Ada - how to explicitly pack a bit-field record type? - stream

Please consider the following experimental Ada program which attempts to create a 32-bit record with well defined bit fields, create one and output it to a file stream...
with System;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Streams.Stream_Io; use Ada.Streams.Stream_Io;
procedure Main is
type Bit is mod (2 ** 1);
type Opcode_Number is mod (2 ** 4);
type Condition_Number is mod (2 ** 4);
type Operand is mod (2 ** 9);
type RAM_Register is
Opcode : Opcode_Number;
Z : Bit;
C : Bit;
R : Bit;
I : Bit;
Cond : Condition_Number;
Rsvd_1 : Bit;
Rsvd_2 : Bit;
Dest : Operand;
Src : Operand;
end record;
for RAM_Register use
Opcode at 0 range 28 .. 31;
Z at 0 range 27 .. 27;
C at 0 range 26 .. 26;
R at 0 range 25 .. 25;
I at 0 range 24 .. 24;
Cond at 0 range 20 .. 23;
Rsvd_1 at 0 range 19 .. 19;
Rsvd_2 at 0 range 18 .. 18;
Dest at 0 range 9 .. 17;
Src at 0 range 0 .. 8;
end record;
for RAM_Register'Size use 32;
for RAM_Register'Bit_Order use System.High_Order_First;
-- ADA 2012 language reference 'full_type_declaration'
-- (page 758, margin number 8/3) for RAM_Register
pragma Atomic (RAM_Register);
-- 3 2 1 0
-- 10987654321098765432109876543210
-- OOOOzcriCONDrrDDDDDDDDDsssssssss
X : RAM_Register := (2#1000#,
The_File : Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.File_Type;
The_Stream : Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Stream_Access;
Open (The_File, Out_File, "test.dat");
when others =>
Create (The_File, Out_File, "test.dat");
The_Stream := Stream (The_File);
RAM_Register'Write (The_Stream, X);
Close (The_File);
end Main;
I used the info here: and here: (the very last example) to create the above.
Running the code and examining the output with xxd -g1 test.dat gives the following 12 bytes of output...
00000000: 08 01 01 01 01 08 01 01 01 01 01 01 ............
How can this 32 bit record be written to, or read from, a stream as 32 bits, observing all bitfield positions? Imagine I was communicating with a microcontroller on an RS-232 port, each bit will be required to be exactly in the right place at the right time. The syntax for RAM_Register use record... seems to have had no effect on how 'Write arranges its output.
If I do provide my own 'Read and 'Write implementations, doesn't that directly contradict the 'for RAM_Register use record...` code?

You probably will have to convert the instance to an unsigned integer (via an unchecked conversion) and then write the unsigned integer to the stream. The default implementation of Write ignores the representation clause (see also RM 13 9/3):
For composite types, the Write or Read attribute for each component is called in canonical order, [...]
So, add
with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
and define RAM_Register as
type RAM_Register is
Opcode : Opcode_Number;
Z : Bit;
C : Bit;
R : Bit;
I : Bit;
Cond : Condition_Number;
Rsvd_1 : Bit;
Rsvd_2 : Bit;
Dest : Operand;
Src : Operand;
end record with Atomic;
procedure Write
(Stream : not null access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : RAM_Register);
for RAM_Register'Write use Write;
for RAM_Register use
Opcode at 0 range 28 .. 31;
Z at 0 range 27 .. 27;
C at 0 range 26 .. 26;
R at 0 range 25 .. 25;
I at 0 range 24 .. 24;
Cond at 0 range 20 .. 23;
Rsvd_1 at 0 range 19 .. 19;
Rsvd_2 at 0 range 18 .. 18;
Dest at 0 range 9 .. 17;
Src at 0 range 0 .. 8;
end record;
for RAM_Register'Size use 32;
for RAM_Register'Bit_Order use System.High_Order_First;
-- Write --
procedure Write
(Stream : not null access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : RAM_Register)
function To_Unsigned_32 is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (RAM_Register, Unsigned_32);
U32 : Unsigned_32 := To_Unsigned_32 (Item);
Unsigned_32'Write (Stream, U32);
end Write;
This yields
$ xxd -g1 test.dat
00000000: 01 03 8e 8f ....
Note: the bitorder may have been reversed as I had to comment the aspect specification for RAM_Register'Bit_Order use System.High_Order_First;


AMPL ERROR: I am getting this error, i have mentioned and attached mod and dat files

Below are my dat and mode files for ampl .
I am getting the following error:
hw3.dat, line 14 (offset 262):
b[1] already defined
context: 1 1 >>> ; <<<
hw3.dat, line 14 (offset 262):
b[1] already defined
context: 1 1 >>> ; <<<
hw3.dat, line 14 (offset 262):
b[1] already defined
context: 1 1 >>> ; <<<
hw3.dat, line 14 (offset 262):
b[1] already defined
context: 1 1 >>> ; <<<
hw3.dat, line 14 (offset 262):
b[1] already defined
# AMPL model for the Minimum Cost Network Flow Problem
# By default, this model assumes that b[i] = 0, c[i,j] = 0,
# l[i,j] = 0 and u[i,j] = Infinity.
# Parameters not specified in the data file will get their default values.
options solver cplex;
set NODES; # nodes in the network
set ARCS within {NODES, NODES}; # arcs in the network
set english;
set french;
param b {NODES} default 0; # supply/demand for node i
param c {ARCS} default 0; # cost of one of flow on arc(i,j)
param l {ARCS} default 0; # lower bound on flow on arc(i,j)
param u {ARCS} default Infinity; # upper bound on flow on arc(i,j)
var x {ARCS}; # flow on arc (i,j)
maximize cost: sum{(i,j) in ARCS} c[i,j] * x[i,j]; #objective: minimize
#arc flow cost
subject to flow_balance {i in NODES}:
sum{j in NODES: (i,j) in ARCS} x[i,j] - sum{j in NODES: (j,i) in ARCS}
x[j,i] = b[i];A
subject to capacity {(i,j) in ARCS}: l[i,j] <= x[i,j] <= u[i,j];
subject to flow_conservation {i in english}:
sum{j in french} x[i,j] = 1;
subject to flow_bounds {(i,j) in ARCS}:
x[i,j] = 0 || x[i,j] <= 1;
#subject to Number: {(i,j) in ARCS} x[i,j]=0 || x[i,j] = 1;
data hw3.dat
printf "The optimal pair assignments with compatibility scores are: \n";
for {i in english, j in french} {
printf "English Child %d and French Child %d with compatibility score %d \n", i, j, c[i,j];
set NODES :=e1 e2 e3 f1 f2 f3;
set ARCS:= (e1,f1) (e1,f2) (e1,f3) (e2,f1) (e2,f2) (e2,f3) (e3,f1) (e3,f2) (e3,f3);
set english:=e1 e2 e3;
set french:=f1 f2 f3;
param: b:=
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1;
param: c l u:=
[e1,f1] 6 0 10
[e1,f2] 3 0 10
[e1,f3] 2 0 10
[e2,f1] 9 0 10
[e2,f2] 5 0 10
[e2,f3] 1 0 10
[e3,f1] 4 0 10
[e3,f2] 10 0 10
[e3,f3] 8 0 10
It keeps saying that b is already defined, but i didnt do it. i tried changing the name from b to some other thing, still shows the same error.
can someone help please.
In your data file you have:
param: b:=
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1;
Each line means b[1] = 1 and that is why you are getting the error "b[1] already defined context".
Since b is indexed over NODES (param b {NODES} default 0;) you should have something like the following instead:
param: b :=
e1 1
e2 1
e3 1
f1 1
f2 1
f3 1;

How can I cast a value into two bytes in Dafny?

I want to convert an integer from 0 to 65355 and for that I need a two byte representation. I'm trying to divide it by 2, 8 times, and sum the powers of 2 when the rest is one, and then cast that integer as a byte but I'm having problems meeting the restrictions of a byte (256). The second byte will be the rest of the 8th division and I'm having problems casting that as a byte too.
The following is my code for the previously described function method:
method convertBin(i:int) returns (b:seq<byte>)
requires 0<=i<=65535;
var b1:=0;
var q:=i;
var j:=0;
while j<8
invariant 0<=j<=8 && (b1 as int)< power(2,j)
decreases 8-j
var p:int;
p:=power(2, j);
b1:=b1 + p;
b1:=b1 as byte;
b:=[b1]+[q as byte];
To complete your example, you need stronger loop invariants. But you don't need a loop at all, since there's no reason to divide only by 2.
Here's doing it with byte as a subset type:
type byte = x | 0 <= x < 256
method convertBin(i: int) returns (b1: byte, b0: byte)
requires 0 <= i < 0x1_0000
ensures i == 256 * b1 + b0
b1, b0 := i / 256, i % 256;
And here's the same program, but with byte being a newtype:
newtype byte = x | 0 <= x < 256
method convertBin(i: int) returns (b1: byte, b0: byte)
requires 0 <= i < 0x1_0000
ensures i == 256 * b1 as int + b0 as int
b1, b0 := (i / 256) as byte, (i % 256) as byte;

Comparing signed 64 bit number using 32 bit bitwise operations in Lua

I am using Lua on Redis and want to compare two signed 64-bit numbers, which are stored in two 8-byte/character strings.
How can I compare them using the libraries available in Redis?
I'd like to know >/< and == checks. I think this probably involves pulling two 32-bit numbers for each 64-bit int, and doing some clever math on those, but I am not sure.
I have some code to make this less abstract. a0, a1, b0, b1 are all 32 bit numbers used to represent the msb & lsb's of two 64-bit signed int 64s:
-- ...
local comp_int64s = function (a0, a1, b0, b1)
local cmpres = 0
-- TOOD: Real comparison
return cmpres
local l, a0, a1, b0, b1
a0, l = bit.tobit(struct.unpack("I4", ARGV[1]))
a1, l = bit.tobit(struct.unpack("I4", ARGV[1], 5))
b0, l = bit.tobit(struct.unpack("I4", blob))
b1, l = bit.tobit(struct.unpack("I4", blob, 5))
print("Cmp result", comp_int64s(a0, a1, b0, b1))
EDIT: Added code
I came up with a method that looks like it's working. It's a little ugly though.
The first step is to compare top 32 bits as 2 compliment #’s
MSB sign bit stays, so numbers keep correct relations
-1 —> -1
0 —> 0
9223372036854775807 = 0x7fff ffff ffff ffff -> 0x7ffff ffff = 2147483647
So returning the result from the MSB's works unless they are equal, then the LSB's need to get checked.
I have a few cases to establish the some patterns:
-1 = 0xffff ffff ffff ffff
-2 = 0xffff ffff ffff fffe
32 bit is:
-1 -> 0xffff ffff = -1
-2 -> 0xffff fffe = -2
-1 > -2 would be like -1 > -2 : GOOD
8589934591 = 0x0000 0001 ffff ffff
8589934590 = 0x0000 0001 ffff fffe
32 bit is:
8589934591 -> ffff ffff = -1
8589934590 -> ffff fffe = -2
8589934591 > 8589934590 would be -1 > -2 : GOOD
The sign bit on MSB’s doesn’t matter b/c negative numbers have the same relationship between themselves as positive numbers. e.g regardless of sign bit, lsb values of 0xff > 0xfe, always.
What about if the MSB on the lower 32 bits is different?
0xff7f ffff 7fff ffff = -36,028,799,166,447,617
0xff7f ffff ffff ffff = -36,028,797,018,963,969
32 bit is:
-..799.. -> 0x7fff ffff = 2147483647
-..797.. -> 0xffff ffff = -1
-..799.. < -..797.. would be 2147483647 < -1 : BAD!
So we need to ignore the sign bit on the lower 32 bits. And since the relationships are the same for the LSBs regardless of sign, just using
the lowest 32 bits unsigned works for all cases.
This means I want signed for the MSB's and unsigned for the LSBs - so chaging I4 to i4 for the LSBs. Also making big endian official and using '>' on the struct.unpack calls:
-- ...
local comp_int64s = function (as0, au1, bs0, bu1)
if as0 > bs0 then
return 1
elseif as0 < bs0 then
return -1
-- msb's equal comparing lsbs - these are unsigned
if au1 > bu1 then
return 1
elseif au1 < bu1 then
return -1
return 0
local l, as0, au1, bs0, bu1
as0, l = bit.tobit(struct.unpack(">i4", ARGV[1]))
au1, l = bit.tobit(struct.unpack(">I4", ARGV[1], 5))
bs0, l = bit.tobit(struct.unpack(">i4", blob))
bu1, l = bit.tobit(struct.unpack(">I4", blob, 5))
print("Cmp result", comp_int64s(as0, au1, bs0, bu1))
Comparing is a simple string compare s1 == s2.
Greater than is when not s1 == s2 and i1 < i2.
Less than is the real work. string.byte allows to get single bytes as unsigned char. In case of unsigned integer, you would just have to check bytes-downwards: b1==b2 -> check next byte; through all bytes -> false (equal); b1>b2 -> false (greater than); b1<b2 -> true. Signed requires more steps: first check the sign bit (uppermost byte >127). If sign 1 is set but not sign 2, integer 1 is negative but not integer 2 -> true. The opposite would obviously result in false. When both signs are equal, you can do the unsigned processing.
When you can pack more bytes to an integer, it's fine too, but you have to adjust the sign bit check. When you have LuaJIT, you can use the ffi library to cast your string into a byte array into an int64.

How to set 5 bits to value 3 at offset 387 bit in byte data sequence?

I need set some bits in ByteData at position counted in bits.
How I can do this?
var byteData = new ByteData(1024);
var bitData = new BitData(byteData);
// Offset in bits: 387
// Number of bits: 5
// Value: 3
bitData.setBits(387, 5, 3);
Yes it is quite complicated. I dont know dart, but these are the general steps you need to take. I will label each variable as a letter and also use a more complicated example to show you what happens when the bits overflow.
1. Construct the BitData object with a ByteData object (A)
2. Call setBits(offset (B), bits (C), value (D));
I will use example values of:
A: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
B: 7
C: 10
D: 00000000 11111111
3. Rather than using an integer with a fixed length of bits, you could
use another ByteData object (D) containing your bits you want to write.
Also create a mask (E) containing the significant bits.
A: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
D: 00000000 11111111
E: 00000011 11111111 (2^C - 1)
4. As an extra bonus step, we can make sure the insignificant
bits are really zero by ANDing with the bitmask.
D = D & E
D 00000000 11111111
E 00000011 11111111
5. Make sure D and E contain at least one full zero byte since we want
to shift them.
D 00000000 00000000 11111111
E 00000000 00000011 11111111
6. Work out these two integer values:
F = The extra bit offset for the start byte: B mod 8 (e.g. 7)
G = The insignificant bits: size(D) - C (e.g. 14)
7. H = G-F which should not be negative here. (e.g. 14-7 = 7)
8. Shift both D and E left by H bits.
D 00000000 01111111 10000000
E 00000001 11111111 10000000
9. Work out first byte number (J) floor(B / 8) e.g. 0
10. Read the value of A at this index out and let this be K
K = 11111111 11111111 11111111
11. AND the current (K) with NOT E to set zeros for the new bits.
Then you can OR the new bits over the top.
L = (K & !E) | D
K & !E = 11111110 00000000 01111111
L = 11111110 01111111 11111111
12. Write L to the same place you read it from.
There is no BitData class, so you'll have to do some of the bit-pushing yourself.
Find the corresponding byte offset, read in some bytes, mask out the existing bits and set the new ones at the correct bit offset, then write it back.
The real complexity comes when you need to store more bits than you can read/write in a single operation.
For endianness, if you are treating the memory as a sequence of bits with arbitrary width, I'd go for little-endian. Endianness only really makes sense for full-sized (2^n-bit, n > 3) integers. A 5 bit integer as the one you are storing can't have any endianness, and a 37 bit integer also won't have any natural way of expressing an endianness.
You can try something like this code (which can definitely be optimized more):
import "dart:typed_data";
void setBitData(ByteBuffer buffer, int offset, int length, int value) {
assert(value < (1 << length));
assert(offset + length < buffer.lengthInBytes * 8);
int byteOffset = offset >> 3;
int bitOffset = offset & 7;
if (length + bitOffset <= 32) {
ByteData data = new ByteData.view(buffer);
// Can update it one read/modify/write operation.
int mask = ((1 << length) - 1) << bitOffset;
int bits = data.getUint32(byteOffset, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
bits = (bits & ~mask) | (value << bitOffset);
data.setUint32(byteOffset, bits, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
// Split the value into chunks of no more than 32 bits, aligned.
do {
int bits = (length > 32 ? 32 : length) - bitOffset;
setBitData(buffer, offset, bits, value & ((1 << bits) - 1));
offset += bits;
length -= bits;
value >>= bits;
bitOffset = 0;
} while (length > 0);
Example use:
main() {
var b = new Uint8List(32);
setBitData(b.buffer, 3, 8, 255);
setBitData(b.buffer, 13, 6*4, 0xffffff);
setBitData(b.buffer, 47, 21*4, 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);

Get a modules data without an entity statement in VHDL?

I need to get some data from a module I was given, but I don't know if it is even possible or how to approach the problem.
Is it possible to get information from another module if that module doesn't have an entity map? It only has a generic with TIME statements.
Is it at all possible to get anything out of this module?
It writes to a memory, could I pull things out of that?
This is the file I have.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use STD.TEXTIO.all;
entity MIPS is
generic (
MEM_DLY : TIME := 0.5 ns;
CYC_TIME: TIME := 2 ns
end entity MIPS;
architecture MIPS of MIPS is
signal PC : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 ) := X"0000_0010";
signal READ_DATA2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 ) := ( others => '0');
signal HUH : BIT_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
signal HUHINS : STRING ( 1 to 25 );
signal INSTRUC : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
signal M_DATA_IN : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 ) := ( others => 'Z');
signal M_DATA_OUT : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 ):= ( others => 'Z');
signal M_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 ) := ( others => '0');
signal CLK : STD_LOGIC := '0';
signal MEMREAD : STD_LOGIC := '0';
signal M_DATA_WHEN : STD_LOGIC := '0';
signal MEMWRITE : STD_LOGIC := '0';
signal CYCLE : INTEGER := 1;
CLK <= '1';
wait for CYC_TIME/2;
CLK <= '0';
wait for CYC_TIME/2;
end process;
process ( CLK ) is
if RISING_EDGE ( CLK ) then
PC <= PC + 4;
end if;
end process;
process ( PC ) is -- make subject only to address
type INSTR_STR_ARY is array ( 0 to 1023 ) of STRING ( 1 to 25 );
variable MEMSTRR : INSTR_STR_ARY:=(others => " ");
type MEMORY is array ( 0 to 1023 ) of BIT_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
variable MEM : MEMORY := ( others => X"0000_0000");
variable IADDR : INTEGER; -- integer for address
variable DTEMP : BIT_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
variable INIT : INTEGER := 0; -- when to initialize...
file IN_FILE : TEXT open READ_MODE is "instr_mem.txt";
variable BUF : LINE;
variable ADR_STR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
variable TADR : INTEGER;
variable TDATA : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
variable BDATA : BIT_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
variable STR_ING : STRING ( 1 to 25 );
if INIT = 0 then
while not (ENDFILE ( IN_FILE )) loop
HREAD ( BUF, ADR_STR ); -- get the address on the line
TADR := CONV_INTEGER ( ADR_STR (14 downto 2));
HREAD ( BUF, TDATA ); -- get the data on the line
BDATA := To_bitvector (TDATA);
MEM ( TADR ) := BDATA; -- put into memory
for J in 1 to 25 loop
STR_ING(J) := ' ';
end loop;
READ ( BUF, STR_ING ); -- get instruction string
report "iteration of loop";
end loop;
INIT := 1; -- when all data in, set INIT to 1;
end if; -- end of INIT check
IADDR := CONV_INTEGER ( PC ( 14 downto 2 ));
INSTRUC <= To_StdLogicVector ( MEM ( IADDR )) after MEM_DLY;
report "should hit INSTRUC";
end process;
-- The following is the magic process
-- User must supply:
-- M_ADDR - memory address (data memory) as a 12 bit STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
-- Remember the M_ADDR is a WORD address
-- M_DATA_IN - value going to memory from hardware (data path)
-- Remember that this is 32 bit STD_LOGIC_VECTOR, user supplied
-- READ_DATA2 - this is to be replaced by user's sourceof info for memory
DATA_MEMORY_PROCESS: -- name of process ...
process ( M_ADDR, CLK, MEMREAD ) is -- Sens: M_ADDR, CLK, MEMREAD
file IN_FILE: TEXT open READ_MODE is "data_mem_init.txt"; -- initial data
file OUT_FILE: TEXT open WRITE_MODE is "mem_trans.txt"; -- results
variable BUF : LINE; -- declare BUF as LINE
variable TVAL : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 ); -- var for temp value
variable TADRHEX : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 ); -- var for address
variable TADR : INTEGER; -- address as integer
type MEM_TYPE is array ( 0 to 1023 ) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
variable THE_MEMORY : MEM_TYPE := ( others => X"00000000" ); -- the memory
variable FIRST : BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- flag for first time thru
constant STR : STRING ( 1 to 3 ) := " "; -- 3 spaces - for printing
constant WR_STR : STRING ( 1 to 3 ) := "W "; -- for write
constant RD_STR : STRING ( 1 to 3 ) := "R "; -- for read
variable TSTR2 : STRING ( 1 to 29 ); -- to create a string
type MEMSTR_TYPE is array ( 0 to 1023 ) of STRING ( 1 to 29 ); --
begin -- start here
if FIRST then -- first time thru,
while FIRST loop -- loop on data available - until
if not ( ENDFILE ( IN_FILE )) then -- end of file shows up
READLINE(IN_FILE, BUF); -- read a line from file,
HREAD(BUF, TADRHEX); -- get address from BUF
TADR := CONV_INTEGER ( TADRHEX ); -- turn it into integer
HREAD(BUF, TVAL); -- next, get value from BUF
THE_MEMORY(TADR/4) := TVAL; -- put TVAL into the memory
else -- the 'else' is for end of file
FIRST := FALSE; -- EOF shows up - set FIRST false
end if;
end loop; -- where loop ends...
end if; -- where if FIRST ends ...
if MEMREAD = '1' then -- now, memory function 'read'
M_DATA_OUT <= THE_MEMORY ( CONV_INTEGER ( M_ADDR ) / 4 ); -- get val from
M_DATA_WHEN <= not M_DATA_WHEN; -- and invert M_DATA_WHEN
else -- if not MEMREAD,
M_DATA_OUT <= ( others => 'Z' ); -- set memory out to 'Z's
end if;
if RISING_EDGE ( CLK ) then -- on clock edge...
if MEMREAD = '1' then -- if MEMREAD asserted,
TADR := CONV_INTEGER ( M_ADDR ) / 4; -- set TADR to address as int
TVAL := THE_MEMORY ( TADR ); -- and get contents to TVAL
WRITE (BUF, RD_STR); -- then build BUF; put read indi
HWRITE (BUF, M_ADDR); -- and the address
WRITE (BUF, STR); -- some spaces
HWRITE (BUF, TVAL); -- and the value
WRITE (BUF, STR); -- more spaces
WRITE (BUF, NOW); -- current simulation time
WRITELINE (OUT_FILE, BUF); -- and send line to file.
elsif MEMWRITE = '1' then -- if not read, but it is write
TADR := CONV_INTEGER ( M_ADDR ) / 4; -- set TADR to address as int
TVAL := M_DATA_IN; -- set TVAL as data in value
WRITE (BUF, WR_STR); -- start buffer with write indi
HWRITE (BUF, M_ADDR); -- then the address
WRITE (BUF, STR); -- then some spaces
HWRITE (BUF, TVAL); -- and the value written
WRITE (BUF, STR); -- still more spaces
WRITE (BUF, NOW); -- simulation time
WRITELINE (OUT_FILE, BUF); -- and send line to file
-- and finally, value to the mem
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture MIPS;
The code you presented simulates the memories that your MIPS processor will interact with - a program memory and a data memory.
Your MIPS will interact with the program memory by providing a value for PC; the corresponding instruction will be handed to your CPU on signal INSTRUCT. You'll probably delete the lines corresponding to the TEST_PC_PROC process, since the actual PC value will come from the MIPS. The program to be run by the CPU is given in file data_mem_init.txt. This program memory is asynchronous.
Your MIPS will interact with the data memory through signals M_ADDR, M_DATA_OUT, M_DATA_IN, and MEMREAD. To read data, your CPU will set M_ADDR and MEMREAD=1, and provide the address in M_ADDR. The given code will set M_DATA_OUT with the requested data. To write data, you will set M_DATA_IN or READ_DATA2 (or replace READ_DATA2 with a signal of your choice). The data will be written on the rising edge of CLK.
Don't be distracted by the WRITE/HWRITE calls, they just keep a log on file mem_trans.txt.
IMO, this interface is much more complicated than it needed to be. You're probably better or if you keep your MIPS implementation in totally separate files, and just add the signals needed to interact with this model to its ports list.
It's not entirely clear from your question what you are hoping to achieve with this mystery module that you have... but here's some ideas which might trigger something:
If you have a component for the module in question, then you can instantiate it within your design and then manipulate its inputs to make its outputs do what they should. Maybe it has some documentation to give you some clues!
If it writes to memory and you have a multi port memory controller within your system connected to the same memory, you could build something which will read data from the memory after your mystery module has written to it.
Or finally, if this is an FPGA, you can embed a logic analyser into the FPGA bitstream to observe the signals going to and from the secret module.
