programmatically navigate focus in material-ui - focus

I have an autosuggest component (with a TextField from material-ui), my issue is that after selecting a value from the autosuggest (eg. with the mouse), the suggestion remains open since the input still has the focus
How do I navigate to the next focusable element programmatically?


iOS Voiceover support for combobox widgets

Typically a combobox widget is an input field that launches an associated popup with a bunch of suggestions in the popup. In desktop browsers using keyboard, while the focus stays with the input field, pressing Up/Down arrow keys, the selection within the popup can be changed. Pressing ENTER key populates the input field with current selection in the popup and closes the popup.
For accessibility purpose, the input field is marked role="combobox", the popup is linked with the input field via aria-owns. The AT are indicated the current selection via aria-activedescendant.
While this setup works great in desktop browsers with tools like JAWS/NVDA etc., there seems to be a major issue with voiceover on iOS. On swiping the finger, the virtual cursor moves to the next element in the page from the input field, though I would expect with aria-owns set, the focus to move to the first suggestion item or to the popup.
Any suggestions on how such a combobox widget can be made accessible in iOS with voiceover?
PS: The popup and input field are not siblings in the DOM order.
It sounds like you are creating a custom combobox. If you use the native <select>/<option> elements, the combobox works correctly on ios/voiceover. If you are creating your own, follow the guidance on You mentioned several ARIA attributes so perhaps you're already following the advice on that page.
Swiping right with voiceover will move the focus to the next element in the DOM. If your dropdown list is hidden, then focus won't move to it. Double tapping on your <input> should display the dropdown list.

How to hide keyboard without closing the dialog box using Appium for IOS?

I have a dialog box that appears and while closing keyboard with hideKeyboard(); all the form is closed and i get back to the home page so that i can't continue the scenario for filling other data.
Here the screen :
Just use UIScrollView in your dialog box, and set scroll view class TPKAScrollViewController. Download class
You can fill up the fields first using driver.sendkey() then tap on keyboard next button to switch the driver to the next field untill the last field. in last field you will get done button then you can tap on that button.
The default "strategy" of hideKeyboard(); is to tap outside the keyboard, but this can be changed to pressing a key on the keyboard instead.
See the java-client documentation (assuming you're using java-client?) for available hideKeyboard strategies:
If your app's keyboard has for example a "Next" button to close the keyboard with, then you could use: driver.hideKeyboard("Next");

How to show keyboard programmatically in Firefox OS?

I am working on a ToDo list app wherein I keep the focus on the textbox input after the user adds a ToDo item.
Now, the problem is, when the user adds some text input and hits the add button, the focus on the textbox is lost so the keyboard disappears and then the focus gets back to the textbox. So, the keyboard disappears and appears again in a short interval. As you can imagine, this is bad UX.
How do I set the keyboard to be shown explicitly when the focus is on the input button?
I fixed it by setting the focus onto the textbox first when I click the add button then do the actual adding stuff.

How do I activate an in-place editor for a grid cell that displays as a progress bar?

One of the cells in my DBTreeListView is bound to a repository item that is a progress bar.
I want to be able to edit the progress displayed by clicking on this cell. At this stage my application should change its cell to another repository item: a text field where I'll be able to insert a value. Once focus is changed to another cell, my progress bar should be displayed again, showing a new value. How do I do this?
DBTreeListView has column events OnGetEditingProperty and OnGetEditProperties. I'll probably use one (or both) of them, but can't come up with any good idea.
This can be simply. You should handle click on this progress bar and display editor over it. You need to handle scrolling and clicking in another place to get rid of editor. And in case that scrolling too far - editor should be hidden.
Create hidden editor for progress
Handle OnClick for tree view item
Display editor and set focus
On editor enter (or tab) save progress information
On click on form or another part of tree view - hide editor (saving/discarding changes how specified by your policy)
On scroll tree view move the editor and when bounds of parent does not overlap bounds of editor - hide it
Best regards,

Focusing a label in Windows Form Application in C#

I have one split container.
In panel1 of split container, it has 2 PANEL, first panel contains 2 buttons and 1 combobox. second panel contains 2 labels. I had tried to set tabIndex of label control to 0
but when I run program button gets focus by default. When I press TAB key, next button gets focus after that "combobox" gets focus after that again button1 gets focus. But label never get the focus. Why it is so and hoe to solve this ? I want label to get focus or I wish those buttons and combo will never receive a focus.
You can't set focus on a label because labels do not accept input. Only controls that accept input can be focussed.
