Other pc can't visit k8s dashboard - docker

My mac can visit k8s dashboard, but other pc can't. What's the reason ?
#kubernetes/UI #kubernetes/dashboard
I have tried with the latest version of my channel (Stable or Edge)
macOS Version: 10.14
Docker for Mac: version: 19.03.1
k8s version : 1.14.3
eneble k8s on docker for mac setting
apply k8s dashboard.yaml
my mac ip is :
kubectl get service --all-namaspaces
CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) default .........
kubernetes ......... ClusterIP ......... ......... 443/TCP kube-system .......... kubernetes-dashboard .........
NodePort ......... .........
kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at
https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443 KubeDNS is running at
I can visit dashboard with below url on my pc.
kubernetes.docker.internal:31317 localhost:31317
And I have stopped firewall.
One Lan, other pc can't visit
And I don't know why.
help me , thanks.
Do you need other info?
Actually, I ask same question on github, and they suggest me to ask it on stackoverflow.
And this is my first time ask question on stackoverflow, and if I do something wrong, please tell me.
I excepted that other pc including windows and mac on the same LAN can visit my mac's k8s dashboard.

You need to run kubectl proxy locally for accessing the dashboard outside the kubernetes cluster. You need to scp admin.conf file (file on your kubernetes master at /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf) to the machine from which you want to access the dashboard and pass it to kubectl command. Please, refer to following posts:
How to access/expose kubernetes-dashboard service outside of a cluster?
Kubernetes dashboard
To access the Dashboard navigate your browser to https://<server_IP>:31317


Minikube M1 - minikube service not working

I try to follow the instructions on the link to deploy a hello world app in the Minikube. So far I created the deployment and exposed the deployment.
default deployment.apps/web 1/1 1 1 10m
default service/web NodePort <none> 8080:30841/TCP 10m
When I run below "minikube service web --url" I only got:
minikube service web --url
🏃 Starting tunnel for service web.
❗ Because you are using a Docker driver on darwin, the terminal needs to be open to run it.
If I run it without the "--url" option, my browser says that the server is not responding.
Did anyone have any similar problems? Why is not the hello world app loading in the browser as in the guide?
Thank you in advance
The tunnel is created between your Mac and Cluster IP instead of Node IP.
Here is a workaround for your case
Get the service cluster IP
kubectl get svc -o wide
Get the tunnel PORT on your Mac
ps -ef | grep ssh
Access it from localhost
if you are using ingress, please refer to #12089
Remember The bridge network in mac is different from in Linux #7332 (comment)

Could not access Minikube(v1.18.1) Ingress on Docker-Driver Windows 10

My issue is exactly the same as this. But replication the question again for your reference::
I am facing the problem which is that I could not access the Minikube Ingress on the Browser using it's IP. I have installed Minikube on Windows 10 Home, and starting the minikube with docker driver(minikube start --driver=docker).
System info:
Windows 10 Home
Docker(driver for minikube) - Docker
engine version 20.10.5
I am following this official document - https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/ingress-minikube/
First I created the deployment by running this below command on Minikube.
kubectl create deployment web --image=gcr.io/google-samples/hello-app:1.0
The deployment get created which can be seen on the below image: enter image description here
Next, I exposed the deployment that I created above. For this I ran the below command.
kubectl expose deployment web --type=NodePort --port=8080
This created a service which can be seen by running the below command:
kubectl get service web
The screenshot of the service is shown below:
I can now able to visit the service on the browser by running the below command:
minikube service web
In the below screenshot you can see I am able to view it on the browser.
Next, I created an Ingress by running the below command:
kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/service/networking/example-ingress.yaml
The ingress gets created and I can verify it by running the below command:
kubectl get ingress
The screenshot for this is given below:
The ingress ip is listed as So that means if I should open it in the browser then it should open, but unfortunately not. It is showing site can't be reached. See the below screenshot.
What is the problem. Please provide me a solution for it?
I also added the mappings on etc\hosts file. hello-world.info
Then I also tried opening hello-world.info on the browser but no luck.
In the below picture I have done ping to hello-world.info which is going to IP address This shows etc\hosts mapping is correct:
I also did curl to minikube ip and to hello-world.info and both get timeout. See below image:
The kubectl describe services web provides the following details:
Name: web
Namespace: default
Labels: app=web
Annotations: <none>
Selector: app=web
Type: NodePort
Port: <unset> 8080/TCP
TargetPort: 8080/TCP
NodePort: <unset> 31880/TCP
Session Affinity: None
External Traffic Policy: Cluster
Events: <none>
The kubectl describe ingress example-ingress gives the following output:
Name: example-ingress
Namespace: default
Default backend: default-http-backend:80 (<error: endpoints "default-http-backend" not found>)
Host Path Backends
---- ---- --------
/ web:8080
Annotations: nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$1
Events: <none>
The issue seems to have been resolved there, by following the below instructions(as posted in the comments):
Once you setup the ingress with necessary change, i guess you are in
the powershell of windows with minikube running right? Make sure you
‘enable addons ingress’ and have a separate console running ‘minikube
tunnel’ as well. Also, add the hostname and ip address to windows’
host table. Then type ‘minikue ssh’ in powershell, it gives you
command line. Then you can ‘curl myapp.com’ then you should get
response as expected.
Nevertheless, in my case, the minikube tunnel is not responding upon giving the minikube tunnel command. :
I am not able to curl hello-world.info even through minikube ssh. Kindly help!
On Windows
After some decent amount of time, I came to the conclusion that ingress has some conflicts to work with Docker on Windows10-Home. Things are working fine if we want to expose a service of NodePort type but Ingress is troublesome.
Further, I tried to set up WSL 2 with Ubuntu in Windows 10 but no luck.
Finally, the following worked for Ingress of Minikube on Windows10 Home:
Install VirtualBox
Uncheck the Virtual Machine Platform and Windows Hypervisor Platform options from Control Panel -> Programs -> Turn Windows Features on and off (under Programs and Features) and then click ok. Restart your computer if prompted to.
Now, execute the following commands in a new cmd
minikube delete
minikube start --driver=virtualbox
if minikube start --driver=virtualbox doesn't work, then use minikube start --driver=virtualbox --no-vtx-check.
This process solved my problem and ingress is working fine on my Windows 10 Home Minikube.
On Ubuntu
Finally, Docker on Ubuntu is inherently supporting Minikube Ingress seamlessly without any glitch.
Same issues here with docker driver.
But everything ok with hyperv driver.
Enable hyperv on your windows and start with: minikube start --driver=hyperv or
minikube config set driver hyperv and minikube start

How to access services exposed via ClusterIP when using Docker For Windows:

I installed Docker for windows and the built in k8s single node cluster for dev purposes on a local workstation (windows 10 pro).
I'd like to know how to access services hosted on this cluster. It's not documented very well
I don't have a load balancer installed and don't need a K8s Ingress. How can I access a service hosted at . localhost and don't work and has no meaning on the host windows machine .
I could use NodePort (that works) but I'd like to understand how to access via ClusterIP .
C:\Users\balamuvi>kubectl get svc
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 52m
webserver ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 48m ===> how do I access this service
C:\Users\balamuvi>kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443 =======> resolves to localhost
KubeDNS is running at https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/kube-dns:dns/proxy
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
ClusterIP is not accessible from outside the cluster. You will have to exec into another pod and use curl to access it.
CLusterIP cannot be accessible from outside the cluster.
Other method beside execing into pod (as mentioned by Arghya) would be using kubectl port-forward command.
Just run:
kubectl port-forward pods/<pod-name> <local-port>:<pod-port>
and then you can access the pod under localhost:<local-port>
Refer to kubernetes documentation for more information about port forwarding.

How do I find the master IP on Docker Desktop Kubernetes Cluster?

I am using Docker Desktop on Windows and have created a local Kubernetes cluster. I've been following this (quick start guide) and am running into issues identifying my external IP. When creating a service I'm supposed to list the "master server's IP address".
I've identified the master node kubectl get node:
docker-desktop Ready master 11m v1.14.7
Then used kubectl describe node docker-desktop...but an external IP is not listed anywhere.
Where can I find this value?
Use the following command so you can see more information about the nodes.
kubectl get nodes -o wide
kubectl get nodes -o json
You'll be able to see the internal-ip and external-ip.
Pd: In my cluster, the internal-ip works as external-ip, even tho the external-ip is listed as none.

Kubernetes using Gitlab installing Ingress returns "?" as external IP

I have successfully connect my Kubernetes-Cluster with Gitlab. Also I was able to install Helm through the Gitlab UI (Operations->Kubernetes)
My Problem is that if I click on the "Install"-Button of Ingress Gitlab will create all the nessecary stuff that is needed for the Ingress-Controller. But one thing will be missed : external IP. External IP will mark as "?".
And If I run this command:
kubectl get svc --namespace=gitlab-managed-apps ingress-nginx-ingress- controller -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'; echo
It will show nothing. Like I won´t have a Loadbalancer that exposes an external IP.
Kubernetes Cluster
I installed Kubernetes through kubeadm, using flannel as CNI
kubectl version:
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"12", GitVersion:"v1.12.2"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"12", GitVersion:"v1.12.2"}
Is there something that I have to configure before installing Ingress. Do I need an external Loadbalancer(my thought: Gitlab will create that service for me)?
One more hint: After installation, the state of the Nginx-Ingress-Controller Service will be stay on pending. The reason for that it is not able to detect external IP. I also modified the yaml-File of the service and I manually put the "externalIPs : -External-IP line. The output of this was that it was not pending anymore. But still I couldn't find an external IP by typing the above command and Gitlab also couldn´t find any external IP
This happens after installation:
see picture
By running the following command:
kubectl describe svc ingress-nginx-ingress-controller -n gitlab-managed-apps
I get the following result:
see picture
In Event log you will see that I switch the type to "NodePort" once and then back to "LoadBalancer" and I added the "externalIPs: -" line in the yaml file. As you can see there is an externalIP but Git is not detecting it.
Btw. Im not using any of these cloud providers like AWS or GCE and I found out that LoadBalancer is not working that way. But there must be a solution for this without LoadBalancer.
I would consider to look at MetalLB as for the main provisioner of Load balancing service in your cluster. If you don't use any of Cloud providers in order to obtain the entry point (External IP) for Ingress resource, there is option for Bare-metal environments to switch to MetalLB solution which will create Kubernetes services of type LoadBalancer in the clusters that don’t run on a cloud provider, therefore it can be also implemented for NGINX Ingress Controller.
Generally, MetalLB can be installed via Kubernetes manifest file or using Helm package manager as described here.
MetalLB deploys it's own services across Kubernetes cluster and it might require to reserve pool of IP addresses in order to be able to take ownership of the ingress-nginx service. This pool can be defined in a ConfigMap called config located in the same namespace as the MetalLB controller:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
namespace: metallb-system
name: config
config: |
- name: default
protocol: layer2
External IP would be assigned to your LoadBalancer once ingress service obtains IP address from this address pool.
Find more details about MetalLB implementation for NGINX Ingress Controller in official documentation.
After some research I found out that this is an Gitlab issue. As I said above, I successfully build a connection to my cluster. Since Im using Kubernetes without cloud providers it is not possible to use the type "LoadBalancer". Therefore you need to add an external IP or change the type to "NodePort". This way you can make your Ingress-Controller accessible outside.
Check this out: kubernetes service external ip pending
I just continued the Gitlab tutorial and it worked.
