I am trying to Automate picker wheel in Appium python testing. I have tried in this way but not working.
here is the screensot.
Please refer to Appium documentation on send keys
It should be send_keys , not sendkey
driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id('SomeAccessibilityID').send_keys('Hello world!')
I have change my code . But still not working driver.find_element_by_xpath("//android.widget.NumberPicker[#index='0']").send_keys("4") driver.find_element_by_xpath("//android.widget.NumberPicker[#index='1']").send_keys("12") driver.find_element_by_xpath("//android.widget.NumberPicker[#index='2']").send_keys("PM")
I think your index is not like the order in test
Make sure
the first index is the hour,
the second one is minutes and
the last one is AM/PM
I'm trying to figure out how to check whether the page has fully loaded in Playwright. await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle'); doesn't always work for me on Javascript-heavy sites. I've resorted to taking a screenshot base64, waiting 100 ms, taking a new screenshot, and comparing whether those are the same. However this doesn't seem ideal, is there any way to ask Playwright when the last animation frame was redrawn?
There are several options that may help you.
1. Solution 1:
First, you can maybe determine which element is loading last, and then go with
or even wait for multiple selectors to appear
2. Solution 2
by default will wait for network event and if 0.5 seconds nothing is network trafficking it will say, I am no longer need to wait. And that is why you maybe have stohastic beh.
If the given solution doesn't work for you, you can try with locator.
page.locator(selector[, options])
It has multiple api like locator.isDisabled or locator.waitFor([options]) or locator.isVisible([options]) or locator.frameLocator(selector) ....... a lot more.
see the below link here:
Thanks in advance for your assistance here. I really appreciate it!!
I have built a script using the template here: https://developers.google.com/workspace/solutions/mail-merge
...And it's awesome. Working perfectly and solving a big problem for me!!
I have 2 problems I need to fix, and I need your help, please!!
Problem 1: Can I use a column (or cell reference) as a default "subjectLine" rather than it be user input each time the script is run?
Problem 2: Once Problem 1 (above) is solved, I'd like to trigger the script to automatically run every 15 minutes, continuously.
Any tips/scripts/pointers would be awesome. I am quite new to coding so have tried to dig up how to replace the user input piece of code with a default value for the subject line, but I can't figure it out. And only once this is done, can I then start to try and get code working for the second problem - so I'm stuck on both counts.
Thanks again!! Kind regards, Tom
Has anyone had any luck in figuring out how to use the react library https://react-day-picker.js.org/docs/input/
With Capybara/Selenium? Unfortunately it doesn't allow simply typing in the text such as MM/DD/YYYY like most date-pickers. This only allows mouse selection.
Or is specifically setting the value basically the only way to do so?
Without an example which shows the actual configuration of react-day-picker you're dealing with it's impossible to say exactly what you need to do, but the general rule is if you are testing the sites functionality then do what a user would need to do. In your case that may mean click on the forward/back month arrows until you get to the desired month, then click on the specific day element. Assuming the date you want to select is in the future (September 20, 2019) it would be something like
caption = find('.DayPicker-Caption')
until caption.has_text?('September 2019', wait: 0) do
current_month = caption.text
# wait for month to change
expect(caption).not_to have_text(current_month)
find('.DayPicker-Day', exact_text: '20').click
If you're not actually testing functionality (web scraping, etc) then you can use execute_script to call the react-day-picker JS API and set a specific date.
I found a 5 month old lua script to automatically farm currency and items in a mobile game called Soda Dungeon, the script was finicky when I found it and wouldn't work properly so I'm trying to fix it with very little lua experience.
Here is the code Ive edited: http://pastebin.com/U9Ymej0z
it runs fine until it tries to start the dungeon and I get this error:
Runtime error: com.appautomatic.ankulua.f:
Can't find dungeon_level_up.png
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'continueClick'
?: in function <?:291>
(tail call):?
217: in function 'main'
239: in main chunk
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I don't know anything about Ankulua but a quick session with our best buddy google gave me this:
They give those functions:
continueClick(x, y, xRandom, yRandom, times)
continueClick(PSMRL, times [,timeout])
They say continueClick will click on a position given by x,y or PSMRL, which will resolve in a postion as well.
You enter a string that contains an image name.
I assume the message
Can't find dungeon_level_up.png
Is rather an exception text of some find(PS) function inside Ankulua than a problem with finding an image file. Replace that image name with some coordinates and check what is happening.
I would not trust that function call in your script as the author of that script added a comment that he does not know what continueClick returns. So maybe he did not know how to use it as well.
The documentation says:
There is no return value.
Btw, the author of Ankulua offered support via mail. So why don't you ask him? I'm sure he'll be of better help than anyone here.
let me offer you another alternative method, just a few simple click you and drag
It doesn't require root,
background service Installation can be found at the following
currently only works on ARM
for Android 5.0+
for Android 4.2~4.4
feel free to send me message to ask for question
here is what it can do
check out the blog, it contains tutorials, and video demo
Hope everything works out for you,
I am writing UI automation tests for an iOS native app using Appium and gradually realizing how most of the element locating strategies don't reliably work for iOS. Apart from XPath which randomly works, other options that I have are:
Accessibility ID (did not work for me)
name (not every element will have value for 'name' attribute)
class (makes sense when you are working with a list of elements)
iOS UiAutomation predicates (steep learning curve for beginners)
I have been trying to understand how to use iOS UiAutomation locator strategy and find elements using it but it's not working on Appium Inspector. I have referred to these documentations (Appium iOS Predicate reference, Apple UIAutomation reference) but I feel they cater to an advanced Appium user audience who have some knowledge on iOS development, not for beginners.
Currently the element hierarchy that I am trying to find element in is something like this:
My current automation setup is:
XCode 6.3.2
Appium 1.4.8
iOS 8.3
Appium Java Client 3.1.0
What will be the locator I can use to locate the highlighted element using UiAutomation predicate strategy? I have been trying a few options on the Appium Inspector like:
applications()[0].windows()[0].navigationBars()[0].textFields().withPredicate("value == 'Search eBay'")
.textFields().withPredicate("value == 'Search eBay'")
These did not work. What am I doing wrong here? Are there any other documentations which clearly explain iOS UiAutomation locators from ground-up? It will really help if someone can explain these basics.
I have never worked with Appium before but I have worked with UIAutomation in javascript.
You can probably find the element using:
....textFields().firstWithName("Search eBay")
Note that UIAuatomation uses UIAccessibility protocol. The value for UITextField is its accessibilityValue and that one will be equal to the searched text, not the placeholder. Once you type something to the field, you will be able to use value.
Of course, in your case grabbing the first text field would work too, as there is only one in the navigation bar.
Just use this .navigationsBars()["EBUH_whateverstring"].textfields()["Search eBay"].textfields()["Search eBay"].
Better way is to ask dev to add accessibility id in case the code is in Obj-C or accessibility identifier if the app code is in Swift. Otherwise if the passed on element value is dynamic then the test will fail in asserting or doing action upon this element.
Another failsafe method is using array values.
.navigationsBars()[0].textfields()[0].textfields()[0] --> Check the array values of your element is [0] or any other. U can use this appium app to get the array value from where it shows xpath value for the element. Or you can use XCode Instruments if you have access to the code to find the exact value as UIAutomation interprets it.
If you are trying to find elements in Appium you will have to write code to do so. Assuming you are using Java, which is what I am using for code, the way you locate these elements is through the driver, tables, and rows.
What do I mean by this? Each element has an XPath associated with it, so one way of doing this is saying
This can be very useful when trying to run assertions, for example. using the above code, let us say we want to assert that its name is valid. we can say:
AssertEquals(driver.findElementByXPath("xpath_string_here").getAttribute("name"), 'Practice Example");
When I mention tables and rows, I mean doing something like this:
MobileElement table = (MobileElement) driver.findElementByXPath("string here");
List<WebElement> rows = driver.findElementByClassName("Class name here");
What does this code do? it creates a variable of type MobileElement which will go through the xPath you want, and then the rows value will find elements of that class name present inside of that table view. So in the above image, I would stop at the XPath for the UIAWindow, and then tell my rows to find the elements using class name of "UIAButton" for example.
At this point it is a matter of a simple loop if you want to run some actions on them such as .click(); using their indexes using the .get(int i) method. So for example: rows.get(i).click();
Does this help you with your question?