Generate pcap files from different OS and browser - wireshark

I am building a machine learning model for my homework and i can't find the data that i need on the internet so i want to generate pcap files from different OS and browser for example i want to have pcap files from windows using the chrome browser or firefox or edge , pcap files from unix using firefox or chrome , pcap files from Mac using safari or chrome ...
i tried to use wireshark to get my own traffic for exemple i would set my pc with unix or windows on virtuel machine but the problem is that i need a data from diffrent users .
can any one help me with this ?
i looked in the web for the data but i can't find any thing useful .
i tried to generate my own traffic using wireshark but i need to get data from diffrent users .


In Dart, what's the simplest way to get the bytes of a local file for a web app?

(I'm new to web stuff, I'm sorry for any botched terminology)
I want to make a Gameboy Emulator web app, and the first step in that is reading the bytes of the ROM. Eventually, the user will be able to select the ROM, but right now, I just have '' in the directory along with 'index.html' and 'out.js' (the output of main.dart run through dart2js).
I've been trying to find an easy way to read the bytes of ',' and the 'dart:io' library looked promising, but it's not available for browser-based applications.
In the browser you have 2 options.
Load a file from the server using an HTTP GET request.
See for example
Using dart to download a file
Load a file from the users computer using file upload functionality.
See for example File input and Dart
dart:io can only be used on the server or in console or Flutter apps, but not in code running in the browser.

Is it possible to print to a local printer with CFFILE?

I'm building an application in ColdFusion that lets the user choose a group of photos and will let them be printed automatically, however, I need to print the file and not the webpage holding the images. Is this possible with CFFILE? If not what is the best way to do this?
Dan's suggestion of an Active-X control (even if it's possible) will only work for MSIE 11 and earlier. Active-X will not work for MS Edge or any non-MS browser. It's not a global, future-proof solution.
The best solution will be to convert the images to a multi-page PDF file as TRose suggests. You will then present the file to the user to download or view in the browser. The user will have to manually print the PDF file.
Here's why: ColdFusion is a server-side applicaiton server. It crafts content that is viewable via a web browser. For security reasons, web browsers cannot automatically aceess a user's local computer(1) and therefore cannot connect to any printer connected to that computer.
(1) This is also why we can't upload files without user interaction.

Why does the content type of an uploaded excel file changes to application/octet-stream on mac in ASP MVC 4.0?

I'm having a little problem! I'm designing an asp mvc 4 application for a client which should import and process an excel file. To process the excel file I use the C# version of the NPOI framework.
My client uses mac and I use windows.
Everything works fine on windows but when my client tries it on his mac, it does not work anymore. After doing some searching I found that the content type of the uploaded file was "application/octet-stream" when uploading from mac (opposed to "application/" when uploading from windows).
We use the exact same file, the only difference is that my clients file is saved on a mac and mine on a windows pc (we both got the same file from google docs).
It became weirder when he was experiencing the same error when he tried it on a windows pc with the file which was saved on mac.
Does anybody have an idea on what is going on? Or how I can get my NPOI processing working when the content type is "application/octet-stream"?
The browser can freely choose what content type to send. It could even send you "fluffy/bytes" if it wanted and you can't do anything about it. It appears that Safari on Mac does not know what an Excel file is so it does not send the Excel content type.
What is NPOI? Why does your application require that content type to be set? You can recognize that this is an Excel file by looking at the file extension that was posted. If neither content type not extension were posted (entirely possible) you can only guess by the file contents.

Want to open a dialog box to open file in web browser based application

Am using JSF and primefaces to develop web application.I want to open existing files on client machines using dialog box which prompts the user to select a path and the corresponding file. Please suggest a component which can be used.
While I doubt the feasibility of your intentions; accessing content directly on a client's machine (some security implications there), a combination of <p:media/> and <p:lightBox/> will work for you. There are file type restrictions imposed by primefaces though (multimedia files and pdf only) The <p:media/> can be embedded in the <p:lightBox/> like so :
<p:media value="{yourBean.filePath}" width="100%" height="300px">
Like I said, I doubt the feasibility of directly streaming content from a client's local filesystem. How do you intend to use the path c:\Users\john doe\my documents\my books\book.pdf on a user's local system within your own web application, without first uploading the file to your own webserver? With image files, you might have some success loading the file into memory and streaming the file directly from RAM using <p:dynaImage/>...consider the scalability of this option too for a high traffic application

html link to client side file

I am developing in a web application which among other things should list documents available on a remote server.
this is for a very restricted number of users for which we can control the end PC.
What i need is the end user to click on a hyperlink and the file would open directly in words or excel for edition and save direct to remote server.
Files will also be available on a very common cloud file sharing system with the "virtual drive" letter (x:)
google doc does give you a unique url for each file but when one click on the link it opens online not in the local Microsoft Word. these is a plug in for office but document have to be open from word not from the webapp.
So the idea would be to create a windows explorer link to the file to open "file.lnk".
and set the browser to open lnk extensions with Explorer.
where test.lnk is an explorer link to the targeted file on the virtual drive.
this sound a bit dodgy, i agree, as it only works on windows.
this actual works ok as long as the htlm file is run on the local machine ( d:\app.htlm) but does not work when the html file is served on a remote web server (
why is the link on client side not served from the remote web server?
is there a simple implementation of editing MS office documents opened from the web browser without monster application like sharepoint or Alfresco?
