How can I reference jenkinsfile declarative tools reference in my code - jenkins

I have a section at the top of my jenkinsfile for tools that manages the installation. I want to see if I can reference this values later on in my declarative code.
pipeline {
agent { label 'buildfarm' }
options { buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '15')) }
tools {
maven '3.6.2'
jdk 'jdk9'
When I generate code for the pipeline it given me code like this ...
withMaven( maven: 'Maven 3.5.0 Linux', globalMavenSettingsConfig:
'f0b3bb88-e3b7-4ba2-a1b5-8a5ab8ce02fc', mavenLocalRepo:
sh "mvn clean install -U -Dmaven.test.skip=true"
This code resides in a library and I want the values in the tools section of the Jenkinsfile to be able to set the values for maven version in the library declarative code. Is this possible and how?


What is the equivalent of the command tools in Jenkins scirpted pipeline?

How does Jenkins manage plugins? Do all nodes have a set of plugins installed according to the list specified in the master?
What is the equivalent of declarative pipeline's command tools in scripted pipeline? If there isn't one, how do we use the tools like Maven, NodeJS?
If there isn't one, how do we use the tools like Maven, NodeJS?
According to the node plugin doc at, you could do the following:
nodejs(nodeJSInstallationName: 'Node-name') {
sh 'npm install'
Same for the maven plugin:
withMaven(maven: 'Jenkins Maven') {
sh 'mvn install'

Teamcity Shared Library and Stash/Unstash Like Jenkins

I am currently a jenkins user and is exploring the Teamcity.
In jenkins we have a concept of shared libraries, which basically extends a generic groovy code into different jenkins pipeline and avoid re-writing the same functionality in each jenkins file following the DRY (don't repeat yourself) , hide implementation complexity, keep pipelines short and easier to understand
There could be a repository having all the Groovy functions like:
Repo: http::// (repo Utilities)
Sample Groovy Scipt ==>> GitUtils.groovy with below functions
public void setGitConfig(String userName, String email) {
sh "git config --global ${userName}"
sh "git config --global user.mail ${email}"
public void gitPush(StringbranchName) {
sh "git push origin ${branchName}"
In jenkinsfile we can just call this function like below (of course we need to define config in jenkins for it to know the Repo url for Shared library and give it a name):
//name of shared library given in jenkins
#Library('utilities') _
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ('Example') {
steps {
// 'Starting'
script {
def gitutil = new GitUtils()
gitutils.setGitConfig("Ray", "")
And that's it anyone wanting the same function has to just include the library in jenkinsfile and use it in pipeline
Can we migrate over the same to Teamcity, if yes how can it be done? We do not want to spend lot of time to re-writing
Jenkins also support Stashing and unstashing of workspace between stages, is the similar concept present in teamcity?
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Git checkout'){
steps {
stash includes: '/root/hello-world/*', name: 'mysrc'
stage('maven build'){
agent { label 'slave-1' }
steps {
unstash 'mysrc'
sh label: '', script: 'mvn clean package'
As for reusing common TeamCity Kotlin DSL libraries, this can be done via maven dependencies. For that you have to mention it in the pom.xml file within your DSL code. You can also consider using JitPack if your DSL library code is hosted on GitHub for example and you do not want to handle building it separately and publishing its maven artifacts.
Although with migration from Jenkins to TeamCity you will most likely have to rewrite the common library (if you still need one at all), as TeamCity project model and DSL are quite different to what you have in Jenkins.
Speaking of stashing/unstashing workspaces, it may be covered by either artifact rules and artifact dependencies (as described here: or repository clone mirroring on agents.

Is there any way to convert maven project to pipeline in an automated way

Having some maven projects. I want to change it to a scripted pipeline in jenkins
To automate the following example you can use the Jenkins API via the groovy script console or an groovy system script to create you jobs programmatically.
Example for scripted Pipeline:
stage ('Build') {
git url: ''
// Maven installation declared in the Jenkins "Global Tool Configuration"
maven: 'M3',
// Maven settings.xml file defined with the Jenkins Config File Provider Plugin
// Maven settings and global settings can also be defined in Jenkins Global Tools Configuration
mavenSettingsConfig: 'my-maven-settings',
mavenLocalRepo: '.repository') {
// Run the maven build
sh "mvn clean install"
} // withMaven will discover the generated Maven artifacts, JUnit Surefire & FailSafe & FindBugs reports...
You need the Pipeline Maven Plugin:

How to run the same job with two different agents with Declarative Syntax?

I have two jobs running on two different OS, all the build steps are the same, it is the tools (jdk and maven), the meta data that are different.
I want to make a job that include both jobs on two agents depending on the OS.
I'm using Jenkins Pipeline Declarative Syntax, the problem is that I couldn't find a way to declare tools for a specific agent.
In Jenkins Pipeline, we can declare tools inside the entire pipeline or inside a specific stage and that's it.
PS: I need to use the declarative Syntax: no use of node {}
If I do so:
stage('Environment Set Up Linux') {
agent {
label "linux"
tools {
jdk 'oracle-jdk-1.8'
steps {
echo "Environment tools have been configured"
stage('Environment Set Up Solaris') {
agent {
label "solaris-64"
tools {
jdk 'oracle-jdk-1.7'
steps {
echo "Environment tools have been configured"
The tools will be used only for those stages not all stages and making tools in every stage would be stupid.
Define the common tools which are available on every slave in the entire pipeline and the specific ones in the stage section:
pipeline {
agent any
tools {
maven 'Maven 3.3.9'
stages {
tools {
maven 'Maven 2.2.1'
steps {
sh 'mvn --version'
steps {
sh 'mvn --version'
In this case the output in the stage 'test' is 2.2.1 because I define my tools in the stage section which overwrites the global pipeline. In the stage random I define no tools inside the stage so the tools which are defined in the global pipeline are used and 3.3.9 is printed. I hope this is what you meant.
In your case it could be all agents contain jdk1.8 and you want to use it in nearly ever stage (define it in the pipeline), if there is one stage in which you want to use jdk 1.7, just define the tools in the stage section which will overwrite the global config.

Gradle tool in Jenkins Declarative Pipeline

I defined a Jenkins Declarative pipeline to CI/CD my project. I am using gradle as my build tool. However I don't want to use the Gradle Wrapper and check it int the VCS. So I planed on using the jenkins tools functionality as below so that I can update the version number if I need to in future. But it doesn't seem to work.
pipeline {
agent any
tools {
gradle "gradle-4.0"
stage("Compile") {
steps {
sh 'gradle project/build.gradle classes'
I get the error " gradle: not found".
I tried to echo PATH and that doesn't contain the path of this autoinstalled gradle tool. Please help.
Looks like there is an issue on the gradle plugin for Jenkins on plugin version 1.26. Please see the link to the bug reported below.
