how to run neo4j source code and support remote debug? - neo4j

I want to use driver to connect the neo4j server, and debug the code of server part.
I have add the "dbms.jvm.additional=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005" in neo4j.conf, and then how to run the source code?

After configuring the server for remote debugging, just run the server using the appropriate instructions for the server's environment.


Remote connection using SwiftNIO SSH

I am working on a solution that would Read/Write Server files from remote gateway system to the local storage of iOS device using SwiftNIO SSH. This way I would be able to execute shell commands. I checked in Swift's website but couldn't find specific implementation:
How should I proceed or is there any other workaround?
The implementation is here: There are some examples in the repository.

Create Neo4j database dump with JQAssistant

I want to create a dump of the database that JQAssistant creates with a scan. So far i have tried to do this with the integrated server and by connecting jqassistant to a running database.
The problem with the integrated database is that i can't access a shell and therefore i don't know how i could create the dump.
Connecting to the running database also didn't work. I assume the problem here is the encryption, my server is running local and trying to connect to it with scan -f my-project.jar -storeUri bolt://localhost:7687 -storeUsername neo4j -storePassword secret
which is the example from the jqa tutorial throws the error: General SSLEngine problem
so i assume i can't connect without ssl encryption.
I am using Neo4j server 3.5.15 and JQAssistant Commandline Tool version 1.9 which uses an integrated Neo4j 3.5.14 server.
If you can give me an new idea how to create a data dump out of the scan or how to fix one of the two given problems i would appreciate that a lot!
Thanks in advance!
I couldn't figure out a way to export the database with the commandline tool, but with the maven plugin. If you setup a maven project and include jqassistant as a plugin it offers you the option "export-database" which creates a Cypher script.

unable to deploy .net project using TFS IIS app deployment task

I am trying to deploy my project to IIS using TFS Winrm:IIS web app deployment task. I am new to this.
I am getting the following error'
"Deployment failed on machine xxx with following message : System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSRemotingTransportException: Connecting to remote server xxx failed with the following error message : The client cannot connect to the destination specified in the request. Verify that the service on the destination is running and is accepting requests. Consult the logs and documentation for the WS-Management service running on the destination, most commonly IIS or WinRM. If the destination is the WinRM service, run the following command on the destination to analyze and configure the WinRM service: "winrm quickconfig". "
I was able deploy the project to the same remote server using TFS Winrm: windows machine file copy task which is the prior step for web app deployment to IIS. Winrm service is running and when it type the "winrm quickconfig i am getting "winrm is already been configured".
What am i missing here ? please suggest. Thanks in advance.
The Winrm:IIS task is actually MSDeploy from Machine A to Machine B so for this to work you need to install MSDeploy on Machine B. You should then be ok to deploy from Machine A. Check this article out for more information and to see if you have all the pre-requisite. Also these articles have a bit more info.
The issue was resolved when i enable remote powershell remoting my remote machine using the command Enable-PSRemoting –force

Running an Ant script to prepare a Database in Bluemix

I have an Ant script that I use to populate/prepare a database. All I need is to set the host, port and credentials for the database. It works fine for MySQL and DB2, the DB just need to be reachable from were the script is executed.
The DB service in Bluemix gives me a DB with an IP (75.x.x.x) that is only reachable from the internal network of Bluemix, it is not accessible externally.
My understanding is that my ant script needs to be executed from inside the Bluemix network/servers.
How can I do that?
What would be the alternatives?
I'm considering to create a NodeJS script to trigger that ant internally, but I'm not sure if it will work properly.
dashDB always had the ability for local clients (outside of Bluemix) to connect to the cloud database, and SQL Database later added the feature as well. So you should be able to populate a database as long as you have the correct driver client installed on your local machine.
Can you provide more details on how you tested that the IP is not reachable? Is there a firewall put in place between your local machine and Bluemix? Note that ping is not a good test because the port is blocked for security reasons. You may try the JDBC port indicated on the connection page from the console.
See link for instructions on how to make a connection:
You might be able to use a simple custom buildpack. You can start with a sample like this one:
fork it and modify the bin/compile script to run your ant task instead. Then put your ant script (and probably executable as I expect it is not installed in the Bluemix environment) in a directory and run
cf push <appname> -b <your forked git url>
To push it to Bluemix and run it. If you're just using it once you can probably get away with hard-coding the address and credentials, or else you can bind to the same service instance and get the info from VCAP_SERVICES.

how weblogic connection with Database work

I have a Weblogic server that connects to a database, how can i test the connection between them in the command line?
Is there any command I can use to see if they have a connection between them?
You can perform a very basic test of the connection from the machine that weblogic is running on to your database by using telnet <database server address> <database port>. Usually a blank return prompt means a successful connection.
Please note that this does not really test the connection from your weblogic application server but rather from the machine it is running on. I know you mentioned a command line test but if you have access to the weblogic console a better test would be to initiate a test from the database monitoring tab.
