Swift Google Maps SDK, navigation inside my app - ios

It's possible with Google Maps's SDK to start a navigation with directions from point A to point B?
For having something like this:

Yes, you can show routes on google map using Goole Map platform APIS.
But you can't implement same way like in google map(with voice). You can use Direction API by google to get the path points from Point A to Point B and draw a polyline on google map.
Google does not provide navigation with voice as in google map. There is no such apis available from google.
For more details about this visit Direction API


Can I use google places API (auto-complete) and Mapkit together?

I want to allow the user to select a place (Google places auto complete API) and then show the place selected on map.
Can I use google places API for iOS and apple map (Mapkit) for this purpose? Map and the selection feature will be on separate view controllers but according to https://github.com/watsonbox/ios_google_places_autocomplete ,
displaying Google Places on a non-Google map is against their terms of
So if I use them together, Will my app wont be accepted while uploading or app store? Or what will happen?
From Google Terms of Use:
(d) No Use With Non-Google Maps. Customer will not use the Google Maps
Core Services in a Customer Application that contains a non-Google
map. For example, Customer will not (i) display Places listings on a
non-Google map, or (ii) display Street View imagery and non-Google
maps in the same Customer Application.
As for me it says that we can't show places list provided by Google Places API on non-Google map. But it says nothing about displaying place that was chosen from Google Places list.
More then that, I have app with exact functionality that you want and I didn't had any issues with App Store submission.

How do i calculate the distance from point A to point B in IOS google maps SDK?

My goal is to simply calculate a distance from point A to point B using IOS google maps SDK.
I found out that there is an API call Distance Matrix API. The questions are
Do i need to make an HTTP request using Alamofire IOS to use
Distance Matrix API?
Do i need to run my own server (etc Node.js, django, rails) to make
a request to the Distance matrix?
Or everything is in IOS google maps SDK?
1 -> Yes, you need to make a HTTP request.
2 -> No, you do not need to run your own server. You just need a google API key with which you make requests to Google servers. You can get the API key by creating a google account and following the instructions in the below link:-
3 -> You do not need to integrate the full iOS Google SDK if you need to perform only one of these tasks from the SDK. You can just hit the API following the instructions from the below doc
Distance Matrix API doc:-
Call the folowing URL, and it will return the distance between two lat longs.
To get the API Key go to the google developer console and follow the steps:-
Create or select a project.
Click Continue to Enable the API.
On the Credentials page, get a Server key (and set the API Credentials).
Following link has a demo related to the distance matrix :- https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/distance-matrix/

Getting location coordinates from Address

The user will be prompted enter his address in a textfield and in the backend I want to get the location coordinates of the address.
I’m using geocoding service from google but not any of their APIs. I read somewhere in their document that “use of the geocoder for any purpose other than obtaining locations that will be displayed using the google maps APIs is a violation of the Terms of Service”.
And this is how HTTP request I use
Can I do this? I’m confused because I'm not showing any map at all but I want to get the coordinates. Will this be violating their terms?
Unfortunately, yes, I think you'd be breaking Google's rules here. See also this answer.
You could still use iOS' built-in forward-geocoding engine. See here for the docs.
Google Maps terms are very restrictive. However, it looks like they do allow showing results without Google Maps (Geocoding API Policies):
You can display Geocoding API results on a Google Map, or without a
map. If you want to display Geocoding API results on a map, then these
results must be displayed on a Google Map. It is prohibited to use
Geocoding API data on a map that is not a Google map.
So you can't display Google Geocoding API results on "non-Google" maps.
Nevertheless, please remember that you still can't cache (only lat/long on the end-use device for 30 days) and store results.
Fortunately, there are many geocoding services that are based on open data. For example, we at Geoapify allow our customers to store and even redistribute data. Try our Geocoding API, and maybe you find that it's a worthy alternative to the geocoding service from Google.

Possible to style Google Maps SDK for iOS?

Is it possible to style the map in Google Maps SDK for iOS like in Google Maps API used in web pages?
It is not yet possible to style the map in the iOS SDK. Please file a feature request.

Impementation of google map in blackberry

I have to develop an application which involves implementation of google map in blackberry.
u can use Static google map api.. Follow the link
Google Static Maps API
