Android Xamarin Not Seeing My Resource.Id.TagName -

I have a project and am trying to use SetTag on my views. But I need a resource id, so according to internet advices, I have created a tags.xml file in my Resources/values folder, like below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<item name="TAG_VIEWPAGER_PAGELAYOUT" type="id"/>
<item name="TAG_VIEWPAGER_PAGEPOSITION" type="id"/>
Then I try to access it like so after a clean and rebuild, but it doesn't find it. It says TAG_VIEWPAGER_PAGEPOSITION cannot be found.
view.SetTag(Resource.Id.TAG_VIEWPAGER_PAGEPOSITION, position);
Help? I am using Android 5.0 Level 21, C# Xamarin

Open the resourcedesigner.cs file [you might want to back it up if you've never done this before]
Click in the file
use CTRL + A to highlight all the code
delete the contents of resourcedesigner.cs completely
clean the solution
rebuild the solution [resourcedesigner.cs should reload automatically]
Sometimes the resource designer file can't keep up with your changes.
If this doesn't work then try searching for TAG_VIEWPAGER_PAGEPOSITION in your resourcedesigner.cs file and let me know if it's in there

It just required a restart for VS, and then everything worked.. so much time trying other solutions.. so agitating...


Can I set "usedWithCloudKit" to false in core data contents

I'm trying to disable/ remove cloud kit in my project so that I can have ordered relationships in core data. From what I can tell, the only reference to cloudKit anywhere in my project is inside CoreDataDB.xcdatamodeld/My_Project.xcdatamodel/contents and these are the first two lines of the file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<model type="" documentVersion="1.0" lastSavedToolsVersion="19574" systemVersion="20G314" minimumToolsVersion="Automatic" sourceLanguage="Swift" usedWithCloudKit="YES" userDefinedModelVersionIdentifier="">
line 2 has this snippet: usedWithCloudKit="YES"
Can I safely switch it to NO or is there another way I should go about removing cloud kit.
Extra notes:
Cloud Kit is not enabled in Signing and Capabilities
I'm not using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer
The original error I'm trying to solve is CloudKit Integration MyEntity.myCustomRelationship must not be ordered [8]
Check to see under "Configurations" if "Default" or any custom configurations you have in your Data Model file has "Used with CloudKit" checked. Should appear in the right panel when you select a configuration.

Adding a datamodule to the delphi object repository

I am using D10 Pro. I added a datamodule to the object repository by right clicking it and selecting "Add to Repository" on the popup menu.
The datamodule shows up in the New>Other dialog and I am able to click the icon for it. When I do, I get the following exception: "Unable to find both a form () and source file (). The same exception occurs with forms I place there. The object that came with Delphi load without any problem. How do I fix this?
When adding items to the repository, you should avoid using dotnet style names for your files. For example, I originally named the file "MyLib.Datamodule.TextImporter.pas" and I received the error in my question. I experienced the same problem with a form using the same dotnet style naming. After changing the file name to "TextImporterDatamodule.pas" and adding it to the repository, I was able to use it to create new datamodules without a problem. This is something Embarcadero needs to address.
I can't answer your q, but maybe this will help you track down your problem.
Contrary to what the DocWiki says for Seattle, the repository .Xml file is actually named "Repository.Xml" and in my case is located here:
I added a data module to it, resulting in the entry shown below being added.
Notice that for a datamodule, the path to it is stored in its IDString
attribute along with the filename, unlike a form, where the path+name is stored
in the the Value attribute of the FormName node.
With that entry in place, unlike you I can then include a copy of it in a project
by going to File | New | Other in the IDE. However, if I then change the
on-disk name of the folder where the item is located, and try to use it, I get the error
message you quoted. Of course, that doesn't mean that's why you're getting
it, but I thought it might help to see the repository entry for something that's known to work.
<Item IDString="D:\Delphi\Code\SO\Devex\DM1" CreatorIDString="BorlandDelphiRepositoryCreator">
<Name Value="AAADataModule"/>
<Icon Value=""/>
<Description Value="MA datamodule"/>
<Author Value="MA"/>
<Personality Value="Delphi.Personality"/>
<Platforms Value=""/>
<Frameworks Value=""/>
<Identities Value="RADSTUDIO"/>
<Category Value="InternalRepositoryCategory.MyCategory" Parent="Borland.Delphi.NewFiles">MyCategory</Category>
<Category Value="Borland.Delphi.NewFiles" Parent="Borland.Delphi.New">Delphi Files</Category>
<Category Value="Borland.Delphi.New" Parent="Borland.Root">Delphi Projects</Category>
<Type Value="FormTemplate"/>
<Ancestor Value=""/>
<FormName Value=""/>
<Designer Value="Any"/>
If this doesn't help, best I can suggest is to post your q in the IDE section
of EMBA's newsgroups here:
I don't think that should provoke cross-posting complaints, seeing as your q has been up here for a while without getting a definitive answer.

Xcode 5: Set symbolic breakpoints programatically

Symbolic breakpoins are great, but it's a hassle to manually add then in xcode. Well, after you add one, you can just enable/disable them, but it would be nice to be able to do it in code... something like this:
SetBreakPointForFunction([Myclass myfunction], BreakPointActionPlaySound);
Is this possible?
Not in code exactly, but you might be able to create breakpoints during the debug build phase with a shell script (Or have the shell fire python, ruby, whatever… to do the work.)
If you peek inside the .xcodeproj folder, you'll see it has paths like:
(disclaimer, this example references xcode 5.1.1)
The contents of the files are fairly straightforward:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
type = "4"
version = "2.0">
BreakpointExtensionID = "Xcode.Breakpoint.SymbolicBreakpoint">
shouldBeEnabled = "No"
ignoreCount = "0"
continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
symbolName = "-[ActivitySpanner thresholdTimePassed]"
moduleName = "">
So, by stuffing instances of BreakpointProxy into one of these files, you might apply a library of favorite breakpoints. Duplicates could be a pain, either push and pop the file or check for the instance first.
At worst, if xcode can't be forced to re-read the xcbkptlist files when they are changed by your script, then you could have a script that manipulates the breakpoint files, and then opens the project. (Perhaps overkill, we've gotten into the territory of continuous integration tools like Jenkins now :)

composite component ending up in wrong directory with jboss jsf tools and m2eclipse?

When using JBOSS Tools, M2E and M2E-WTP creating a new composite component wants to put the newly created component in the wrong directory. It also looks for components in the wrong directory.
It should be putting it in the directory:
but instead it is looking for it (and a quick fix creates file) in:
Here are the versions I am using:
JBoss Tools RichFaces for Eclipse Version:
M2E - Maven Integration for Eclipse
Maven Integration for WTP
Seems to pick the first path in .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component file. Changing the non m2e to be first seems to make it want to put it in the right place.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project-modules id="moduleCoreId" project-version="1.5.0">
<wb-module deploy-name="hcbb">
<wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/src/main/webapp"/>
<wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources"/>
<wb-resource deploy-path="/WEB-INF/classes" source-path="/src/main/java"/>
<wb-resource deploy-path="/WEB-INF/classes" source-path="/src/main/resources"/>
<property name="context-root" value="hcbb"/>
<property name="java-output-path" value="/hcbb/target/classes"/>
However, it is still complaining about missing or invalid attributes and not doing auto completion on the custom components.. Not sure if JSF Tools even does that though.
I believe this issue is fixed in later release of joss tools 3.3.x.
If not please open bug and we'll look at it.

PartCover browser not opening code files

We're generating PartCover reports via the command line tool along with our CruiseControl.Net unit tests. This generates an xml file that displays the results nicely on the cruisecontrol dashboard. The xslt transforms that are included only show you the percentage of coverage in an individual class. We want to know exactly what lines are not being covered. The problem ist when we open the report in the PartCover browser and double click a method it doesn't show us our cs files. I know the PartCover browser is capable of showing you the files because of the following.
Here's a screenshot of PartCover browser with the lines of code showing:
The information looks like it should be available to the browser because the report contains this:
<Method name="get_DeviceType" sig="Cathexis.IDBlue.DeviceType ()" bodysize="19" flags="0" iflags="0">
<pt visit="2" pos="0" len="1" fid="82" sl="35" sc="13" el="35" ec="14" />
<pt visit="2" pos="1" len="4" fid="82" sl="36" sc="17" el="36" ec="39" />
<pt visit="2" pos="5" len="2" fid="82" sl="37" sc="13" el="37" ec="14" />
and this:
<File id="66" url="D:\sandbox\idblue\idblue\trunk\software\code\driver\dotnet\Common\AsyncEventQueue.cs" />
All I want to be able to do is view what lines of code are not being covered in my test cases without having to figure out what the xml above is trying to tell me.
Thanks to anyone in advance who replies.
I figured out why the cs files were not displaying. The paths were incorrect in the xml file because our test project was being built on a different machine than the one partcover was on. (partcover must generate the .cs file paths from pdb files maybe?) Once I search and replaced the file switching the base directory of our subversion location to the one on the other machine all was well.
