What is the symbol to show String concatenation in normal text? - symbols

I want to know how to show the act of joining two names(strings) together. I am writing a pseudo code for a paper that has the string concatenation as part of it and I am not sure if there is any standard symbol to show that. Questions regarding the String concatenation symbols mostly addresses the syntaxes used to do the act of concatenation, but not the act itself.
For example, I have two variables A and B, each with their specific names as "a1" and "a2", respectively (Aid=a and Bid=a2). Now I am creating a third variable C and I want to show that its name is a1a2, what is the symbol for that?
Cid = Aid (+?) Bid

You could say something like print.raw('text').


How can I Read the file with Lua doing search filter and store the entries as a variable

So I want to read a text file with the following format:
Bob, G92f22f, Fggggfdff32
Rob, f3h9123, fdsgfdsg3
Sally, f2g4g, g3g3hgdsd
I want a simple Lua program that can filter out say "bob" and then say throw the data into a variable to use in a program.
a = Bob
b = G92f22f
c = Fggggfdff32
I assume then I could do
Still quite new to Lua having a heck of a time with anything read / variable though.
You'll want to look at the io and string modules; they handle things like reading from / writing to files and doing pattern matching on strings.
Luas pattern matching is a bit simple compared to the regular expressions most modern languages use, but from what I see in your example, you could probably match a "word" as [^, ]+, that is, one or more characters that aren't a comma or a space

Active record queries condition using an array and the % sign

Rubyonrails guides suggest to avoid to use conditions as pure strings.
I am writing a simple search form for users and I am still undecided about which argument I can use to replace the question mark. Using internet documentation i tried with the following expression:
find_by("name LIKE ?", "%#{search}%")
I found, after many attempts, the following alternative best suited for my needs:
find_by("name = ?", "#{search}")
What I do not understand is the use of the double % in the first expression, one at the beginning of the interpolated string and the second closing it.
As far as I understood, the LIKE in the first expression is used to return a user based on a incomplete query, such as using Exam to find Example User. However, if I remove the double % it behaves like the second expression. So, What is the double % useful for?
You have got it almost. LIKE is used to match any query which is like the supplied one but % is used to target it in a more specif way. Like if you use LIKE exam% then it will match anything starting with exam like exam, example etc. but not preexam. In the same way LIKE %exam will search for strings ending with exam like preexam but it will not match example.
And LIKE %exam% means match a string which has exam anywhere in string, be it at center or start or end like example, preexam, myexamination.
So without these % it just search for particular string.
This is more a question about your database (which is not included in the question) rather than Rails, but I will draw from the Postgres documentation. Your assumption about 'like' automatically matching partial strings is incorrect.
If pattern does not contain percent signs or underscore, then the
pattern only represents the string itself; in that case LIKE acts like
the equals operator. An underscore (_) in pattern stands for (matches)
any single character; a percent sign (%) matches any string of zero or
more characters.
Source: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/functions-matching.html
As you can see if the pattern matching contains no wildcard characters, it is the same as using an equals operator.
Final note: if you do not care about case sensitivity in your pattern matching, use ilike instead of like

RegEx negative-lookahead and behind to find characters not embedded within a wrapper

I would like to match strings/characters that are not surrounded by a well-defined string-wrapper. In this case the wrapper is '#L#' on the left of the string and '#R#' on the right of the string.
With the following string for example:
This is a #L#string#R# and it's #L#good or ok#R# to change characters in the next string
I would like to be able to search for (any number of characters) to change them on a case by case basis. For example:
Searching for "in", would match twice - the word 'in', and the 'in' contained within the last word 'string'.
Searching for a "g", should be found within the word 'change' and in the final word string (but not the first occurrence of string contained within the wrapper).
I'm somewhat familiar with how lookahead works in the sense that it identifies a match, and doesn't return the matching criteria as part of the identified match.
Unfortunately, I can't get my head around how to do it.
I've also been playing with this at http://regexpal.com/ but can't seem to find anything that works. Examples I've found for iOS are problematic, so perhaps the javascript tester is a tiny bit different.
I took some guidance from a previous question I asked, which seemed to be almost the same but sufficiently different to mean I couldn't work out how to reuse it:
Replacing 'non-tagged' content in a web page
Any ideas?
At first all the #L# to #R# blocks and then use alternation operator | to match the string in from the remaining string. To differentiate the matches, put in inside a capturing group.
Use a negative lookahead assertion. This would match the sub-string in only if it's not followed by #L# or #R#, zero or more times and further followed by #R#. So this would match all the in's which was not present inside the #L# and #R# blocks.

What is the convention to document types used in Lua?

I come from the strongly typed world and I want to write some Lua code. How should I document what type things are? What do Lua natives do? Hungarian notation? Something else?
For example:
local insert = function(what, where, offset)
It's impossible to tell at a glance whether we're talking about strings or tables here.
Should I do
local sInsert = function(sWhat, sWhere, nOffset)
-- string what, string where, number offset, return string
local insert = function(what, where, offset)
or something else?
What about local variables? What about table entries (e.g. someThing.someProperty)?
For a reference on thoughts and opinions on Lua style in the community (or a particular community?), read this: LuaStyleGuide.
The closest one could get to an enforced style would be the format used by LuaDoc, as it's a fairly popular documentation generator used by high profile projects such as LuaFileSystem.
There are only seven types in Lua.
Here are some conventions (some of them might sound a bit obvious; sorry):
Anything that sounds like a string, should be a string: street_address, request_method. If you are not sure you can add _name (or any other suffix that makes clear it's a substantive) to it: method_name
Anything that sounds like a number, should be a number: mass, temperature, percentage. When in doubt, add number, amount, coefficient, or whatever fits : number_of_children, user_id. The names n and i are usually given to numbers. If a number must be positive or natural, make assertions at the top of the function.
Boolean parameters are either an adjective (cold, dirty) or is_<adjective> (is_wet, is_ready).
Anything that sounds like a verb should be a function: consume, check. You can add _function, _callback or _f if you need to clarify it further: update_function, post_callback. The single letter f represents a function quite often. And usually you should only have one parameter of type function (recommended to put it at the end)
Anything that sounds like a collection should be a table: children, words, dictionary. People typically don't differentiate between array-like tables and dictionary-like tables, since both can be parsed with pairs. If you need to specify that a table is an array, you could add _array or _sequence at the end of the name. The letter t typically means table.
Coroutines are not used quite often; you can follow the same rules as with functions, and you can also add _cor to their names.
Any value can be nil.
If it's an optional value, initialize it at the top of the function: options = options or {}
If it's a mandatory value, make an assertion (or return error): assert(name, "The name is mandatory")

seaching 2D ArrayLib does not work for some cases

I have 2D array in which the second column has domain names of some emails, let us call the array myData[][]. I decided to use ArrayLib in order to search the second column for a specific domain.
ArrayLib.indexOf(myData, 1, domain)
Here is where I found an issue. In myData array, one of the domains look like this "ewmining.com" (pay attention to the w).
While searching for "e.mining.com" (notice the first dot), the indexOf() function actully gave me the row containing "ewmining.com".
This is what is in the array "ewmining.com"
This is what is in the serach string "e.mining.com"
It seams that ArrayLib treats the dot to mean any character. Is this supposed to be the correct behavior? Is there a way to stop this behavior and search for exact match.
I really need help on this issue.
Thanks in advance for your help.
The dot usually represents "any character" in regular expressions. I am not familiar with ArrayLib, but maybe you should look for a way to turn off regular expressions when searching. Otherwise you might have to escape the dot, for example search for e[.]mining[.]com
