) }
Team.ready # or: Team.all.ready
# SELECT "teams".* FROM "teams" INNER JOIN "hunts" ON "hunts"."id" = "teams"."hunt_id" WHERE "hunts"."confirmed" = ? LIMIT ? [["confirmed", "t"], ["LIMIT", 11]]
Or, Solution 2
class Team < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :hunt
class Hunt < ApplicationRecord
scope :confirmed, -> { where(confirmed: true) }
# you can also move the logic below as a method/scope inside `Team` model (i.e. as `ready` method/scope)
# Example 1 (using JOINS):
Team.joins(:hunt).where(hunts: { id: Hunt.confirmed })
# SELECT "teams".* FROM "teams" INNER JOIN "hunts" ON "hunts"."id" = "teams"."hunt_id" WHERE "hunts"."id" IN (SELECT "hunts"."id" FROM "hunts" WHERE "hunts"."confirmed" = ?) LIMIT ? [["confirmed", "t"], ["LIMIT", 11]]
# Example 2 (same as Example 1 above but faster and more efficient):
Team.where(hunt_id: Hunt.confirmed)
# SELECT "teams".* FROM "teams" WHERE "teams"."hunt_id" IN (SELECT "hunts"."id" FROM "hunts" WHERE "hunts"."confirmed" = ?) LIMIT ? [["confirmed", "t"], ["LIMIT", 11]]
Solution: if Hunts#confirmed is a database column:
class Team < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :hunt
scope :ready, -> { joins(:hunt).where(hunts: { confirmed: true }) }
In this case, Team.ready will return ActiveRecord::Relation.
Solution: If Hunts#confirmed? is a NOT a database column:
class Team < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :hunt
scope :ready, -> { includes(:hunts).select(&:ready?) }
In this case, Team.ready will return an Array
You need to be aware that the second solution is looping over the Team records calling ready? on each of them while the first is performing a database query. First is more efficient.

Write and Activerecord join query

I'm writing an activerecord join query but It doesn't work.
I have these two classes
class User
belongs_to :store, required: true
class Store < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users, dependent: :nullify
has_one :manager, -> { where role: User.roles[:manager] }, class_name: 'User'
I need to get all the stores with a manager and all the stores without a manager.
I write these two queries
Store.includes(:users).where('users.role <> ?', User.roles[:manager]).references(:users).count
Store.includes(:users).where('users.role = ?', User.roles[:manager]).references(:users).count
and the result is
2.2.1 :294 > Store.includes(:users).where('users.role <> ?', User.roles[:manager]).references(:users).count
(6.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "stores"."id") FROM "stores" LEFT OUTER JOIN "users" ON "users"."store_id" = "stores"."id" WHERE (users.role <> 1)
=> 201
2.2.1 :295 > Store.includes(:users).where('users.role = ?', User.roles[:manager]).references(:users).count
(4.0ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "stores"."id") FROM "stores" LEFT OUTER JOIN "users" ON "users"."store_id" = "stores"."id" WHERE (users.role = 1)
=> 217
Now I know that I have 219 stores, and using
with_manager = 0
without_manager = 0
Store.all.each do |s|
if s.manager.present?
with_manager = with_manager +1
without_manager = without_manager +1
I know also that I have 217 stores with manager and 2 store without manager. One query is working, the second (stores without manager) fails.
So I must fix the query, but I cannot understand how can I fix it...
Usually I use the following thing for, getting al stores with a manager:
Joins will use a inner join and not a left join that is includes case.
In the opposite case, that's tricky, but I do in this way:
Store.includes(:manager).where(users: { id: nil })
It's a left join with manager and getting all stores without a user included.

Returning `self` at ActiveRecord class method loses indirect reference

When defining a class method at an ActiveRecord, if I return self, the indirect reference is lost.
I'm not sure if I am using the right vocabulary, as I am just learning Ruby on Rails, so here is an example:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :orchids
class Orchid < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
if query.present?
query = '%' + query.gsub(/\s+/, '%') + '%'
where 'gender ILIKE :query OR variety ILIKE :query', query: query
# Problematic line:
Using the above definition, this is what happens:
% User.last.orchids.count
(0.8ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "orchids" WHERE "orchids"."user_id" = $1 [["user_id", 2]]
=> 0
(1.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "orchids"
=> 449
(1.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "orchids" WHERE "orchids"."user_id" = $1 AND (gender ILIKE '%cat%' OR variety ILIKE '%cat%') [["user_id", 2]]
=> 0
So, returning self seems to make the indirect scope of "only the orchids of this user" go away. Returning self there means I'm returning the Orchid class instead of the ActiveRecord::Relation?
Reading a bit at the internet, I did find about scopes and why I should use them. Scopes do work the way I expect and I am using them now. I just do not get why this behaves like this when using class method definitions.
Self will return the class because self is the class. As scope returns an ActiveRecord::Relation instance. So the Orchid.where method builds and returns a new ActiveRecord::Relation whereas the self will just return the class itself.
Both can still be chained with additional scopes should you choose. If you really want an AR::Relation back, change self to Orchid.none.

How do I write a UNION chain with ActiveRelation?

I need to be able to chain an arbitrary number of sub-selects with UNION using ActiveRelation.
I'm a little confused by the ARel implementation of this, since it seems to assume UNION is a binary operation.
( select_statement_a ) UNION ( select_statement_b ) UNION ( select_statement_c )
is valid SQL. Is this possible without doing nasty string-substitution?
You can do a bit better than what Adam Lassek has proposed though he is on the right track. I've just solved a similar problem trying to get a friends list from a social network model. Friends can be aquired automatically in various ways but I would like to have an ActiveRelation friendly query method that can handle further chaining. So I have
class User
has_many :events_as_owner, :class_name => "Event", :inverse_of => :owner, :foreign_key => :owner_id, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :events_as_guest, :through => :invitations, :source => :event
def friends
friends_as_guests = User.joins{events_as_guest}.where{events_as_guest.owner_id==my{id}}
friends_as_hosts = User.joins{events_as_owner}.joins{invitations}.where{invitations.user_id==my{id}}
User.where do
) |
which takes advantage of Squeels subquery support. Generated SQL is
SELECT "users".*
FROM "users"
WHERE (( "users"."id" IN (SELECT "users"."id"
FROM "users"
INNER JOIN "invitations"
ON "invitations"."user_id" = "users"."id"
INNER JOIN "events"
ON "events"."id" = "invitations"."event_id"
WHERE "events"."owner_id" = 87)
OR "users"."id" IN (SELECT "users"."id"
FROM "users"
INNER JOIN "events"
ON "events"."owner_id" = "users"."id"
INNER JOIN "invitations"
ON "invitations"."user_id" =
WHERE "invitations"."user_id" = 87) ))
An alternative pattern where you need a variable number of components is demonstrated with a slight modification to the above code
def friends
friends_as_guests = User.joins{events_as_guest}.where{events_as_guest.owner_id==my{id}}
friends_as_hosts = User.joins{events_as_owner}.joins{invitations}.where{invitations.user_id==my{id}}
components = [friends_as_guests, friends_as_hosts]
User.where do
components = { |c|{id} }
components.inject do |s, i|
s | i
And here is a rough guess as to the solution for the OP's exact question
class Shift < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.limit_per_day(options = {})
options[:start] ||=
options[:stop] ||=
options[:per_day] ||= 5
queries = (options[:start]..options[:stop]).map do |day|
where{|s| s.scheduled_start >= day}.
where{|s| s.scheduled_start < day.tomorrow}.
where do { |c|{id} }.inject do |s, i|
s | i
Because of the way the ARel visitor was generating the unions, I kept getting SQL errors while using Arel::Nodes::Union. Looks like old-fashioned string interpolation was the only way to get this working.
I have a Shift model, and I want to get a collection of shifts for a given date range, limited to five shifts per day. This is a class method on the Shift model:
def limit_per_day(options = {})
options[:start] ||=
options[:stop] ||=
options[:per_day] ||= 5
queries = (options[:start]..options[:stop]).map do |day|
where{|s| s.scheduled_start >= day}.
where{|s| s.scheduled_start < day.tomorrow}.
limit(options[:per_day]){|q| "( #{ q.to_sql } )" }
where %{"shifts"."id" in ( #{queries.join(' UNION ')} )}
(I am using Squeel in addition to ActiveRecord)
Having to resort to string-interpolation is annoying, but at least the user-provided parameters are being sanitized correctly. I would of course appreciate suggestions to make this cleaner.
I like Squeel. But don't use it. So I came to this solution (Arel 4.0.2)
def build_union(left, right)
if right.length > 1, build_union(right[0], right[1..-1]))
else, right[0])
managers = [select_manager_1, select_manager_2, select_manager_3]
build_union(managers[0], managers[1..-1]).to_sql
# => ( (SELECT table1.* from table1)
# ( (SELECT table2.* from table2)
# (SELECT table3.* from table3) ) )
There's a way to make this work using arel:
return TestColumn.where(tc[:id]

Rails eager loading seems to be querying wrong

I'm attempting to eager load in my Rails 3 app. I've narrowed it down to a very basic sample, and instead of generating the one query I'm expecting, it's generating 4.
First, here's a simple breakdown of my models.
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :gender
def to_param
class Gender < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :profiles, :dependent => :nullify
I then has a ProfilesController::show action, where's I'm querying for the model.
def ProfilesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :find_profile, :only => [:show]
def show
def find_profile
#profile = Profile.find_by_username(params[:id], :include => :gender)
raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, "Page not found" unless #profile
When I look at the queries this generates, it shows the following:
SELECT `profiles`.* FROM `profiles` WHERE `profiles`.`username` = 'matt' LIMIT 1
SELECT `genders`.* FROM `genders` WHERE (`genders`.`id` = 1)
What I expected to see is a single query:
SELECT `profiles`.*, `genders`.* FROM `profiles` LEFT JOIN `genders` ON `profiles`.gender_id = `genders`.id WHERE `profiles`.`username` = 'matt' LIMIT 1
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? Everything I've found on eager loading makes it sound like this should work.
Edit: After trying joins, as recommended by sled, I'm still seeing the same results.
The code:
#profile = Profile.joins(:gender).where(:username => params[:id]).limit(1).first
The query:
SELECT `profiles`.* FROM `profiles` INNER JOIN `genders` ON `genders`.`id` = `profiles`.`gender_id` WHERE `profiles`.`username` = 'matt' LIMIT 1
Again, you can see no genders data is being retrieved, and so a second query to genders is being made.
I even tried adding a select, to no avail:
#profile = Profile.joins(:gender).select('profiles.*, genders.*').where(:username => params[:id]).limit(1).first
which correctly resulted in:
SELECT profiles.*, genders.* FROM `profiles` INNER JOIN `genders` ON `genders`.`id` = `profiles`.`gender_id` WHERE `profiles`.`username` = 'matt' LIMIT 1
...but it still performed a second query on genders later when accessing #profile.gender's attributes.
Edit 2: I also tried creating a scope that includes both select and joins in order to get all the fields I require, (similar to the custom left join method sled demonstrated). It looks like this:
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
# ...
ALL_ATTRIBUTES = [:photo, :city, :gender, :relationship_status, :physique, :children,
:diet, :drink, :smoke, :drug, :education, :income, :job, :politic, :religion, :zodiac]
scope :with_attributes,
select((ALL_ATTRIBUTES.collect { |a| "`#{reflect_on_association(a).table_name}`.*" } + ["`#{table_name}`.*"]).join(', ')).
joins(ALL_ATTRIBUTES.collect { |a|
assoc = reflect_on_association(a)
"LEFT JOIN `#{assoc.table_name}` ON `#{table_name}`.#{assoc.primary_key_name} = `#{assoc.table_name}`.#{assoc.active_record_primary_key}"
}.join(' '))
# ...
This generates the following query, which appears correct:
SELECT `photos`.*, `cities`.*, `profile_genders`.*, `profile_relationship_statuses`.*, `profile_physiques`.*, `profile_children`.*, `profile_diets`.*, `profile_drinks`.*, `profile_smokes`.*, `profile_drugs`.*, `profile_educations`.*, `profile_incomes`.*, `profile_jobs`.*, `profile_politics`.*, `profile_religions`.*, `profile_zodiacs`.*, `profiles`.* FROM `profiles` LEFT JOIN `photos` ON `profiles`.photo_id = `photos`.id LEFT JOIN `cities` ON `profiles`.city_id = `cities`.id LEFT JOIN `profile_genders` ON `profiles`.gender_id = `profile_genders`.id LEFT JOIN `profile_relationship_statuses` ON `profiles`.relationship_status_id = `profile_relationship_statuses`.id LEFT JOIN `profile_physiques` ON `profiles`.physique_id = `profile_physiques`.id LEFT JOIN `profile_children` ON `profiles`.children_id = `profile_children`.id LEFT JOIN `profile_diets` ON `profiles`.diet_id = `profile_diets`.id LEFT JOIN `profile_drinks` ON `profiles`.drink_id = `profile_drinks`.id LEFT JOIN `profile_smokes` ON `profiles`.smoke_id = `profile_smokes`.id LEFT JOIN `profile_drugs` ON `profiles`.drug_id = `profile_drugs`.id LEFT JOIN `profile_educations` ON `profiles`.education_id = `profile_educations`.id LEFT JOIN `profile_incomes` ON `profiles`.income_id = `profile_incomes`.id LEFT JOIN `profile_jobs` ON `profiles`.job_id = `profile_jobs`.id LEFT JOIN `profile_politics` ON `profiles`.politic_id = `profile_politics`.id LEFT JOIN `profile_religions` ON `profiles`.religion_id = `profile_religions`.id LEFT JOIN `profile_zodiacs` ON `profiles`.zodiac_id = `profile_zodiacs`.id WHERE `profiles`.`username` = 'matt' LIMIT 1
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that calls to relationship attributes (e.g.: are using the data that was returned in the original SELECT. Instead, I see a flood of queries following this first one:
Profile::Gender Load (0.2ms) SELECT `profile_genders`.* FROM `profile_genders` WHERE `profile_genders`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1
Profile::Gender Load (0.4ms) SELECT `profile_genders`.* FROM `profile_genders` INNER JOIN `profile_attractions` ON `profile_genders`.id = `profile_attractions`.gender_id WHERE ((`profile_attractions`.profile_id = 2))
City Load (0.4ms) SELECT `cities`.* FROM `cities` WHERE `cities`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1
Country Load (0.3ms) SELECT `countries`.* FROM `countries` WHERE `countries`.`id` = 228 ORDER BY FIELD(code, 'US') DESC, name ASC LIMIT 1
Profile Load (0.4ms) SELECT `profiles`.* FROM `profiles` WHERE `profiles`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1
Profile::Language Load (0.4ms) SELECT `profile_languages`.* FROM `profile_languages` INNER JOIN `profile_profiles_languages` ON `profile_languages`.id = `profile_profiles_languages`.language_id WHERE ((`profile_profiles_languages`.profile_id = 2))
SQL (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `profile_ethnicities` INNER JOIN `profile_profiles_ethnicities` ON `profile_ethnicities`.id = `profile_profiles_ethnicities`.ethnicity_id WHERE ((`profile_profiles_ethnicities`.profile_id = 2))
Profile::Religion Load (0.5ms) SELECT `profile_religions`.* FROM `profile_religions` WHERE `profile_religions`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1
Profile::Politic Load (0.2ms) SELECT `profile_politics`.* FROM `profile_politics` WHERE `profile_politics`.`id` = 3 LIMIT 1
your example is fine and it will end up in two queries because that's how eager loading is implemented in rails. It becomes handy if you have many associated records. You can read more about it here
What you probably want is a simple join:
#profile = Profile.joins(:gender).where(:username => params[:id])
If the profile consists of many pieces there are multiple approaches here:
Custom left joins - maybe there is a plugin out there which does the job otherwise I'd suggest to do something like:
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
# .... code .....
def self.with_dependencies
attr_joins = []
attr_selects = []
attr_selects << "`profiles`.*"
attr_selects << "`genders`.*"
attr_selects << "`colors`.*"
attr_joins << "LEFT JOIN `genders` ON `gender`.`id` = `profiles`.gender_id"
attr_joins << "LEFT JOIN `colors` ON `colors`.`id` = `profiles`.color_id"
prep_model = select(attr_selects.join(','))
attr_joins.each do |c_join|
prep_model = prep_model.joins(c_join)
return prep_model
Now you could do something like:
#profile = Profile.with_dependencies.where(:username => params[:id])
Another solution is to use the :include => [:gender, :color] it may be some queries more but it's the cleaner "rails way". If you run into performance issues you may want to rethink your DB Schema but do you have really such a heavy load?
A friend of mine wrote a nice little solution for this simple 1:n relations (like genders) it's called simple_enum
After working with sled's suggestions, I finally came up with this solution. I'm sure it could be made cleaner with a plugin, but here's what I've got for now:
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
ALL_ATTRIBUTES = [:photo, :city, :gender, :relationship_status, :physique, :children,
:diet, :drink, :smoke, :drug, :education, :income, :job, :politic, :religion, :zodiac]
scope :with_attributes,
select((ALL_ATTRIBUTES.collect { |a| "`#{reflect_on_association(a).table_name}`.*" } + ["`#{table_name}`.*"]).join(', '))
The two main points are:
A call to includes, which passes the symbols of the relationships I want
A call to select that makes sure to retrieve all columns for the related tables. Note that I call reflect_on_association so that I don't have to hard-code the related tables' names, letting the Rails models do the work for me.
I can now call:
Profile.with_attributes.where(:username => params[:id]).limit(1).first
Going to mark sled's answer as correct since it's his help (answers + comments combined) that led me here, even though this is the code I'm ultimately using.
