Connect Neo.ClientError.Security.Unauthorized: The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure - neo4j

I typed bolt://localhost:7687 as a connect URL,
neo4j as user and
neo4j as psw
but I faced this error msg
" Neo.ClientError.Security.Unauthorized: The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure."
what should I do please

When you create a new database instance with Neo4j Desktop it will ask you there and then to change the default password of neo4j to something else, and it will not let you keep it as neo4j. This is most likely why you are getting that error.
If you are unable to remember what password you selected at the time of creation of the database, you can change it via Neo4j Desktop by navigating to the 'Manage' cog on that database, click the 'Administration' tab, and change the password there.


I can't find where to specify new credentials for my neo4j connection in the desktop browser

I've successfully changed my username and password for my neo4j database and I can successfully connect from my app. However now I cannot log in from the desktop browser.
Every attempt to run :server connect returns the same message, indicating that I'm still attempting to connect as user "neo4j", that the database access requires an authenticated connection, and that connection credentials are stored in my web browser.
I've checked everywhere I can think of for where these credentials are stored so I can change the user I am attempting to authenticate with.
Where is this information stored and how can I change it?
This may solve your issue. In the neo4j Desktop window:
Select your Project in the left pane.
Click the Manage button of the appropriate Graph in the right pane.
Click the Administration tab.
Set your new password.
I found the solution. I had to use :server disconnect and then :server connect, which allowed me to re-enter new credentials.

App Maker and Cloud SQL - connection issue

I am working on an app which is using Cloud SQL database. I am already connected with Cloud SQL instance using instance name, user name, password. I am able to create tables (by adding model), drop tables (by check) from App Maker level.
However I can't insert record using form. I also can't present the data in tables.
I am getting following error,
Exception: Unable to connect to database. Check the connection string,
user name, and password. Executing query for datasource ModelSQL:
(Error) : Unable to connect to database. Check the connection string,
user name, and password. Executing query for datasource ModelSQL
Did you set the preview credentials? (App Settings > GOOGLE CLOUD SQL > SQL preview credentials > UPDATE).
Please re-type CloudSQL credentials: in application setting - Cloud SQL for Preview or in deployment settings for Deployments.
Also ensure that your user is Editor or Owner on Google Cloud Platform's project with CloudSQL instance. And re-check setup instructions:
Is the app running as user or as developer (

Aspnet core deployment to IIS - HTTP Error 502.3

I have created the IIS site and pointed it at the deployment folder. I have enabled stdout logging and this is the error:
info: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.DataProtectionServices[0]
User profile is available. Using 'C:\Users\No Managed Code\AppData\Local\ASP.NET\DataProtection-Keys' as key repository and Windows DPAPI to encrypt keys at rest.
fail: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.QueryCompiler[1]
An exception occurred in the database while iterating the results of a query.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database "KeyStoneDb" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\No Managed Code'.
So, I added the login to SQL with all the necessary rights. Retested in DEV - fine, but when running IIS I still get the issue. The Application Pool being used is 'No Managed Code'.
Why cant the app not connect to the database?
IIS AppPool accounts are virtual accounts, therefore, they don't actually exist as a normal user on the system.
You can not give access to networked resources using that identity. Shared\network resources like file shares and databases that need to communicate with these accounts need to have the 'domain\machinename$' with appropriate permissions.
Give 'domain\machinename$' appropriate permissions on your DB. That should do it.

SQL Server Express connection

When I try to build a connection string (dbGO ADO) in Delphi and use user name and password to connect to a SQL Server Express database using Native SQL client 11, I get "connection successful" however when I click OK to save the connection string it automatically reverts to a blank password.
I tried to define the connection string in Before Connect event however it keeps saying login incorrect and the credentials are correct.
If I enable login prompt the connection works fine after inserting the password.
Is there a way to avoid using the login prompt?
PS the database is on my desktop at home and I try to connect to it from work. I can make an account with a blank password in which case everything works with no login prompt enabled however I would like to have a password.
The solution to this problem is to set the Persist Security Info to true thnks TLama

SharePoint Products & Technologies Configuration Wizard : System.FormatException

I am configuring the Sharepoint for the first time, using the SharePoint Products & Technologies Configuration Wizard. While configuring, i have selected below options:
I am creating a new server farm.
Entered the my machine name as database server name, and specified
the credentials of domain user. This domain user is added to the
login user on my database server with Windows Authentication.
Specified the port number 10100 and selected NTLM authentication
After clicking Next i am getting below error:
An error has occurred while validating the configuration settings. An exception of type System.FormatException was thrown. Additional exception information: *Input string was not in a correct format.*
In the event viewer no error has been logged. But few Information level logs are logged stating 'Login failed for user ''. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database. [CLIENT: *..*.]'. But i can login to database with the same user with Windows Authentication.
Please suggest few things to resolve this issue.
I came across with same issue. I Did rein-stallion of SQL 2008 R2 with SP1 and reinstalled IIS on SharePoint server. Then issue got fixed.
