Using BreezeJs and Mobx in react or vue - breeze

I guess if someone needs to migrate from a legacy breeze.js application to a newer framework except Angular like ReactJs or VueJs, then Mobx can be a great help to brings the observable objects to the project.
I was wondering is someone has gave it a go to provide some feedback and perhaps sharing some code.

Actually, you don't need MobX with Breeze because Breeze already provides this capability. See the following example: Creating a Breeze React App


Making Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity compatible with Microsoft.AspNet.Identity Database

I have a existing MVC web application that makes use of the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity for user management. Now I am trying to build a Progressive Web App (PWA) and from what I read on the internet is going with .Net Core is the right approach and already there are Nuget Packages like WebEssentials.AspNetCore.PWA which makes life easier to build PWA. But the problem I am running into is that the Identity for .Net core ( Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity) has some changes in the Identity models compared to the previous version. I want to be able to reuse the existing database which is built using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity in MVC project.
I did try Installing the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity packages to the .Net Core project but I get warnings like:
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core 2.2.1' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1' instead of the project target framework '.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0'. This package may not be fully compatible with your project.
Is there any solution to make the Core identity compatible with existing database? Keeping into account the Account Controller functionality does not break.
Basically I need to get the Core App in sync with MVC. What suggestions do you have?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Deploy CRM plugin to Zendesk

I have a CRM plugin which I can deploy to Salesforce and it works fine.
My plugin is SPA which is written on javascript with durandal framework and it uses such libraries as knockout.js, require.js, q.amd.js, jquery.js, underscore.js, i18next.js and a few other javascript libraries. Is it possible to deploy such kind of app to Zendesk environment?
Unfortunately, up to the moment no. There is an "ongoing" discussion on Zendesk Support Forums about the matter, but it looks like it's not going to happen anytime soon. Product managers interacted in the thread expressing some will to do it, but I wouldn't rely on that happening in a near future:
At the moment we have no plans to support external libraries. We may open this up to a select few in the future.

is it possible to use dart with jsp?

I am using spring framework for my java enterprise application .
I felt javascript / jquery is hard to maintain for larger enterprise application.
Classes and Objects makes code maintenance easier.
how can i use dart with spring framework / JSP?.
The HTML code can be generate with JSP. However, we cannot debug with Dart Editor anymore.
It would be nice and more encourage people to start to use Dart by just by support debugging a HTML with dart from non-standard dart editor debug server.
For example: The HTML part is served by a Jetty server which contains links to dart
and we should be able to debug in Dart Editor.
Personally, This is the most needed feature otherwise, it's difficult to ask people to migrate old sytem with JSP, PHP to start to use Dart
We are listening to Dartian reponse.
I found one issue in Dart issue list:
The best way to use dart with springframework and JSP is to create rich client app (RCP) in dart and use springframework and JSP for implementing a service layer that should be used by the RCP.
There are various disadvantages if you chose to mix the application state between the client (browser) and the server. Much more scalable model is to build on service oriented architecture (SOA) and keep the UI logic solely on the client side.
Hope it helps ;-)

Is Polymer to succeed Web UI

Could someone please explain something for me.
I am confused. Currently Polymer and Web UI seems to be two separate projects with a lot of similarities.
Is Polymer to succeed Web UI - meaning Web UI will be discontinued in favour of Polymer?
Yes, Polymer is the successor to Web UI. At some point in the future, once Polymer is more stable, Web UI will be abandoned.
For now though, it still may make sense to use Web UI if you need it for a production app.
As mentioned already, yes Polymer is the next version of web_ui. It is being developed in conjunction with the JavaScript version of Polymer. web_ui is currently in extended support mode, in which bug fixes are applied to keep the library functional (particularly as new SDK releases are made), however there will be no new functionality added to web_ui.
As of yesterday, the integrated build reached 0.8.1, and with Polymer 0.8.1, Polymer has virtually reached parity with web_ui and in some areas already surpassed with additional functionality.
Google has committed to maintaining web_ui for existing projects, however I would highly recommend that any new projects be started with Polymer. It is also the time to look at porting any old web_ui projects over to the new libraries (something I'm in the process of doing myself).

does nhibernate.burrow work with and dot net 4.0 framework

I am thinking of using nHibernate.Burrow in my application. However there are several troubling things that I have read and I am hoping to get them sorted out before I embark on the project:
Are there any issues with running .Burrow with
Are there issues with running .Burrow with the 4.0 framework?
How tightly coupled is .Burrow with the nHibernate? I have read several things indicating that I have to use the same version of nHibernate as was used to create the .Burrow binaries.
Any other thoughts that people have?
Yes, you should use Burrow with appropriate NHibernate version. If you want to use it with another one you can try to put assemblyRedirect in web.config file.
And I wouldn't try to use Burrow with MVC. Yes, it has Session magement and some other usefull featrures, but they are tied to ASP.NET Web Forms.
As a base framework for mvc applications I would suggest Sharp Architecture. It has all required binaries and all versions are latest.
