unexpected symbol near ) - lua

unexpected symbol near ')' on Line 10
I am new to programming and have followed everything in "LUA Tutorial 10b"
hook.Add( "PlayerSay", "CommandIdent", function( ply, text, team )
if( text == "!hurt" ) then
ply:SetHealth( ply:Health() - 25 )
if( ply:Health() <= 0 ) then
return "OUCH!"
if( string.sub( text, 1, 4, ) == "/ooc" ) then
return "[OOC]" .. string.sub( text, 5 )
end )
The script should translate "/ooc (message)" to "[OOC] (message)" when a user types it in game.

As stated by #char on the comments, apparently you've got an extra comma inline 10
if( string.sub( text, 1, 4, ) == "/ooc" ) then
It should be
if( string.sub( text, 1, 4 ) == "/ooc" ) then\
As stated in the lua wiki.


How to find all entries in a Lua table for Corona SDK display objects?

I followed this tutorial in Corona SDK documentation.
I am trying to print all the entries and subtables, and the entries in those subtables from a display object.
In Corona SDK, a display object is a Lua table and so I tried the basic things, as listed in the tutorial.
for k,v in pairs(myTable) do
print( k,v )
There is also a fancier function that should output all subtables, namely:
local function printTable( t )
local printTable_cache = {}
local function sub_printTable( t, indent )
if ( printTable_cache[tostring(t)] ) then
print( indent .. "*" .. tostring(t) )
printTable_cache[tostring(t)] = true
if ( type( t ) == "table" ) then
for pos,val in pairs( t ) do
if ( type(val) == "table" ) then
print( indent .. "[" .. pos .. "] => " .. tostring( t ).. " {" )
sub_printTable( val, indent .. string.rep( " ", string.len(pos)+8 ) )
print( indent .. string.rep( " ", string.len(pos)+6 ) .. "}" )
elseif ( type(val) == "string" ) then
print( indent .. "[" .. pos .. '] => "' .. val .. '"' )
print( indent .. "[" .. pos .. "] => " .. tostring(val) )
print( indent..tostring(t) )
if ( type(t) == "table" ) then
print( tostring(t) .. " {" )
sub_printTable( t, " " )
print( "}" )
sub_printTable( t, " " )
But neither of these actually print out all the entries in these tables. If I create a simple rectangle and try to use either of the functions, I only get two tables but I know that there's more there:
local myRectangle = display.newRect( 0, 0, 120, 40 )
for k,v in pairs(myRectangle) do
print( k,v ) -- prints out "_class table, _proxy userdata"
print( myRectangle.x, myRectangle.width ) -- but this prints out "0, 120"
-- But if I were to add something to the table, then the loop finds that as well, e.g.
local myRectangle = display.newRect( 0, 0, 120, 40 )
myRectangle.secret = "hello"
for k,v in pairs(myRectangle) do
print( k,v ) -- prints out "_class table, _proxy userdata, secret hello"
So, how can I print out everything included in a display object? Clearly these two approaches don't get the entries in the main display object table.
In general you can't, as you may have a metatable associated with that table that will generate results for fields "on the fly". In this case you get back something like a ShapeObject that provides methods like fill, path, setFillColor and others, but these methods are hidden behind a userdata object. It also provides inheritance, so there are some fields you can query that "belong" to other classes. You can use pairs/ipairs to get the list of keys in the table, which is what you get in your example (and setting secret adds a new key to the table).
Regarding properties (not methods) of display object - display objects in Corona have special property displayObject._properties Documentation
_properties will return string, so you have two approaches of printing it:
local myRectangle = display.newRect( 0, 0, 120, 40 )
-- Approach 1:
-- Prettify here to make better readability to json
local json = require("json")
print("myRectangle._properties: ", json.prettify( myRectangle._properties ) )
-- Approach 2:
local json = require("json")
local myRectangleProps = json.decode(myRectangle._properties) -- I skipped error handling here, because there shouldn't be any
for k,v in pairs(myRectangleProps) do
print( k,v ) -- prints x 0, width 120, etc

Attempt to call global (a nil value)

I'm trying to spawn asteroids in this game every few seconds. But whenever I run the game, I get an error that says
stack traceback:
main.lua:277: in function '_listener'
?: in function '?'
?: in function <?:172>
I've tried moving some of the code around but it's not helping. My professor looked at my code and doesn't know exactly what the issue is, but that the loop that I'm using is missing a something. Here is all the code that includes "createAsteroid"
EDIT: I added my entire main.lua file to this question. The separate files that I do have in this project are the character and the background image, everything else besides the config file is in here. I did try deleting an extra end In the gameLoop function but when I did, I got an error that basically said it expected an end there.
display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )
local sampleUI = require( "sampleUI.sampleUI" )
local physics = require( "physics" )
math.randomseed( os.time() )
local composer = require( "composer" )
local mainScene = display.newGroup()
display.getCurrentStage():insert( mainScene )
-- Frequently used variables
local centerX = display.contentCenterX
local centerY = display.contentCenterY
local originX = display.screenOriginX
local originY = display.screenOriginY
local width = display.actualContentWidth
local height = display.actualContentHeight
local score = 0
local died = false
local asteroidsTable = {}
local player
local gameLoopTimer
local scoreText
local uiGroup = display.newGroup() -- Display group for UI objects like the score
-- Load background and character from "background.lua" and "character.lua" respectively
local background = require( "background" )
mainScene:insert( background )
local character = require( "character" )
mainScene:insert( character )
local asteroid = display.newImage( "asteroid.png", 180, -50 )
asteroid.rotation = 5
physics.addBody( asteroid, { density=3.0, friction=0.5, bounce=0.3, radius=25 })
-- Movement logic variables
local movementSpeed = 1.5
local moving = false
local moveDirection = "down"
-- Sets if the character should move and updates sprite animation
local function setMoving( state )
moving = state
if ( moving ) then
-- Sets the direction that the player should move and updates the character's sprite facing
local function setMovementDirection( direction )
-- Don't change anything if we haven't altered direction
if ( moveDirection == direction ) then
-- Update the sprite playback
moveDirection = direction
character:setSequence( "walk-" .. direction )
-- Refresh animation playback, which can pause after changing the sprite sequence
setMoving( moving )
-- Set movement magnitudes
local movementX = 0
local movementY = 0
local function setMovement( x, y )
local updatedMovement = false
-- Horizontal movement checks
if ( movementX ~= x and nil ~= x ) then
movementX = x
updatedMovement = true
-- Abort if nothing is updating
-- We do this since axis/key events can fire multiple times with the same values
if ( not updatedMovement ) then
-- Determine movement direction
if ( 0 ~= movementX or 0 ~= movementY ) then
-- Favor horizontal animations over vertical ones
if ( math.abs( movementX ) >= math.abs( movementY ) ) then
if ( 0 < movementX ) then
setMovementDirection( "right" )
setMovementDirection( "left" )
if ( 0 < movementY ) then
setMovementDirection( "down" )
setMovementDirection( "up" )
-- Update moving animation/variable
if ( 0 == movementX and 0 == movementY ) then
setMoving( false )
setMoving( true )
-- Handle character translation on the screen per frame
local function onFrameEnter()
if ( 0 ~= movementX ) then
character.x = character.x + ( movementSpeed * movementX )
setMoving( true )
if ( 0 ~= movementY ) then
character.y = character.y + ( movementSpeed * movementY )
setMoving( true )
Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", onFrameEnter )
local padGraphic, padButtonUp, padButtonDown, padButtonLeft, padButtonRight
-- Determine if we have a joystick connected or not
local inputDevices = system.getInputDevices()
local function getHasJoystick()
for i = 1, #inputDevices do
if ( "joystick" == inputDevices[i].type ) then
return true
return false
local hasJoystick = getHasJoystick()
-- If we don't have any controllers found, create a virtual D-pad controller
if ( not hasJoystick ) then
-- Called when one of the virtual D-pad buttons are used
local function onTouchEvent( event )
local phase = event.phase
local targetID = event.target.id
if ( "began" == phase or "moved" == phase ) then
if ( "up" == targetID ) then
setMovement( 0, -1 )
elseif ( "down" == targetID ) then
setMovement( 0, 1 )
elseif ( "left" == targetID ) then
setMovement( -1, 0 )
elseif ( "right" == targetID ) then
setMovement( 1, 0 )
elseif ( "padGraphic" == targetID ) then
setMovement( 0, 0 )
elseif ( "ended" == phase or "cancelled" == phase ) then
-- An alternative to checking for "cancelled" is to set focus on the control
-- However, we don't want an incoming phone call to bug out input
if ( "up" == targetID or "down" == targetID ) then
setMovement( nil, 0 )
elseif ( "left" == targetID or "right" == targetID ) then
setMovement( 0, nil )
return true
-- Display score
scoreText = display.newText( uiGroup, "Score: " .. score, 400, 40, native.systemFont, 36 )
-- Hide the status bar
display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )
local function updateText()
scoreText.text = "Score: " .. score
local function createAsteroid()
local newAsteroid = display.newImageRect( mainGroup, objectSheet, 1, 102, 85 )
table.insert( asteroidsTable, newAsteroid )
physics.addBody( newAsteroid, "dynamic", { radius=25, bounce=0.8 } )
newAsteroid.myName = "asteroid"
local whereFrom = math.random( 3 )
if ( whereFrom == 1 ) then
-- From the left
newAsteroid.x = -60
newAsteroid.y = math.random( 500 )
newAsteroid:setLinearVelocity( math.random( 40,120 ), math.random( 20,60 ) )
elseif ( whereFrom == 2 ) then
-- From the top
newAsteroid.x = math.random( display.contentWidth )
newAsteroid.y = -60
newAsteroid:setLinearVelocity( math.random( -40,40 ), math.random( 40,120 ) )
elseif ( whereFrom == 3 ) then
-- From the right
newAsteroid.x = display.contentWidth + 60
newAsteroid.y = math.random( 500 )
newAsteroid:setLinearVelocity( math.random( -120,-40 ), math.random( 20,60 ) )
newAsteroid:applyTorque( math.random( -6,6 ) )
-- Create the visuals for the on-screen D-pad
local padSize = 200
padGraphic = display.newImageRect( mainScene, "pad.png", padSize, padSize )
padGraphic.x = originX + padSize/2 - 40
padGraphic.y = height + originY - padSize/2 + 40
padGraphic.alpha = 0.35
padGraphic.id = "padGraphic"
padGraphic:addEventListener( "touch", onTouchEvent )
-- Creates one of the invisible virtual D-pad buttons
local function createPadButton( buttonID, offsetX, offsetY )
local btn = display.newRect( mainScene, padGraphic.x+offsetX, padGraphic.y+offsetY, padSize/5, padSize/5 )
btn:addEventListener( "touch", onTouchEvent )
btn.id = buttonID
btn.isVisible = false
btn.isHitTestable = true
return btn
-- Create buttons for handling the D-pad input
padButtonUp = createPadButton( "up", 0, padSize/-5 )
padButtonDown = createPadButton( "down", 0, padSize/5 )
padButtonLeft = createPadButton( "left", padSize/-5, 0 )
padButtonRight = createPadButton( "right", padSize/5, 0 )
local function gameLoop()
-- Create new asteroid
-- Remove asteroids which have drifted off screen
for i = #asteroidsTable, 1, -1 do
local thisAsteroid = asteroidsTable[i]
if ( thisAsteroid.x < -100 or
thisAsteroid.x > display.contentWidth + 100 or
thisAsteroid.y < -100 or
thisAsteroid.y > display.contentHeight + 100 )
display.remove( thisAsteroid )
table.remove( asteroidsTable, i )
timer.performWithDelay(1000, gameLoop, 0)
-- Detect if a joystick axis is being used
local joystickInUse = false
-- Keyboard input configuration
local keyUp = "up"
local keyDown = "down"
local keyLeft = "left"
local keyRight = "right"
-- Called when a key event has been received
local function onKeyEvent( event )
local keyName = event.keyName
local phase = event.phase
-- Handle movement keys events; update movement logic variables
if ( not joystickInUse ) then
if ( "down" == phase ) then
if ( keyUp == keyName ) then
setMovement( nil, -1 )
elseif ( keyDown == keyName ) then
setMovement( nil, 1 )
elseif ( keyLeft == keyName ) then
setMovement( -1, nil )
elseif ( keyRight == keyName ) then
setMovement( 1, nil )
elseif ( "up" == phase ) then
if ( keyUp == keyName ) then
setMovement( nil, 0 )
elseif ( keyDown == keyName ) then
setMovement( nil, 0 )
elseif ( keyLeft == keyName ) then
setMovement( 0, nil )
elseif ( keyRight == keyName ) then
setMovement( 0, nil )
return false
Runtime:addEventListener( "key", onKeyEvent )
-- We only support advanced controllers when one is detected
if ( getHasJoystick ) then
-- Detect axis event updates
local function onAxisEvent( event )
local value = event.normalizedValue
local axis = event.axis.type
local descriptor = event.axis.descriptor
-- We only care about "x" and "y" input events
-- However, touch-screen events can fire these as well so we filter them out
if ( ( "x" ~= axis and "y" ~= axis ) or ( string.find( descriptor, "Joystick" ) == nil ) ) then
-- Detect zero movement at a certain cutoff so we don't get the character moving very, very slowly
if ( math.abs(value) < 0.15 ) then
value = 0
-- Based on which axis type we are dealing with, set movement variables
if ( "x" == axis ) then
setMovement( value, nil )
elseif ( "y" == axis ) then
setMovement( nil, value )
-- Some devices will send both up/down/left/right keys and the axis value
-- We let our code know that we are using a joystick value so they do not conflict
if ( 0 ~= value ) then
joystickInUse = true
joystickInUse = false
Runtime:addEventListener( "axis", onAxisEvent )
local function onCollision( event )
if ( ( obj1.myName == "player" and obj2.myName == "asteroid" ) or
( obj1.myName == "asteroid" and obj2.myName == "player" ) )
display.remove( player )
ship.alpha = 0
timer.performWithDelay( 1000, restoreShip )
Runtime:addEventListener( "collision", onCollision )
Go to line 277 in your file main.lua
You will find a function call createAsteroid(). Within this scope createAsteroid is not defined.
So let's see if we can find a definition for createAsteroid in this file.
Line 218: local function createAsteroid() ...
Check if the function call is within the scope of that function...
No! It is inside an if-statement while the function call is outside that statement. As createAsteroid is local to that if-statement it is unknown (nil) inside gameLoop and hence may not be called.
Finding such scope issues could be very easy if you had proper indentation!

Why is my EA not moving my position to breakeven?

I'm attempting to modify my market orders to breakeven the position when the position get 100 pips to the good. This also accounts for the StopLevels which are around 20-30 pips for my broker. It checks the param's via a "for(){...} loop" function
The MagicNumber is the timeframe number for the chart it is on (i.e. 240=4H, 60=1H) I don't set a TakeProfit price & initially no StopLoss price.
The EA is not adding a SL to be equal to the opening price when the trade reaches 100 pip in profit (plus stoplevels). Profit points reaches well over 130 points.
My code is below for a OP_SELL order - any help would be appreciated. Regards, Todd
/*Global Declarations*/
double pnlPoints;
double price, sl, tp;
double point;
int stopLevel;
int breakeven;
double newSL;
/*Local Declaratons*/
pnlPoints = 0;
point = MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_POINT );
stopLevel = int( MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL )
+ MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD )
sl = NormalizeDouble( OrderStopLoss(), Digits );
tp = OrderTakeProfit();
breakeven = 100;
for( int s = OrdersTotal() - 1; s >= 0; s-- )
{ if ( ( OrderSelect( s, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES ) ) == true )
price = MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_ASK );
newSL = NormalizeDouble( OrderOpenPrice(), Digits );
pnlPoints = ( OrderOpenPrice() - price ) / point;
if ( OP_SELL == OrderType() )
if ( Period() == OrderMagicNumber() )
if ( stopLevel < ( newSL - price ) / point )
if ( breakeven < pnlPoints )
if ( newSL != sl )
ModSell = OrderModify( OrderTicket(),
else if ( ModBuy == false )
{ Print( "OrderModify failed with error #",
For the moment being,refine the codeandadd self-debuging / tracing code
After OrderModify() use a self-debugging / journaling Print( StringFormat( ... ) ) to document all instructed values used in the actual OrderModify() call and also the remote-execution ( { server-side | StrategyTester } ) reported issues.
The current code does not enter into such self-diagnostics and ModSell is not inspected at all, ModBuy is inspected only at uncertain conditions / by-coincidence at some future visit of the for(){...} code-execution path to a part after newSL == sl ( and all above stated conditions are just by chance met too )
Next, check an assigned value of tp
As stated above,
/*Local Declarations*/
tp = OrderTakeProfit();
which introduces a reasonable doubt, that re-using of this ( inherently uncertain value, as no one knows, which OrderSelect() was the last one that set a db.Pool pointer to decide, from which record from the db.Pool this veryOrderTakeProfit() would accidentally read ( if any record is present in db.Pool already ) inside the whole for(){...} traversing the db.Pool records will not meet conditions for setting properly a TakeProfit price in the next series of OrderModify() calls.
This seems to be the root cause, or a source of unhandled exceptions to the valid, Broker-compliant, OrderModify() values.
Try this:
if (newSL != sl ) {
ModSell = OrderModify( OrderTicket(),
if(ModBuy == false )
Print( "OrderModify failed with error #", GetLastError());
Then check the Expert-tab for error-message if it fails to set the stop.
Also, you need to take note that StopLoss will ONLY occur if you are on the right chart-timeframe; Otherwise, it won't even get into the if-statements.

Garry's mod menu script (lua)

function Team_Swap()
local Backg = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
Backg:SetSize( ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2 )
Backg:SetPos ( ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2 )
Backg:SetTitle( "Swap Teams" )
Backg:SetVisible ( true )
Backg:SetDraggable ( true )
Backg:ShowCloseButton ( true )
local DColorButton = vgui.Create ( "DColorButton", Backg )
DColorButton:SetPos( 40, 40 )
DColorButton:Paint( 100, 40 )
DColorButton:SetSize( 100, 40 )
DColorButton:SetText( "Join Red Team", Color( 221,78,76 ) )
DColorButton:SetColor( Color( 221,78,76 )
function DColorButton:DoClick(player)
concommand.Add( "set_team", Team_Swap )
This code runs fine... until you do its only purpose CLICK THE BUTTON
the button when clicked returns the following text in console
[ERROR] gamemodes/capturetheflag/gamemode/cl_init.lua:32: attempt to index local 'player' (a nil value)
1. DoClick - gamemodes/capturetheflag/gamemode/cl_init.lua:32
2. unknown - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:218
[n3wr3cycl3|20|STEAM_0:1:59994487] Lua Error:
[ERROR] gamemodes/capturetheflag/gamemode/cl_init.lua:32: attempt to index local 'player' (a nil value)
1. DoClick - gamemodes/capturetheflag/gamemode/cl_init.lua:32
2. unknown - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:218
please help!
First of all: You are mixing Clientside (vgui) and Serverside (Player:SetTeam()) Stuff.
(Explanation why you are running in this Error is in the Clientside Script)
My suggestion:
Clientside Script:
function Team_Select()
local Backg = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
Backg:SetSize( ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2 )
Backg:SetPos ( ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2 )
Backg:SetTitle( "Swap Teams" )
Backg:SetVisible ( true )
Backg:SetDraggable ( true )
Backg:ShowCloseButton ( true )
local TeamRedButton = vgui.Create ( "DColorButton", Backg )
TeamRedButton:SetPos( 40, 40 )
TeamRedButton:Paint( 100, 40 )
TeamRedButton:SetSize( 100, 40 )
TeamRedButton:SetText( "Join Red Team", Color( 221,78,76 ) )
TeamRedButton:SetColor( Color( 221,78,76 )
function TeamRedButton:DoClick() -- DoClick has 0 Params
RunConsoleCommand("switchteam", "red")
concommand.Add( "chooseteam", Team_Select )
And Serverside Script:
function Team_Switch( --[[ Player ]] player, --[[ String ]] cmd, --[[ Table ]] args)
-- Get the Parameter out of the Table (in my example "red" for the red team)
-- and move the player to the choosen Team
concommand.Add("switchteam", Team_Switch)
The Clientside Script is just the GUI for the user. The actual Teamswitch is handled by the server and can be initialized from the Client console as well.
The user is able to execute switchteam red directly
Source: My Experience and the GMod Wiki

Integer in the programming language Lua

I want to get all the numbers by table.concat
number = { 100.5, 0.90, 500.10 };
print( table.concat( number, ', ' ) )
-- output 100.5, 0.9, 500.1
number = { 100.5, 0.90, 500.10 };
print( table.concat( math.floor( number ), ', ' ) )
-- output 100
How can fix this bug?
You can't as there are no table transformation functions out of the box in Lua, you have to create a new table with transformed values and concat that:
number = { 100.5, 0.90, 500.10 };
intT ={}
for i, v in ipairs(number) do
table.insert(intT, math.ceil(v))
print( table.concat( intT, ', ' ) )
If you have lots of such transforms it is easy to create such transformer:
function map(f, t)
local newT ={}
for i, v in ipairs(t) do
table.insert(newT, f(v))
return newT
print( table.concat( map(math.ceil, number), ', ' ) )
