How to install librabbitmq in App Engine Google Cloud Platform - docker

I've been trying to install librabbitmq in App Engine GCP without any luck.
All other pip packages install properly if they are in the requirements.txt via my yml file, however, this package does not work (missing compiler, gcc, etc).
How do you install this in App Engine?

I've tried both in Python2 and Python3 just in case, works ok for me.
Try to require a specific version,maybe that's your issue?
Here you have a simple requirements.txt, if that doesn't solve it give us more info.
Try this:


Qt platform plugin Error in runnig container. how to show open cv output image with docker container on linux?

I wanna create a docker image on windows and image base [in docker file] for docker image would be linux os. My program uses the open-cv program which its output image has to be shown with CV2.imshow(). but after running container, I get this error.
please help to fix it.
qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cv2/qt/plugins" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
Available platform plugins are: xcb.
I had this same issue and none of the solutions I looked up solved the issue for me. I even used xhost + and imshow still did not work.
I was using the image tensorflow/tensorflow:2.7.0-gpu as my base image for my project. Seems like the package libsm6 is missing for some reason, and doing apt install libsm6 made it work.
Hope this helped!
I also had this issue. The one solution that finally worked was to install an earlier version of opencv-python. The version I had originally installed was I uninstalled opencv pip uninstall opencv-python in docker and reinstalled RUN pip install opencv-python== in the dockerfile.

Error: yq#3 has been disabled because it is not maintained upstream! How to install a disabled brew Formulae?

I'm trying to install yq#3 on my Mac running brew install yq#3 and I get the error:
Error: yq#3 has been disabled because it is not maintained upstream!
I see that it's there on their website at but it doesn't seem to be supported anymore.
I still need to install it since our projects at work are using this specific version.
The only way that I'm thinking about is downloading the source code, building it myself, and adding it to the path but I'm thinking that there might be a simpler solution.
Any suggestion?
From yq github, you can install a binary by running:
wget -O /usr/local/bin/yq &&\
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/yq
3.4.1 is the latest 3 version, darwin_amd64 is the Mac package (don't worry about having an Intel machine and installing the package that says AMD, the name comes from something about AMD invented the 64-bit instruction set).

Electron - How can I install or use a third party dependency like a brew or apt-get package in my app?

Currently I want to build a desktop app which is using a third party package that can be installed trough apt-get or brew but I do not know how to inject this dependency on my electron app.
I want to avoid ask the user to install this dependency before of use my app like "Hey to use this app you should have the Package A installed.".
Thanks for the help.
You can do it in the installer (Preferred). For example, You can create a debian for your app.
In the makefile of the debian, you can check if module is present or not, if not install.
You can do it in the app first boot,
You can check if the user's system already has that module or not using child_process (spawning a terminal & executing a cmd to check if the module is present) or by writing a native node module to do the same.
If the module is not present, you can use child_process module to execute the command to install that module.

How to convert kivy app to apk using p4a-build?

I have a full functional android app. I can run it on android phone using kivy launcher. Now, i want to convert it to apk. I read lot of tutorials but since i am on windows, this task seems impossible.
I read about p4a-build and followed this code
pip install --upgrade p4a-build
p4a-build --package com.test.helloworld --name 'Hello world' --version '1.0' \
--modules 'kivy' --dir /path/to/helloworld
install was successful , but 2nd command gives error that p4a-build is not recognized. Any idea, how to fix this.
I don't think this tool is really maintained, it might not work anyway. I guess your problem is that the pip package doesn't put the binary somewhere on your PATH though, if you can work out where pip packages are installed you can look for the p4a-build executable.
A more reliable solution that should certainly work is to build your apks within a linux virtual machine.

Apt-get install package for libmapscript-ruby1.8 not behaving as anticipated

TL;DR: How can I get the right package for libmapscript-ruby1.8 on my system?
We have found an open source Rails 2.3 app that solves an internal tool problem.
Additional instructions
I've some experience with Rails but am just learning about the Ubuntu eco-system and apt-get.
The perceived problem is that one of the external libraries (mapscript) is not functioning.
Further detail:
The perceived source of the problem is that apt-get install libmapscript-ruby1.8 does not seem to load a ruby1.8 version of mapscript. Instead it loads to /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1/x86_64-linux/ via dependencies of libmapscript-ruby1.8
So when the Rails app links to the installed, it breaks, since the syntax is presumably different between build for 1.8.7 and 1.9.1.
Example error (note 1.9.1 version of is copied into 1.8.7 folder here)
TypeError (wrong argument type swig_runtime_data (expected Struct)):
Contact with the application creator has been largely fruitless so far, since they have not encountered this specific issue.
There is a rubygem but it seems to also be for 1.9.1
Is there some apt-get magic that I am missing? I've just read that something called backports exists but don't know if that is a solution.
I know it is an old threat, but in case someone else got this problem, I solved the problem like this:
(I used this github page:
Install old libgif
1.) apt install unzip libgdal-dev swig libproj-dev proj-data proj-bin
2.) wget ""
3.) sudo dpkg -i libgif4_4.1.6-9ubuntu1_amd64.deb
4.) wget ""
5.) sudo dpkg -i libgif-dev_4.1.6-9ubuntu1_amd64.deb
Install old GD
6.) wget ""
7.) unzip
8.) go to folder
9.) ./configure
10.) make
11.) make install
Install webserver
12.) Download zip from
13.) unzip
14.) Goto folder mapserver-master/mapserver/
15.) ./configure --with-wmsclient --with-proj --with-gdal --with-postgis (choose the options you need for your mapscript)
16.) make
For ruby mapscript: (for others chech out
16.) ruby extconf.rb
17.) make
18.) make install
Please note that there is a bug in set filter and you need to comment the filter like so "\"id = 123\"" (
Ultimately, it appears that the packages are (for my intent and purposes) broken.
Paired with a Debian guru, who basically installed Mapserver on the system in order to compile and generate the correct
He recommended I get in touch with the various package maintainers and outline the problems that I encountered.
