How to access trigger event properties in a Jenkins pipeline script - jenkins

I have a Jenkins job config that uses the "Build whenever the specified event is seen" trigger (supported by the Cloudbee's Notification API plugin) and specifies a Jmespath Query (e.g. ref=='refs/heads/master') and runs a pipeline script. I want to access other properties in the trigger event (e.g. repository.full_name) from within the pipeline script. How can I do this?

Found the answer. The data I was looking for is in the instance of the build causes. For example, the following code finds all the commits:
def newCommits = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCauses().findAll {
it instanceof


how to make jenkins declarative pipeline waitForWebhook without consuming jenkins executor?

We have a Jenkins declarative pipeline which, after deploying our product on a cloud vm, needs to run some product tests on it. Tests are implemented as a separate job on another jenkins and tests will be run by main pipeline by triggering remote job on 2nd jenkins using parameterized remote trigger plugin parameterized remote trigger plugin.
While this plugin works great, when using option blockBuildUntilComplete it blocks for remote job to finish but doesn't release the jenkins executor. Since tests can take a lot of time to complete(upto 2 days), all this time executor will be blocked just waiting for another job to complete. When setting blockBuildUntilComplete as false it returns a job handle which can be used to fetch build status and result etc. Example here:
while( !handle.isFinished() ) {
echo 'Current Status: ' + handle.getBuildStatus().toString();
sleep 5
But this still keeps consuming the executor, so we still have the same problem.
Based on comments in the article, we tried with waitForWebhook, but even when waiting for webhook it still keeps using the executor.
Based on article we tried with input, and we observed that it wasn't using executor when you have input block in stage and none agent for pipeline :
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
input {
message "Should we continue?"
agent any
steps {
echo "hello"
so input block does what we want to do with waitForWebhook, at least as far as not consuming an executor while waiting.
What our original idea was to have waitForWebhook inside a timeout surrounded by try catch surrounded by a while loop waiting for remote job to finish :
timeout(1) {
data = waitForWebhook hook
} catch(Exception e){"timeout occurred")
This way we could avoid using executor for long period of time and also benefit from job handle returned by plugin. But we cannot find a way to do this with the input step. input doesn't use executor only when it's separate block inside stage, but it uses one if inside steps or steps->script. So we cannot use try catch, cannot check handle status andcannot loop on it. Is there a way to do this?
Even if waitForWebhook works like input is working we could use that.
Our main pipeline runs on a jenkins inside corporate network and test jenkins runs on cloud and cannot communicate in with our corp jenkins. so when using waitForWebhook, we would publish a message on a message pipeline which a consumer will read, fetch webhook url from db corresponding to job and post on it. We were hoping avoid this with our solution of using while and try-catch.

Pass large amount of parameters between jobs

I have two Jenkins jobs that tun on separate computers. On computer 1 I read properties file and use it for environment variables. But i need the same file on PC 2 and it only exist on the first one. When the first Jenkins job finishes it starts the second one and it can pass parameters file via job but I have to receive with creation of separate parameter with Parameterized Trigger Plugin for each parameter, and I have a lot and don`t want to do so. Is there simple solution for this issue?
Forget Jenkins 1 and the plugins Parameterized Trigger Plugin. Using Jenkins 2, here's an example of your need:
node ("pc1") {
stage "step1"
stash name: "app", includes: "properties_dir/*"
node ("pc2") {
stage "step2"
dir("dir_to_unstash") {
unstash "app"

Triggering build information available in child job

I have a job in Jenkins called notification_job which uses the "Build after other projects are built" trigger. The list of jobs will be around 25 and continue to grow. The notification_job needs to know the triggering build's name and build number.
I would like all of the configuration to be done through the notification_job, not through the triggering jobs as that list will grow and become a pain to manage. So how can I retrieve the build name and number in the child job?
Jenkins version is 2.19.3
Thank you,
I was able to pull the data with a groovy script
import hudson.model.Cause
for (cause in build.getCauses()) {
if (cause instanceof Cause.UpstreamCause) {
println cause.getUpstreamProject()
println cause.getUpstreamBuild()

RunListener and QueueListener not invoked in pipeline?

I'm trying to write a plugin that listens for node executions during a Jenkins pipeline. The pipeline will have some code like this:
stage ('production deploy') {
input 'enter change ticket #'...
node('prod') {
// production deploy code here
Either on allocation of node, or before any tasks run on the node, I want to verify a change management ticket has been approved. For Freestyle jobs I could use QueueListener or RunListener, but neither of these are invoked when I run a pipeline.
I can't put this code in the pipeline script because anyone that can edit the pipeline script could remove the verification.
Are there any other listeners I could hook into before, or just after a node is allocated in a pipeline?
In my previous implementation for freestyle builds, I had overridden the setUpEnvironment method. I didn't realize this was not called in pipeline runs - makes sense. I then implemented onStarted in my RunListener and I successfully broke into my code. Just confusion on my part.

Notify about / check for SCM poll failure in Jenkins

I would like to check for or get notifications about SCM poll failures in Jenkins (for example, when the repository URL had changed, or branch got deleted). I thought about these:
a) A Jenkins console script, which would list such faulty jobs
b) Configuring/installing plugin for Jenkins to notify me somehow about that fact (e-mail, anything)
c) External script/executable (bash, python, ...), which would list builds which failed in last X hours due to SCM poll failure
As you mentioned in your question, one way to tackle this problem is by using a script. For example, Groovy Postbuild.
Since Groovy Postbuild scripts run on the master, you can access each job's scm-polling.log found on the file system using standard IO functions.
For example, assuming a Windows master, here is some (untested) pseudocode to give you some ideas:
def error = false;
def jobsDirectory = new File("C:\\Jenkins\\jobs");
jobsDirectory.eachFile {
def pollingLog = new File(it.path + "\\scm-polling.log");
if(pollingLog.text =~ "ERROR")
manager.listener.logger.println(it.path + " has polling errors.");
error = true;
if(error) {;
Once you have marked the build as failure, you can use the standard email functionality of Jenkins to send an email or format it to look nice using the Email-ext plugin.
