How to minimize the complexity of this code ,by avoiding it to traverse all the jenkins job(lets say 5000 jobs?) - jenkins

I'm changing my jenkins job's SCM url from, lets say gitlab to github by using Groovy script. Is there any way to minimize the complexity of this code ?
I have used Jenkins.instance.items.each {} which traverses through all the jobs in my jenkins
import hudson.plugins.git.*
import jenkins.*
import jenkins.model.*
def modifyGitUrl(url) {
def newurl = url.replace("source", "destination")
return newurl
def modifyGitID(credentialsId) {
def newID = ("Jenkins User ID")
return newID
Jenkins.instance.items.each {
if( == "expected name"){
if (it.scm instanceof GitSCM) {
def oldScm = it.scm
def newUserRemoteConfigs = oldScm.userRemoteConfigs.collect {
new UserRemoteConfig(modifyGitUrl(it.url),, it.refspec, modifyGitID(it.credentialsId))
def newScm = new GitSCM(newUserRemoteConfigs, oldScm.branches, oldScm.doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations,
oldScm.submoduleCfg, oldScm.browser, oldScm.gitTool, oldScm.extensions)
it.scm = newScm


How to list a windows share folder by active choices parameter or extened choice parameter in jenkins

I tryed to write a groovy script with extened choice parameter:
import jcifs.smb.*
try {
def source = "smb://192.168.1.xx/build/"
NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication("mydc", "jenkins", "*****");
def dir = new SmbFile(source, auth)
// def dir = new SmbFile(source)
def files = dir.listFiles()
return ["xx"]
def list = []
for (SmbFile f : files)
list << f.getName()
list << "xx"
return list
} catch (Exception e1) {
return [e1.getMessage()]
but then I get the exception:
Failed to connect:<00>/192.168.1.xx .
I have open the server's smb1 support.
How can I list the smb folder or file with jenkins parameter choice?
I find the solution my self:
try {
def source = "\\\\192.168.xx.xx\\xx\\xx"
def dir = new File(source)
def list = []
dir.eachFile(FileType.DIRECTORIES) {
list <<
return list
} catch (Exception e1) {
return [e1.getMessage()]
maybe I have saw the answer some place, but my java is so poor, I didn't understand. I tried many times to get the solution.

Install Snyk in Jenkins "Global Tool Configuration" using groovy

I'm trying to add a Snyk installation to Jenkins using groovy. The plugin is installed and I can see the installation option in Global Tool Configuration:
The problem is the Descriptor is not available until I manually add the installer and click Save. If I don't do this task manually, which I want to prevent, it causes my code to fail with the following error message "Cannot invoke method setInstallations() on null object"
My code:
import hudson.model.*
import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.tasks.*
def snyk_name = "Snyk"
def snyk_home = ""
def snyk_installer = new SnykInstaller("", "latest", 24)
def snyk_properties = new InstallSourceProperty([snyk_installer])
def instance = Jenkins.getInstance()
println("[init.groovy.d] START Configuring Snyk Installation...")
// Get the GlobalConfiguration descriptor of Snyk plugin.
def snyk_conf = instance.getDescriptor("io.snyk.jenkins.SnykStepBuilder.SnykStepBuilderDescriptor")
def snyk_inst = new SnykInstallation(
// Only add the new Snyk setting if it does not exist - do not overwrite existing config
def snyk_installations = snyk_conf.getInstallations()
def snyk_inst_exists = false
snyk_installations.each {
installation = (SnykInstallation) it
if (snyk_inst.getName() == installation.getName()) {
snyk_inst_exists = true
println("Found existing installation: " + installation.getName())
if (!snyk_inst_exists) {
snyk_installations += snyk_inst
snyk_conf.setInstallations((SnykInstallation[]) snyk_installations)
// Save the state
println("[init.groovy.d] END")
Is there any way to do what I want programmatically?
After testing your groovy on my local Jenkins (v 2.263.1) I came up with the below which then worked for me:
import hudson.model.*
import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.tasks.*
def instance = Jenkins.getInstance()
def snyk_name = "SnykLatest"
def snyk_home = ""
def snyk_installer = new SnykInstaller("", "latest", 24L, null)
def snyk_properties = new InstallSourceProperty([snyk_installer])
println("[init.groovy.d] START Configuring Snyk Installation...")
// Get the GlobalConfiguration descriptor of Snyk plugin.
def snyk_conf = instance.getDescriptor("")
def snyk_inst = new SnykInstallation(
// Only add the new Snyk setting if it does not exist - do not overwrite existing config
def snyk_installations = snyk_conf.getInstallations()
def snyk_inst_exists = false
snyk_installations.each {
installation = (SnykInstallation) it
if (snyk_inst.getName() == installation.getName()) {
snyk_inst_exists = true
println("Found existing installation: " + installation.getName())
if (!snyk_inst_exists) {
snyk_installations += snyk_inst
snyk_conf.setInstallations((SnykInstallation[]) snyk_installations)
// Save the state
println("[init.groovy.d] END")
In basic Terms the SnykInstaller was expecting 4 values not 3. Groovy also took the 3rd value as an Integer when it was expecting a Long Value.

Dynamically add path in Groovy

I'm trying to add new functionality, without refactoring the entire code. Actually the code calls msg.typeOfMsg('msg'), but I want to add validation when it comes true change all the typeOfMsg to a specific type:
def specialRule = true
def message = changeMessageType()
def changeMessageType() {
def toInform = { def message -> thePath.toChange.inform(message) }
return specialRule ? [reprove : toInform, approve : toInform] : thePath.toChange
println(message.reprove('Standart reprove message')
This is the solution I found, it works, but I have a lot of message types and custom message types, there's some way to dynamically change all calls to inform, without refactoring all the code to calls something like message(typeOfMessage, message)?
Here's a runnable version
def message = changeMessageType()
def changeMessageType() {
def originalPath = new OriginalPath()
def specialRule = true
def toInform = { def message -> originalPath.inform(message) }
return specialRule ? [reprove : toInform, approve : toInform] : originalPath
message.approve('Standart reprove message')
class OriginalPath {
def reprove(message) {
println "Reprove: ${message}"
def approve(message) {
println "Approve: ${message}"
def inform(message) {
println "Inform: ${message}"

Groovy code works, Then in Jenkins it doesn't. How can I make this work?

I am trying to augment the 'load' pipeline step function and I keep getting an error. I have found the code it executes based on the stack trace but I can't for the life of me figure out why it wouldn't just call the code as written.
I have written lots-and-lots of Java code so I know what it's trying to do. I just don't understand why it's trying to do it or how to convince it to stop! The groovy sample works perfectly! BTW: if there is an idiomatic way to do this in groovy/jenkins, I am all in.
Jenkins version: 2.176.1
Groovy plugin: 2.2
def someFunction(def params){
println("someFunction ${params}")
def someFunction2(def params){
println("someFunction2 ${params}")
def mainFunc(def stuff){
def somemainThingrunFunmain(){
def ___cps___21685(){
def ___cps___21688(){
def loaded = evaluate('test.groovy' as File)
def toAugment = loaded.class.declaredMethods*.name.findAll { !(it =~ '^(main|run)$|^[$]|^(___cps___)') }
def proxy = new Script(this.binding) {
Object run() {
toAugment.each {
proxy.metaClass."${it}" = { "logging ${it}".tap { println(it)} } >> loaded.&"${it}"
proxy.someFunction('hello world1')
proxy.someFunction2('hello world2')
someFunction hello world1
someFunction2 hello world2
Now in Jenkins:
library 'common-libraries#chb0'
node('java') {
stage('SCM') {
checkout scm
def loaded = load('test.groovy')
stage('experiment') {
loaded.someFunction('hello world1')
loaded.someFunction2('hello world2')
adapted library (in common-library:vars/load.groovy):
def call(String path) {
def loaded = steps.load(path)
def proxy = new Script(this.getBinding()) { // error here
Object run() {
// remove groovy and jenkins generated functions. Don't touch those
def toAugment = loaded.class.declaredMethods*.name.findAll { !(it =~ '^(main|run)$|^[$]|^(___cps___)') }
toAugment.each {
proxy.metaClass."${it}" = { "logging ${it}".tap { println(it) } } >> loaded.&"${it}"
groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Could not find matching constructor for: load$1(load, Script1, groovy.lang.Binding)
at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeConstructor(
at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeConstructor(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.MetaClassConstructorSite.callConstructor(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCallConstructor(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite.callConstructor(
at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.sandbox.DefaultInvoker.constructorCall(

issues with groovy script

I have the following groovy script that does the following
- checks all the builds for a specific job to see if it has the same build parameter as the current build
- stops the build with the same parameter as the current build
import hudson.tasks.Ant
def myBuildNumber = build.getEnvVars()['BUILD_NUMBER'].toInteger();
def myFractureNO = build.getEnvVars()['FRACTURE_NO'].toInteger();
def projectXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText("curl".execute().text); {
if(it.number.toInteger() < myBuildNumber)
def jobXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(("curl" + it.number + "/api/xml").execute().text);
def myparams = jobXml.getAction(hudson.model.ParametersAction.class);
for( p in myparams ) {
if ( == "FRACTURE_NO") {
if (p.value.toString() == myFractureNO.toString()) {
"curl" + it.number + "/stop".execute().waitFor();
the script outputs a bunch of urls to the screen because of the line:
def projectXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText("curl".execute().text);
and it doesn't do what it suppose to do. How can I make it so that the line
def projectXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText("curl".execute().text);
doesn't output the urls to the screen?
I get the following output
Why do I get the output above?
Why are you invoking curl at all? Just retrieve the contents of the URL from groovy:
def xmlString = new URL("").getText()
def projectXML = new XMLSlurper().parseText(xmlString)
XmlSlurper can parse the URL directly:
def projectXml = new XmlSlurper().parse('')
I think the output on screen is because of curl. So can try to silence it with -s or --silent option:
def projectXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText("curl -s ''".execute().text);
