Opening port to host from Azure IoT Edge container module - azure-iot-edge

I wrote a custom Azure IoT Edge module (Node.js) that needs to talk to a WebSocket server running on the host (not in a container).
How can I open the IoT Edge module container on port 9090 to allow for this communication?

I got this to work by adding this to my create options for my module in the deployment json file:
"createOptions": {
"ExposedPorts": {
"9090/tcp": {}

The createOptions enables ingress where a process/container running on the host can talk to the module against the exposed port.
For egress to an endpoint on the host, there should be nothing needed. One can just use the hostIP:someport.

For outbound connectivity (from your module to some other endpoint), you do not need to configure anything on the module. That should work out of the box. There might, of course, be firewalls etc. running on your host.


How to set up docker with no_proxy settings

I'm setting up three docker containers on my own machine using docker compose:
One is a portal written with React.js (called portal)
One is a middleware layer with GraphQL (called gateway)
One is an auth service with node.js (called auth)
I also have a bunch of services already running behind a corporate firewall.
For the most part, gateway will request resources behind the firewall, so I have configured docker containers to proxy requests through a squid proxy with access to the additional services. However requests to my local auth service, and other local services should not proxied. As such, I have the following docker proxy configuration (note the noProxy settings):
"proxies": {
"default": {
"httpProxy": "",
"httpsProxy": "",
"noProxy": "auth,localhost,,"
With the above setup, portal requests do go directly to gateway through the browser using, but when gateway makes requests to auth using http://auth:3001/bar, they do not go directly to auth but instead do go through the proxy - which I am trying to avoid.
I can see the auth request is sent through the proxy with the squid proxy errors:
<p>The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http://auth:3001/bar</p>
How can I set up the docker containers to respect the noProxy setting using docker service names like auth? It appears to me that the request from gateway to auth is mistakingly being proxed through, causing it to not work. Thanks
Your Docker configuration seems fine, but your host doesn't understand how to resolve the name auth. Based on the IP given (192.168.x.x), I'll assume that you're attempting to reach the container service from the host. Add an entry for auth into your host's /etc/hosts (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts if on Windows).
Take a look at Linked docker-compose containers making http requests for more details.
If you run into issues reaching services from within the container, check docker-compose resolve hostname in url for an example.

How to access the docker embedded dns from outside the docker network

I run a dnsmasq-service in my docker network, which does -- by intent -- not forward queries towards the docker embedded dns but serves as a resolver for openvpn clients that are connected to an openvpn server in the same docker network.
Those openvpn clients require to talk to a third, proprietary service in the same docker network that they should discover by name. So I tried to add a route to the clients to so that they can resolve the service name via the embedded dns. But it refuses to answer to them, what I saw using tcpdump. I assume that is because the embedded dns is not meant to serve other networks than the specific docker network.
I really want to make the docker embedded dns answer one of my ovpn-clients directly.
Is that somehow possible?

Cannot curl Kubernetes service IP from the host

I am having the same problem as mentioned here: Cannot access kubernetes service via outside network. I have tried the solution mentioned using Ingress, but without any success.
My pods are up and running, along with my service.
I can curl any of the endpoints successfully from within a pod, but not able to curl from the host.
When I am using Ingress, the address field shows blank, and while trying to curl the hostname, it shows Could not resolve host.
I am using Kubernetes on Docker Edge, on a MacBook Pro.
How do I curl the service endpoint from the host?
First of all, please note that Kubernetes on MacOS runs separate virtual machine
to run Docker containers and Kubernetes as well. It is important to
understand that you can have a problem connecting from MacOS to some Kubernetes
resources. TCP connections are not realized in the same way they are in the cloud environment.
It depends on the configuration of the internetworking between MacOS and the VM where Kubernetes stack
is running.
(NAT, bridge, host only connection)
I suppose that you chose a NodePort Service and in this kind of configuration,
you need to know both: the IP address of a node and the port where Kubernetes started to listen to
the incoming connection. Ingress, in this case, analyses a host http header to determine
a route of the traffic. It’s similar to the Service created on type:NodePort. You need to call
a proper Ingress service. It is not obvious that service is listening on Well-Known Port.
In fact, It is a bit tricky, and it may not be easy to connect from MacOS to type:NodePort service
without knowing where did Kubernetes create a listening socket, and be sure that MacOS is actually
supporting routes to this TCP port from MacOS to VM.

How to programmatically specify the IP and port of a dependent docker container created by Marathon?

I am learning Micro-services architecture by writing a small web app. The app has the following components, each of which will be hosted by a docker container.
In my API Gateway which is written in NodeJS, there is some place I will call:
request('http://service_b_ip_addr:port/get_service_b', callback);
However, both service_b_ip_addr and port are not known until Marathon has the Service B's docker container created.
With some Service Discovery mechanism, such as mesos-dns or marathon-lb, I guess that I could just change service_b_ip_addr to something like
But I've no idea how should I put the port in my program.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I am using BRIDGED network mode given that multiple instances of a Service could locate on the same Mesos slave. So port is a NATted random number.
Take a look at this answer.
If you use marathon-lb then there is no need to pass a port because it's a proxy and it will know where service is just by name.
If you use mesos-dns you should make a SRV request to get ip and port. In node you can do it with dns.resolveSrv(hostname, callback) but your DNS must be exposed on defaul (53) port and supports SRV request (mesos-dns supports it).

How to tunnel to into the private network of my docker containers on Bluemix?

I have some docker containers running on Bluemix using private IP addresses. I would now like to setup a tunnel from my laptop (running linux) to access the private network on Bluemix.
I had first created a container running an ssh-server. Using ssh -D I was able to setup a SOCKS5 proxy connection. This worked fine with Chrome but not all applications support a SOCKS proxy.
(google-chrome --proxy-server=socks5://localhost:<tunnel port>)
So I tried to create a container with an OpenVPN server. Unfortunately this does not work on Bluemix as the containers are not running privileged and thus can not create a tun device.
Bluemix also has a VPN and a Secure Gateway service, which sound promising but so far I could not figure out how to get those working.
Does anybody know if it is possible to make the private docker network available locally and how to connect to that?
Generally speaking containers should be used to implement services available to external applications (an APIs service, or a runtime, or a dbms, or something like that).
According to this, what you could achieve is a set of services available for you on different containers, and a single container working as SSH tunnel gateway, making your local environment connected to it using SSH and defining a set of local and remote SSH ports forwarding, with different policies according to the service/port and the IP of the service.
It should work for all the services, and you haven't to use a socks proxy to forward requests to different hosts: using remote SSH forwarding your SSH endpoint will redirect your requests to the right service inside the local/private lan.
I found that this guide describes correctly how to work with local&remote port forwarding.
About the OpenVPN solution, as you already know it is not possible to use software requiring privileged mode on containers, because it couldn't be allowed on Bluemix due to security reasons: if you wish to have this kind of solution I strongly suggest you to use OpenVPN on a VM on Bluemix UK region (still beta but an architecture expected to be the final architecture as soon as VM service will become GA service)
I think that these options are the ones available on Bluemix to achieve what you describe without using the VPN service suggested by #bill-wentworth
