Is there a Jenkins env var for Replay? - jenkins

Does Jenkins provide a variable when replay is ran? If so what is that? I see in the log that is writes Replayed but I am not looking to scrape the console output.

You can use 'cause' of which has triggered the job, in rawBuild.
def replayClassName = "org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.replay.ReplayCause​"
def isReplay = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCauses().any{ cause -> cause.toString().contains(replayClassName) }
*refered from
How to know inside jenkinsfile / script that current build is a replay?


Jenkins: read an existing job's plugin config via Groovy

We are in the early phases of using Jenkins DSL. One challenge we have come across is being able to read in an existing jobs plugin settings so that we retain it before running the DSL. This allows us the ability to give the Jenkins users the option to keep some of their settings. We have successfully retained the schedule settings for our jobs but the newest challenge is being able to retain a plugin setting. Specifically a setting in the "ExtendedEmailPublisher" plugin. We would like to retain the value:
In the config.xml file for this job in the ExtendedEmailPublisher tags we see the following:
The value we would like to extract/preserve from this XML is:
We have tried getting the existing values using groovy but cant seem to find the right code. Our first idea was to try to read the value from the config.xml using the XmlSlurper. We ran this from the Jenkins Script Console:
def projectXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText("curl http://Server_Name:8100/job/Job_Name/api/xml".execute().text);
*we use 8100 for our Jenkins port
Unfortunately while this does return some config info it does not return plugin info.
Then, we also tried running the following to read/replace the existing settings:
def oldJob = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getItem("Job_Name")
def isDisabled = false // Default Value
for(publisher in oldJob.publishersList) {
if (publisher instanceof hudson.plugins.emailext.ExtendedEmailPublisher) {
isDisabled = publisher.disabled
And while this works if executed from the Jenkins Script Console, when we try to use it in a DSL Job we get the message:
Processing provided DSL script
ERROR: startup failed:
script: 25: unable to resolve class
# line 25, column 37.
if (publisher instanceof hudson.plugins.emailext.ExtendedEmailPublisher)
1 error
Finished: FAILURE
Using url #aflat's URL suggestion for getting the raw XML config info, I was able to use the XML Slurper and then use the getProperty method to assign the property I wanted to a variable.
def projectXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText("curl http://Server_Name:8100/job/Job_Name/config.xml".execute().text);
def emailDisabled = projectXml.publishers."hudson.plugins.emailext.ExtendedEmailPublisher".getProperty("disabled");
If you want to parse the config.xml, use
def projectXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText("curl http://Server_Name:8100/job/Job_Name/config.xml");
That should return your raw config.xml data
Under "Manage Jenkins->Configure Global Security" did you try disabling "Enable script security for Job DSL scripts"?

jenkins, how to run multiple remote jobs without stopping on failure

I have a jenkins job that I'm using to aggregate the execution of multiple other jobs that only perform testing. Because they are testing, I want all the jobs to run regardless of any failures. I do want to keep track of wether or not there has been a failure so that I can set the end result to FAILURE rather than SUCCESS if need be.
At the moment I am calling 1 remote job via bash script and jenkins-cli. I have a 2nd child job that is local, so I'm using "trigger/call builds on other jobs" build step to run that one.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
If you can use build_flow-plugin it is easy, if you use pipeline it is possible too but can't give you example. Have to look it up if that is the case.
def result = SUCCESS
def job1 = build('job1')
result = job1.result.combine(result)
def job2 = build('job2')
result = job1.result.combine(result)
build.result = result.combine(build.result)

Access BUILD_NUMBER in Jenkins Promoted build plugin scripts

I am using Promoted Build plugin. And using some custom groovy scripts to validate the build! I wanted to access the value of BUILD_NUMBER from the groovy script. Can anyone suggest me how i can achieve this?
Another thing i am writing println statement in this groovy script but its no where getting logged. Any suggestion to debug the script flow how can i log the info ?
If it's in runtime you can use:
def env = System.getenv()
//Print all the environment variables.
println it
// You can also access the specific variable, say 'username', as show below
String user= env['USERNAME']
if it's in system groovy you can use:
// get current thread / Executor and current build
def thr = Thread.currentThread()
def build = thr?.executable
//Get from Env
def stashServer= build.parent.builds[0].properties.get("envVars").find {key, value -> key == 'ANY_ENVIRONMENT_PARAMETER' }
//Get from Job Params
def jobParam= "jobParamName"
def resolver = build.buildVariableResolver
def jobParamValue= resolver.resolve(jobParam)
Any println is sending output to the standard output steam, try looking at the console log.
Good luck!

How can I check whether the build is triiggered by timer or by the user?

How can I check whether the build is triiggered by timer or by the user.
I have a build which is scheduled to run and there times I run it manually also. Can I get who started the run from a variable or something in the same run.
We can use "BUILD_CAUSE" variable for getting the information about who initiated the run
There is Jenkins plugin which allows you to identify, among others, how the build was triggered.
In the features section of the link above you can see:
Build Cause Run
the build step depending on the cause of the build e.g. triggered by timer, user, scm-change,...
If you have a shared pipeline library, create a file startedByTimer.groovy:
def call() {
boolean startedByTimer = false
def buildCauses = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCauses()
for (buildCause in buildCauses) {
if ("${buildCause}".contains("hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger\$TimerTriggerCause")) {
startedByTimer = true
return startedByTimer
As #Bachu already answered build cause is available in ${BUILD_CAUSE} environment variable.
Moreover for each trigger type is corresponding environment variable which can be interpreted as boolean.
For builds triggered by timer it is ${BUILD_CAUSE_TIMERTRIGGER} which for builds triggered by timer will be set to true.
Another solution would be to use the user build vars plugin:
def buildUser
wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) {
buildUser = env.BUILD_USER
buildUser will contain a user name when the pipeline is triggered manually, and null otherwise.
If using pipeline 2.0, you can use:
if(manager.logContains("Started by timer")){
echo "This build was triggered by a timer."
You can check those information in Jenkins Console output.
Look at the console Output
The first line will be:
Started by user xxx (if a human started it)
Started by an SCM change (if a change in version control triggered it)
Started by timer (if it was scheduled)

Jenkins/Gerrit: Multiple builds with different labels from one gerrit event

I create two labels in one of our projects that requires builds on Windows and Linux, so the project.config for that project now looks as follows
[label "Verified"]
function = NoBlock
[label "Verified-Windows"]
function = MaxWithBlock
value = -1 Fails
value = 0 No score
value = +1 Verified
[label "Verified-Unix"]
function = MaxWithBlock
value = -1 Fails
value = 0 No score
value = +1 Verified
This works as intended. Submits require that one succesful build reports verified-windows and the other one verified-linux [1].
However, the two builds are now triggered by the same gerrit event (from 'different' servers, see note), but when they report back only one of the two labels 'survives'.
It seems as though, the plugin collates the two messages that arrive into one comment and only accepts whichever label was the first one to be set.
Is this by design or a bug? Can I work around this?
This is using the older version of the trigger: 2.11.1
[1] I got this to work by adding more than one server and then reconfiguring the messages that are sent back via SSH to gerrit. This is cumbersome and quite non-trivial. I think jobs should be able to override the label that a succesful build will set on gerrit.
This can be adressed by using more than one user name, so the verdicts on labels don't get mixed up. However this is only partially satisfactory, since multiple server connections for the same server also duplicate events from the event stream.
I am currently working on a patch for the gerrit trigger plugin for jenkins to address this issue and and make using different labels more efficient.
Maybe you can solve this challenge by using a post build groovy script.
I provided an example at another topic:
To be more specific as mentioned by arman1991
Install the Groovy Postbuild Plugin:
Use the following example script as PostBuild action in each of your jobs. Modify it to your needs for the Linux verification.
It will do for you:
collect necessary environment variables and status of the job
build feedback message
build ssh command
execute ssh command -> send feedback to gerrit
//Collect all environment variables of the current build job
def env =
//Get Gerrit Change Number
def change = env['GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER']
//Get Gerrit Patch Number
def patch = env['GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER']
//Get Url to current job
def buildUrl = env['BUILD_URL']
//Build Url to console output
def buildConsoleUrl = buildUrl + "/console"
//Verification will set to succeded (+1) and feedback message will be generated...
def result = +1
def message = "\\\"Verification for Windows succeeded - ${buildUrl}\\\""
//...except job failed (-1)...
if ({
result = -1
message = "\\\"Verification for Windows failed - ${buildUrl}\\\""
//...or job is aborted
if ( == hudson.model.Result.ABORTED){
result = 0
message = "\\\"Verification for Windows aborted - ${buildConsoleUrl}\\\""
//Send Feedback to Gerrit via ssh
//-i - Path to private ssh key
def ssh_message = "ssh -i /path/to/jenkins/.ssh/key -p 29418 user#gerrit-host gerrit review ${change},${patch} --label=verified-Windows=${result} --message=${message}"
manager.listener.logger.println(new ProcessBuilder('bash','-c',"${ssh_message}").redirectErrorStream(true).start().text)
I hope this will help you to solve your challenge without using the Gerrit Trigger Plugin to report the results.
