PAC FILE - Not being loaded - pac

I am new to pac files. I am not sure I made it working.
I installed an nginx on a virtual machine. and exposed a pac file to url.
(I can easily download pac file by puting url in browser as proof it is working).
I then set my computer proxy settings as explained in many guides. I ticked the automatic proxy settings and I then put pac file url.
After that I think the file is not being loaded.
puting : "chrome://net-internals/#proxy" gives an empty list while it should show the pac file. Plus the net seems to work as the pac is not even there.
For further information, since I am new to pac file, I am just testing a simple pac file which redirect ALL traffic to
can anyone help me out?
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
return "";

The format to return is something like return "PROXY". However I do not think this will work, as Youtube is not a proxy.
PAC files must return a Proxy. But Youtube is just a site, which is something completely different than a Proxy.
PAC files are unable to replace a Proxy. All they do is to point to the proxy to use when you want to reach some specific URL. This way you can configure how to reach certain networks, like some Extranet (via some dedicated HTTP proxy or TOR or I2P (via SOCKS proxies). This is why you also must specify the type of the Proxy used and the port number where the Proxy sits. Just a name usually is not enough.
Also note that you can give more than just one Proxy. For more information on PAC-files see the main documentation:
(Sorry for the link, but if a Link to MDN ever breaks, the Net probably has some bigger trouble than just this broken link.)


Is it possible to share my localhost with someone on a different network?

I am working with a designer and I'd like them to have access to the interactions I've implemented on the site we're working on. However this time, I have 2 issues. My localhost is configured to a subdomain:
http://store.teststore:3000/ and we're on different networks. Is there anyway to work around this?
ngrok should work for you. Download and install it following these instructions here: Documentation on how it is used can be found here Once installed running the below command should work for you (depending on the hosting environment):
ngrok http -host-header=rewrite store.teststore:3000
You will need to give the URL generated by ngrok and displayed in the cmd prompt to the designer.
Update: Handling absolute redirects
Based on your comment it sounds like, after login, your site does an absolute redirect (the full URL is specified). If it is possible I would change your code to do a relative redirect where the domain is omitted. You could also make your root domain configurable in the absolute redirect and configure it to be the ngrok domain provided for now. Lastly, you could attempt to configure your DNS with a CNAME record following ngroks Tunnels to custom domains documentation. This last option, however, requires a paid for ngrok subscription.
Install ngrok if you haven't yet and CD into your project directory and invoke ngrok. Note Your application must be running locally on the same port number ngrok will be running.

Accessing decommissioned website in Umbraco

I have a website that we used to access via Umbraco. It was decommissioned on 11/22 to a new site with same name. There is some content we need to retrieve. I was thinking maybe we could access it via IP but that doesn't work. Anyone know how to accomplish this so we can log on to the old site via umbraco without interfering with the new site.
If you log into the server and find the site in IIS, you could set up new bindings on that site, so it responds to Then add a host file entry to your local machine, so sends you to your decommissioned site.
When your computer performs a DNS lookup, the host file is the first place it will look. This means you can use the host file to bypass the DNS settings configured for the public. It comes in handy when you have a dev version of a site that isn't ready for the world, yet. On windows you can find the host file at C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts. You will probably need to run your text editor as an administrator to edit the file. This is what host file entries look like:

MediaWiki VisualEditor Installation on a shared hosting

Tutorial for installing visual editor of MediaWiki on a shared hosting is not updated on their website.
MediaWiki Visual Installation Guide
May be it has been written for an old version of localhostsettings.js because it doesn't match with the current one.
Form MediaWiki Site, they say:
Open localsettings.example.js, and change parsoidConfig.setMwApi according to your wiki:
The first parameter is the "prefix". The "prefix" is the name given to this wiki configuration in the deprecated Parsoid v1 API - Leave this option as default 'localhost'.
The second parameter is "domain". The "domain" is used for communication with Visual Editor and RESTBase - Leave this optoin as default 'localhost'.
The third parameter is "uri". The "uri" is the URL to your API (normally this is in the root-folder and called api.php) - Change this option according your wiki (For example or or something like that).
"Proxy" parameter leave as default.
If you use SSL on your wiki with a self-signed certificate you should uncomment parsoidConfig.strictSSL = false; in Line 102. You should still use HTTP in the URL above instead of HTTP! Note that, in at-least one instance for a Wiki on SSL having redirect rules for HTTP to HTTPS, using instead of gave an: "Error loading data from server: 500:docserver-http:HTTP 500." error. This was fixed on using https:// or on removing the redirect rule.
But it doesn't match. Can anyone please explain what settings should I need to change to get it running?

URL pattern to include in JMeter for testing ASP.NET MVC website

I am trying to perform a load test with JMeter on my ASP.NET MVC website that I have published on IIS..
My problem is..I'm confused about what URL pattern should I include or exclude..Currently, URL is immaterial for me, so I tried with '.* ' in URL to include and nothing in URL to exclude.. But JMeter is recording only a jpg url...If I specify '.*\.jpg ' in exclude, it records nothing. I also tried '.*\.aspx ' in include and nothing in exclude, but that doesn't seem to be working either :(
Is this something MVC specific? I am not very sure how it handles urls..(I am doing all this for the first time..). I otherwise didn't have any issues recording steps on other servers like google,apache.jmeter.test etc. where there were normal html pages with my current JMeter settings:
A Thread Group called 'Users' having a
Recording Controller
HTTP request defaults pointing to localhost:9080
A Workbench with
HTTP Proxy Server pointing to localhost:9080
My connection setting is also on localhost:9080.
I'm running JMeter from behind my company's proxy server successfully.
Thanks for any help :)
Realized later that it was not about URLs as such. My browser setting was probably faulty. I was using IE8..When I switched to Firefox, got more fine-grained control on the settings..These settings before recording worked for me:
Set manual proxy configuration to localhost,8081.
Check 'Use this proxy for all protocols'
Leave 'No proxy for' field blank
No 'Automatic proxy configuration'
Click OK.
After this if you try to access your site on IIS while JMeter proxy server hasn't started yet, it wouldn't, saying the connection was refused.
After this, go to JMeter and click the Start button to record. Try acessing the site again. It should come up :) Some more details:
There was no need to specify port number in HTTP request defaults. Just specified it in HTTP proxy server (8081 in my case).
For the session information to be saved properly, you must use a cookie manager (preferably, keep it at the top)..When you record, you get a HTTP header manager under each HTTP request if you had ticked the chekcbox against "Capture HTTP headers" in HTTP Proxy Server before recording..Copy this and add it as a child under your thread group.
Hope this helps someone struggling like me :)

Can I edit an iPad's host file?

I doubt this is possible without extensive jail-breaking, but is it at all possible to edit the iPad's (or any iOS device's) hosts file?
The previous answer is correct, but if the effect you are looking for is to redirect HTTP traffic for a domain to another IP there is a way.
Since it technically is not answering your question, I have asked and answered the question here:
How can I redirect HTTP requests made from an iPad?
No, you can't change iPad's host file(without jailbreak), but can workaround.
Here is my scenario:
Mac OS X, with IP, running a web app
iPad, the device you would like to test the web app
Charles (for Mac), enables HTTP proxy for your iPad
I am going to test the web app running in my Mac via iPad, but I can't access directly to it.
The solution works for me:
Firstly, make sure that your server and iPad are in the same local network.
Then, set up Charles proxy, in the menu "Proxy > Proxy Settings...", fill in Port(mostly 8888) and toggle Enable transparent HTTP proxying.
Setup proxy setting in iPad.
Now you can visit your web app in iPad.
Of course you can use other proxy tools like Squid or Varnish in Linux, or fiddler in Wondows.
No. Apps can only modify files within the documents directory, within their own sandbox. This is for security, and ease of installing/uninstalling. So you could only do this on a jailbroken device.
The easiest way to do this is to run an iPad simulator using XCode and then add an entry in the hosts file (/etc/hosts) on the host system to point to your test site.
I needed the same functionality, and doing jailbreak is no-no. One solution is to host yourself DNS server (MaraDNS), go to your wifi settings in ipad/phone, and add your custom DNS server there.
The whole process took me only 10 minutes, and it works!
1) Download MaraDNS
2) Run mkSecretTxt.exe as administrator
3) Modify mararc file, mine is:
ipv4_bind_addresses = "put your public IP Here"
timestamp_type = 2
random_seed_file = "secret.txt"
csv2 = {}
csv2[""] = "example.configuration"
Add file called "example.configuration" into the same folder where run_maradns.bat is.
4) Edit your example.configuration file: ~
5) Disable all Firewalls (convenience)
6) Run file "run_maradns.bat"
7) There should be no errors.
8) Add your DNS server to list, as shown here:
9) Works!
Yes, you can edit the iPad hosts file, but you need to be jailbroken. Once you've done that, download Cydia (app market), and get iFile. The hosts file is located within "/etc/hosts".
I would imagine you could do it by setting up a transparent proxy, using something like charles and re-direct traffic that way
Workarond I use for development purposes:
Create your own proxy server (One option would be: Squid on Linux).
Set your hosts file with your domains.
Set the proxy server on the IPAD/IPHONE and you can use with your hosts.
I know it's been a while this has been posted, but with iOS 7.1, a few things have changed.
So far, if you are developing an App, you MUST have a valid SSL certificate recognized by Apple, otherwise you will get an error message on you iDevice. No more self-signed certificates. See here a list:
Additionally, if you are here, it means that you are trying to make you iDevice resolve a name (to your https server), on a test or development environment.
Instead of using squid, which is a great application, you could simply run a very basic DNS server like dnsmasq. It will use your hosts file as a first line of name resolution, so, you can basically fool your iDevice there, saying that is
The configuration file is as simple as 3 to 4 lines, and you can even configure its internal DHCP server if you want.
Here is mine:
Of course you have to configure networking on your iDevice to use that DNS ( in my case), or just start using DHCP from that server anyway, after properly configured.
Additionally, if dnsmasq cannot resolve the name internally, it uses your regular DNS server (like to resolve it for you. VERY simple, elegant, and solved my problems with iDevice App installation in-house.
By the way, solves many name resolution problems with regular macs (OS X) as well.
Now, my rant: bloody Apple. Making a device safe should not include castrating the operating system or the developers.
If you have the freedom to choose the hostname, then you can just add your host to a dynanmic DNS service, like Then you can rely on the iPad's normal resolution mechanisms to resolve the address.
You can also make use of a proxy server on your iPhone or iPade via mobile internet (3G) by using a iPhone Mobile proxy generator:
Just enter the apn of your carrier (with apn username/password if needed) and the proxy server you want to go through and tap Generate
Problem Restated: Bypassing DNS Resolution
The problem the OP is trying to solve is NOT hacking hosts files on iPads per se, but rather bypassing DNS Resolution of a specific published DNS record by creating a static, local IP:name mapping on their device.
A better- and more scalable- way is to create the static IP:Name mapping that you'd create in the hosts file on the device and instead create it on the router and then point your DHCP addressed clients to that router as the primary source of DNS resolution as I document (with annotated screen shots) HERE.
When testing a new site you need to check the display of it on multiple devices to ensure there's no funky display or usability issues. Bypassing DNS checking using static local IP:Name mappings would require each developer to hack the hosts files for each of their devices and then remember to unwind the changes in all their devices after testing.
And were it even possible to hack an iPad's hosts file as the OP enquired about, in many organizations the Developers IT assets will be locked-down and they won't they have administrative permissions to do such tinkering.
Better to make the static mapping to bypass the published DNS record in the router and then you can delete it in one place after testing is completed.
You need access to /private/etc/ so, no. you cant.
Best Answer: Simply add http or https in your browser, the IP address, colon and port number. Example:
