Pass a child component as Parameter in Blazor - dependency-injection

I would like to do in Blazor something that I normally do in React: create a reusable component that internally uses other child components, with the ability to pass those child components as parameters. I need that to be able to treat child components as a dependency that can be injected on demand with any custom implementation that could be needed in different contexts.
Imagine, for instance, a TextBox.razor component that gives you the ability to pass a custom component to render the label as you want, as long as it implements an ILabel interface. I tried something like this but the syntax doesn't seem to be valid:
As you see from the screenshot, Blazor doesn't allow me to use the Parameter Label as a component. Any idea of how to achieve this?

You should be able to accomplish this with templated components.
#typeparam inputType
<div class="textbox">
#if(LabelTemplate!=null && TItem!=null)
<input type="text"/>
public RenderFragment<inputType> LabelTemplate { get; set; }
public inputType TItem { get; set; }
In the code above, you are specifying that the component accepts a type using #typeparam inputType and receive an object of that type as a parameter TItem.
You are also accepting a LabelTemplate which accepts an object of type inputType. To render this fragment, we call #LabelTemplate and pass in our TItem parameter.
Now lets look at how to use our templated component in a new component called PersonForm.razor
<Textbox TItem="myPerson">
<Textbox TItem="myPerson">
Person myPerson = new Person { Name = "Jane Doe", PhoneNumber = "999 999 9999" };
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
I'm passing in my Person object to each Textbox component's TItem property, and accessing it in the LabelTemplate using the #context syntax.
This might seem confusing at first, so please read up on it here
It just depends on what you want to accomplish. With the Verbose syntax comes flexibility on the "implementation" side of the component. Instead of forcing an interface that might not work with a wide variety of models/classes, you are letting the implementation specify what to do.
If you want something less verbose/more rigid, you can do the following as well.
#implements ILabel
<div class="textbox">
<input type="text"/>
public string Text { get; set; }
public interface ILabel
string Text { get; set; }

I realize this is probably late, but I just struggled through this and found out it is SUPER easy! Thought I would put an easy answer out there for people looking.
Here is my OrdersNavigation.razor file (which I want to embed into a header):
<div class="nav-strip">
<NavLink href="orders">
<Icon Name="#Icons.Cart" /> List
<NavLink href="orders/create">
<Icon Name="#Icons.Plus" /> Create
Now here is my PageHeader.razor:
<div class="page-header">
<hr />
#code {
[Parameter] public string Title { get; set; } = "[TITLE]";
[Parameter] public RenderFragment Navigation { get; set; }
Notice that the Navigation property is a RenderFragment - this is key. Now in my page, I can simply add it like this:
<PageHeader Title="Orders">
<OrderNavigation />
You see here that the Title parameter is entered like usual, but the Navigation parameter is entered as an element of PageHeader! Really, you can put anything in the tags and it will render where you have #Navigation.
Took a shot at your example:
#code {
[Parameter] public RenderFragment Text { get; set; }
<div class="textbox">
Embedded label <br />
You can even drop components in here!
<input />


Partial editor to show single property of model

I have my model as follows
public class PlaceOrder
public int orderCode { set; get; }
public string Order_ID { set; get; }
public int orderDetailCode { set; get; }
public string Topic { set; get; }
//50 more fields are there
Using editorforModel displays all the fields in the model. I want to have a editor helper which takes the property name and only shows editor for that specific property.
I wrote a create/edit/details actions for my model and working fine. What my final goals is that I want to have edit button next to every field on the details view. As soon I click on edit it allows to update and validate the input as well
I am using following snippet for edit link
.Url(Url.Action("PropertyEdit", "PlaceOrder", new
PropertyName = Html.NameFor(model => model.SubjectCategoryCode),
propertyValue = Html.IdFor(model => model.SubjectCategoryCode),
ordercode = Model.orderCode
.Title("Editor for " + Html.NameFor(model => model.SubjectCategoryCode))
and I want something that I pass the field name and it dispalys the relevant fields and do the validation
You could just use an EditorFor and a form for each field:
#using Html.BeginForm("action", "controller")
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.ordercode)
<input type="submit" />
#using Html.BeginForm("action", "controller")
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.orderDetailCode)
<input type="submit" />
Of course, you would need a different action for each item and you need a way to get the other values as well, since you're only posting one value to the controller. To achieve this you could include a hidden field with the id and retrieve the other values on the server.
There's the Html.EditorFor(m => m.Property) method for this (your model should be set to PlaceOrder to use this helper, as with any statically typed helpers).
Edit: Bah, Kenneth was faster :-).

MVC Model Binding to a collection where collection does not begin with a 0 index

I'm trying to perform remote validation on a property of an item within a collection. The validation works OK on the first item of the collection. The http request to the validation method looks like:
However on the 2nd item where the url looks like below, the validation doesn't work
Now I'm pretty sure the reason for this, is that binding wont work on a collection that doesn't begin with a zero index.
My validation method has a signature as below:
public JsonResult IsImeiAvailable([Bind(Prefix = "ImeiGadgets")] Models.ViewModels.ImeiGadget[] imeiGadget)
Because I'm passing an item within a collection I have to bind like this yet what I'm really passing is just a single value.
Is there anyway I can deal with this other than just binding it as a plain old query string.
Edit: This is the quick fix to get the Imei variable but I'd rather use the model binding:
string imeiNumber = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Substring(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.IndexOf("=")+1);
Edit: Here is my ImeiGadget class:
public class ImeiGadget
public int Id { get; set; }
[Remote("IsImeiAvailable", "Validation")]
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Please provide the IMEI Number for your Phone")]
[RegularExpression(#"(\D*\d){15,17}", ErrorMessage = "An IMEI number must contain between 15 & 17 digits")]
public string ImeiNumber { get; set; }
public string Make { get; set; }
public string Model { get; set; }
You could write a custom model binder:
public class ImeiNumberModelBinder : IModelBinder
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var modelName = bindingContext.ModelName;
var request = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request;
var paramName = request
x => x.EndsWith(modelName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName))
return bindingContext
return null;
and then apply it to the controller action:
public ActionResult IsImeiAvailable(
[ModelBinder(typeof(ImeiNumberModelBinder))] string imeiNumber
return Json(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imeiNumber), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Now the ImeiGadgets[xxx] part will be ignored from the query string.
If you are posting the whole collection, but have a nonsequential index, you could consider binding to a dictionary instead
If you're only posting a single item or using a GET link, then you should amend to
public JsonResult IsImeiAvailable(string imeiNumber)
If you are sending up a single value to the server for validation, then your Action Method should only accept a scalar (single-value) parameter, not a collection. Your URL would then look like this (assuming default routing table for {controller}/{action}/{id}:
the corresponding action method signature could look like this:
/* note that the param name has to matchthe prop name being validated */
public ActionResult IsImeiAvailable(int ImeiNumber)
which you could then use to lookup whether that particular ID is available.
if you want to change the name of the parameter, you can modify the routing table, but that's a different topic.
The long story short of it is that if you wanted to do validate a collection of ImeiGadget, you'd GET or POST that full collection. For a single value, it doesn't make much sense to send up or to expect an entire collection.
Based on new info, I would look at where the remote validation attribute is being placed. It sounds like it might be placed on something like an IEnumerable<IMEiGadgets>, like this:
[Remote("IsImeiAvailable", "Validation", "'ImeiNumber' is invalid"]
public IEnumerable<ImeiGadget> ImeiGadgets { get; set;}
Would it be possible to move that attribute and modify it to be on the ImeiGadget class instead, to be something like this?
[Remote("IsImeiAvailable", "Validation", "'ImeiNumber is invalid"]
public int ImeiNumber { get; set;}
In theory, you shouldn't have to change anything on your HTML templates or scripts to get this working if you also make the change suggested in my answer above. In theory.
Unless you need this binding feature in many places and you control the IsImeiAvailable validation method then I think creating a custom model binder is an over-head.
Why don't you try a simple solution like this,
// need little optimization?
public JsonResult IsImeiAvailable(string imeiNumber)
var qParam = Request.QueryString.Keys
.Cast<string>().FirstOrDefault(a => a.EndsWith("ImeiNumber"));
return Json(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imeiNumber ?? Request.QueryString[qParam]), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
You can add an extra hidden field with .Index suffix to allow arbitrary indices.
<form method="post" action="/Home/Create">
<input type="hidden" name="products.Index" value="cold" />
<input type="text" name="products[cold].Name" value="Beer" />
<input type="text" name="products[cold].Price" value="7.32" />
<input type="hidden" name="products.Index" value="123" />
<input type="text" name="products[123].Name" value="Chips" />
<input type="text" name="products[123].Price" value="2.23" />
<input type="hidden" name="products.Index" value="caliente" />
<input type="text" name="products[caliente].Name" value="Salsa" />
<input type="text" name="products[caliente].Price" value="1.23" />
<input type="submit" />
public class Product{
public string Name{get; set;}
public decimal Price{get; set;}
public ActionResult Create(Product[] Products)
//do something..
For more information refer to : You've Been Haacked: Model Bindig To A List

ASP.NET MVC 3 How to have multi-field create capability for Model with ICollection Property on Create view

Note: I'm using MVC3+Razor, EF4, CF-CTP5
How can you allow the view to have the ability to add multiple Address classes per Organization dynamically on the client, and bound strongly to the model on post?
How can you have the view parse values in the model if the (ModelState.IsValid == false) such that if you enter 3 addresses and post an invalid model, it re-populates the number addresses and with their appropriate values?
Here are my models:
public class Organization
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Address> Addresses { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<PhoneNumber> PhoneNumbers { get; set; }
public class Address
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Line1 { get; set; }
public string Line2 { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public string PostalCode { get; set; }
public string Country { get; set; }
public int Type { get; set; }
I'm trying to figure out how you can have the Create action for Organization (/Organization/Create) handle the create like thus (such that addresses and phone numbers are part of the submitted model):
public ActionResult Create(Organization organization)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Details", organization.Id);
return View(organization);
Your question is quite vaste :)
This is just one of the way your requirement can be achieved and I am sure there are better than mine.
I am going to start from your second question:
How can you have the view parse values
in the model if the
(ModelState.IsValid == false) such
that if you enter 3 addresses and post
an invalid model, it re-populates the
number addresses and with their
appropriate values?
If I correctly understand your request it looks very simple to me. The answer is simply code your view to render a Model class content and return the invalid model to the client exactly as you are doing in your Create action.
If your form (and its fields) have been decorated with the ValidationSummary/ValidationMessage html helpers, you are going to see also validation messages.
How can you allow the view to have the ability to add multiple Address
classes per Organization dynamically
on the client, and bound strongly to
the model on post?
You can have a main view showing Organization attributes and then have another view showing related addresses. Here you can place a hyperlink or a button that open a dialog for adding a new address object and then refresh the address list when done. At the same way you can have edit and delete buttons as icons on the list.
The address list is a piece of markup completely handled at client side that, to be correctly binded to the server side Model class should adhere to some simple naming rules for it's input attributes.
To make the Default Model Binder class bind correctly your form use the following snippet for your Organization class
#using (Html.BeginForm()) {
#Html.HiddenFor(o => o.Id)
#Html.ValidationSummary( true )
<legend>My Organization</legend>
<div class="editor-label">#Html.LabelFor( model => model.Name )</div>
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.EditorFor( model => model.Name )
#Html.ValidationMessageFor( model => model.Name )
<br />
<div id="container">
<div>Address List</div>
#foreach (Address a in Model.Addresses ) {
<div style="text-align:right;margin-top:14px;">
<input type="submit" id="btnSubmit" value="Save" />
To be automatically bindable the resultant code for the form should look as the following
<form action="..." id="..." method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="Id" value="2">
<input type="hidden" name="Name" value="Acme Corporation">
<!-- markup for each address -->
<input type="hidden" name="Addresses[0].Id" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="Addresses[0].Line1" value="Line 1">
<input type="hidden" name="Addresses[0].Line2" value="Line 2">
... and so on...
having it's properties named as Addresses[index].PropertyName.
If you add new addresses on the client it does'nt matter so much: as long as your code respect this rule you can have the default Model Binder do the job for you.
Hope this helps
I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly but with respect to question 1 I think you are looking for a ViewModel. Like this perhaps..
public class OrganizationViewModel
public OrganizationViewModel(Organization org, IList<Address> addresses)
this.Organization = org;
this.Addresses = addresses
public Organization Organization {get;set;}
public IList<Address> Addresses {get;set;}
public class OrganizationController : Controller
private readonly IOrganizationService _organizationService: //or whatever method you use
public OrganizationController(IOrganizationService orgService)
this._organizationService = orgService;
public ActionResult Item(int id)
var org = _organizationService.GetOrganizationById(id);
var addresses = _organizationService.GetOrgAddressesByOrgId(id);
return View(new OrganizationViewModel(program, addresses));
#model OrganizationViewModel
#foreach(var a in Model.Addresses)
Before I try and answer number 2 maybe you should indicate whether I am correctly understanding question 1. Hope this helps.
I managed to do this using LINQ to SQL. Now I'm trying to use Entity Framework instead, but it really makes everything more complicated. So I don't have a solution for you, but perhaps my L2S solution might help?
Using models generated from my database I could in my view do this:
#for (int i = 0; i < Model.Contact.EmailAddresses.Count; ++i)
#Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.Contact.EmailAddresses[i].EmailAddress)
#Html.HiddenFor(x => x.Contact.EmailAddresses[i].EmailAddressID)
I had a view model class:
class ContactViewModel
Contact contact { get; set; }
This worked fine and in my controller action I got my Contact object with it's Contact.ContactEmailAddresses list filled just like I expected.
But with EF, I cannot use the [i] on the EmailAddresses property generated from the database anymore. The best I have come up with is:
#Html.TextBox("Contact.EmailAddresses[" + i + "].EmailAddress", Model.Contact.EmailAddresses.ElementAt(i).EmailAddress)

ASP.NET MVC - post multiple complex objects with form

In an ASP.NET MVC application I am trying to submit multiple objects with a single form. I am able to get simple types to post back but am having issues with complex types. I feel like I have mimicked the example provided by Phil Haack in his blog post Model Binding To A List but with no luck. Even going so far as copying his code exactly to no avail.
I am trying to populate the ProjectNum and TaskNum properties of a set of MachineLicenseBillback objects. Unfortunately the IList<MachineLicenseBillback> machinePts always ends up as a null when posted.
What am I missing?
public class MachineLicenseBillback
public MachineLicenseBillback() { }
public virtual int MachineId { get; set; }
public virtual string ProjectNum { get; set; }
public virtual string TaskNum { get; set; }
public virtual string VerifiedFlag { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime? RcdChgDateTime { get; set; }
public virtual string RcdChgAgent { get; set; }
public ActionResult TrueUp(int id, IList<MachineLicenseBillback> machinePts)
// ...
<% using (Html.BeginForm("TrueUp", "Home", new { id = Model.Customer.Id },
{ %>
<input type="hidden" name="machinePts.Index" value="<%= machine.MachineId %>" />
<input type="text" name="machinePts[<%= machine.MachineId%>].ProjectNum"
value="<%= machine.MachineLicenseBillback.ProjectNum %>" />
<input type="text" name="machinePts[<%= machine.MachineId %>].TaskNum"
value="<%= machine.MachineLicenseBillback.TaskNum %>" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<% } %>
The .Index syntax was removed for MVC 1 RTM and reintroduced in MVC 2. For MVC 1, list elements must be numbered sequentially: machinePts[0], machinePts[1], etc.
Scott Hanselman has a complete walkthrough here for binding lists of items. In short, your controller method needs an array of MachineLicenseBillback, not an IList.
public ActionResult TrueUp(int id, MachineLicenseBillback[] machinePts)
// ...
Looking at your code, if you want to bind to an IDictionary (not an IList), you can use key/value pairs in the view instead. Or can keep the code you currently have in the view, and use an Array as the parameter in the controller method.
Pay special attention to the naming conventions. If there is a mismatch in naming, the model binder won't pick up the data.

DRY in the MVC View

I've been working a lot with web forms and one think that I like about the is the consistency with the generated markup e.g. if you create a composite control for a TextField you can control the generated markup in a single class like and don't break the SRP:
<form:textfield id="firstName" runat="server" required="true" label="First Name" />
I you're your going to generate the markup by hand it might look like this:
<label for="firstName" id="lbl_firstName">Name <span class="required">*</span></label>
<input id="firstName" name="firstName" type="text" value="" />
The problem is when would like to change something for example add a wrapping div or move the span. In worst case you have to edit thousands of views.
That's why I really like the MVC Contrib FluentHtml.
<%= this.TextBox(x => x.Message.PostedBy).Class("required").Label("Name") %>
My question is what do you think is the best way to add a wrapping div for the code line above? I think hand writing is not an option because of the arguments above? Perhaps extending the TextBox : MvcContrib.FluentHtml.Elements.TextInput?
have you checked InputBuilder in MvcContrib project? it is used in Codecampserver as well. have a look and i think u will like it.
Honestly, I don't think the example case you've given applies to real world. A textbox is a textbox. If you need one, you render one.
If you need a more "complex" control like a textbox wrapped in a div tag, then you can have a partial view for that.
For example, Model :
public class CustomControlModel {
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public string Class { get; set; }
public bool WrapInDivTag { get; set; }
//you get the idea
Custom Control :
<%# Control Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<CustomControlModel>" %>
<%if (Model.WrapInDivTag) {%> <div> <% } %>
<%=Html.TextBox(Model.Name, Model.Value, new { #class = Model.Class })%>
<%if (Model.WrapInDivTag) {%> </div> <% } %>
And when rendering :
new CustomControlModel { Name = "name", WrapInDivTag = true }); %>
That's a very simple example but I hope it explains why I suggested partial views. Don't forget that you can expose another property to get which tag to render etc.
InputBuilders are one option. With FluentHtml you could create a custom element, something like this:
public class TextBoxInContainer : TextInput<TextBox>
public TextBoxInContainer (string name) : base(HtmlInputType.Text, name) { }
public TextBoxInContainer (string name, MemberExpression forMember, IEnumerable<IBehaviorMarker> behaviors) : base(HtmlInputType.Text, name, forMember, behaviors) { }
protected override ToString()
divBuilder = new TagBuilder(HtmlTag.Div);
divBuilder.InnerHtml = ToString();
return divBuilder.ToString(TagRenderMode.SelfClosing);
To use this from your view you would extend IViewModelContainer something like this:
public static MyTextBox TextBoxInContainer <T>(this IViewModelContainer<T> view, Expression<Func<T, object>> expression) where T : class
return new TextBoxInContainer (expression.GetNameFor(view), expression.GetMemberExpression(), view.Behaviors)
Then if you want to change your container to a span sitewide, you change the ToString method of TextBoxInContainer.
