Assigning a range of values to a variable in tikz - latex

I would like to assign a range of values to a variable in LaTeX to be used in a loop within a tikzpicture environment.
In the below code I would like to replace these lines
\foreach \x in {1, 3, 5, 7}
\foreach \y in {2, ..., 5}{
with something like
first_range = {1, 3, 5, 7}
second_range = {2, ..., 5}
\foreach \x in first_range
\foreach \y in second_range{
A complete runnable code section is below:
\foreach \x in {1, 3, 5, 7}
\foreach \y in {2, ..., 5}{
\ifthenelse{\(\x=1 \OR \x=7\) \AND \y = 3}{
%\filldraw[fill=white] (\x, \y) circle (0.2);
\node[] at (\x, \y) {\vdots};
\filldraw[fill=red] (\x, \y) circle (0.2);

You can store the list in a macro:
\def\first{1, 3, 5, 7}
\def\second{2, ..., 5}
\foreach \x in \first
\foreach \y in \second {
\ifthenelse{\(\x=1 \OR \x=7\) \AND \y = 3}{
%\filldraw[fill=white] (\x, \y) circle (0.2);
\node[] at (\x, \y) {\vdots};
\filldraw[fill=red] (\x, \y) circle (0.2);


Writing small numbers in Latex figures

I have a basic figure where I want the following numbers to be in the Y axis
0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.1
When I write them in the code they appear in a different way as you see in the screenshot.
I know this is mathematically correct but they look odd and I want to them to be shown exactly as I put them in the code.
this is the code
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
\begin{tikzpicture} [style={outer sep=5}]
\begin{axis}[ymin=0,ymax=0.1, xmin=15, xmax=50,
grid={major},clip=false,grid style={dashed},
legend style={at={(1.2 ,1)},anchor=north},
% 25
\addplot[color=green, mark=*, samples=10] [error bars/.cd,y dir=both, y explicit] coordinates {
(15, 0.0032)
(20, 0.0039)
(25, 0.0052)
(30, 0.007)
(35, 0.009)
(40, 0.0095)
(45, 0.01)
(50, 0.012)
The other figure code is
\begin{figure} [H]
\begin{tikzpicture} [style={outer sep=5}]
\begin{axis}[ymin=0.004,ymax=0.018, xmin=15, xmax=50,
xlabel= $Number of Nodes$, ylabel = $end-to-end (sec)$,
yticklabel style={/pgf/number format/fixed},
grid={major},clip=false,grid style={dashed},
legend style={at={(1.2 ,1)},anchor=north},
\addplot[color=blue, mark=*, samples=10] [error bars/.cd,y dir=both, y explicit] coordinates {
(15, 0.0072) +-(0.001, -0.001)
(20, 0.0079) +-(0.001, -0.001)
(25, 0.0092) +-(0.001, -0.001)
(30, 0.01) +-(0.001, -0.001)
(35, 0.013) +-(0.0018, -0.0018)
(40, 0.0137) +-(0.001, -0.001)
(45, 0.015) +-(0.001, -0.001)
(50, 0.0168)+-(0.001, -0.001)
\addplot[color=red, mark=*, samples=10] [error bars/.cd,y dir=both, y explicit] coordinates {
(15, 0.0052) +-(0.001, -0.001)
(20, 0.0057) +-(0.001, -0.001)
(25, 0.0067) +-(0.001, -0.001)
(30, 0.0074) +-(0.001, -0.001)
(35, 0.0082) +-(0.0018, -0.0018)
(40, 0.0095) +-(0.001, -0.001)
(45, 0.01) +-(0.001, -0.001)
(50, 0.0109) +-(0.001, -0.001)
\caption[End-to-end delay of TAODV vs. AODV]{End-to-end delay of TAODV vs. AODV with \%95 confidence interval}
You can use yticklabel style={/pgf/number format/fixed} to change the number format:
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
\begin{tikzpicture} [style={outer sep=5}]
\begin{axis}[ymin=0,ymax=0.1, xmin=15, xmax=50,
grid={major},clip=false,grid style={dashed},
legend style={at={(1.2 ,1)},anchor=north},
scaled y ticks=false,
yticklabel style={/pgf/number format/fixed},
% 25
\addplot[color=green, mark=*, samples=10] [error bars/.cd,y dir=both, y explicit] coordinates {
(15, 0.0032)
(20, 0.0039)
(25, 0.0052)
(30, 0.007)
(35, 0.009)
(40, 0.0095)
(45, 0.01)
(50, 0.012)

How can I place a figure on top of the page?

I am currently working on this code (this is a shortened version):
% Syntax:
% \DoublLine[half of the double line distance]{first node}{second node}{options line 1}{options line 2}
\path(#2)--(#3)coordinate[at start](h1)coordinate[at end](h2);
% node [midway, above=1pt, fill=none] {3};
% node [midway, below=1pt, fill=none] {3};
\begin{tikzpicture}[myn/.style={very thick,draw,inner sep=0.25cm,outer sep=3pt}]
% place nodes
\node[myn] (a) at (2,5) {Node 6};
\node[myn] (b) at (4, 8) {Node 12};
\node[myn] (c) at (5, 5) {Node 19};
\node[myn] (d) at (5, 3) {Node 20};
\node[myn] (e) at (7.5,5) {Node 18};
\node[myn] (f) at (7.5,10) {Node 10};
\node[myn] (g) at (10,3) {Node 4};
\node[myn] (h) at (10,5) {Node 2};
\node[myn] (i) at (10,8) {Node 13};
\node[myn] (j) at (10,10) {Node 14};
\node[myn] (k) at (13,5) {Node 21};
\node[myn] (l) at (12,7) {Node 1};
\node[myn] (m) at (12,10) {Node 16};
\node[myn] (n) at (15.5,5) {Node 3};
\node[myn] (o) at (13,12) {Node 8};
\node[myn] (p) at (16,3) {Node 5};
\node[myn] (q) at (16,7) {Node 9};
\node[myn] (r) at (7.5,3) {Node 11};
\node[myn] (s) at (11,1){Node 7};
\node[myn] (t) at (12,-1){Node 17};
\node[myn] (u) at (13,-3){Node 22};
\node[myn] (v) at (7.5,-1){Node 15};
%Single line orange
\draw[edge][color=orange, very thick] (i)--(j);
%Single line orange
\draw[edge][color=orange, very thick] (n)--(q);
\draw[edge][color=orange, very thick] (h)--(d);
%double line orange
\DoubleLine{o}{m}{-,very thick,cyan}{-,very thick,orange};
\DoubleLine{i}{m}{-,very thick,cyan}{-,very thick,orange};
\caption{Line plan: Model A on Set RL}
\label{fig:Line plan Model A on Set RL}
The figure is shown in the middle of the page and not even centered. As I am quite a beginner in latex, I am wondering how this could work? I need the figure to be on top of the page and centered.
I tried [h] and [t] and also \vspace*{3in}, but it does not work.
A couple of problems:
your figure is too large, it includes tons of white space caused by some of the problem mentioned in the points below. You can see a warning about the overfull box in the log file. Thus it can't be placed according to your [t] floating specifier
using \centering and \scalebox inside the tikz picture makes no sense. If you want the picture to be centred, use it before the tikzpicture
don't use \scalebox for elements which contain text.
tikz has it's own commands to scale things
if you want a figure to be at the top of the page, the page actually needs some text on it
and finally:
The code does NOT run if it throws an error message! Latex only syntax checks the rest of the document, not necessarily producing sensible output. Never ignore error messages.
% Syntax:
% \DoublLine[half of the double line distance]{first node}{second node}{options line 1}{options line 2}
\path(#2)--(#3)coordinate[at start](h1)coordinate[at end](h2);
% node [midway, above=1pt, fill=none] {3};
% node [midway, below=1pt, fill=none] {3};
some text
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5,transform shape,myn/.style={very thick,draw,inner sep=0.25cm,outer sep=3pt}]
\node[myn] (a) at (2,5) {Node 6};
\node[myn] (b) at (4, 8) {Node 12};
\node[myn] (c) at (5, 5) {Node 19};
\node[myn] (d) at (5, 3) {Node 20};
\node[myn] (e) at (7.5,5) {Node 18};
\node[myn] (f) at (7.5,10) {Node 10};
\node[myn] (g) at (10,3) {Node 4};
\node[myn] (h) at (10,5) {Node 2};
\node[myn] (i) at (10,8) {Node 13};
\node[myn] (j) at (10,10) {Node 14};
\node[myn] (k) at (13,5) {Node 21};
\node[myn] (l) at (12,7) {Node 1};
\node[myn] (m) at (12,10) {Node 16};
\node[myn] (n) at (15.5,5) {Node 3};
\node[myn] (o) at (13,12) {Node 8};
\node[myn] (p) at (16,3) {Node 5};
\node[myn] (q) at (16,7) {Node 9};
\node[myn] (r) at (7.5,3) {Node 11};
\node[myn] (s) at (11,1){Node 7};
\node[myn] (t) at (12,-1){Node 17};
\node[myn] (u) at (13,-3){Node 22};
\node[myn] (v) at (7.5,-1){Node 15};
%Single line orange
\draw[][color=orange, very thick] (i)--(j);
%Single line orange
\draw[][color=orange, very thick] (n)--(q);
\draw[][color=orange, very thick] (h)--(d);
%double line orange
\DoubleLine{o}{m}{-,very thick,cyan}{-,very thick,orange};
\DoubleLine{i}{m}{-,very thick,cyan}{-,very thick,orange};
\caption{Line plan: Model A on Set RL}
\label{fig:Line plan Model A on Set RL}

How to make an enumerating in a foreach command along with its positioning in TikZ?

I am using TikZ in LaTeX. I want to make a foreach to enumerate text in several position. Example;
Text 'Statement 1' in coordinate A;
Text 'Statement 2' in coordinate B;
Text 'Statement 3' in coordinate C;
Text 'Statement 4' in coordinate D;
Here is my code
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, angles, quotes}
\draw[very thick] (7,5) rectangle (11,6.5);
\coordinate (A) at (9,5.75);
\node at (A) {IF-CONDITIONAL};
\draw[very thick, ->] (9,5)--(9,3);
\foreach \s in {3, -2.5, -8, -13.5} \draw[very thick]
\node at (9,1) {Condition 1 (\textit{true?})};
\node at (9,-4.5) {Condition 2 (\textit{true?})};
\node at (9,-10){Condition ... (\textit{true?})};
\node at (9,-15.5){Else (\textit{true?})};
\foreach \s in {-1, -6.5, -12} \draw[very thick, ->] (9,\s)--(9,{\s-1.5})
node[fill=white, midway]{NO};
\foreach \s in {1, -4.5, -10, -15.5} \draw[very thick, ->] (12,\s)--(14,\s)
node[fill=white, midway]{YES};
\foreach \s in {1, -4.5, -10, -15.5} \draw[very thick, ->] (19, \s)--(20, \s);
\foreach \x in {0,-5.5, -11, -16.5} \draw[very thick] (14,\x) rectangle (19,{\x+2});
\draw[very thick, ->] (9, -17.5)--(9,-19)--(20, -19);
\node[fill=white] at (9, -18.25){NO};
\draw[very thick, ->] (20, 1)--(20, -21);
\node at (16.5,1){Statement 1};
This code produce the output
How to write the text 'Statement 1/2/3/4' in the blank boxes using foreach ?
To answer the question you ask: You can use the count option of \foreach
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, angles, quotes}
\draw[very thick] (7,5) rectangle (11,6.5);
\coordinate (A) at (9,5.75);
\node at (A) {IF-CONDITIONAL};
\draw[very thick, ->] (9,5)--(9,3);
\foreach \s in {3, -2.5, -8, -13.5} \draw[very thick]
\node at (9,1) {Condition 1 (\textit{true?})};
\node at (9,-4.5) {Condition 2 (\textit{true?})};
\node at (9,-10){Condition ... (\textit{true?})};
\node at (9,-15.5){Else (\textit{true?})};
\foreach \s in {-1, -6.5, -12} \draw[very thick, ->] (9,\s)--(9,{\s-1.5})
node[fill=white, midway]{NO};
\foreach \s in {1, -4.5, -10, -15.5} \draw[very thick, ->] (12,\s)--(14,\s)
node[fill=white, midway]{YES};
\foreach \s in {1, -4.5, -10, -15.5} \draw[very thick, ->] (19, \s)--(20, \s);
\foreach[count=\xi] \x in {0,-5.5, -11, -16.5}{
\node[draw,very thick,minimum width=5cm,minimum height=2cm] at (16.5,\x+1) {Statement \xi};
\draw[very thick, ->] (9, -17.5)--(9,-19)--(20, -19);
\node[fill=white] at (9, -18.25){NO};
\draw[very thick, ->] (20, 1)--(20, -21);
However instead of manually messing around with absolute coordinates, you could simply let tikz do the positioning for you:
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, angles, quotes,positioning,shapes.geometric}
transform shape,
very thick,
node distance=1.6cm and 3cm,
dia/.style={draw,diamond,shape aspect=1.3,minimum width=6cm,minimum height=4cm}
\node[draw,minimum height=1.5cm,minimum width=4cm] (A) {IF-CONDITIONAL};
\node[dia] (B1) [below=of A] {Condition 1 (\textit{true?})};
\node[dia] (B2) [below=of B1] {Condition 2 (\textit{true?})};
\node[dia] (B3) [below=of B2] {Condition ... (\textit{true?})};
\node[dia] (B4) [below=of B3] {Else (\textit{true?})};
\draw[ ->] (A) -- (B1);
\draw[ ->] (B1) -- (B2) node[fill=white,midway] {NO};
\draw[ ->] (B2) -- (B3) node[fill=white,midway] {NO};
\draw[ ->] (B3) -- (B4) node[fill=white,midway] {NO};
\foreach \x in {1,...,4}{
\node[draw,minimum width=5cm,minimum height=2cm] (C\x) [right=of B\x] {Statement \x};
\draw[ ->] (B\x) -- (C\x) node[fill=white,midway] {YES};
\draw[ ->] (C\x.east) -- ++(1cm,0);
\draw[ ->] (B4.south) |- ++(12cm,-1.5cm) node[fill=white,near start] {NO};
\draw[->] (C1) -| ([xshift=12cm,yshift=-3cm]B4.south);

Prevent LaTeX deluxetable from starting on new page

I have a giant deluxetable (~4 pages long) that I want to start on the same page as my section header. I'm very new to LaTeX so I'm not sure how to achieve this. I'm using \documentclass[preprint]{aastex}. Here's a snippet of my code:
\section{Additional Tables}
\tablecaption{Observational Data}
\tablehead{\colhead{Object} & \colhead{SpT} & \colhead{Night Observed} & \colhead{J$_\text{s}$-Band} & \colhead{H-Band} & \colhead{K$_\text{s}$-Band}}
\textbf{2M0106} & L0 & 9 Sep 2014 & \ding{51} & \ding{51} & \ding{51}\\
% way more rows of data...
I've seen some fixes for normal tables that unnecessarily start on a new page (like this one) but I don't know enough LaTeX to apply that to my deluxetable. Any help you could give me would be very much appreciated!
I found a way to make longtable look very similar to deluxetable on this website. It works pretty well.
%Here is the caption, the stuff in [] is the table of contents entry,
%the stuff in {} is the title that will appear on the first page of the
\caption[Feasible triples for a highly variable Grid]{Feasible triples
for highly variable Grid, MLMMH.} \label{grid_mlmmh} \\
%This is the header for the first page of the table...
\hline \hline \\[-2ex]
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Time (s)}} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Triple chosen}} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Other feasible triples}} \\[0.5ex] \hline
%This is the header for the remaining page(s) of the table...
\multicolumn{3}{c}{{\tablename} \thetable{} -- Continued} \\[0.5ex]
\hline \hline \\[-2ex]
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Time (s)}} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Triple chosen}} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Other feasible triples}} \\[0.5ex] \hline
%This is the footer for all pages except the last page of the table...
\multicolumn{3}{l}{{Continued on Next Page\ldots}} \\
%This is the footer for the last page of the table...
\\[-1.8ex] \hline \hline
%Now the data...
0 & (1, 11, 13725) & (1, 12, 10980), (1, 13, 8235), (2, 2, 0), (3, 1, 0) \\
2745 & (1, 12, 10980) & (1, 13, 8235), (2, 2, 0), (2, 3, 0), (3, 1, 0) \\
5490 & (1, 12, 13725) & (2, 2, 2745), (2, 3, 0), (3, 1, 0) \\
8235 & (1, 12, 16470) & (1, 13, 13725), (2, 2, 2745), (2, 3, 0), (3, 1, 0) \\
% <data removed>
164700 & (1, 13, 13725) & (2, 2, 2745), (2, 3, 0), (3, 1, 0) \\

How to fix this align environment a bit neater?

I'm writing a description of how recursive functions are applied within lists using the align environment from amsmath in LaTeX. Here's the code:
& \reduce (+, 0, & [1, 2, 3, 4]) \\
= & \reduce (+, 0 + 1, & [2, 3, 4]) \\
= & \reduce (+, 0 + 1 + 2, & [3, 4]) \\
= & \reduce (+, 0 + 1 + 2 + 3, & [4]) \\
= & \reduce (+, 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, & []) \\
= & 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4\\
= & 10
or my try out to enhance the readability. Inserted \quads there:
& \reduce (+,\quad 0, & [1, 2, 3, 4]) \\
=& \reduce (+,\quad 0 + 1, & [2, 3, 4]) \\
=& \reduce (+,\quad 0 + 1 + 2, & [3, 4]) \\
=& \reduce (+,\quad 0 + 1 + 2 + 3, & [4]) \\
=& \reduce (+,\quad 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, & []) \\
=& 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4\\
=& 10
It just doesn't look nice. Here's a quick picture of the latter:
It is almost both readable and aesthetical, but not quite.
How to make the gap smaller? And any other tips you may have are appreciated!
How about using a tabular environment instead of align, with which you can more easily control alignment of the columns? I personally liked the results of:
\begin{tabular}{ r l c }
& reduce(+,\;\, 0, & [1, 2, 3, 4]) \\
=& reduce(+,\;\, 0 + 1, & [2, 3, 4]) \\
=& reduce(+,\;\, 0 + 1 + 2, & [3, 4]) \\
=& reduce(+,\;\, 0 + 1 + 2 + 3, & [4]) \\
=& reduce(+,\;\, 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, & []) \\
=& 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4\\
=& 10
Causes the set on the right to form (visually speaking) an upside down triangle shape. I also replaced \quad with \;\, \quad seemed like too much, and \; not enough... space there.
I briefly considered doing the same to the sums in their own column, but decided that the sums 'growing to the right' was visually more effective.
