Running multi container application dependent on other containers - docker

I am fairly new to docker.
My problem is - I have a multi container application(zookeeper, kafka, producer, consumer) in which I want to run the producer and the consumer containers only after the zookeeper and kafka containers are up and running. How to edit the docker-compose file and achieve that? Thanks in advance

The depends_on instruction only allows you to manage the starting order.
However, it does not wait for your service to be up and running before triggering the next.
If you want to start a service after your dependance is up, then you'll have to look at tools like wait-for-it or dockerize.
You can find more info on the official Docker documentation

Check the depends_on directive in the docker-compose documentation.
__ from the docs __
depends_on Express dependency between services, Service dependencies
cause the following behaviors:
docker-compose up starts services in dependency order. In the
following example, db and redis are started before web.
docker-compose up SERVICE automatically includes SERVICE’s
dependencies. In the following example, docker-compose up web also
creates and starts db and redis.
docker-compose stop stops services in dependency order. In the
following example, web is stopped before db and redis.
Simple example:
version: "3.7"
build: .
- db
- redis
image: redis
image: postgres


docker stack deploy depends_on

Given compose file
version: '3.8'
image: containous/whoami
- whoami2
image: containous/whoami
when deployed to docker swarm docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yaml test
services whoami1 and whoami2 seem to start in random order and ignore depends_on condition.
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yaml test
Creating network test_default
Creating service test_whoami1
Creating service test_whoami2
Does docker swarm support service startup sequencing via dependencies?
No, at least not built in.
Even with depends_on the whoami2 may not yet be ready to interact with whoami1 because it may need time to boot itself:
However, for startup Compose does not wait until a container is “ready” (whatever that means for your particular application) - only until it’s running. There’s a good reason for this.
They hint at two possibilites to check if whoami2 is ready.
Use a tool such as wait-for-it, dockerize, or sh-compatible wait-for. These are small wrapper scripts which you can include in your application’s image to poll a given host and port until it’s accepting TCP connections.
And depends_on is indeed ignored for docker swarm:
There are several things to be aware of when using depends_on:
The depends_on option is ignored when deploying a stack in swarm mode with a version 3 Compose file.

I want to fail docker compose if my first task fails

I want to fail docker compose if my first task fail and it should not move to other tasks mentioned in the compose file.
Docker-compose is not a script; it's the definition of an environment. The environment is described in the docker-compose file by defining each service that make up the environment.
Of course, it is sometimes necessary to have a service fail during initialization.
This can be done by, for example:
defining a Dockerfile for the service, which performs initialization during image creation, or
defining an entrypoint script, which does initialization when starting a container based on the image.
The point is, docker-compose shouldn't fail. The services should fail.
If you absolutely need to fail on startup, you can define a dependency between services by using depends_on to define the order that containers are started; like this:
version: "3.7"
build: .
- db
- redis
image: redis
image: postgres
Please note, the dependent services will start as soon as the parent services are started... It will not wait for them to be in a ready state.

Docker compose - external links fail after successfull restart

the situation is this:
I have three different dockers compose files for three different projects: a frontend, a middleware, and a backend. FE is Ember, middleware and backend spring (boot). Which should not matter here though. Middleware uses an external_link to the backend, and frontend (UI) is using an external_link to middleware.
When I start with a clean docker (docker stop $(docker ps -aq), docker rm $(docker ps -aq)), everything works fine: I start the backend with docker-compose up, then middleware, then frontend. Everything is nice all external links do work (also running Cypress e2e tests on this setup - works fine).
Now, when I change something in the middleware, rebuild the image, stop the container (control+c) and restart it using docker-compose up, and then try to restart the frontend (control + c and then docker-compose up), docker will tell me:
Starting UI ... error
ERROR: for UI Cannot start service ui: Cannot link to a non running container: /32f2db8e96a1_middleware AS /ui/backend
ERROR: for UI Cannot start service ui: Cannot link to a non running container: /32f2db8e96a1_middleware AS /ui/backend
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
Now what irritates me:
where is the "32f2db8e96a1" coming from? The middleware container name is set to "middleware", which is also used in the external link of the UI, and works fine for every clean startup (meaning, using docker rm "-all" before). Also, docker ps shows me that a container for the middleware is actually running.
Unfortunately, I cannot post the compose files here, but I am willing to add any info needed.
Running on Docker version 18.09.0, build 4d60db4
Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
I would like to restart any of these containers without a broken external link. How do I achieve this?
Since you guys take time for me, I took time to clear out two of the compose. This is the UI/frontend one:
version: '2.1'
container_name: x-ui
dockerfile: Dockerfile
context: .
image: "xxx/ui:latest"
- "middleware:backend"
- ""
network_mode: bridge
This is the middleware:
version: '2.1'
container_name: x-middleware
image: xxx/middleware:latest
dockerfile: src/main/docker/middleware/Dockerfile
context: .
- ""
- ""
- "api"
network_mode: "bridge"
The "api" one is essentially the same as middleware.
Please note: I removed volumes and environment. Also I renamed, so that the error message names will not fit perfectly. Please note the naming schema is the same: service name goes like "middleware", container name uses a prefix "x-middleware".

docker-compose conditionally build containers

Our team is new to running a micro-service ecosystem and I am curious how one would achieve conditionally loading docker containers from a compose, or another variable-cased script.
An example use-case would be.
Doing front-end development that depends on a few different services. We will label those DockerA/D
Dependency Matrix
Feature1 - DockerA
Feature2 - DockerA and DockerB
Feature3 - DockerA and DockerD
I would like to be able to run something like the following
docker-compose --feature1
magic-script -service DockerA -service DockerB
Basically, I would like to run the command to conditionally start the APIs that I need.
I am already aware of using various mock servers for UI development, but want to avoid them.
Any thoughts on how to configure this?
You can stop all services after creating them and then selectively starting them one by one. E.g.:
version: "3"
image: nginx
- "80:80"
image: nginx
- "8080:80"
docker-compose up -d
Creating network "composenginx_default" with the default driver
Creating composenginx_web2_1 ... done
Creating composenginx_web1_1 ... done
docker-compose stop
Stopping composenginx_web1_1 ... done
Stopping composenginx_web2_1 ... done
Now any service can be started using, e.g.,
docker-compose start web2
Starting web2 ... done
Also, using linked services, there's the scale command that can change the number of running services (can add containers without restart).

How to link multiple Docker containers and encapsulate the result?

I have a Node.js web-application that connects to a Neo4j database. I would like to encapsulate these in a single Docker image (using also a Neo4j Docker container), but I'm a docker novice and can't seem to figure this out. What's the recommended way to do it in the latest Docker versions?
My intuition would be to run the Neo4j container nested inside the app container. But from what I've read, I think the supported / recommended approach is to link the containers together. What I need is pretty well illustrated in this image. But the article where the image comes from isn't clear to me. Anyway, it's using the soon-to-be-deprecated legacy container linking, while networking is recommended these days. A tutorial or explanation would be much appreciated.
Also, how does docker-compose fit into all this?
Running a container within another container would imply to run a Docker engine within a Docker container. This is referenced as dind for Docker-in-Docker and I would strongly advise against it. You can search 'dind' online and discover why in most cases it is a bad idea, but as it is not the main object of your question I won't extend this subject any further.
Running both a node.js process and a neo4j process in the same container
While most people will tell you to refrain yourself from running more than one process within a Docker container, nothing prevents you from doing so. If you want to follow this path, take a look at the Using Supervisor with Docker from the Docker documentation website, or at the Phusion baseimage Docker image.
Just be aware that this way of doing things will make your Docker image more and more difficult to maintain over time.
Linking containers
As you found out, keeping Docker images as simple as you can (i.e: running one and only one app within a Docker container) will make your life easier on the long term.
Linking containers together is trivial when both containers run on the same Docker engine. It is just a matter of:
having your neo4j container expose the port its service listens on
running your node.js container with the --link <neo4j container name>:<alias> option
within the node.js application configuration, set the neo4j host to the <alias> hostname, docker will take care of forwarding that connection to the IP it assigned to the neo4j container
When you want to run those two containers on different hosts, things get more difficult.
With Docker Compose, you have to use the link: key to define your links
The new Docker network feature
You also discovered that linking containers won't be supported in the future and that the new way of making multiple Docker containers communicate is to create a virtual network and attach those 2 containers to that network.
Here's how to proceed:
docker network create mynet
docker run --detach --name myneo4j --net mynet neo4j
docker run --detach --name mynodejs --net mynet <your nodejs image>
Your node application configuration should then use myneo4j as the host to connect to.
To tell Docker Compose to use the new network feature, you would have to use the --x-networking option. Also you would not use the links: key.
Using the new networking feature also means that you won't be able to define any alias for the db. As a result you have to use the container name. Beware that unless you use the container_name: key in your docker-compose.yml file, Compose will create container names based on the directory which contains your docker-compose.yml file, the service name as found in the yml file and a number.
For instance, the following docker-compose.yml file, if within a directory named "foo" would create two containers named foo_web_1 and foo_db_1:
build: .
- "8000:8000"
image: postgres
when started with docker-compose --x-networking up, the web app configuration should then use foo_db_1 as the db hostname.
While if you use container_name:
build: .
- "8000:8000"
image: postgres
container_name: mydb
when started with docker-compose --x-networking up, the web app configuration should then use mydb as the db hostname.
Example of using Docker Compose to run a web app using nodeJS and neo4j
In this example, I will show how to dockerize the example app from github project aseemk/node-neo4j-template which uses nodejs and neo4j.
I assume you already have Docker 1.9.0+ and Docker Compose 1.5+ installed.
This project will use 2 docker containers, one to run the neo4j database and one to run the nodeJS web app.
Dockerizing the web app
We need to build a Docker image from which Docker compose will run a container. For that, we will write a Dockerfile.
Create a file named Dockerfile (mind the capital D) with the following content:
FROM node
RUN git clone
WORKDIR /node-neo4j-template
RUN npm install
# ugly 20s sleep to wait for neo4j to initialize
CMD sleep 20s && node app.js
This Dockerfile describes the steps the Docker engine will have to follow to build a docker image for our web app. This docker image will:
be based on the official node docker image
clone the nodeJS example project from Github
change the working directory to the directory containing the git clone
run the npm install command to download and install the nodeJS app dependencies
instruct docker which command to use when running a container of that image
A quick review of the nodeJS code reveals that the author allows us to configure the URL to use to connect to the neo4j database using the NEO4J_URL environment variable.
Dockerizing the neo4j database
Well people took care of that for us already. We will use the official Docker image for neo4j which can be found on the Docker Hub.
A quick review of the readme tells us to use the NEO4J_AUTH environment variable to change the neo4j password. And setting this variable to none will disable the authentication all together.
Setting up Docker Compose
In the same directory as the one containing our Dockerfile, create a docker-compose.yml file with the following content:
container_name: my-neo4j-db
image: neo4j
NEO4J_AUTH: none
build: .
NEO4J_URL: http://my-neo4j-db:7474
- 80:3000
This Compose configuration file describes 2 services: db and web.
The db service will produce a container named my-neo4j-db from the official neo4j docker image and will start that container setting up the NEO4J_AUTH environment variable to none.
The web service will produce a container named at docker compose discretion using a docker image built from the Dockerfile found in the current directory (build: .). It will start that container setting up the environment variable NEO4J_URL to http://my-neo4j-db:7474 (note how we use here the name of the neo4j container my-neo4j-db). Furthermore, docker compose will instruct the Docker engine to expose the web container's port 3000 on the docker host port 80.
Firing it up
Make sure you are in the directory that contains the docker-compose.yml file and type: docker-compose --x-networking up.
Docker compose will read the docker-compose.yml file, figure out it has to first build a docker image for the web service, then create and start both containers and finally will provide you with the logs from both containers.
Once the log shows web_1 | Express server listening at: http://localhost:3000/, everything is cooked and you can direct your Internet navigator to http://<ip of the docker host>/.
To stop the application, hit Ctrl+C.
If you want to start the app in the background, use docker-compose --x-networking up -d instead. Then in order to display the logs, run docker-compose logs.
To stop the service: docker-compose stop
To delete the containers: docker-compose rm
Making neo4j storage persistent
The official neo4j docker image readme says the container persists its data on a volume at /data. We then need to instruct Docker Compose to mount that volume to a directory on the docker host.
Change the docker-compose.yml file with the following content:
container_name: my-neo4j-db
image: neo4j
NEO4J_AUTH: none
- ./neo4j-data:/data
build: .
NEO4J_URL: http://my-neo4j-db:7474
- 80:3000
With that config file, when you will run docker-compose --x-networking up, docker compose will create a neo4j-data directory and mount it into the container at location /data.
Starting a 2nd instance of the application
Create a new directory and copy over the Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files.
We then need to edit the docker-compose.yml file to avoid name conflict for the neo4j container and the port conflict on the docker host.
Change its content to:
container_name: my-neo4j-db2
image: neo4j
NEO4J_AUTH: none
- ./neo4j-data:/data
build: .
NEO4J_URL: http://my-neo4j-db2:7474
- 81:3000
Now it is ready for the docker-compose --x-networking up command. Note that you must be in the directory with that new docker-compose.yml file to start the 2nd instance up.
