Distance and width in Spark AR scripting - augmented-reality

I'm having a hard time navigating Spark AR documentation and I couldn't find an answer to this: I have three planes in a Scene. Two of them are moving, one of them static.
How can I get the distance between those two planes?
How can I change the width of the third plane to that distance?

You're in luck because the Reactive Module just so happens to have a built-in distance function!
//import the Reactive module
const Reactive = require('Reactive');
//find your planes
let plane1 = Scene.root.find('plane1');
let plane2 = Scene.root.find('plane2');
let plane3 = Scene.root.find('plane3');
//create point signals
let point1 = Reactive.pack3(plane1.transform.x, plane1.transform.y, plane1.transform.z);
let point2 = Reactive.pack3(plane2.transform.x, plane2.transform.y, plane2.transform.z);
//get the distance between the two points
let distance = Reactive.distance(point1, point2);
//apply scale
plane3.transform.scaleX = distance;
Good luck!


SceneKit + ARKit: Billboarding without rolling with camera

I'm trying to draw a billboarded quad using SceneKit and ARKit. I have basic billboarding working, however when I roll the camera the billboard also rotates in place. This video shows this in action as I roll the camera to the left (the smily face is the billboard):
Instead I'd like the billboard to still face the camera but keep oriented vertically in the scene, no matter what the camera is doing
Here's how I compute billboarding:
// inside frame update function
struct Vertex {
var position: SIMD3<Float>
var texCoord: SIMD2<Float>
let halfSize = Float(0.25)
let cameraNode = sceneView.scene.rootNode.childNodes.first!
let modelTransform = self.scnNode.simdWorldTransform
let viewTransform = cameraNode.simdWorldTransform.inverse
let modelViewTransform = viewTransform * modelTransform
let right = SIMD3<Float>(modelViewTransform[0][0], modelViewTransform[1][0], modelViewTransform[2][0]);
let up = SIMD3<Float>(modelViewTransform[0][1], modelViewTransform[1][1], modelViewTransform[2][1]);
// drawBuffer is a MTL buffer of vertex data
let data = drawBuffer.contents().bindMemory(to: ParticleVertex.self, capacity: 4)
data[0].position = (right + up) * halfSize
data[0].texCoord = SIMD2<Float>(0, 0)
data[1].position = -(right - up) * halfSize
data[1].texCoord = SIMD2<Float>(1, 0)
data[2].position = (right - up) * halfSize
data[2].texCoord = SIMD2<Float>(0, 1)
data[3].position = -(right + up) * halfSize
data[3].texCoord = SIMD2<Float>(1, 1)
Again this gets the billboard facing the camera correctly, however when I roll the camera, the billboard rotates along with it.
What I'd like instead is for the billboard to point towards the camera but keep its orientation in the world. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Note that my code example is simplified so I can't use SCNBillboardConstraint or anything like that; I need to be able to compute the billboarding myself
Here's the solution I came up with: create a new node that matches the camera's position and rotation, but without any roll:
let tempNode = SCNNode()
tempNode.simdWorldPosition = cameraNode.simdWorldPosition
// This changes the node's pitch and yaw, but not roll
tempNode.simdLook(at: cameraNode.simdConvertPosition(SIMD3<Float>(0, 0, 1), to: nil))
let view = tempNode.simdWorldTransform.inverse
let modelViewTransform = view * node.simdWorldTransform
This keeps the billboard pointing upwards in world space, even as the camera rolls.
I had actually tried doing this earlier by setting tempNode.eulerAngles.z = 0, however that seems to effect the rest of the transform matrix in unexpected ways
There's probably a way to do this without creating a temporary node too but this works well enough for me

How to apply the eye Ball Rotation using ARKit in iOS from FaceTracking

I am using ARKit's ARFaceTrackingConfiguration to track the facial blendshapes along with left and right Eye Transforms. I am exporting this data into json and apply this data on 3d model ( which preconfigured shape keys, eye nodes). I was able to apply the blend shape data, but I got struck at how to apply the eye rotations. am getting leftEyeTransform, rightEyeTransform which is simd_float4*4 from FaceAnchor.
Here how to apply the rotation on eye nodes from the transform values.I believe for eyes, it is enough to apply the rotation.
I have tried with the below to get the orientation from eyeTransforms:
Method 1:
let faceNode = SCNNode()
faceNode.simdTransform = eyeTransform
let vector = faceNode.eulerAngles
eyeLeftNode.eulerAngles = vector
let faceNode = SCNNode()
faceNode.simdTransform = eyeTransform
let rotation = vector_float3(faceNode.orientation.x,faceNode.orientation.y,faceNode.orientaton.z)
let yaw = (rotation.y)
let pitch = (rotation.x)
let roll = (rotation.z)
let vector = SCNVector3(pitch, yaw, roll)
eyeLeftNode.eulerAngles = vector
Method: 3
let simd_quatf = simd_quaternion(eyeTransform)
let vector = SCNVector3(simd_quatf.axis.x,simd_quatf.axis.y,simd_quatf.axis.z)
eyeLeftNode.eulerAngles = vector
None of the ways are working. I am not able to figure out the actual problem on how to rotate the eyeBalls. Can you please tell me how to do this
I use the following two extensions in my apps for simd_float4x4 translation and orientation components if that's all you need:
extension float4x4 {
var translation: SIMD3<Float> {
let translation = columns.3
return SIMD3<Float>(translation.x, translation.y, translation.z)
Factors out the orientation component of the transform.
var orientation: simd_quatf {
return simd_quaternion(self)

UIBezierPath Percent of Length at Point

I'm building an app that features some graphical manipulation. I'm storing shapes as UIBezierPaths, and I want to allow users to touch points along the line to create saved locations. Using the wonderful answer to this question, and more specifically, this project, I'm able to place a point on a line knowing the percentage of its length the point rests on. This is half of my problem.
I want a way to take a point on a path, and derive the percent of its length.
My math-fu is extremely weak. I've studied bezier curves but I simply don't have the math to understand it.
I would humbly submit that "go back and learn geometry and trigonometry" is a correct answer, but sadly one I don't have time for at present. What I need is a way to fill in this method:
- (CGFloat)percentOfLengthAtPoint:(CGPoint)point onPath:(UIBezierPath*)path
Any help appreciated!
I have working code that solves my problem. I'm not particularly proud of it; the overall technique is essentially a brute-force attack on a UIBezierPath, which is kind of funny if you think about it. (Please don't think about it).
As I mentioned, I have access to a method that allows me to get a point from a given percentage of a line. I have taken advantage of that power to find the closest percentage to the given point by running through 1000 percentage values. To wit:
Start with a CGPoint that represents where on the line the user touched.
let pointA = // the incoming CGPoint
Run through the 0-1 range in the thousands. This is the set of percentages we're going to brute-force and see if we have a match. For each, we run pointAtPercentOfLength, from the linked project above.
var pointArray:[[String:Any]] = []
for (var i:Int = 0; i <= 1000; i++) {
let value = CGFloat(round((CGFloat(i) / CGFloat(1000)) * 1000) / 1000)
let testPoint = path.pointAtPercentOfLength(value)
let pointB = CGPoint(x: floor(testPoint.x), y: floor(testPoint.y))
pointArray.append(["point" : pointB, "percent" : value])
That was the hard part. Now we take the returning values and calculate the distance between each point and the touched point. Closest one is our winner.
// sort the damned array by distance so we find the closest
var distanceArray:[[String:Any]] = []
for point in pointArray {
"distance" : self.distanceFrom(point["point"] as! CGPoint, point2: pointA),
"point" : point["point"],
"percent" : point["percent"] as! CGFloat
Here's the sorting function if you're interested:
func distanceFrom(point1:CGPoint, point2:CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
let xDist = (point2.x - point1.x);
let yDist = (point2.y - point1.y);
return sqrt((xDist * xDist) + (yDist * yDist));
Finally, I sort the array by the distance of the values, and pick out the winner as our closest percent.
let ordered = distanceArray.sort { return CGFloat($0["distance"] as! CGFloat) < CGFloat($1["distance"] as! CGFloat) }
ordered is a little dictionary that includes percent, the correct value for a percentage of a line's length.
This is not pretty code, I know. I know. But it gets the job done and doesn't appear to be computationally expensive.
As a postscript, I should point to what appears to be a proper resource for doing this. During my research I read this beautiful article by David Rönnqvist, which included an equation for calculating the percentage distance along a path:
start⋅(1-t)3 + 3⋅c1⋅t(1-t)2 + 3⋅c2⋅t2(1-t) + end⋅t3
I was just about to try implementing that before my final solution occurred to me. Math, man. I can't even brain it. But if you're more ambitious than I, and wish to override my 30 lines of code with a five-line alternative, everyone would appreciate it!
I think your approach is sound, but you could do this far more efficiently.
Instead of creating an two arrays of dicts (with a thousand elements each) and then sorting the array - just use a while loop to move from 0.0 to 1.0, calculate the distance to the touch point and keep track of the minimum distance.
For example:
var t:CGFloat = 0.0
let step:CGFloat = 0.001
var minDistance:CGFloat = -1.0
var minPoint:CGPoint = CGPointZero
var minT:CGFloat = -1;
while (t<1.0) {
let point = pointAtPercentOfLength(t)
let distance:CGFloat = self.distanceFrom(point, point2: pointA)
if (minDistance == -1.0 || distance < minDistance) {
minDistance = distance
minPoint = point
minT = t
t += step
print("minDistance: \(minDistance) minPoint: \(minPoint.x) \(minPoint.y) t\(minT)\n")

How to attach sprites that collide?

I essentially want the "sprites" to collide when they stick together. However, I don't want the "joint" to be rigid; I essentially want the sprites to be able to move around as long as they are in contact with each other. Imagine two circles connected, and you can move one circle around the other, as long as it remains in contact.
I found this question: How to make one body stick to another moving object in SpriteKit and a lot of other resources that explain how to make sprites stick upon collision, but they all use SKJoints, which are rigid are not really flexible.
I guess another way to phrase it would be to say that I want the sprites to stick, but I want them to be able to "slide" on each other.
Well, I can think of one workaround, but this wouldn't work with non-normal polygons.
Sticking (pun unintended) with your circles example, what if you lock the position of the circle?
let circle1 = center circle
let circle2 = movable circle
Knowing the width of both circles, you can place in the update function that the position should be exactly the distance of:
((circle1.frame.width / 2) + (circle2.frame.width / 2))
If you're up to it, here's some code to help you on your way.
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
let distance = hypotf(Float(circle1.position.x - circle2.position.x), Float(circle1.position.y - circle2.position.y))
//calculate circle distances from each other
let radius = ((circle1.frame.width / 2) + (circle2.frame.width / 2))
//distance of circle positions
if distance != radius
//if distance is less or more than radius
let pointA = circle1.position
let pointB = circle2.position
let pointC = CGPointMake(pointB.x + 2, pointB.y)
let angle_ab = atan2(pointA.y - pointB.y, pointA.x - pointB.x)
let angle_cb = atan2(pointC.y - pointB.y, pointC.x - pointB.x)
let angle_abc = angle_ab - angle_cb
//get angle of circles from each other using atan2
let vectorx = cos(angle_abc)
let vectory = sin(angle_abc)
//convert angle into vectors
let x = circle1.position.x + radius * vectorx
let y = circle1.position.y + radius * vectory
//get new coordinates from vector, radius and center circle position
circle2.position = CGPointMake(x, y)
//set new position
Well you need to write code to make sure the movable circle, is well movable.
But, this should work.
I haven't tested this yet though, and I haven't even learned geometry let alone trig in school yet.
If I'm reading your question as you intended it, you can still use joints- just create actions with Inverse Kinematic constraints that allow rotation and translation around the contacting circles' joint.

openlayers ol3 linestring getLength not returning expected value

I am using getLength to retrieve the linestring length.
For the same segment:
1- when using google map measure tool, I get 228m
2- when using IGN geoportail measure tool, I get 228m
3- when I use e.feature.getGeometry().getLength() I get 330m
Here are the flat coordinates:
e.feature.getGeometry().getFlatCoordinates() :
[571382.4214041593, 5723486.068714521, 571593.8175605105, 5723741.65502785]
in 4326:
[5.132815622245775, 45.644023326845485, 5.134714626228319, 45.64562844964627]
When I check the coordinates position on either ol3 or google map, I get the same points. The difference must come from the calcul...
Did I miss something and I should not use the getLength method? Please give me some direction if you think this is not an issue.
geometry.getLength() returns the length in the map view projection, which is usually spherical mercator. Spherical mercator distances are stretched at a rate of 1/cos(latitude); in your example: 228/330 ~ cos(45.64).
To get the real spherical distance:
var geometry = feature.getGeometry();
alert (geometry.getLength());
// get points of geometry (for simplicity assume 2 points)
var coordinates = geometry.getCoordinates();
// transform points from map projection (usually spherical mercator) to WGS84
var mapProjection = map.getView().getProjection();
var t1 = ol.proj.transform(coordinates[0], mapProjection, 'EPSG:4326');
var t2 = ol.proj.transform(coordinates[1], mapProjection, 'EPSG:4326');
// create sphere to measure on
var wgs84sphere = new ol.Sphere(6378137); // one of WGS84 earth radius'
// get distance on sphere
var dist = wgs84sphere.haversineDistance(t1, t2);
alert (dist);
For even higher accuracy you have to measure on the WGS84 ellipsoid instead of the sphere.
The above answer is correct, allthough if you are trying to get the length of a LinePoint with several positions it will only calculate between the first ones.
Here is a small addition on working with LinePoints with several positions:
var geometry = feature.getGeometry();
// get points of geometry (for simplicity assume 2 points)
var coordinates = geometry.getCoordinates();
// transform points from map projection (usually spherical mercator) to WGS84
var mapProjection = map.getView().getProjection();
// create sphere to measure on
var wgs84sphere = new ol.Sphere(6378137); // one of WGS84 earth radius'
var dist = 0;
//loop through all coordinates
for(var i = 0; i < coordinates.length -1; i++) {
var t1 = ol.proj.transform(coordinates[i], mapProjection, 'EPSG:4326');
var t2 = ol.proj.transform(coordinates[i+1], mapProjection, 'EPSG:4326');
// get distance on sphere
dist += wgs84sphere.haversineDistance(t1, t2);
