iOS SwiftUI: ObservableObject from parent to child - ios

Passing down the view model and modifying it from the children, won't refresh the parent.
What I want:
Whenever I modify the view model from the child view, the parent refresh too.
Problem description:
I'm looking for a way to pass down a ViewModel ObservedObject to some child views.
This is my struct:
struct Parent: View {
#ObservedObject viewModel: ViewModel
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
ScrollView(showsIndicators: false) {
Section {
ChildViewOne(model: viewModel)
Section {
ChildViewTwo(model: viewModel)
Section {
ChildViewThree(model: viewModel)
struct AnyChild: View {
#ObservedObject viewModel: ViewModel
var body: some View {
// some stuff
In this way, whenever I modify from the child views the view model, the children rebuild correctly, but the parent won't, and the scrollview does not resize correctly.
I would like to pass down to the children the viewModel like a Binding object, so the parent will refresh too.
But I don't know how to do. Any help?
I had a specific problem with the Form when I've removed everything worked fine.
But still the correct solution as #Alladinian wrote is to use the #EnvironmentObject

Instead of passing the same model to each subview, you can use #EnvironmentObject instead which is specifically designed for this.
You essentially have to inject your ObservableObject in your parent view with something like this (typically in your appdelegate before presenting the parent view, or in your previews setup for live previewing):
then you can automatically get a reference in each view with something like this:
struct AnyChild: View {
#EnvironmentObject var model: ViewModel
and use it with your bindings
Here is a brief article about the use of environment
Finally, regarding why your solution is not working, you must consider a single source of truth (the observable object in your Parent) and a #Binding for each subview that will eventually change the state of this object. I hope that this makes sense...


#StateObject vs #ObservedObject when passed externally but owned by the view

Based on this answer: What is the difference between ObservedObject and StateObject in SwiftUI
And the Apple documentation code here:
In SwiftUI app, a #StateObject property wrapper should be used when a View instantiates the object itself, so that the object won't be recreated during a view update.
If the object is instantiated somewhere else, an #ObservedObject wrapper should be used instead.
However, there is a fine line which makes it a bit unclear: what if the object is instantiated somewhere else, but "injected" to the View and then the view is the sole owner / holder of that object? Should it be #StateObject or #ObservedObject?
Sample code to get the point illustrated:
import SwiftUI
import Combine
import Foundation
struct ViewFactory {
func makeView() -> some View {
let viewModel = ViewModel()
return NameView(viewModel)
final class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var name = ""
init() {}
struct NameView: View {
// Should this be an `#ObservedObject` or `#StateObject`?
#ObservedObject var viewModel: ViewModel
init(_ viewModel: ViewModel) {
self.viewModel = viewModel
var body: some View {
Based on this article:
There is one important difference between #StateObject and #ObservedObject, which is ownership – which view created the object, and which view is just watching it.
The rule is this: whichever view is the first to create your object must use #StateObject, to tell SwiftUI it is the owner of the data and is responsible for keeping it alive. All other views must use #ObservedObject, to tell SwiftUI they want to watch the object for changes but don’t own it directly.
it appears that if the View to instantiate the ViewModel, it has to be declared with #StateObject. My code is very similar, the only difference is that the ViewModel is created elsewhere, but the View "owns" it after the initialization.
This is a really interesting question. There's some subtle behavior going on here.
First, notice that you can't just change #ObservedObject to #StateObject in NameView. It won't compile:
struct NameView: View {
#StateObject var viewModel: ViewModel
init(_ viewModel: ViewModel) {
self.viewModel = viewModel
// ^ 🛑 Cannot assign to property: 'viewModel' is a get-only property
To make it compile, you have to initialize the underlying _viewModel stored property of type StateObject<ViewModel>:
struct NameView: View {
#StateObject var viewModel: ViewModel
init(_ viewModel: ViewModel) {
_viewModel = .init(wrappedValue: viewModel)
But there's something hidden there. StateObject.init(wrappedValue:) is declared like this:
public init(wrappedValue thunk: #autoclosure #escaping () -> ObjectType)
So the expression given as an argument (just viewModel above) is wrapped up in a closure, and is not evaluated right away. That closure is stored for later use, which is why it is #escaping.
As you might guess from the hoops we have to jump through to make it compile, this is a weird way to use StateObject. The normal use looks like this:
struct NormalView: View {
#StateObject var viewModel = ViewModel()
var body: some View {
And doing it the weird way has some drawbacks. To understand the drawbacks, we need to look at the context in which makeView() or NormalView() is evaluated. Let's say it looks like this:
struct ContentView: View {
#Binding var count: Int
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("count: \(count)")
When count's value changes, SwiftUI will ask ContentView for its body again, which will evaluate both NormalView() and makeView() again.
So body calls NormalView() during this second evaluation, which creates another instance of NormalView. NormalView.init creates a closure which calls ViewModel(), and passes the closure to StateObject.init(wrappedValue:). But StateObject.init does not evaluate this closure immediately. It stores it away for later use.
Then body calls makeView(), which does call ViewModel() immediately. It passes the new ViewModel to NameView.init, which wraps the new ViewModel in a closure and passes the closure to StateObject.init(wrappedValue:). This StateObject also doesn't evaluate the closure immediately, but the new ViewModel has been created regardless.
Some time after ContentView.body returns, SwiftUI wants to call NormalView.body. But before doing so, it has to make sure the StateObject in this NormalView has a ViewModel. It notices that this NormalView is replacing a prior NormalView at the same position in the view hierarchy, so it retrieves the ViewModel used by that prior NormalView and puts it in the StateObject of the new NormalView. It does not execute the closure given to StateObject.init, so it does not create a new ViewModel.
Even later, SwiftUI wants to call NameView.body. But before doing so, it has to make sure the StateObject in this NameView has a ViewModel. It notices that this NameView is replacing a prior NameView at the same position in the view hierarchy, so it retrieves the ViewModel used by that prior NameView and puts it in the StateObject of the new NameView. It does not execute the closure given to StateObject.init, and so it does not use the ViewModel referenced by that closure. But the ViewModel was created anyway.
So there are two drawbacks to the weird way in which you're using #StateObject:
You're creating a new ViewModel each time you call makeView, even though that ViewModel may never be used. This may be expensive, depending on your ViewModel.
You're creating the ViewModel while the ContentView.body getter is running. If creating the ViewModel has side effects, this may confuse SwiftUI. SwiftUI expects the body getter to be a pure function. In the NormalView case, SwiftUI is calling the StateObject's closure at a known time when it may be better prepared to handle side effects.
So, back to your original question:
Should it be #StateObject or #ObservedObject?
Well, ha ha, that's difficult to answer without seeing an example that's less of a toy. But if you do need to use #StateObject, you should probably try to initialize it in the ‘normal’ way.

SwiftUI MVVM Pass EnvironmentObject into ViewModel [duplicate]

I'm looking to create an EnvironmentObject that can be accessed by the View Model (not just the view).
The Environment object tracks the application session data, e.g. loggedIn, access token etc, this data will be passed into the view models (or service classes where needed) to allow calling of an API to pass data from this EnvironmentObjects.
I have tried to pass in the session object to the initialiser of the view model class from the view but get an error.
how can I access/pass the EnvironmentObject into the view model using SwiftUI?
You can do it like this:
struct YourView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var settings: UserSettings
#ObservedObject var viewModel = YourViewModel()
var body: some View {
VStack {
.onAppear {
For the ViewModel:
class YourViewModel: ObservableObject {
var settings: UserSettings?
func setup(_ settings: UserSettings) {
self.settings = settings
You shouldn't. It's a common misconception that SwiftUI works best with MVVM. MVVM has no place in SwiftUI. You are asking that if you can shove a rectangle to fit a triangle shape. It wouldn't fit.
Let's start with some facts and work step by step:
ViewModel is a model in MVVM.
MVVM does not take value types (e.g.; no such thing in Java) into consideration.
A value type model (model without state) is considered safer than reference type model (model with state) in the sense of immutability.
Now, MVVM requires you to set up a model in such way that whenever it changes, it updates the view in some pre-determined way. This is known as binding.
Without binding, you won't have nice separation of concerns, e.g.; refactoring out model and associated states and keeping them separate from view.
These are the two things most iOS MVVM developers fail:
iOS has no "binding" mechanism in traditional Java sense. Some would just ignore binding, and think calling an object ViewModel automagically solves everything; some would introduce KVO-based Rx, and complicate everything when MVVM is supposed to make things simpler.
Model with state is just too dangerous because MVVM put too much emphasis on ViewModel, too little on state management and general disciplines in managing control; most of the developers end up thinking a model with state that is used to update view is reusable and testable. This is why Swift introduces value type in the first place; a model without state.
Now to your question: you ask if your ViewModel can have access to EnvironmentObject (EO)?
You shouldn't. Because in SwiftUI a model that conforms to View automatically has reference to EO. E.g.;
struct Model: View {
#EnvironmentObject state: State
// automatic binding in body
var body: some View {...}
I hope people can appreciate how compact SDK is designed.
In SwiftUI, MVVM is automatic. There's no need for a separate ViewModel object that manually binds to view which requires an EO reference passed to it.
The above code is MVVM. E.g.; a model with binding to view. But because model is value type, so instead of refactoring out model and state as view model, you refactor out control (in protocol extension, for example).
This is official SDK adapting design pattern to language feature, rather than just enforcing it. Substance over form. Look at your solution, you have to use singleton which is basically global. You should know how dangerous it is to access global anywhere without protection of immutability, which you don't have because you have to use reference type model!
You don't do MVVM in java way in SwiftUI. And the Swift-y way to do it is no need to do it, it's already built-in.
Hope more developer see this since this seemed like a popular question.
Below provided approach that works for me. Tested with many solutions started with Xcode 11.1.
The problem originated from the way EnvironmentObject is injected in view, general schema
ie, at first - created view, at second created environment object, at third environment object injected into view
Thus if I need to create/setup view model in view constructor the environment object is not present there yet.
Solution: break everything apart and use explicit dependency injection
Here is how it looks in code (generic schema)
// somewhere, say, in SceneDelegate
let someEO = SomeEO() // create environment object
let someVM = SomeVM(eo: someEO) // create view model
let someView = SomeView(vm: someVM) // create view
There is no any trade-off here, because ViewModel and EnvironmentObject are, by design, reference-types (actually, ObservableObject), so I pass here and there only references (aka pointers).
class SomeEO: ObservableObject {
class BaseVM: ObservableObject {
let eo: SomeEO
init(eo: SomeEO) {
self.eo = eo
class SomeVM: BaseVM {
class ChildVM: BaseVM {
struct SomeView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var eo: SomeEO
#ObservedObject var vm: SomeVM
init(vm: SomeVM) {
self.vm = vm
var body: some View {
// environment object will be injected automatically if declared inside ChildView
ChildView(vm: ChildVM(eo: self.eo))
struct ChildView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var eo: SomeEO
#ObservedObject var vm: ChildVM
init(vm: ChildVM) {
self.vm = vm
var body: some View {
Text("Just demo stub")
Solution for: iOS 14/15+
Here's how you might interact with an Environment Object from a View Model, without having to inject it on instantiation:
Define the Environment Object:
import Combine
final class MyAuthService: ObservableObject {
#Published private(set) var isSignedIn = false
func signIn() {
isSignedIn = true
Create a View to own and pass around the Environment Object:
import SwiftUI
struct MyEntryPointView: View {
#StateObject var auth = MyAuthService()
var body: some View {
#ViewBuilder private var content: some View {
if auth.isSignedIn {
Text("Yay, you're all signed in now!")
} else {
Define the View Model with methods that take the Environment Object as an argument:
extension MyAuthView {
#MainActor final class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
func signIn(with auth: MyAuthService) {
Create a View that owns the View Model, receives the Environment Object, and calls the appropriate method:
struct MyAuthView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var auth: MyAuthService
#StateObject var viewModel = ViewModel()
var body: some View {
Button {
viewModel.signIn(with: auth)
} label: {
Text("Sign In")
Preview it for completeness:
struct MyEntryPointView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
I choose to not have a ViewModel. (Maybe time for a new pattern?)
I have setup my project with a RootView and some child views. I setup my RootView with a App object as the EnvironmentObject. Instead of the ViewModel accessing Models, all my views access classes on App. Instead of the ViewModel determining the layout, the view hierarchy determine the layout. From doing this in practice for a few apps, I've found my views are staying small and specific. As an over simplification:
class App: ObservableObject {
#Published var user = User()
let networkManager: NetworkManagerProtocol
lazy var userService = UserService(networkManager: networkManager)
init(networkManager: NetworkManagerProtocol) {
self.networkManager = networkManager
convenience init() {
self.init(networkManager: NetworkManager())
struct RootView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var app: App
var body: some View {
if !app.user.isLoggedIn {
} else {
struct HomeView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var app: App
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("User name: \(")
Button(action: { app.userService.logout() }) {
In my previews, I initialize a MockApp which is a subclass of App. The MockApp initializes the designated initializers with the Mocked object. Here the UserService doesn't need to be mocked, but the datasource (i.e. NetworkManagerProtocol) does.
struct HomeView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Group {
.environmentObject(MockApp() as App) // <- This is needed for EnvironmentObject to treat the MockApp as an App Type
The Resolver library does a nice job to get dependency injection for model classes. It provides a property wrapper #Injected which is very similar in spirit to #EnvironmentObject but works everywhere. So in a model, I would inject a ExampleService like this:
class ExampleModel: ObservableObject {
#Injected var service: ExampleService
// ...
This can also be used to resolve dependencies for Views:
struct ExampleView: View {
#ObservedObject var exampleModel: ExampleModel = Resolver.resolve()
var body: some View {
// ...
An alternative for Views is to use #EnvironmentObject in the SwiftUI view hierarchy, but this gets a little bit cumbersome because you'll have two dependency-injection containers, Resolver/#Injected for everything that's app-wide/service-like and SwiftUI/#EnvironmentObject in the view hierarchy for everything that relates to views/for view models.
Simply create a Singleton and use it wherever you want (view / class / struct / ObservableObject ...)
Creating Class should look like this:
class ApplicationSessionData
// this is the shared instance / local copy / singleton
static let singleInstance = ApplicationSessionData()
// save shared mambers/vars here
var loggedIn: Bool = false
var access: someAccessClass = someAccessClass()
var token: String = "NO TOKET OBTAINED YET"
Using Class/Struct/View should look like this:
struct SomeModel {
// obtain the shared instance
var appSessData = ApplicationSessionData.singleInstance
// use shared mambers/vars here
if(appSessData.loggedIn && appSessData.access.hasAccessToThisView) {
appSessData.token = "ABC123RTY..."
You need to be aware of the pitfalls that exist in Singletons, so you won't fall into one.
Read more here:

SwiftUI 2 View Models in a View

I have this view which takes as a param its own View Model. Inside this view I need to show another view which in order for it to be displayed, needs its own View Model. So I present the Purchase view and then inside the Purchase view I need to display the details of the actual item which was purchased. So I pass as a parameter also the ItemViewModel. Both PurchaseViewModel and ItemViewModel are used on other views also.
It could happen in the feature that I would also need ClientViewModel which would be used to display data about the actual buyer of this item. Does this mean that I would need to pass also #ObservedObject var clientViewModel: ClientViewModel as a parameter?
My question is: Is this approach good or there is a better way to do this ?
struct PurchaseView: View {
#ObservedObject var purchaseViewModel: PurchaseViewModel
#ObservedObject var itemViewModel: ItemViewModel
var body: some View {
VStack {
ItemView(itemViewModel: itemViewModel)
class Purchase {
let senderID: String
let receiverID: String
var status: PurchaseStatus
var item: Item?
You could make the PurchaseViewModel contain the ItemViewModel and ClientViewModel as properties in the same way that the PurchaseView contains the ItemView and ClientView.
That would make PurchaseViewModel responsible for creating the instances of the other view models. The parent of PurchaseView would no longer need to know about the implementation of PurchaseView.
You should start by considering the relationship of the models, not the view models.
For example, you could make a case that a Purchase involves one or more items (Item) and a purchaser (Client). In this case you would actually create a model something like:
class Purchase {
var items = [Item]()
var client: Client
And your PurchaseViewModel would reflect this, containing the ItemViewModel and ClientViewModel
let clientViewModel: ClientViewModel
let itemsViewModels: [ItemViewModel]
init(purchase: Purchase) {
self.clientViewModel = ClientViewModel(client:purchase.client)
self.itemsViewModels = { ItemViewModel(item:$0) }
If you have a hierarchy of views that need some unrelated models then you can consider using the environment, especially for models that are "global"
For example, say that the user was looking at an item detail, but they were not yet making a purchase (So there is no Purchase yet) and you want to have a button that shows them their Client detail.
You could pass the ItemViewModel explicitly to the ItemDetailView:
struct ItemListView {
Button(action: { ItemDetailView(item:someItemView) })
{ ... }
struct ItemDetailView {
Button(action: { ClientView() }) {
Text("Client detail")
struct ClientDetailView {
#EnvironmentObject client: ClientViewModel
You can inject the ClientViewModel into the environment at a suitable point, such as the root view or even scene delegate.
If you have a hierarchy of views that need these models, but not all views need all models, you could use the environment to provide the various models rather than directly injecting them via initialiser parameters.

What does Apple mean by #ObjectBinding should be passed over through view?

I've been newly studying SwiftUI.
And since I've seen Data flow over SwiftUI video from Apple explaining difference between #ObjectBinding and #EnvironmentObject, a question has come to my mind.
What does apple mean by :
You have to pass around the model from hop to hop in #ObjectBinding ? (29':00")
Do we have to pass the object using #binding in another views for using them ?
What if we don't use #binding and reference to it using another #ObjectBinding ?
Does that make an inconvenience or make SwiftUI not to work correctly or views not being sync with each other ?
[Edit: note that #ObjectBinding is no longer around; instead you can use #State to mark an instance variable as requiring a view refresh when it changes.]
When a view declares an #State or #Binding variable, its value must be explicitly passed from the view's parent. So if you have a long hierarchy of views with some piece of data from the top being used in the bottom, you must code every level of that hierarchy to know about and pass down the data.
In his comment at 29:00, he is contrasting this to using #EnvironmentVariable in a child view, which searches the whole hierarchy for that piece of data. This means any views that do not explicitly need the data can effectively ignore it. Registering a variable needs only be done once (via .environmentObject(_) on a view).
Here is a contrived example. Given some data type conforming to ObservableObject,
class SampleData: ObservableObject {
#Published var contents: String
init(_ contents: String) {
self.contents = contents
Consider this view hierarchy:
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var data = SampleData("sample content")
var body: some View {
VStack {
struct StateViewA: View {
#State var data: SampleData
var body: some View {
struct StateViewB: View {
#State var data: SampleData
var body: some View {
struct EnvironmentViewA: View {
var body: some View {
struct EnvironmentViewB: View {
#EnvironmentObject var data: SampleData
var body: some View {
The result in ContentView will be two views that display the same piece of text. In the first, StateViewA must pass the data on to its child (i.e. the model is passed from "hop to hop"), whereas in the second, EnvironmentViewA does not have to be aware of the data at all.

SwiftUI - How to pass EnvironmentObject into View Model?

I'm looking to create an EnvironmentObject that can be accessed by the View Model (not just the view).
The Environment object tracks the application session data, e.g. loggedIn, access token etc, this data will be passed into the view models (or service classes where needed) to allow calling of an API to pass data from this EnvironmentObjects.
I have tried to pass in the session object to the initialiser of the view model class from the view but get an error.
how can I access/pass the EnvironmentObject into the view model using SwiftUI?
You can do it like this:
struct YourView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var settings: UserSettings
#ObservedObject var viewModel = YourViewModel()
var body: some View {
VStack {
.onAppear {
For the ViewModel:
class YourViewModel: ObservableObject {
var settings: UserSettings?
func setup(_ settings: UserSettings) {
self.settings = settings
You shouldn't. It's a common misconception that SwiftUI works best with MVVM. MVVM has no place in SwiftUI. You are asking that if you can shove a rectangle to fit a triangle shape. It wouldn't fit.
Let's start with some facts and work step by step:
ViewModel is a model in MVVM.
MVVM does not take value types (e.g.; no such thing in Java) into consideration.
A value type model (model without state) is considered safer than reference type model (model with state) in the sense of immutability.
Now, MVVM requires you to set up a model in such way that whenever it changes, it updates the view in some pre-determined way. This is known as binding.
Without binding, you won't have nice separation of concerns, e.g.; refactoring out model and associated states and keeping them separate from view.
These are the two things most iOS MVVM developers fail:
iOS has no "binding" mechanism in traditional Java sense. Some would just ignore binding, and think calling an object ViewModel automagically solves everything; some would introduce KVO-based Rx, and complicate everything when MVVM is supposed to make things simpler.
Model with state is just too dangerous because MVVM put too much emphasis on ViewModel, too little on state management and general disciplines in managing control; most of the developers end up thinking a model with state that is used to update view is reusable and testable. This is why Swift introduces value type in the first place; a model without state.
Now to your question: you ask if your ViewModel can have access to EnvironmentObject (EO)?
You shouldn't. Because in SwiftUI a model that conforms to View automatically has reference to EO. E.g.;
struct Model: View {
#EnvironmentObject state: State
// automatic binding in body
var body: some View {...}
I hope people can appreciate how compact SDK is designed.
In SwiftUI, MVVM is automatic. There's no need for a separate ViewModel object that manually binds to view which requires an EO reference passed to it.
The above code is MVVM. E.g.; a model with binding to view. But because model is value type, so instead of refactoring out model and state as view model, you refactor out control (in protocol extension, for example).
This is official SDK adapting design pattern to language feature, rather than just enforcing it. Substance over form. Look at your solution, you have to use singleton which is basically global. You should know how dangerous it is to access global anywhere without protection of immutability, which you don't have because you have to use reference type model!
You don't do MVVM in java way in SwiftUI. And the Swift-y way to do it is no need to do it, it's already built-in.
Hope more developer see this since this seemed like a popular question.
Below provided approach that works for me. Tested with many solutions started with Xcode 11.1.
The problem originated from the way EnvironmentObject is injected in view, general schema
ie, at first - created view, at second created environment object, at third environment object injected into view
Thus if I need to create/setup view model in view constructor the environment object is not present there yet.
Solution: break everything apart and use explicit dependency injection
Here is how it looks in code (generic schema)
// somewhere, say, in SceneDelegate
let someEO = SomeEO() // create environment object
let someVM = SomeVM(eo: someEO) // create view model
let someView = SomeView(vm: someVM) // create view
There is no any trade-off here, because ViewModel and EnvironmentObject are, by design, reference-types (actually, ObservableObject), so I pass here and there only references (aka pointers).
class SomeEO: ObservableObject {
class BaseVM: ObservableObject {
let eo: SomeEO
init(eo: SomeEO) {
self.eo = eo
class SomeVM: BaseVM {
class ChildVM: BaseVM {
struct SomeView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var eo: SomeEO
#ObservedObject var vm: SomeVM
init(vm: SomeVM) {
self.vm = vm
var body: some View {
// environment object will be injected automatically if declared inside ChildView
ChildView(vm: ChildVM(eo: self.eo))
struct ChildView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var eo: SomeEO
#ObservedObject var vm: ChildVM
init(vm: ChildVM) {
self.vm = vm
var body: some View {
Text("Just demo stub")
Solution for: iOS 14/15+
Here's how you might interact with an Environment Object from a View Model, without having to inject it on instantiation:
Define the Environment Object:
import Combine
final class MyAuthService: ObservableObject {
#Published private(set) var isSignedIn = false
func signIn() {
isSignedIn = true
Create a View to own and pass around the Environment Object:
import SwiftUI
struct MyEntryPointView: View {
#StateObject var auth = MyAuthService()
var body: some View {
#ViewBuilder private var content: some View {
if auth.isSignedIn {
Text("Yay, you're all signed in now!")
} else {
Define the View Model with methods that take the Environment Object as an argument:
extension MyAuthView {
#MainActor final class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
func signIn(with auth: MyAuthService) {
Create a View that owns the View Model, receives the Environment Object, and calls the appropriate method:
struct MyAuthView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var auth: MyAuthService
#StateObject var viewModel = ViewModel()
var body: some View {
Button {
viewModel.signIn(with: auth)
} label: {
Text("Sign In")
Preview it for completeness:
struct MyEntryPointView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
I choose to not have a ViewModel. (Maybe time for a new pattern?)
I have setup my project with a RootView and some child views. I setup my RootView with a App object as the EnvironmentObject. Instead of the ViewModel accessing Models, all my views access classes on App. Instead of the ViewModel determining the layout, the view hierarchy determine the layout. From doing this in practice for a few apps, I've found my views are staying small and specific. As an over simplification:
class App: ObservableObject {
#Published var user = User()
let networkManager: NetworkManagerProtocol
lazy var userService = UserService(networkManager: networkManager)
init(networkManager: NetworkManagerProtocol) {
self.networkManager = networkManager
convenience init() {
self.init(networkManager: NetworkManager())
struct RootView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var app: App
var body: some View {
if !app.user.isLoggedIn {
} else {
struct HomeView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var app: App
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("User name: \(")
Button(action: { app.userService.logout() }) {
In my previews, I initialize a MockApp which is a subclass of App. The MockApp initializes the designated initializers with the Mocked object. Here the UserService doesn't need to be mocked, but the datasource (i.e. NetworkManagerProtocol) does.
struct HomeView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Group {
.environmentObject(MockApp() as App) // <- This is needed for EnvironmentObject to treat the MockApp as an App Type
The Resolver library does a nice job to get dependency injection for model classes. It provides a property wrapper #Injected which is very similar in spirit to #EnvironmentObject but works everywhere. So in a model, I would inject a ExampleService like this:
class ExampleModel: ObservableObject {
#Injected var service: ExampleService
// ...
This can also be used to resolve dependencies for Views:
struct ExampleView: View {
#ObservedObject var exampleModel: ExampleModel = Resolver.resolve()
var body: some View {
// ...
An alternative for Views is to use #EnvironmentObject in the SwiftUI view hierarchy, but this gets a little bit cumbersome because you'll have two dependency-injection containers, Resolver/#Injected for everything that's app-wide/service-like and SwiftUI/#EnvironmentObject in the view hierarchy for everything that relates to views/for view models.
Simply create a Singleton and use it wherever you want (view / class / struct / ObservableObject ...)
Creating Class should look like this:
class ApplicationSessionData
// this is the shared instance / local copy / singleton
static let singleInstance = ApplicationSessionData()
// save shared mambers/vars here
var loggedIn: Bool = false
var access: someAccessClass = someAccessClass()
var token: String = "NO TOKET OBTAINED YET"
Using Class/Struct/View should look like this:
struct SomeModel {
// obtain the shared instance
var appSessData = ApplicationSessionData.singleInstance
// use shared mambers/vars here
if(appSessData.loggedIn && appSessData.access.hasAccessToThisView) {
appSessData.token = "ABC123RTY..."
You need to be aware of the pitfalls that exist in Singletons, so you won't fall into one.
Read more here:
