Is there any way to save mulaw audio stream from twilio in a file - twilio

I am using Twilio voice stream feature and i don't want to use Twilio record functionality. When Twilio starts sending voice stream to my server i want to store it into disk as an audio file in realtime.

I was running into the same issue today and figured a way to generate a WAVE Header for the mu-law header:
If you're following Twilio's blog post, that's the code I ended implementing:
wss.on('connection', (socket) => {
socket.on('message', (msg) => {
const { event, ...message } = JSON.parse(msg);
switch (event) {
case 'start':
let streamSid = message.start.streamSid;
socket.wstream = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + `/${}.wav`, { encoding: 'binary' });
// This is a mu-law header for a WAV-file compatible with twilio format
0x00,0x00,0x64,0x61,0x74,0x61,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // Those last 4 bytes are the data length
case 'media':
// decode the base64-encoded data and write to stream
socket.wstream.write(Buffer.from(, 'base64'));
case 'stop':
// Now the only thing missing is to write the number of data bytes in the header
socket.wstream.write("", () => {
let fd = fs.openSync(socket.wstream.path, 'r+'); // `r+` mode is needed in order to write to arbitrary position
let count = socket.wstream.bytesWritten;
count -= 58; // The header itself is 58 bytes long and we only want the data byte length
count % 256,
(count >> 8) % 256,
(count >> 16) % 256,
(count >> 24) % 256,
4, // Write 4 bytes
54, // starts writing at byte 54 in the file

You can use FFmpeg to convert the Twilio mulaw to a regular WAV file.
If you use the class below, then you will just need to send the Twilio stream buffers when they arrive.
Something like:
recording = StreamAudioRecording(tempDirectory)
<loop over buffer packets arriving>
recording_audio_path = recording.stop_recording()
This is the class implementation
import os
class StreamAudioRecording:
def __init__(self, audio_recording_path):
self.audio_recording_path = audio_recording_path
self.f = None
self.audio_file_path = None
def start_recording(self, call_id):
self.audio_file_path = os.path.join(self.audio_recording_path, f" .
self.f = open(self.audio_file_path, 'wb')
def write_buffer(self, buffer):
def stop_recording(self):
converted_audio_path =
self.convert_call_recording(self.audio_file_path, converted_audio_path)
return converted_audio_path
def convert_call_recording(mulaw_path, wav_path):
command = f"ffmpeg -y -loglevel panic -f mulaw -ar 8k -ac 1 -i {mulaw_path} {wav_path}"

If your using Node.js, the solution that #tdeo provided works great. I was inspired and I made a simple library using this solution. It's available now on npm.


C# Nwaves "DiscreteSignal1 + DiscreteSignal2" superimposing operation results a giant peak from 0 Hz up to 17k+ Hz in the middle

I have two signals (out of wav files), both are mono wav files of 37500 Hz sample rate.
File 1 is output.wav:
File 2 is saved_mono.wav:
I apply superimposing ("+") operation for the two Discrete signals:
// shiftedSignal is output.wav
// outSignal is saved_mono.wav
//This is how I read it:
WaveFile shiftedWav;
using (var stream = new FileStream("output.wav", FileMode.Open))
shiftedWav = new WaveFile(stream);
DiscreteSignal shiftedSignal = shiftedWav[Channels.Left];
DiscreteSignal mergedSignal = shiftedSignal + outSignal;
waveFileOut = new WaveFile(mergedSignal);
using (var stream = new FileStream("merged.wav", FileMode.Create))
As the result, I have merged.wav file and it has a giant peak in the middle:
Both input wav files have the same sample rate of 37500 and the same bitrate of 600 kbps.
Where did it come from and how do I fix it?
Just to make sure, I tried to concatenate these signals:
DiscreteSignal mergedSignal = shiftedSignal.Concatenate(outSignal);
And it comes out OK:

How to update another byte of a CAN message while changing a byte in real-time?

I'm new to CANoe and CAPL scripting. I need to update a byte of CAN message based on a change in another byte through a panel. I added a CAPL script for the automatic change/update but when I send/update the byte through the panel it sends the default values for the other bytes. It gets corrected in the next sample.
message M2P_0x101 msg1;
msTimer timer10ms;
byte counter = 1;
on message M2P_0x101
if(counterAlive == 15)
counterAlive = 0;
msg1.byte(0) = this.byte(0);
msg1.byte(1) = this.byte(1);
msg1.byte(2) = this.byte(2);
msg1.byte(3) = this.byte(3); // Changing through the Panel
msg1.byte(4) = this.byte(3)+1;
msg1.byte(5) = this.byte(5);
msg1.byte(6) = counter;
msg1.byte(7) = this.byte(7);
on timer timer10ms
on start
setTimerCyclic(timer10ms, 10);
4th & 6th byte has default value because 3rd byte was changed from the panel.
I expected the 4th byte to be 1(value of 3rd byte + 1) and the 6th byte to be 4(counter value).
How to solve it? As far as I understand, it seems that the panel inputs/changes are sent to the CAN bus first and then CAPL node reads it and makes changes. This could be the reason for overwriting the other bytes of the message with default values.
Is there a way to include the changes made by CAPL before the panel sends the message to the CAN bus? A combination of Panel & CAPL node?

Applying a windowing function to a Dart stream

I am pretty new to Dart, and still wrapping my head around streams. Specifically I am having some difficulty with finding the proper way of making a function that takes a window of N elements from a stream, applies a function to it and restreams the results.
To clarify what I mean, I include an example that I implemented myself which led me to this question. The code takes a byte stream from a file and converts 4 byte chunks to an integer stream. By using an await for I was able to accomplish what I wanted but I am looking for a more idiomatic stream based function that accomplishes the same thing, more succinctly.
Stream<int> loadData(String path) async* {
final f = File(path);
final byteStream = f.openRead();
var buffer = Uint8List(8);
var i = 0;
// This is where I would like to use a windowing function
await for(var bs in byteStream) {
for(var b in bs) {
buffer[i++] = b;
if(i == 8) {
var bytes = new ByteData.view(buffer.buffer);
yield bytes.getUint16(0);
i = 0;
Look at bufferCount method from RxDart package.
Buffers a number of values from the source Stream by count then emits the buffer and clears it, and starts a new buffer ...
Here is an example:
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
main() {
var bytes = Uint8List.fromList([255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0]);
.map((bytes) => Uint8List.fromList(bytes).buffer)
.map((buffer) => ByteData.view(buffer).getInt32(0, Endian.little))
.listen(print); // prints 255 256 257 258
It is worth noting that this particular task can be performed much easier:

CAPL Script for Diagnostic Services

I am writing the CAPL script to Automise the Diagnostic services. I have read some DIDs which are bigger than 8 bytes in size. Till 8 bytes I can capture correctly the data in my CAPL script but when the data size exceeds the 8 bytes, then I get some garbage values 00 for remaining bytes.
The complete read data I can see in CANoe Trace but I am not able to capture it in my CAPL script. If someone has any ideas or solution, please share with me.
In Belo script, the issue is that I can capture value till this.byte(7) correctly. But for this.byte(8) and this.byte(9) I read 00 although the actual value in CANoe Trace is 0x54 and 0x66. So it means I cannot read more than 8 bytes in CAPL from CAN.
My script looks like:
//Please insert your code below this comment
byte test_num;
message DTOOL_to_UPA msg_tester;
mstimer readTimerDID_2001;
mstimer defaultSession;
byte readBuf2001[8];
// read request
on key 'd'
test_num = 0;
msg_tester.dlc = 8;
msg_tester.dir = tx;
msg_tester.can = 1;
settimer(defaultSession, 2000);
on timer defaultSession // Request DID: 10 01
msg_tester.byte(0) = 0x02;
msg_tester.byte(1) = 0x10;
msg_tester.byte(2) = 0x01;
settimer(readTimerDID_2001, 100);
on timer readTimerDID_2001 // Read Request DID: 22 20 01
msg_tester.byte(0) = 0x03;
msg_tester.byte(1) = 0x22;
msg_tester.byte(2) = 0x20;
msg_tester.byte(3) = 0x01;
on message UPA_to_DTOOL
if (this.DIR == RX)
// Response Data for DID 2001
if (
(this.byte(0)== 0x04)&&(this.byte(1)== 0x62)&&(this.byte(2)==0x20)&&
(this.byte(3)== 0x01)&&(this.byte(4)== 0x23) &&(this.byte(5)== 0x00)&&
(this.byte(6)== 0x44)&&(this.byte(7)== 0x22) &&(this.byte(8)==0x54)&&
(this.byte(9)== 0x66)
on message UPA_to_DTOOL
is reacting on the CAN message UPA_to_DTOOL, and this you can only access the 8 bytes of the CAN message.
If you want to react on diagnostic messages you should use
on diagResponse <serviceName>
inside of this handler you can then access the complete data of the diagnostic message
I had a similar problem accessing j1939 PGN with data length code (DLC) > 8 byte. These messages were transmitted as a j1939 Frame (DLC > 8 byte) instead of a CAN frame (DLC = 8 byte) in the trace window. I had to make use of the getThisMessage(pg pg_variable, int length) function in an on pg event like this.
on pg UPA_to_DTOOL {
pg UPA_to_DTOOL UPA_to_DTOOL_pg;
getThisMessage(UPA_to_DTOOL, UPA_to_DTOOL.dlc);
write("byte 9 = %X", UPA_to_DTOOL.byte(9));
Because messages with DLC > 8 are transmitted in a special way, the getThisMessage had to be used in my case, which let me access all the message bytes. I am not sure this solution for j1939 PGNs helps you because I do not know whether you have a license for j1939 in your canoe installation.

Zebra Printer - Not Printing PNG Stream *Provided my own answer*

I think I'm very close to getting this to print. However it still isn't. There is no exception thrown and it does seem to be hitting the zebra printer, but nothing. Its a long shot as I think most people are in the same position I am and know little about it. Any help anyone can give no matter how small will be welcomed, I'm losing the will to live
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
if (responseStream == null)
stream.Position = 0;
using (var zipout = ZipFile.Read(stream))
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
foreach (var e in zipout.Where(e => e.FileName.Contains(".png")))
if (ms.Length <= 0)
var binaryData = ms.ToArray();
byte[] compressedFileData;
// Compress the data using the LZ77 algorithm.
using (var outStream = new MemoryStream())
using (var compress = new DeflateStream(outStream, CompressionMode.Compress, true))
compress.Write(binaryData, 0, binaryData.Length);
compressedFileData = outStream.ToArray();
// Encode the compressed data using the MIME Base64 algorithm.
var base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(compressedFileData);
// Calculate a CRC across the encoded data.
var crc = Calc(Convert.FromBase64String(base64));
// Add a unique header to differentiate the new format from the existing ASCII hexadecimal encoding.
var finalData = string.Format(":Z64:{0}:{1}", base64, crc);
var zplToSend = "~DYR:LOGO,P,P," + finalData.Length + ",," + finalData;
const string PrintImage = "^XA^FO0,0^IMR:LOGO.PNG^FS^XZ";
var client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
client.Connect(IpAddress, Port);
var writer = new StreamWriter(client.GetStream(), Encoding.UTF8);
catch (Exception ex)
// Catch Exception
private static ushort Calc(byte[] data)
ushort wCrc = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
wCrc ^= (ushort)(data[i] << 8);
for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if ((wCrc & 0x8000) != 0)
wCrc = (ushort)((wCrc << 1) ^ 0x1021);
wCrc <<= 1;
return wCrc;
The following code is working for me. The issue was the commands, these are very very important! Overview of the command I have used below, more can be found here
Start Format Description The ^XA command is used at the beginning of ZPL II code. It is the opening bracket and indicates the start of a new label format. This command is substituted with a single ASCII control character STX (control-B, hexadecimal 02). Format ^XA Comments Valid ZPL II format requires that label formats should start with the ^XA command and end with the ^XZ command.
Field Origin Description The ^FO command sets a field origin, relative to the label home (^LH) position. ^FO sets the upper-left corner of the field area by defining points along the x-axis and y-axis independent of the rotation. Format ^FOx,y,z
x = x-axis location (in dots) Accepted Values: 0 to 32000 Default
Value: 0
y = y-axis location (in dots) Accepted Values: 0 to 32000
Default Value: 0
z = justification The z parameter is only
supported in firmware versions V60.14.x, V50.14.x, or later. Accepted
Values: 0 = left justification 1 = right justification 2 = auto
justification (script dependent) Default Value: last accepted ^FW
value or ^FW default
Image Move Description The ^IM command performs a direct move of an image from storage area into the bitmap. The command is identical to the ^XG command (Recall Graphic), except there are no sizing parameters. Format ^IMd:o.x
d = location of stored object Accepted Values: R:, E:, B:, and A: Default Value: search priority
o = object name Accepted Values: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters Default Value: if a name is not specified, UNKNOWN is used
x = extension Fixed Value: .GRF, .PNG
Field Separator Description The ^FS command denotes the end of the field definition. Alternatively, ^FS command can also be issued as a single ASCII control code SI (Control-O, hexadecimal 0F). Format ^FS
End Format Description The ^XZ command is the ending (closing) bracket. It indicates the end of a label format. When this command is received, a label prints. This command can also be issued as a single ASCII control character ETX (Control-C, hexadecimal 03). Format ^XZ Comments Label formats must start with the ^XA command and end with the ^XZ command to be in valid ZPL II format.
Media Tracking Description This command specifies the media type being used and the black mark offset in dots. This bulleted list shows the types of media associated with this command:
Continuous Media – this media has no physical characteristic (such as a web, notch, perforation, black mark) to separate labels. Label length is determined by the ^LL command.
Continuous Media, variable length – same as Continuous Media, but if portions of the printed label fall outside of the defined label length, the label size will automatically be extended to contain them. This label length extension applies only to the current label. Note that ^MNV still requires the use of the ^LL command to define the initial desired label length.
Non-continuous Media – this media has some type of physical characteristic (such as web, notch, perforation, black mark) to separate the labels.
Format ^MNa,b
a = media being used Accepted Values: N = continuous media Y = non-continuous media web sensing d, e W = non-continuous media web sensing d, e M = non-continuous media mark sensing A = auto-detects the type of media during calibration d, f V = continuous media, variable length g Default Value: a value must be entered or the command is ignored
b = black mark offset in dots This sets the expected location of the media mark relative to the point of separation between documents. If set to 0, the media mark is expected to be found at the point of separation. (i.e., the perforation, cut point, etc.) All values are listed in dots. This parameter is ignored unless the a parameter is set to M. If this parameter is missing, the default value is used. Accepted Values: -80 to 283 for direct-thermal only printers -240 to 566 for 600 dpi printers -75 to 283 for KR403 printers -120 to 283 for all other printers Default Value: 0
Download Objects Description The ~DY command downloads to the printer graphic objects or fonts in any supported format. This command can be used in place of ~DG for more saving and loading options. ~DY is the preferred command to download TrueType fonts on printers with firmware later than X.13. It is faster than ~DU. The ~DY command also supports downloading wireless certificate files. Format ~DYd:f,b,x,t,w,data
When using certificate files, your printer supports:
- Using Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) formatted certificate files.
- Using the client certificate and private key as two files, each downloaded separately.
- Using exportable PAC files for EAP-FAST.
- Zebra recommends using Linear sty
d = file location .NRD and .PAC files reside on E: in firmware versions V60.15.x, V50.15.x, or later. Accepted Values: R:, E:, B:, and A: Default Value: R:
f = file name Accepted Values: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters Default Value: if a name is not specified, UNKNOWN is used
b = format downloaded in data field .TTE and .TTF are only supported in firmware versions V60.14.x, V50.14.x, or later. Accepted Values: A = uncompressed (ZB64, ASCII) B = uncompressed (.TTE, .TTF, binary) C = AR-compressed (used only by Zebra’s BAR-ONE® v5) P = portable network graphic (.PNG) - ZB64 encoded Default Value: a value must be specified
Description The ^ID command deletes objects, graphics, fonts, and stored formats from storage areas. Objects can be deleted selectively or in groups. This command can be used within a printing format to delete objects before saving new ones, or in a stand-alone format to delete objects.
The image name and extension support the use of the asterisk (*) as a wild card. This allows you to easily delete a selected groups of objects. Format ^IDd:o.x
d = location of stored object Accepted Values: R:, E:, B:, and A: Default Value: R:
o = object name Accepted Values: any 1 to 8 character name Default Value: if a name is not specified, UNKNOWN is used
x = extension Accepted Values: any extension conforming to Zebra conventions
Default Value: .GRF
const string PrintImage = "^XA^FO0,0,0^IME:LOGO.PNG^FS^XZ";
var zplImageData = string.Empty;
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
if (responseStream == null)
stream.Position = 0;
using (var zipout = ZipFile.Read(stream))
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
foreach (var e in zipout.Where(e => e.FileName.Contains(".png")))
if (ms.Length <= 0)
var binaryData = ms.ToArray();
foreach (var b in binaryData)
var hexRep = string.Format("{0:X}", b);
if (hexRep.Length == 1)
hexRep = "0" + hexRep;
zplImageData += hexRep;
var zplToSend = "^XA" + "^FO0,0,0" + "^MNN" + "~DYE:LOGO,P,P," + binaryData.Length + ",," + zplImageData + "^XZ";
var label = GenerateStreamFromString(zplToSend);
var client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
client.Connect(IpAddress, Port);
var cmd = GenerateStreamFromString(PrintImage);
var client2 = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
client2.Connect(IpAddress, Port);
client2.Close();var clearDownLabel = GenerateStreamFromString("^XA^IDR:LOGO.PNG^FS^XZ");
var client3 = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
client3.Connect(IpAddress, Port);
Easy once you know how.
Zebra ZPL logo example in base64
import crcmod
import base64
crc16 = crcmod.predefined.mkCrcFun('xmodem')
s = hex(crc16(ZPL_LOGO.encode()))[2:]
print (f"crc16: {s}")
Poorly documented may I say the least
