how to set two environment variables in nssm with command line - windows-services

I tried to set two environment variables using
nssm set TestService AppEnvironmentExtra SOMEVAR=SOMEVALUE
but only the last value is considered, one command overlaps the other
i try
nssm install TestService TestPath
nssm set SystoreApi AppEnvironmentExtra SOME_VAR1=SOME_VALUE1
nssm set SystoreApi AppEnvironmentExtra SOME_VAR2=SOME_VALUE2
bout only SOME_VAR2=SOME_VALUE2 was save
imagem of problem

When setting an environment block with nssm set, each variable should be specified as a KEY=VALUE pair in a separate argument.
In the official documentation under "Non-standard parameters" there is the following example:
nssm set <servicename> AppEnvironmentExtra CLASSPATH=C:\Classes TEMP=C:\Temp


How to pass variables to Bazel target build?

I am trying to build a Docker image with this code:
name = "docker_image",
base = "#java_base//image",
files = [":executable_deploy.jar"],
cmd = ["java", "-jar", "executable_deploy.jar"],
env = { "VERSION" : "$(VERSION)" }
I want to pass a variable to the target built so it can be replaced in $(VERSION). Is this possible?
I have tried with VERSION=1.0.0 bazel build :docker_image, but I get an error:
$(VERSION) not defined.
How can I pass that variable?
According docs:
The values of this field (env) support make variables (e.g., $(FOO)) and
stamp variables; keys support make variables as well.
But I don't understand exactly what that means.
Those variables can be set via the --define flag.
There is a section on the rules_docker page about stamping which covers this.
Essentially you can do something like:
bazel build --define=VERSION=1.0.0 //:docker_image
It is also possible to source these key / value pairs from the stable-status.txt and volatile-status.txt files. The user manual page for bazel shows how to use these files, and the use of the --workspace_status_command to populate them.
For setting defaults, you could use a .bazelrc file, with something like the following as the contents:
build --define=VERSION=0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER
The flags passed on the command line will take precedence over those in the .bazelrc file.
It's worth mentioning, that changing define values will cause bazel to analyze everything again, which depending on the graph may take some time, but only affected actions will be executed.

Setting variables in TFS RMI tasks

TFS release management has a concept of variables. They're set in the release definition at design time. Is there a way for tasks to change variables so that other tasks see the changes?
The Windows SET command only affects the environment of the currently executing instance of cmd.exe, it doesn't affect the enclosing process' environment.
Passing info from step to step in a temp file in the working folder is possible, but crude.
I believe so. I have not tested this, but take a look at this VSO Build Task:
It has a task where it can set the variable. Here is the specific powershell script it calls:
Line 22:
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=$($VariableName);]$Value"
I have since found Microsoft documentation here:
variable=variable name (Required)
issecret=true (Optional)
Sets a variable in the variable service of taskcontext. The first task can set a variable, and following tasks are able to use the variable. The variable is exposed to the following tasks as an environment variable. When issecret is set to true, the value of the variable will be saved as secret and masked out from log. Secret variables are not passed into tasks as environment variables and must be passed as inputs.
##vso[task.setvariable variable=testvar;]testvalue
##vso[task.setvariable variable=testvar;issecret=true;]testvalue

How to change a tfs build variable in script

I'm using TFS2015 update 1. I want to pass information from one build step to the next, how is this possible?
That seems like a very simple task, but I can't figure out how that's suppose to work. Passing a variable to a build step is easy, but passing information from one step to the next seems to be impossible. I hope I'm wrong.
You can call the task.setvariable Logging Command, which sets a variable in the variable service of taskcontext. The first task can set a variable, and following tasks are able to use the variable. The variable is exposed to the following tasks as an environment variable.
##vso[task.setvariable variable=testvar;]testvalue

Passing environment variables to XMonad spawn

It is my understanding that when invoking spawn "string command" in xmonad, the argument "string command" is actually passed to /bin/sh.
Is there a way to change this behavior ?
More specifically, is it possible to make the instance of the interpreter called by spawn aware of some predefined environment variables (typically, SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID)?
Of course, it is always possible to resort to spawn "$VARIABLE=stuff; export $VARIABLE; string command", but it bothers me that the variabe should be created and exported each time.
Strictly answering your first question, the safeSpawn function in XMonad.Util.Run (in xmonad-contrib) will run a command without passing it to a shell.
However, that shouldn't make much of a difference as far as environment variables are concerned. In both cases, the spawned command should inherit the environment of the XMonad process (which the shell's startup/rc files could tweak in the case of spawn).
It's possible to set the environment of the started process with general Haskell facilities, e.g. System.Posix.Process.executeFile (and System.Environment.getEnvironment if you want to make a modified copy of the XMonad process' environment).

Optional Environment Arguments to SCons Builders

I've noticed that calls to Object and Library builders sometimes take optional arguments at the end such as
Object('hello.c', CCFLAGS='-DHELLO')
Object('goodbye.c', CCFLAGS='-DGOODBYE')
Can Object, Library and SharedLibrary all take an arbitrary set of them or are they limited to a specific set of variables? If so this should save our current very large SCons build at work some time I hope.
The C/C++ builders recognize a specific set of arguments, called Construction Variables.
These variables can either be set on the environment or when calling the builder as you do in your question. Its often easier to set them on the environment, thus making the calls to the builders simpler, and then only modify the variables when necessary.
Here is an example:
env = Environment()
# Notice that CPPPATH, CPPDEFINES, LIBS, and LIBPATH dont include the
# compiler flags -I, -D, -l, and -L respectively, SCons will add those
# in a platform independent manner
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-g', '-O2'])
# All of these builder calls use the construction
# variables set on the environment above
If you want to override a specific variable, you can do the following
env.Object('hello.c', CPPDEFINES='HELLO')
Or, if you want to append to a specific variable, with just one call, you can do the following:
env.Object('hello.c', CPPDEFINES=[env['CPPDEFINES'], 'HELLO'])
What Brady said is mostly correct.
However, you can append any (number of) Environment() variables to the end of any builder. These create an OverrideEnvironment() which is then what is used to run the builder.
If you were to change the value of CCCOM and/or any variable which feeds into the command line for running the compiler then adding those variables to builder call would also have some impact.
If you specify a variable which has no impact on the current builder or even one which is not defined anywhere in SCons or any builders you may have created SCons will not issue a warning or an error.
