Ngrok on Startup - startup

I have a ngrok account - and I would like to run the program in the terminal automatically when the computer boots up.
How can I create a file that will be executed right away and calls the process, e.g. this one
" ./ngrok start configfile"
Thank you!

Most Linux distributions includes scripts in /etc/init.d directory, which are started during the boot process (or executed when you shutdown or reboot the system). For instance on Redhat or CentOS Linux, the /etc/init.d/httpd script runs at boot time, and starts Apache daemons.
/etc/init.d - Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial - A Beginner's handbook


How to setup dockerized binaries in VSCode

I have learned to use docker as development server (LAMP and MEAN) and now I feel I should take next step, By removing PHP and node binaries from system and use binaries from containers. So on a fresh Solus install, I setup containers for PHP, node, Ruby etc. Solus already recommends using containers for such tasks. But I got stuck on first day.
I installed vs code (Code-oss) on installed extensions (prettier, PHPCS etc) on it, and they need path of installed binaries (path/to/phpcs, path/to/node etc).
I initially set up configuration path as
docker run -it --rm herloct/phpcs phpcs
based on but using more updated container. It didn't work, So I set it up as alias thinking it would fool VSCode into thinking it is native command, but it didn't work either. I have confirmed that using those command directly from terminal does work, But VSCode PHPIntellisense extension does not want to work.
Any suggestion?
P.S. Any tip to keep container running in background as to avoid container bootup delay everytime I use PHPCS or javac from container? I can keep LAMP server running but everytime I enter terminal tools, it loads up new container to execute command, and then kill container causing delay for bootup and closing.
In case it is still relevant to someone: You might want to create a VS Code development container to use dockerized binaries.
For this to work, a .devcontainer.json is required which could be as simple as:
"image": ""

(using WSL ubuntu app) system has not been booted with system as init system (PID 1). Can't operate [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Enable Systemd in WSL 2
(1 answer)
Closed 2 months ago.
I'm a very first user of Ubuntu. I failed to install Ubuntu in wmware ,so I installed Ubuntu application in Microsoft app store and everything was quite all right.
But when I insert shutdown or halt command to power off my ubuntu I kept getting 'system has not been booted with system as init system (PID 1). Can't operate' error message.
I tried to using docker following with this link ( but I failed after going to Number 2 process many times. I'm not sure my failure is because of installing docker toll box instead of normal one. (my computer is just windows 10. not a windows pro)
I think I have to try other thing. If you don't mind me asking, how can I slove this problem?
(and one more. If I just click 'X' button at the top of right side, is it different with shutting down Ubuntu using 'halt' or 'shutdown' command?
Thank you
I found this useful:
In my case
# start docker using systemctl
sudo systemctl docker start
# returns:
System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.
Failed to connect to bus: Host is down
The basic advice is:
# check if your system is using `systemd` or `sysvinit`
ps -p 1 -o comm=
If the command doesn't return systemd, and in my case, Ubuntu-20.04 on WSL, the command returned init, then use the command pattern
# start services using sysvinit
service docker start
This works for me.
Based on this:
systemd is now available in WSL Version 0.67.6 or higher.
To enable:
Open a command prompt:
# CHOOSE option A or B:
# A. check your version and ensure it is 0.67.6 or higher
wsl.exe --version
# B. run WSL update if the version is low
wsl.exe --update
Open a WSL prompt:
sudo nano /etc/wsl.conf
Add this to wsl.conf and save the file:
Go back to the command prompt:
# warning: this will kill any shells/processes you have running!
wsl.exe --shutdown
First of all, Ubuntu installed via MS Store is using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) Technology. It simply means there is no virtualization, Windows and Linux kernels are living side by side (the Linux kernel is not fully implemented yet).
So if you are trying to "shut down your Ubuntu", you would turn off the whole computer just like the Windows does. But in this case, WSL doesn't apparently have rights to do that.
In other words, you can look at your Ubuntu bash window just like any other terminal, like e.g. CMD or PowerShell.
When you start a program in the WSL (Ubuntu), you can see it also in Windows Task Manager - that's just a proof, that there is no virtualization.
Regarding docker:
If I'm not mistaken Windows 10 Home doesn't provide Hyper-V virtualization. It means you'll have to use a different one e.g. by using VirtualBox. In order to make it work, I can recommend you to follow this tutorial and especially for VirtualBox please check this answer here
Hope it helps :)

Start Rails server automatically on Ubuntu startup

I need to run my Rails server upon system startup. I am running my ROR code in my Ubuntu server. Here i need to see my rails server always in start condition. Suppose the Ubuntu server has shut down for some problem when it will start again my Rails server should start automatically. For this i made a script which is given below:
cd /home/subhrajyoti/spa
rails server -p 8888 -b -d
In windows I am putting this file in the Windows Startup folder and it's running automatically each time Windows starts. Now I need the same behaviour in Ubuntu.
Check this out might help with your issue

Vagrant Workflow - vagrant ssh, vagrant destroy, vagrant up commands

I am having some trouble understanding the vagrant workflow from their website.
I had previously been working on a project and had gone through the whole process of changing directory and setting up the vagrant box, etc. I had even run bundle install that installed all of the gems of the forked project I am working on. I configured the web server to work and was even able to go to see the project on my browser through the web server connection.
Later on I had to go get dinner so I did
vagrant destroy
When I returned, in the same directory I ran
vagrant up
Then I did
vagrant ssh
followed by
cd /vagrant
when I get here I run
rails s
and I get the following error:
The program 'rails' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install rails
Shouldn't running vagrant up remember all of the work I had previously done? Or do I have to restart from scratch and rebuild all of my gems every time? Am I missing something?
vagrant destroy does literally what the command says - destroys started up VM, completely with disc images. Every change (i.e. installation of software, results of running bundle install, etc) is lost, beyond the changes that happened in /vagrant directory.
If you want to just stop the VM without destroying disc images - you should use vagrant halt instead (or just power off VM as you would do with a real server - i.e. by issuing poweroff).
The general workflow for deploying a vagrant-powered VM outlined in documentation is that you distribute Vagrantfile along with your sources that includes provisioning section (config.vm.provision) which does the stuff you've described - installation of additional software not bundled in a box image (i.e. Rails, gems), setting up the databases, etc. It can be implemented in several ways, starting from just running a simple shell script (with sequential commands to execute), up to using high-profile configuration management systems like Chef, Puppet, CFEngine, Ansible, etc.
Temporary break (like going for dinner) generally does not require even halting a VM, less destroying it. Even a full-fledged VM running under VirtualBox / VMware / KVM with a single-user Rails application hardly consumes lots of resources to worry about.

Jenkins service starts then stops on Windows 7

I downloaded the native windows Jenkins package and installed it. On installation, it starts as a service in and shows in Task Manager, and also on going to the url localhost:8080. But then it stops. Here is what I get in my jenkins.out.log:
Running from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jenkins.war
webroot: EnvVars.masterEnvVars.get("JENKINS_HOME")
Jenkins home directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins found at: EnvVars.masterEnvVars.get("JENKINS_HOME")
Any ideas what could be causing this? I've checked throuh netstat that no other process is using the port 8080.
I found that the java.exe process was hung and keeping Jenkins from starting. I killed the java process and then jenkins service started up just fine.
Use process explorer.
It's possible to start jenkins via the command line using java -jar jenkins.war, however, because the process is started via the command line it will also end when that command window is closed.
A better way would be to start the service via jenkins.exe but you would have to remind doing that at every startup.
Ultimately we have settled with a batch script with the following content:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins"
start javaw -jar jenkins.war >> outputFile.txt
adding start before calling javaw makes sure that the command window is not attached to the process started, making it possible to safely close down the command line.
Using >> outputFile.txt writes the command window feedback in a text file, making debugging a whole lot easier when Jenkins ever breaks down!
Save it in a batch script, schedule it with windows Task Scheduler to run at startup et voilà: properly set up Jenkins service.
Only make sure it doesn't stop at log-off.
I switched back to version 1.535 and now it works.
After my win vm system rebooted, the jenkins 1.625.2 service would just keep stopping.
It solved it by:
Kill java processes. Found some old java running dll's.
Uninstall old version of jdk1.6 that was there.
Cleaning java temp. files dir.
Then I was able to restart the service w/o problem.
if java.exe not visible in process
1.netstat -a -o -n find out the PID of your port
2.tasklist /FI “PID eq PID″
3.taskkill /F /PID 2600 kill the process
