What is the difference between local and json logging drivers? - docker

Both, JSON and local logging drivers, seem to store logs per container, locally.
In JSON driver docs, I see the extra options of labels and env (because JSON can have attributes?). Also, local driver documentation says that it uses "internal storage". But I could not find what the fundamental difference is.

In documentation:
local Logs are stored in a custom format designed for minimal
json-file The logs are formatted as JSON. The default
logging driver for Docker.
local => log saved as is writed.
json-file => formated to:
"log":"log message",


How to get GELF-Logs from local Docker daemon to Loki?

Loki-docker-log-driver -> Loki : ✅ works.
Loki-docker-log-driver -> JSON Decode -> Loki : How?
For my local development, I run several services which log in GELF Format. To get a better overview and time-ordered log stream with filter functionality, I use the loki docker log driver.
The JSON log messages (GELF style) are successfully sent to loki, but I want to get them further processed so that labels are extracted. How can I achieve that?
If you have already sent the logs in JSON format to Loki, all you need to do is to select the desired log stream and pipe it to the "json" parser, like in the following example:
{filename="/var/log/nginx/access.log"} | json
Then, you can use the labels as you wish, like this:
{filename="/var/log/nginx/access.log"} | json | remote_addr="147.741.001.047"

Logstash with jdbc driver-How to set an initial value for sql_last_value

According to Logstash documentation the sql_last_value parameter is set to Thursday, 1 January 1970 before any query is run, and stored in the YAML file according to the last_run_metadata_path parameter.
I need to set this value to a custom value, but because I used Logstash inside a Docker container, I wasn't able to use a custom image with a file initialized with the desired value because the file is read-only in the container and then Logstash throws an error.
My question is: is it possible to start Logstash with a different initial value than the default in a container installation?
You can have a workaround. Logstash allows you to define a file in which it will store the last value that sql_last_value had. When logstash starts the jdbc will look in that file (if defined in the settings), store the value to the sql_last_value parameter and continue from there.
You can create that file and write the date you want to start with. That way the driver will think it stopped there the last time. Here's how you can do it:
In the logstash.conf add the following:
input {
jdbc {
last_run_metadata_path => "/some/path/sql_last_value.yml"
# ... other configuration bits
Write the date you want to start with to the sql_last_value.yml file in the following format:
--- 2020-06-12 20:28:00.374000000 Z
You can easily create the file with a simple command in your dockerfile.

No such property: ToInputStream for class: Script4

I have a situation where I want to import my graph data to database.I am having janusgraph(latest version) running with cassandra(version 3) and elasticsearch(version 6.6.0) using Docker.I have been suggested to use gryo format.So I have tried this command
graph.io(IoCore.gryo()).reader().create().readGraph(ToInputStream.from("my_graph.kryo"), graph);
but ended up with an error
No such property: ToInputStream for class: Script4
The documentation I am following is here.Please take a look and put me in a right procedure. Thanks in advance!
ToInputStream is not a function of Gremlin or JanusGraph. I believe that it is only a function of IBM Compose so unless you are running JanusGraph on that specific platform, this command will not work.
Versions of JanusGraph that utilize TinkerPop 3.4.x will support the io() step and this is the preferred manner in which to load gryo (as well as graphson and graphml) files.
Graph graph = ... // setup JanusGraph instance
GraphTraversalSource g = traversal().withGraph(graph); // might use withRemote() here instead depending on how you are connecting I suppose
Note that if you are connecting remotely - it seems you are sending scripts to the Docker instance given your error - then be sure that that "graph.kryo" file path is accessible to Docker. That's what's nice about ToInputStream from Compose as it allows you to access remote sources.

Write to the system's standard error in Progress

I am writing a small program in Progress that needs to write an error message to the system's standard error. What ways, simple if at all possible, can I use to print to standard error?
I am using OpenEdge 11.3.
When on Windows (10.2B+) you can use .NET:
System.Console:Error:WriteLine ("This is an error message") .
together with
prowin32 2> stderr.out
Progress doesn't provide a way to write to stderr - the easiest way I can think of is to output-through an external program that takes stdin and echoes it to stderr.
You could look into LOG-MANAGER:WRITE-MESSAGE. It won't log to standard output or standard error, but to a client-specific log. This log should be monitored in any case (specifically if the client is an application server).
From the documentation:
For an interactive or batch client, the WRITE-MESSAGE( ) method writes the log entries to the log file specified by the LOGFILE-NAME attribute or the Client Logging (-clientlog) startup parameter. For WebSpeed agents and AppServer servers, the WRITE-MESSAGE() method writes the log entries to the server log file. For DataServers, the WRITE-MESSAGE() method writes the log entries to the log file specified by the DataServer Logging (-dslog) startup parameter.
Will write this in the log:
[04/12/05#13:19:19.742-0500] P-003616 T-001984 1 4GL DEBUG1 Got here, x=5
There are quite a lot of options regarding the LOG-MANAGER system, what messages to display, where the file is placed, etc.
There is no easy way, but in Unixen you can always do something like this using OUTPUT THROUGH (untested):
output through "cat >&2" no-echo unbuffered.
Alternatively -- and this is tested -- if you just want error messages from a batch-mode program to go to standard out then
output through "tee" ...
...definitely works.

How to monitor elasticsearch using nagios

I would like to monitor elasticsearch using nagios.
Basiclly, I want to know if elasticsearch is up.
I think I can use the elasticsearch Cluster Health API (see here)
and use the 'status' that I get back (green, yellow or red), but I still don't know how to use nagios for that matter ( nagios is on one server and elasticsearc is on another server ).
Is there another way to do that?
I just found that - check_http_json. I think I'll try it.
After a while - I've managed to monitor elasticsearch using the nrpe.
I wanted to use the elasticsearch Cluster Health API - but I couldn't use it from another machine - due to security issues...
So, in the monitoring server I created a new service - which the check_command is check_command check_nrpe!check_elastic. And now in the remote server, where the elasticsearch is, I've editted the nrpe.cfg file with the following:
command[check_elastic]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_http -H localhost -u /_cluster/health -p 9200 -w 2 -c 3 -s green
Which is allowed, since this command is run from the remote server - so no security issues here...
It works!!!
I'll still try this check_http_json command that I posted in my qeustion - but for now, my solution is good enough.
After playing around with the suggestions in this post, I wrote a simple check_elasticsearch script. It returns the status as OK, WARNING, and CRITICAL corresponding to the "status" parameter in the cluster health response ("green", "yellow", and "red" respectively).
It also grabs all the other parameters from the health page and dumps them out in the standard Nagios format.
Shameless plug: https://github.com/jersten/check-es
You can use it with ZenOSS/Nagios to monitor cluster health, data indices, and individual node heap usage.
You can use this cool Python script for monitoring your Elasticsearch cluster. This script check your IP:port for Elasticsearch status. This one and more Python script for monitoring Elasticsearch can be found here.
from nagioscheck import NagiosCheck, UsageError
from nagioscheck import PerformanceMetric, Status
import urllib2
import optparse
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
class ESClusterHealthCheck(NagiosCheck):
def __init__(self):
self.add_option('H', 'host', 'host', 'The cluster to check')
self.add_option('P', 'port', 'port', 'The ES port - defaults to 9200')
def check(self, opts, args):
host = opts.host
port = int(opts.port or '9200')
response = urllib2.urlopen(r'http://%s:%d/_cluster/health'
% (host, port))
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
raise Status('unknown', ("API failure", None,
"API failure:\n\n%s" % str(e)))
except urllib2.URLError, e:
raise Status('critical', (e.reason))
response_body = response.read()
es_cluster_health = json.loads(response_body)
except ValueError:
raise Status('unknown', ("API returned nonsense",))
cluster_status = es_cluster_health['status'].lower()
if cluster_status == 'red':
raise Status("CRITICAL", "Cluster status is currently reporting as "
elif cluster_status == 'yellow':
raise Status("WARNING", "Cluster status is currently reporting as "
raise Status("OK",
"Cluster status is currently reporting as Green")
if __name__ == "__main__":
I wrote this a million years ago, and it might still be useful: https://github.com/radu-gheorghe/check-es
But it really depends on what you want to monitor. The above measures:
if Elasticsearch responds to HTTP
if ingestion rate drops under the defined levels
if total number of documents drops the defined levels
But of course there's much more that might be interesting. From query time to JVM heap usage. We wrote a blog post about the most important ones here: https://sematext.com/blog/top-10-elasticsearch-metrics-to-watch/
Elasticsearch has APIs for all these, so you may be able to use a generic check_http_json to get the needed metrics. Alternatively, you may want to use something like Sematext Monitoring for Elasticsearch, which gets these metrics out of the box, then forward threshold/anomaly alerts to Nagios. (disclosure: I work for Sematext)
