I am giving a try of GluonVM on iOS with Oracle JDK 10.2.
I have noticed that although I have "com.javasuns.test" in src/ios/Default-Info.plist, when I run the "./gradlew launchIOSDevice" command, the bundle ID is taken from the mainClassName defined in build.gradle.
Here is my example:
dependencies {
compile 'com.gluonhq:charm:5.0.2'
mainClassName = 'test.TestFX'
fxmobile {
javafxportsVersion = '8.60.12'
ios { ...... }
./gradlew launchIOSDevice
com.gluonhq.higgs.Higgs: non-fatal issue for class javafx.scene.web.JSObjectIosImpl (no known superclass)
command to dsymutil: xcrun dsymutil -o /Volumes/MyApps/testFX/build/gvm/testFX.app.dSYM /Volumes/MyApps/testFX/build/gvm/testFX.app/testFX
Error getting ProvisioninedDevices, ignore
Error getting ProvisioninedDevices, ignore
provprofile asked, bid = test.TestFX and origbid = test.TestFX
provprofile asked, bid = test.* and origbid = test.TestFX
provprofile asked, bid = * and origbid = test.TestFX
No provisioning profile found matching signing identity 'iPhone Developer: #NAME#' and app bundle ID 'test.TestFX'
will return PP null
No provisioning profile found matching signing identity 'iPhone Developer: #NAME#' and app bundle ID 'test.TestFX'
will return PP null
No provisioning profile found matching signing identity 'iPhone Developer: #NAME#' and app bundle ID 'test.TestFX'
will return PP null
Warning, getProvisioningProfile is failing
I have managed to bypass the issue by creating a new java main class named "test.java" under "com.javasuns" package (ignoring that java type names usually start with an uppercase letter).
build.gradle (Changed)
mainClassName = 'com.javasuns.test'
However, now a new error appears that I do not know how to get through it:
13:17:45:491] BosonAppSupport: Validating codesign...
[SUB] /Volumes/MyApps/testFX/build/gvm/testFX.app: valid on disk
[SUB] /Volumes/MyApps/testFX/build/gvm/testFX.app: satisfies its Designated Requirement
[13:17:46:269] BosonAppSupport: Validation codesign result: true
[13:17:46:270] BosonAppSupport: Codesign done
[13:17:46:333] BosonAppBuilder: UploadInternal start
[13:17:51:041] : Upload Progress: 10%
[13:17:51:573] : Upload Progress: 20%
[13:17:52:104] : Upload Progress: 30%
[13:17:52:916] : Upload Progress: 40%
[13:17:53:947] : Upload Progress: 50%
[13:17:54:696] : Upload Progress: 60%
[13:17:55:520] : Upload Progress: 70%
[13:17:56:372] : Upload Progress: 80%
[13:17:57:367] : Upload Progress: 90%
[13:17:58:414] : Upload Progress: 100%
[13:17:58:460] BosonAppBuilder: uploadInternal done
[13:17:58:796] : Progress: CreatingStagingDirectory [5%]
[13:17:58:798] : Progress: ExtractingPackage [15%]
[13:17:58:799] : Progress: InspectingPackage [20%]
[13:17:58:802] : Progress: TakingInstallLock [20%]
[13:17:58:804] : Progress: PreflightingApplication [30%]
[13:17:58:805] : Progress: InstallingEmbeddedProfile [30%]
[13:17:58:812] : Progress: VerifyingApplication [40%]
[13:17:58:954] : Error: APIInternalError, Description: Failed to unhide archs in executable file:///private/var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.LXITKr/extracted/testFX.app/TestApp
> Task :launchIOSDevice
[13:17:58:955] BosonAppBuilder: Installing finished due to an error.
[13:17:58:958] BosonAppBuilder: Install internal failed
[13:17:58:958] BosonAppBuilder: Something went wrong. App wasn't installed on the device
Any ideas of how I can solve both issues?
There are two main keys that you have to set properly: CFBundleIdentifier and CFBundleExecutable.
You can check the sample SingleView-GluonVM:
Main className (see build.gradle): com.gluonhq.samples.singleviewgvm.SingleViewWithGluonVM
CFBundleIdentifier (see Default-info.plist): com.gluonhq.samples.singleviewgvm.SingleViewWithGluonVM
Gradle project (see settings.gradle): singleview-gluonvmApp
CFBundleExecutable (see Default-info.plist): singleview-gluonvmApp
or the sample DeepLearning-LinearClassifier, with similar settings.
As you can see, the Gluon IDE plugin sets by default the CFBundleIdentifier as the main class name and the CFBundleExecutable as the name of your mobile project.
When you want to deploy your app to iOS, the provisioning profile should have this bundle ID. However, you can also use wildcards. Just make sure you have downloaded and installed to your machine the provisioning profile (it should be under /Users/<user>/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles), with extension .mobileprovision.
If you preview it (from Finder for instance), the AppID from this file could be something like <TEAM ID>.<mainClassName>, or <TEAM ID>.*.
This is where the jfxmobile plugin sets the appId.
About the CFBundleExecutable, this is the name your application under build/gvm/ will have. It is mandatory in this case that it uses the name of your project (as in the gradle name).
This is where the jfxmobile plugin sets the appName.
You will find your app under /<appName>/build/gvm/<appName>.app (though Finder will show just <appName>:
If you see the content of the app, you will find the executable file under /<appName>/build/gvm/<appName>.app/<appName>:
The error you are getting;
[13:17:58:954] : Error: APIInternalError, Description: Failed to unhide archs in executable file:///private/var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.LXITKr/extracted/testFX.app/TestApp
shows testFX.app/TestApp, so probably your project name is testFX, but should be TestApp?
Alternatively, you can simple match the value you have set in CFBundleExecutable, by adding a settings.gradle file to your project, with:
rootProject.name = "<your bundle executable value>"
I'm trying to build an app for IOS made with Flutter.
I have no mac device to do the job so I'm trying to generate my IPA file from codemagic.io .
I created an account for Apple Developer Program and paid the bill.
I followed the instructions for using Codemagic, including instructions for iOS code signing : https://docs.codemagic.io/code-signing/ios-code-signing/ .
I created a repository on GitHub and generated a configuration file (codemagic.yaml).
So when I try to build my app (release version), I have the following problem:
Building iOS
1m 23s
== Building for iOS ==
> /usr/local/bin/flutter build ios --release --no-codesign
/Users/builder/clone/ios/Runner/Info.plist: Property List error: Found non-key inside <dict> at line 44 / JSON error: JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set.
Warning: Building for device with codesigning disabled. You will have to manually codesign before deploying to device.
Building fr.remax.franckehrart for device (ios-release)...
Project base configurations detected, removing.
Running pod install...
/Users/builder/clone/ios/Runner/Info.plist: Property List error: Found non-key inside <dict> at line 44 / JSON error: JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set.
Running Xcode build...
Xcode build done. 48.3s
Failed to build iOS app
Error output from Xcode build:
Xcode's output:
../programs/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/neumorphic-0.3.2/lib/src/components/selection_controls.dart:182:10: Error: The method '_NeuSelectionControls.buildToolbar' has fewer positional arguments than those of overridden method 'TextSelectionControls.buildToolbar'.
Widget buildToolbar(
../programs/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/text_selection.dart:136:10: Context: This is the overridden method ('buildToolbar').
Widget buildToolbar(
../programs/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/neumorphic-0.3.2/lib/src/components/selection_controls.dart:222:59: Error: Too few positional arguments: 2 required, 1 given.
handleCopy: canCopy(delegate) ? () => handleCopy(delegate) : null,
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
note: Using new build system
note: Building targets in parallel
note: Planning build
note: Constructing build description
Encountered error while building for device.
Build failed :|
Failed to build for iOS
I don't understand. Is it a problem with code signing ?
On my Apple Developer Account I can see that a certificate has been generated.
The previous step on Codemagic seems to be ok :
== Fetch code signing files from Apple Developer Portal ==
Automatically detected bundle identifier "fr.remax.franckehrart" from project
Fetch App Store signing files for bundle identifier "fr.remax.franckehrart"
Initializing Apple Developer Portal session with david.matoska#gmail.com
Using Apple Developer Portal team david matoska (HBD2Z7384F) to fetch signing files
Found App ID "fr remax franckehrart" for bundle identifier "fr.remax.franckehrart"
Found code signing certificate "Apple Push Services: fr.remax.franckehrart"
Found code signing certificate "iOS Distribution: david matoska"
Found iOS Distribution provisioning profile "fr remax franckehrart app_store 1597698130"
> keychain initialize
Initialize new keychain to store code signing certificates at /var/folders/r7/d9twdq011sb8d3q1p8f39cdr0000gn/T/build_4qw6y93s.keychain
Create keychain /var/folders/r7/d9twdq011sb8d3q1p8f39cdr0000gn/T/build_4qw6y93s.keychain
Set keychain /var/folders/r7/d9twdq011sb8d3q1p8f39cdr0000gn/T/build_4qw6y93s.keychain timeout to "no timeout"
Set keychain /var/folders/r7/d9twdq011sb8d3q1p8f39cdr0000gn/T/build_4qw6y93s.keychain to system default keychain
Unlock keychain /var/folders/r7/d9twdq011sb8d3q1p8f39cdr0000gn/T/build_4qw6y93s.keychain
> keychain add-certificates --certificate /tmp/aps_uiasoh6i.p12 --certificate-password #env:CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD
Add certificates to keychain /private/var/folders/r7/d9twdq011sb8d3q1p8f39cdr0000gn/T/build_4qw6y93s.keychain
Searching for files matching /tmp/aps_uiasoh6i.p12
Add certificate /tmp/aps_uiasoh6i.p12 to keychain /private/var/folders/r7/d9twdq011sb8d3q1p8f39cdr0000gn/T/build_4qw6y93s.keychain
1 identity imported.
> keychain add-certificates --certificate /tmp/ios_distribution_ln2czakc.p12 --certificate-password #env:CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD
Add certificates to keychain /private/var/folders/r7/d9twdq011sb8d3q1p8f39cdr0000gn/T/build_4qw6y93s.keychain
Searching for files matching /tmp/ios_distribution_ln2czakc.p12
Add certificate /tmp/ios_distribution_ln2czakc.p12 to keychain /private/var/folders/r7/d9twdq011sb8d3q1p8f39cdr0000gn/T/build_4qw6y93s.keychain
1 identity imported.
== Install Flutter dependencies ==
> /usr/local/bin/flutter packages pub get
Resolving dependencies...
> async 2.4.2 (was 2.4.1) (2.5.0-nullsafety available)
+ characters 1.0.0 (1.1.0-nullsafety.2 available)
+ clock 1.0.1 (1.1.0-nullsafety available)
> collection 1.14.13 (was 1.14.12) (1.15.0-nullsafety.2 available)
+ fake_async 1.1.0 (1.2.0-nullsafety available)
> matcher 0.12.8 (was 0.12.6) (0.12.9 available)
> path 1.7.0 (was 1.6.4) (1.8.0-nullsafety available)
> stack_trace 1.9.5 (was 1.9.3) (1.10.0-nullsafety available)
> test_api 0.2.17 (was 0.2.15) (0.2.18 available)
> typed_data 1.2.0 (was 1.1.6) (1.3.0-nullsafety.2 available)
These packages are no longer being depended on:
- quiver 2.1.3
Downloading flutter_rename_app 1.0.0...
Downloading flutter_launcher_icons 0.7.5...
Downloading neumorphic 0.3.2...
Downloading curved_navigation_bar 0.3.3...
Downloading ansicolor 1.0.2...
Downloading process_run 0.10.12+1...
Downloading image 2.1.12...
Downloading xml 3.6.1...
Downloading petitparser 2.4.0...
Downloading crypto 2.1.4...
Changed 11 dependencies!
Can you please help me ?
So ... It worked :) !!!!!!
I had to change my pubspec.yaml file.
I took the 0.4.0 version of Neumorphic (versus 0.3.2 version).
#Captivity , thank you again for your help with the info.plist file.
Okey, Your 'key' UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance there is no assigned value.
I am trying to configure my Fastfile to get an enterprise build with over the air installation support. Here is my current lane:
lane :enterprise do
increment_build_number(xcodeproj: "myapp.xcodeproj")
scheme: "enterprise",
output_name: "myapp.ipa",
output_directory: "build",
export_options: {
manifest: {
appURL: "my app url",
displayImageURL: "display image url",
fullSizeImageURL: "full size image url"
export_method: "enterprise",
export_xcargs: "-allowProvisioningUpdates"
The build runs withouth problem and I get both ipa and manifest.plist ffiles. The problem is when get the build with Xcode, it produces 5 files:
When I try to update the files by just changing ipa and the plist files, over the air intallation failes wih this error:
Error Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=13
"Failed to verify code signature of /.../myapp.app : 0xe8008017
(A signed resource has been added, modified, or deleted.)"
NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to verify code signature of /.../myapp.app : 0xe8008017
(A signed resource has been added, modified, or deleted.),
FunctionName=+[MICodeSigningVerifier _validateSignatureAndCopyInfoForURL:withOptions:error:],
for bundle IDs ("com.myapp")
How can I make Fastlane generate all these files?
I have managed to get DistributionSummary.plist and ExportOptions.plistusing below code:
fastlane_require "gym"
dist_plist_path = File.join(Gym.cache[:temporary_output_path], "DistributionSummary.plist")
FileUtils.cp(dist_plist_path, "../build")
dist_plist_path = File.join(Gym.cache[:temporary_output_path], "ExportOptions.plist")
FileUtils.cp(dist_plist_path, "../build")
But I am still getting error when I try to install the app.
I have tried deleting all the files except ipa and manifest with Xcode export and It is still working except it doesn't show app icon while downloading the app. So the error I am getting isn't related to other files.
I have found the problem. My app name contains a non ASCII character "ö" and it cousing the problem when I try to get an enterprise export. I gess enterprise package validation doesn't handle non ASCII characters. After changing the character the problem is solved.
I am trying to build a complicated xcworkspace that contains 8 xcodeproj.
Main project (target app, framework, app extension)
6 cpp projects with one static library target each (these have dependencies with each other and added to the final project)
I can build the project via xcodebuild command. I am also able to Archive it, but I cannot export the IPA file, it always gets the following error:
2020-03-18 19:04:49.801 xcodebuild[28749:691158] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionLogging _createLoggingBundleAtPath:]: Created bundle at path '/var/folders/vr/1fb5zcxd0gg92359ynn0r2gm0000gn/T/xxxxx_2020-03-18_19-04-49.800.xcdistributionlogs'.
2020-03-18 19:04:49.834 xcodebuild[28749:691158] [MT] IDEDistributionMethodManager: -[IDEDistributionMethodManager orderedDistributionMethodsForTask:archive:]: Error = Error Domain=IDEDistributionMethodManagerErrorDomain Code=2 "Unknown Distribution Error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unknown Distribution Error}
error: exportArchive: exportOptionsPlist error for key 'method': expected one of {}, but no value was provided
Error Domain=IDEFoundationErrorDomain Code=1 "exportOptionsPlist error for key 'method': expected one of {}, but no value was provided" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=exportOptionsPlist error for key 'method': expected one of {}, but no value was provided}
I also tried to use the XCode 10.3 (10G8) UI in order to perform the same actions. This results to the Organizer screen where I see the xcarchive erroneous located in a group "Other Items" and not "iOS Apps" as it should.
Additionally, the option
"Validate Content" is disabled.
"Distribute Content" does not provide anything for iOS packing.
I have verified that my build commands are correct as the project was able to build with these in its previous state.
I've tried changing static project libraries dependencies but when adding all dependencies to all items it ends with a build error of multiple symbols.
I suspect that something in the build settings, or library/header references is faulty, but I cannot really troubleshoot it.
Is there any way to get additional information for the problem?
I had the same issue. I had to reset my developer certificate on our build server to resolve this.
I hope this helps others.
Why will the IPA SideLoad, but not install via AirWatch?Our in house application will install when side-loaded from a Mac using iTunes.
However, for enterprise wide distribution, we use AirWatch. When using the exact same IPA, via AirWatch, the app fails to install, returning an error that reads "Unable to Install" without any other information. So what am I missing?
If the provision profiles and signing are not correct, I shouldn't be able to build the app in the first place. Correct?
And once built, and side-loadable, it stand to reason that it should install via AirWatch without issue.
When exploring the IPA from Apple Configurator, we have retrieved the following from the log file:
Oct 23 14:19:23 Grant-Test-iPad ondemandd[171] : Unable to update manifest, we cannot find its bundle URL.Oct 23 14:19:23 Grant-Test-iPad ondemandd[171] : Calling applicationDownloadInitiated: reply block with error : Error Domain=_OnDemandResourcesErrorDomain Code=114 "(null)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=LSApplicationProxy returned no bundle URL.}Oct 23 14:19:23 Grant-Test-iPad itunesstored[130] : [ApplicationWorkspace]: Installing software package with bundleID: com.healthsouth.HSPreassessment: bundleVersion: 1.1.10023 path: /var/mobile/Media/Downloads/1966681134488032800/-3221430272025313765Oct 23 14:19:23 Grant-Test-iPad itunesstored[130] : File starts with 0x0d0a0d0a; expected 0x504b0304Oct 23 14:19:23 Grant-Test-iPad itunesstored[130] : BundleValidator: Invalid archive for bundlerIdenfier: com.healthsouth.HSPreassessment path: /var/mobile/Media/Downloads/1966681134488032800/-3221430272025313765Oct 23 14:19:23 Grant-Test-iPad itunesstored[130] : [ApplicationWorkspace]: Bundle validated for bundleIdentifier: com.healthsouth.HSPreassessment success: 0Oct 23 14:19:23 Grant-Test-iPad itunesstored[130] : [ApplicationWorkspace]: Uninstalling application placeholder for bundleIdentifier: com.healthsouth.HSPreassessment; success: 0Oct 23 14:19:23 Grant-Test-iPad itunesstored[130] : [ApplicationWorkspace]: Failed to install application: com.healthsouth.HSPreassessment; /var/mobile/Media/Downloads/1966681134488032800/-3221430272025313765; (null)Oct 23 14:19:31 Grant-Test-iPad corecaptured[425] : CCProfileMonitor::freeResources doneOct 23 14:19:31 Grant-Test-iPad corecaptured[425] : Got an XPC error: Connection invalidOct 23 14:19:31 Grant-Test-iPad corecaptured[425] : CCLogTap::profileRemoved, Owner: com.apple.driver.AppleBCMWLANCore0, Name: DriverLogs
Obviously the device being used is named Grant-Test-iPad.The question to me seems to be that if, as the first line suggest, the manifest cannot be updated, how are we able to side-load the app?
TL;DR: You could install an IPA (built for AdHoc distribution) using iTunes, but you won't be able to run it if the device isn't included in the list.
The error could be referring to the manifest file included in IPAs built for Ad-Hoc distribution.
To build an App in XCode you need a valid AppID and development and distribution certificates and provisioning profiles.
To distribute the IPAs with AirWatch (or via website) you'll need an IPA signed for enterprise distribution, and the user will need to grant trust to the development team
I've created an ad hoc distribution build for my iPhone app using Xcode 4.1. The target successfully builds and produces an archive file that I can see in Organizer. I then click 'Share' which allows me to select .ipa and my distribution profile. However, after i hit 'Next' the Organizer crashes with the error below. The error log appears to suggest that the error is related to the 'ResourceRules.plist'? I'm using CorePlot for graphing, might it be related to that?
For info, I have a valid distribution certificate and imported a distribution provisioning profile. Entitlements file is not needed anymore for ad hoc distribution apparently so I don't have one in the project. All of my other apps don't crash at the 'sharing' stage, so it doesn't appear to be a problem with Xcode, just this particular app.
Any help much appreciated.
PackageApplication failed with exit code 1.
Packaging application: '/Users/gabt/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2011-08-20/myApp 20-08-2011 14.11.xcarchive/Products/Applications/myApp.app'
Arguments: embed=/Users/gabt/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/FA16C6A9-603C-46A6-8B98-F367A6B056CD.mobileprovision verbose=1 output=/var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/670E174E-0BCA-4F18-AB8D-5ACF3D7E569A-8458-000005FCA81C6AE5/app.ipa sign=iPhone Distribution: Grant Abt
Environment variables:
HOME = /Users/gabt
LOGNAME = gabt
DISPLAY = /tmp/launch-WoNf6c/org.x:0
COMMAND_MODE = unix2003
PATH = /Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
SHELL = /bin/bash
SSH_AUTH_SOCK = /tmp/launch-hHkBrJ/Listeners
Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render = /tmp/launch-P0dtgN/Render
TMPDIR = /var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/
USER = gabt
Output directory: '/var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/670E174E-0BCA-4F18-AB8D-5ACF3D7E569A-8458-000005FCA81C6AE5/app.ipa'
Temporary Directory: '/var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/y30BrfbtxS' (will NOT be deleted on exit when verbose set)
+ /bin/cp -Rp /Users/gabt/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2011-08-20/myApp 20-08-2011 14.11.xcarchive/Products/Applications/myApp.app /var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/y30BrfbtxS/Payload
Program /bin/cp returned 0 : []
### Checking original app
+ /usr/bin/codesign --verify -vvvv /Users/gabt/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2011-08-20/myApp 20-08-2011 14.11.xcarchive/Products/Applications/myApp.app
Program /usr/bin/codesign returned 0 : [/Users/gabt/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2011-08-20/myApp 20-08-2011 14.11.xcarchive/Products/Applications/myApp.app: valid on disk
/Users/gabt/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2011-08-20/myApp 20-08-2011 14.11.xcarchive/Products/Applications/myApp.app: satisfies its Designated Requirement
Done checking the original app
### Embedding '/Users/gabt/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/FA16C6A9-603C-46A6-8B98-F367A6B056CD.mobileprovision'
+ /bin/rm -rf /var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/y30BrfbtxS/Payload/myApp.app/embedded.mobileprovision
Program /bin/rm returned 0 : []
+ /bin/cp -rp /Users/gabt/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/FA16C6A9-603C-46A6-8B98-F367A6B056CD.mobileprovision /var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/y30BrfbtxS/Payload/myApp.app/embedded.mobileprovision
Program /bin/cp returned 0 : []
+ /usr/bin/codesign -d --entitlements /var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/y30BrfbtxS/entitlements_rawMkZVbU5I /var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/y30BrfbtxS/Payload/myApp.app
Program /usr/bin/codesign returned 0 : [Executable=/private/var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/y30BrfbtxS/Payload/myApp.app/myApp
+ /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Set :get-task-allow NO /var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/y30BrfbtxS/entitlements_plistt2Evi2T_
Program /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy returned 0 : []
+ /usr/bin/plutil -lint /var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/y30BrfbtxS/entitlements_plistt2Evi2T_
Program /usr/bin/plutil returned 0 : [/var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/y30BrfbtxS/entitlements_plistt2Evi2T_: OK
### Codesigning '/Users/gabt/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/FA16C6A9-603C-46A6-8B98-F367A6B056CD.mobileprovision' with 'iPhone Distribution: Grant Abt'
+ /usr/bin/codesign --force --preserve-metadata --sign iPhone Distribution: Grant Abt --resource-rules=/var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/y30BrfbtxS/Payload/myApp.app/ResourceRules.plist --entitlements /var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/y30BrfbtxS/entitlements_plistt2Evi2T_ /var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/y30BrfbtxS/Payload/myApp.app
Program /usr/bin/codesign returned 1 : [/var/folders/jw/s5ky0r1n34322jt4pw3047m00000gn/T/y30BrfbtxS/Payload/myApp.app/ResourceRules.plist: cannot read resources
error: codesign failed with error 1
Had the same problem today..
The "Code Signing Resource Rules Path" was missing in the PROJECT - Build Settings
Opened the "Build Settings" tab of your project.
Searched "Code Signing Resource Rules Path", it was empty for me
and added
credits goes to Adams Blair who described this problem with SDK2.2
yeah, i think it's xcode6.1 problem (or bug?)
you can
1.add $(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist to "Code Signing Resource Rules Path"
2.use xcode-select back to 6.01 build
3.sign argument without "sign=iPhone Distribution: Grant Abt"
to work
Check your code signing profiles again. Your developer profile should be set to the debug and for the release you must set your distribution profile. Make sure you select any iOS SDK under each category and set the respective profiles for them as well.
Encounter this issue when testing with Xcode 6.1 beta version. Back to Xcode 6.0.1 works.