Trying to get detailed data dumps from new google nest e thermostat - smart-device

I bought a nest thermostat as I thought it would be able to give me detailed data to showing the target temp and the actual as well as time etc. I needed this for various reasons.
However, it seems the official API "Works with Nest" was closed by Google. I've been able to get postman to ping the same location that the Google Nest Webapp hits and get back the data I need. I want to create a simple webapp to keep polling and save the data locally. However, I'm unable to find the OAuth Client Secret that the Nest Webapp uses to get the authorization code. I had to login via the webapp to get the code in one of the request and then test it out using postman.
Is there any other API that will allow my to poll this data for my Nest easier?
If there isn't another API, is there a way to get the Client ID and Client Secret form the Nest Webapp so I can drop that in mine to use? (I know its hacky, but am I think I'm out of options)


How to authorize a request from Power Automate Desktop to Dataverse?

I'm looking for some advice about authorization for a request I'm making in Power Automate Desktop using the action 'Invoke Web Service'. I'm using this request to get information from Dataverse.
I've currently set up this request using OAuth2.0 with the Grant Type set to Implicit and I've hardcoded a token value into the header. I'm pretty green when it comes to authorization, so I'm just wondering if that's the best way to use OAuth2.0 to get info from Dataverse to PAD? I'm also concerned this token will expire and how to go about handling that. If I should set this up differently please let me know. And if you know how I can refresh the token automatically somehow, advice would be great.
I'm going to make the assumption that you have an Azure instance within your org.
You should be able to execute the entire OAuth flow through PAD given you can do it through Postman ...
... having said that, if you want an easier way, my suggestion would be to use LogicApps as it does all of the hard work for you. It will also protect keys, etc. that run the risk of being exposed if contained within a PAD flow and that's even if your store that sort of information in a KeyVault or something. At some point, it needs to be exposed to PAD.
You can create a LogicApp that's triggered by an incoming HTTP request ...
... and have your DataVerse connector pull the relevant data ...
... to then return back to the calling PAD flow with a response action.
This is an example flow ...
I haven't gone into detail given your question lacks specifics around filtering, etc. but you can always make your LogicApp more comprehensive by adding functionality in the payload to order, filter, expand, etc. on the OData call to DataVerse so you get exactly what you want from a data perspective.

OData in Datafactory

I have a task toget some data from an external supplier.
They have a Rest OData API. I have to connect using a subscription-key(APIKey).
When creating the OData LService, I add an Auth Header: "subscription-key" and in the Value field, I enter my key. After saving, I create a new dataset, and the OData LinkedService, provides me with the remote tables. I can choose the table I want and after that I create a pipeline to copy data from that table to my Azure SQL server.
This works fantastic :-)
However, after closing my browser and re-open it, the subscription key that I have entered earlier on the linked service, is now replaced with stars as it is a securestring. When I now run my pipeline, it will think that my key is the ten stars that have replaced my real key.
What am I doing wrong here ?
Also I would prefer to get my value from the KeyVault, but it seems that this is not possible on ODat connections....
Hope someone is able to provide some insight here :-)
BR Tom
From my testing I did not get any error on re-running. However coming to dynamic keys - I was not able to achieve it using the ODATA linked service.
Alternatively, if you can hit the ODATA endpoint with REST / HTTP Connector
You could - have a Web Activity to get the keys from the Key Vault and Set in the Variable.
WEB Activity URL : https://<your-keyvalut-name><your-secret-name>;
You could access the output of the web Activity using : #activity('Web1').output.value & Store in a variable.
You can reference this variable as the SUBSCRIPTION KEY for the subsequent steps in the REST/HTTP dataset.
You could pass it along the additional headers

Getting 'unauthorized_client' with Power Platform Custom Connector using OAuth2

I am trying to build a Custom Connector in the Power Platform to connect to the BMC Helix (formerly Remedy) system to create work orders and such. I am using OAuth2 and was given a callback URL, auth URL, token URL, client ID and client secret.
I went to create a connector from scratch. I populated the fields, but I wasn't sure what to put for the 'Refresh URL', so I used the token URL there too.
I am trying to accomplish testing this connector and my successful test would be to get a JWT from doing a POST to the /api/jwt/login endpoint of BMC Helix. It should return a JWT which I can use to make subsequent calls.
Upon testing this, I go to create a connection, but a window opens (which I believe should be a prompt for authentication), but instead it contains an error saying 'unauthorized_client' coming back from the BMC Helix system at the /rsso/oauth2/authorize endpoint. It also contains a property within the URL of redirect_uri =
Is there something on the Helix side I need to further configure? Not sure why I am getting this....
It sounds like you need TWO METHODS in your connector. A POST to call the token server, a GET (or another POST) to call the API (using the token received from Call 1).
One approach I've successfully used in the past is:
Use Postman to get your token server call working with OAUTH
Then use Postman to get your subsequent API calls working with the token appended
Save both requests to a single Postman collection
Export the Postman collection (as a V1 (deprecated) if I recall correctly)
Import this collection into PowerApps Custom Connector (create new/import from Postman Collection)
You'll have to massage it a bit after import, but it will give you a good headstart and you're starting from a known-good place (working Postman calls)
Good luck!

How can I download a OneDrive file with Office365 REST API into a Ruby variable?

I'm building a Ruby on Rails app, and I'd like to integrate some Office365 features.
For instance : I would like to download a file from OneDrive and then attach it to an Email in order to send it via Outlook rest API.
I found this get Item content OneDrive REST API but I dont understand how to use it.
I understand that I have to send a GET request (formated as explained in with Rails, which will then provide me a "a pre-authenticated download URL" to download the file.
Then I will have to send a second GET request with this a pre-authenticated download URL to start the download, but I don't understand how to deal with the Response in order to save the file into a variable.
How can I retrieve the file into a variable of my Ruby on Rails App, so that I can attach it to an Email with an Outlook REST API to send it from my own Rail controller ?
Also this workflow is really not optimized in term of Bandwidth and Processing (3 REST API request + 1 download + 1 upload), it will work.
However if it exist a single REST API that direclty attach a OneDrive file to an email to send it, that would ease a lot my life, save energy, save money from Microsoft datacenter, and spare the planet ecology.
Any tutorial, examples, or more explanatory doc would be much appreciated.
--- EDIT ---
Adding link to the email is not wished as the email may have to be send to someone outside of Office365 users, and public link are a security issue for confidential documents.
Any help is welcome.
There isn't a single REST API call you can make currently to do what you want, although being able to easily attach a file from OneDrive to a new email message is a great scenario for Microsoft Graph API, it just isn't supported right now.
If you want to attach the file, you need to do as you mentioned, download the contents of the file, and then upload it again as an attachment to the message.
However, I'd recommend sending a link to the file instead, even though you mentioned you don't want to do that. OneDrive for Business now supports "company shareable links" which are scoped to just the user's organization instead of being available totally anonymously.
Something else to consider: The security concerns of sending an anonymous link aren't that different than sending an attached file. In fact, the anonymous link can be more secure, because access to the file can be monitored and revoked in the future (unlike the attachment, which will always be out there).

How to get asana workspaceID?

Previously if I request into a browser (after I had logged into Asana) it was returning all of my workspace ID's.
But currently it is not working and shows the error :- "{"errors":[{"message":"Not Authorized"}]}".
Is there any other solutions to get my asana workspace IDs?
Thank You,
(I work at Asana.) We're sorry for the inconvenience - this was a security hole and we had to close it, as we wrote on our API updates feed. If you're writing an app for others to use, Oauth is the most appropriate and secure way to access the users' data. If you're writing a simple script, you can use your API key. This can be done through a browser, but by using JavaScript and not just making requests in the browser location bar.
