DbLookUpComboBox Dropdown - delphi-2010

enter image description hereDbLookUpComboBox Not Working
Im starting a School project and very new in Delphi
I created a form with ADO, ADO connection and ADOQuery controls
I Added the DbLookUpComboBox control to the form
I also setup everything as explained through other guides.
When I run the program, the Combo Box get populated, and I can see all Items from the Access Database.
My Problem is it wont Allow me to select any of the listed Items.
Almost like the Items is disabled in the list
Is there anything Im doing wrong or need to enable to allow me to select items from the combo box
I managed to get the dblookupCombobox to work selecting items using the up and down arrow keys . I s\cant select items using the mouse

I actually figured it out eventually.
I only had to add another ADOQuery and Source.
Then Swop the List field key and datafield around


How to refresh the available fields in Fields Editor for a TIBTable at design time after altering the table in IBConsole?

I am using Delphi 10.4.1 and Interbase 2020 w/ IBConsole.
If I alter the structure of an exising table using IBConsole, when I return to Delphi, I find no way to update the structure of any corresponding TIBTable component. If I double click the TIBTable component to open the Fields Editor and then right click to select an available fields, the available fields list is obsolete, showing only the old fields that existed before I altered the table using IBConsole. Any new fields or field name changes I may have created/made when altering the table in IBConsole are not reflected in the list of available fields.
What is the best way to Update the list of available fields so that it corresponds with the actual current table structure?
Closing the Delphi editor and reopening it performs this update, but it seems there's got to be a better way.

Can you add a drop-down box for BoardColumn in TFS?

In TFS, is it possible to add a drop-down box to the work item form that allows you to select/change the System.BoardColumn? Or is it only possible to change a board column via drag/drop on the board itself? This is in on premise TFS 2015
Use case: Sometimes we have an item open during a meeting to discuss it in depth. It would be easier to select a new column while the item is open for edit already than saving the item, then going back to the board to move it.
System.BoardColumn is a read-only field, you are not able to add a drop-down box for this field.
A workaround is mapping the State to the BoardColumn, and change the State field instead of BoardColumn field.

ListGrid: Need to show icons in an editable field for a many to one relationship

My problem seems simple. But have not been able to solve till now. Any help would be appreciated.
I have a listgrid showing certain records from a datasource. One of the fields is a many to one. When I try to edit any record, I get a dropdown with all the possible values that the record can have. All fine thus far. The issue is that all the dropdown values are displayed as simple text. I wish them to be displayed as shown in this link.
The requirement is to have "A SelectItem with icons" on the listgrid.
Use ListGridField.setEditorType() to customize the editor shown for a field. This API takes a FormItem, so pass a SelectItem configured similarly to the sample you linked to.

New to Visual FoxPro- my textboxes are greyed out and inaccessible

I'm attempting to create a Visual FoxPro standalone application that will take two inputs from a user (old location and new location). It will have two tables with a 1:M relationship with primary and foreign keys matching the old location. The application should then replace all instances in both tables of the old location with the new location.
I've put the form together and got the fields in both tables displaying in grids, both textboxes present and an "Update Records" submit button.
My problem is that my textboxes are greyed out when I select "Form">"Run Form" and I can't input anything.
Does anyone have any ideas why the boxes would be greyed out? I checked in Properties > Data > Read only and they are both marked as .F.
Thanks so much for your help!
*edit: Figured it out- Had ControlSource on because I thought that would bind the input to a specific field in a specific table. Never mind! :)
Figured it out- Had ControlSource on because I thought that would bind the input to a specific field in a specific table. Never mind! :)
Just as an aside. the text boxes can be greyed out for a number of reasons, the most obvious ones are property set to readonly = .t. or enabled = .f., but also if the text box is bound to a datasource and that source is not available.
i.e the table EMPTY or is EOF() or BOF()

How can I setup TListView with CheckBoxes in only certain columns?

I'm using Delphi 2010, and I am trying to allow the user to select between 2 options per row in a TListView. With TListView, I can set the style to vsReport and enable Checkboxes, but that only gets me 1 checkbox per row. What I need is 2 checkboxes per row...specifically 1 for the 1st column and 1 for the 2nd column.
What I am trying to accomplish is very similar to the standard Windows file security dialog:
Does anyone have any suggestions for implementing something like this using TListView or even MustangPeak's TEasyListView?
Take a look at this
Put a TCheckBox inside a TStringGrid in Delphi
The link shows how to draw checkboxes. You can do the same using TListView.OnCustomDrawItem and/or OnCustomDrawSubItem events
I use my own modified version of ExGridView by Roman Mochalov, and full sources for my modified version, plus a demo here (open the Demo in the Demo2 folder) showing checkboxes.
