How to open Google Play Music app from another app on iOS? - ios

I need to open Google Play Music app from my app and if it's not installed, open app store page. The latter works. For other music apps I have found the deep link schema like "spotify:" which opens the app.
Is there similar schema supported by Google Music app?

googleplaymusic://i - this should work. The "i" can be replaced with anything. You may or may not need it depending on your use.


How to open Stocks app on ios from my app?

I know that popular apps usually have own links, f.e. whatsapp://app will open WhatsApp or if you have Instagram installed, it will open links.
In my app, I would like to open the iOS "Stocks" app (it is installed by default). Do they have deep linking and can I for example in my app open the link like stocks://AAPL to navigate to the Apple stock prices page?
UPD: I've found that stocks:// really opens the Stocks app :)
but now the question still is how to open the exact company in it
Found that will do what I want :)

How to get the iOS Camera suggest my app when snapping a QR code

I want the Camera App that comes with an iPhone to recommend a QR code be opened up in my app. My first question is, if two or more apps register the same universal link, which app gets suggested.
For instance I removed one app that kept on being recommended. Then suddenly another app starts getting recommended. How does a user or developer control this.
Have a look at Apple's guide for implementing Universal Links. In short, your website must upload a JSON file at a specific location that tells iOS which apps can be associated with the website domain. Here is an example file used by the NBC app.

OpenURL - many apps try to open App 'A'. Find the source that opened App A

I am using OpenURL from many apps to Open App A. I would like to know the source app that Opened app A. Is there a way to find it?
Say, I have the following apps opening the app Messenger using the code
UIApplication.sharedApplication().openURL(NSURL(string: "messenger://receiveMedia")!)
Photos (Through which i can share images)
WhatsApp (Through which i can share text or Images)
Now i want to figure out which of the apps mentioned above has opened Messenger. Is there a way to differentiate the source?

iOS url scheme music parameters for direct song selection [duplicate]

I would like to be able to launch the iTunes app from my app when I tap a button (note that I mean the actual music player, NOT the iTunes Store or App Store). Preferably I'd like it to go straight to the Now Playing screen. Is there any way to accomplish this?
Yes, it is possible to open the iTunes music player to the "now playing" screen using the music:// URL scheme. Found this out rather incidentally while reading this post on how to quickly launch apps using Siri.
Also, here are a few sites that you might find handy if you ever need to answer the question "Can I open Application X with a url?"
handleOpenURL - a searchable database of iOS apps that accept URLs (and the URL schemes they take). You can submit your apps here.
Adrian Kosmaczewski's Wiki lists quite a few iOS app url schemes as well.
app lookup blog has more.

programmatically open an app in iOS

I thought this was not possible but I have seen some apps do that: For example, if I receive a notification from Candy Crush in FB, it opens the Candy Crush Game. If I open a map in safari, I can open directly in Google Maps app. I think I have seen it in native apps, but I may be wrong.
So my question is whether this is possible. I have two apps, and I want the user to open the one inside of the other. So for instance, the one app has a button called "Open brother app"
and when I click it, it should open the Other app, if it is installed.
Both apps have the same company identifier, like : com.mycompany.ios.projectname.
It is possible for apps supporting their own custom url schemes.
For more info have a look here.
