Xcode 11 - no iOS 13.1.2 simulator (just 13.0) - ios

I have installed Xcode 11, needing the ios 13 simulator, but as I see I have available ios 13.0, not 13.1.2 (as installed on physical iphones). The issue is that my app has a lot of strange UI behavior (strange offset for views placed unde the navigation bar, round images with shadows not working correctly etc).
Is there a way to use the ios 13.1.2 simulator in Xcode for now?

Xcode 11.2 includes the iOS 13.2 simulator runtime.
iOS 13.0 and 13.1 simulators will not be offered for download so you should not expect to see them in the downloadable simulators list even in Xcode 11.2.
There are many important bug fixes in both Xcode 11.2 and iOS 13.2. I recommend all developers and all users upgrade as soon as possible.

Check below link of release note by apple might come new simulator ios 13.1 on word
there is beta version but you can test or debug


Issue with UIImage on older iOS versions [duplicate]

EDIT : note that this issue is now resolved in Xcode 9.3, hourrah !
OK, it's a Xcode bug, but does anyone has a workaround for this ?
Since I made the update to Xcode 9 and compile my app, I get a bug with my images. All images in my app get distorted, only on iOS 8. I have to point out that when recompiling the exact same project with Xcode 8, every image shows well !
Here is my launch screen when my app is run on iOS 8, then on iOS 9 (or 10 or 11), both with Xcode 9.
I know that some people encounter this bug with Xcode 8 beta 6 (Xcode 8 simulator ios 8 image get distorted and Xcode 8 beta 6 - App image broken in iOS 8) but they say this was a Xcode bug that was resolved in Xcode 8 GM. I can't find anybody having this issue in Xcode 9.
Xcode 9 brings many changes to images assets, so I've tried to play with them (ticking "Preserve Vector Data", changing to "Individual scales" etc) but it didn't helped.
I'm using Xcode 9.2 (9C40b), which I think is the last Xcode version available.
Does anybody has a clue for this ?
Can refer on Xcode 9 Release Notes https://developer.apple.com/library/content/releasenotes/DeveloperTools/RN-Xcode/Chapters/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001051-CH1-SW936
Two workarounds :
Build the app using Xcode 9.1 (official download link)
OR use Xcode 9.2 and set the deployment target to iOS 8.4 or later.
It works for me.
The first one is recommended as the second will only allow iOS 8.4 support.
I found move the image from assets to bundle can fix this bug

My iOS application's picture is strange and broken? [duplicate]

EDIT : note that this issue is now resolved in Xcode 9.3, hourrah !
OK, it's a Xcode bug, but does anyone has a workaround for this ?
Since I made the update to Xcode 9 and compile my app, I get a bug with my images. All images in my app get distorted, only on iOS 8. I have to point out that when recompiling the exact same project with Xcode 8, every image shows well !
Here is my launch screen when my app is run on iOS 8, then on iOS 9 (or 10 or 11), both with Xcode 9.
I know that some people encounter this bug with Xcode 8 beta 6 (Xcode 8 simulator ios 8 image get distorted and Xcode 8 beta 6 - App image broken in iOS 8) but they say this was a Xcode bug that was resolved in Xcode 8 GM. I can't find anybody having this issue in Xcode 9.
Xcode 9 brings many changes to images assets, so I've tried to play with them (ticking "Preserve Vector Data", changing to "Individual scales" etc) but it didn't helped.
I'm using Xcode 9.2 (9C40b), which I think is the last Xcode version available.
Does anybody has a clue for this ?
Can refer on Xcode 9 Release Notes https://developer.apple.com/library/content/releasenotes/DeveloperTools/RN-Xcode/Chapters/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001051-CH1-SW936
Two workarounds :
Build the app using Xcode 9.1 (official download link)
OR use Xcode 9.2 and set the deployment target to iOS 8.4 or later.
It works for me.
The first one is recommended as the second will only allow iOS 8.4 support.
I found move the image from assets to bundle can fix this bug

iOS 6 and 7 simulators in Xcode 7

How to have old simulators in new Xcode?
I have 2 SDKs (6.1 and 7.1) in my old Xcode 5.1.1 following path:
Xcode.app -> right click and <Show package contents> ->
Copied both SDKs to my new Xcode, but Xcode only shows 8.4 and 9.0.
Is there any suggestion? Or maybe I can download it from somewhere (I believe there isn't)?
In Xcode if you click Window->Devices, then on the bottom left click the '+' button, then Add Simulator. There should be an option for selecting older versions of iOS Simulators.
If there isn't an option for iOS 6.1 or 7.1, after you click the '+' button, click the drop-down list for iOS Version and click download more simulators. Then just pick which ones you want.
You can't use simulator for iOS7 and earlier for XCode 7.1 - it's not compatible. Looks like Apple won't support them ever. It means you can't do this on simulator (you still can do this on real devices) at least in official way. You may not know that, but it also depends on your OSX:
El Capitan supports iOS 8.1.
Yosemite supports iOS 7.1
I haven't found any way to use any iOS 7 simulators. However, an iPhone 4 running iOS7 connected to Xcode 7.3, on MacOS X 10.11.4 using the iOS 9 SDK runs just fine.
To support iOS 7 on all devices capable of running it, you will need LaunchImages for iPhone 4 and 5 (retina), and for iPad in portrait and landscape at 1x and 2x.
I would consider supporting iOS 6 at this point to be pointless. That's iPhone 3GS. iOS 7 is pushing it; I run my code on an iPhone 4 mostly to check that its fast enough.

iOS7 Simulator in XCode7 live version?

I cant see iOS7 simulator in Settings/Downloads/Components. How can I run my app on iOS7 simulator? I need to make sure everything works on ios7-9!
How can I run my app on iOS7 simulator?
To make a long story short, you can't. You can't use the iOS 7 simulator with Xcode 7. You can use the iOS 7 simulator with Xcode 6, but you can't build your app there. This is in keeping with Apple's stated policy of helping you be backward compatible only one major version backward.
The only solution, therefore is either to give up your goal of backward compatibility to iOS 7 or to test on an iOS 7 device.
The Xcode 7 Release Notes call out that the iOS 7 Simulator is not supported.

Run app from Xcode 6 on iPad with iOS to work like in iOS 6

I have postponed all updates for Xcode and iPad till now. So I updated my Xcode to 6.0.1 and iPad to iOS 8. But not some features in my app behave and look different. Also now I have this anointing transparent top bar. So I took 6.1 SKD from my old 4.2 xcode ad put it in the new Xcode, not I can set base SKD and deployment to 6.1. But it did not helped, It still look different like on iOS 8. So how can I run my app as 6.1 on iOS 8?
