Why Share Extension is not working on iOS 13? - ios

I was using a Share extension in my app in order to import audio files and it was working on iOS12. Now in iOS 13 is not working anymore, when I press the share button my app doesn't appear in the share sheet.
I think that maybe something has changed in the plist or similar but I coudn't find any information.
Does anyone have the same problem?
NB: I don't wanna use the copy - paste strategies, only the share extension.

Try this for iOS 13
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let activityItem = URL.init(fileURLWithPath: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "audio", ofType: "mp3")!)
let activityVC = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [activityItem],applicationActivities: nil)
activityVC.popoverPresentationController?.sourceView = self.view
self.present(activityVC, animated: true, completion: nil)

For IOS 13 you Should add below code inside your open url method.
UISceneOpenExternalURLOptions * options = [[UISceneOpenExternalURLOptions alloc] init];
options.universalLinksOnly = false;


How can I find custom UTIs App support in iOS?

I'm developing a custom UTI like "com.xyz".
All the apps supporting this UTI may be shown in the UIActivityViewController.
Code snippet:
let extensionItem = NSExtensionItem()
let data = NSItemProvider.init(item: nil, typeIdentifier: "com.xyz")
extensionItem.attachments = [data]
let activity = UIActivityViewController(
activityItems: [extensionItem],
applicationActivities: nil
present(activity, animated: true, completion: nil)
In order to have a better user experience, I would like to check if the iOS device has any App supporting "com.xyz" before presenting the UIActivityViewController.
Just like check URL:
UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(URL(string: urlStr)!)
Otherwise the user may see an empty UIActivityViewController without any app.
As I know, there is an ActivityNotFoundException could be try and catch to handle the app not found situation in Android.
Does iOS support something like ActivityNotFoundException?

UIActivityViewController excludedActivityTypes not work

I want to exclude Weibo and WeChat, and set the following code:
let av = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: items, applicationActivities:nil)
av.excludedActivityTypes = [.postToWeibo, .postToTencentWeibo]
self.present(av, animated: true)
No matter what I did, the two apps still show up on UIActivityViewController. But excluding mail and copyToPasteboard are both work
av.excludedActivityTypes = [.postToWeibo, .postToTencentWeibo, .copyToPasteboard, .mail]
Any other way to exclude them? Thanks

Add frequently used app for fast sharing swift

I am working on a sharing functionality where I have achieved the basic sharing part and is working perfectly. Below is the code for same
let message = "Download the app from the link below"
//Set the link to share.
if let link = NSURL(string: "http://yoururl.com") {
let objectsToShare = [message,link] as [Any]
let activityVC = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: objectsToShare, applicationActivities: nil)
activityVC.excludedActivityTypes = [UIActivityType.airDrop, UIActivityType.addToReadingList]
self.present(activityVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
The above code is working great and gives the output as seen in the screenshot
What I want is to have an extra icon/option to share the content for the frequently used app.
for e.g. I use Whatsapp frequently so the share window should show WhatsApp icon somewhere besides "More".
any help will be highly appreciated. TIA
This can't be done because the share sheet is a library provided by apple and only the user can rearrange icons on their own!

FBSDKShareDialog not appearing in case of video share

I am working on a project where I need to share an image and a video together on Facebook, but facing undefined behaviour.
Issue: When I am trying to share a video using FBSDKShareMediaContent class (using below code), the FBSDKShareDialog is not appearing, but it appears when I share only an image.
My code:
let photo: FBSDKSharePhoto = FBSDKSharePhoto.init(image: imageToShare, userGenerated: true)
let vid: FBSDKShareVideo = FBSDKShareVideo.init(videoURL: URL(string:vidUrl!.path))
// FBSDKShareDialog not appearing in this case
let shareContent: FBSDKShareMediaContent = FBSDKShareMediaContent()
shareContent.media = [photo, vid]
// FBSDKShareDialog appearing
let shareContent: FBSDKShareMediaContent = FBSDKShareMediaContent()
shareContent.media = [photo] */
FBSDKShareDialog.show(from: self.getCurrentViewController(), with: shareContent, delegate: nil)
Video URL: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/2E0E48B7-30E5-4567-8C0B-ACAC100AE389/Documents/AppName/1499773278.555753.mp4
Please help.
The solution i found is, the url path i was assigning is wrong as per the Facebook guidelines of sharing video.
The video URL videoURL must be an asset URL. You can get a video asset URL e.g. from UIImagePickerController.
See video sharing section inside the link.
Final Solution to share image, video together using picker or document directory path whichever, this works.
let shareText = "Upload video, image and text."
let vc = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [shareText, vidUrl, imageToShare], applicationActivities: [])
present(vc, animated: true)

Sharing Video PHAsset via UIActivityController

I am trying to share video PHAsset via UIActivityController using requestAVAsset. This works with Messaging, but not with AirDrop, indicating as 'Failed'.
PHCachingImageManager.default().requestAVAsset(forVideo: asset, options: nil, resultHandler:
{ (givenAsset, audioMix, info) in
let videoAsset = givenAsset as! AVURLAsset
let videoURL = videoAsset.url
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let activityViewController = UIActivityViewController(
activityItems: [videoURL],
applicationActivities: nil)
activityViewController.excludedActivityTypes = [UIActivityType.saveToCameraRoll]
if let popoverPresentationController = activityViewController.popoverPresentationController {
popoverPresentationController.barButtonItem = (sender)
self.present(activityViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
This seems to properly put up UIActivityController and only work with certain activities:
Messaging - ✔️Works, properly exports video.
AirDrop - ✖️Shows "Failed"
Dropbox - ✖️Puts up the proper Dropbox View, yet says "Unknown error occurred"
I've run into similarly odd behavior when working with PHAssets. My guess is this is a (purposely) undocumented security/sandboxing restriction.
I was able to work around this problem by copying the underlying file to a user directory, and then performing the operation on the copied file.
I did this in a loop. Occasionally, the copy fails with a vague file permissions error. When it does, I retry it after a few seconds (using DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter). Eventually, it works!
