Where in the Visual Studio installer do I find the BuildTools component? - asp.net-mvc

In which Workload of the Visual Studio 2017 Community 15.9 installation would I find the VS2017 BuildTools component?
I am looking at the workloads in the installer options and there seems not to be any workload that has such a thing.
I even searched in the component in the Individual Components tab also but couldn't find anything matching the exact string.
The reason I am looking for it is that when I try to build the source code for ASP.NET MVC v5.2.6, I get the error message as follows.
> build
Could not find MSBuild.exe. Please install the VS2017
BuildTools component or a workload that includes it.
I had written to the ASP.NET MVC team earlier about this message before I had installed Visual Studio 2017. I had had just Visual Studio 2019 then and they asked that I install Visual Studio 2017.
I already have MS Build at various locations. I had multiple versions of MSBuild even before having installed VS 2017.

Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 is still available as an online installer. You can get the current version here: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/thank-you-downloading-visual-studio/?sku=BuildTools&rel=15.


Visual Studio Code cannot recognise Microsoft Build tools

I am having difficulty using Ionide on Visual Studio code, after following tutorials and reinstalling to no avail, one problem still persists - this is that Visual Studio Code cannot find Microsoft Build tools 2013 - I have both the extension and the zip on Microsofts website installed.
edit: when attempting to run f# in VScode I am prompted to install MS build tools 2013
Any ideas people?
Many thanks,

TFS 2017 - Build Server does not build Visual Studio 2017

After upgrade of Visual Studio 2017 last week on my build server, the MS Build 15.0 is not in use anymore. So whenever I try to compile visual studio 2017 projects which use new feature they will fail.
The Warning in build log is:
Visual Studio version '15.0' not found. Looking for the latest
And the error is:
something.cs(542,41): Error CS1525: Invalid expression term 'int'
Which is because build server is using MS build 14.0 I guess.
So far I have
1- Uninstall and Reinstalled the Visual Studio 2017 on the build server.
2- Installed "Visual Studio Build Tools 2017".
And nothing works.
I have read some articles and apparently there are missing registry values but I don't know how to create them.
Appreciate your helps on this topic.
I am using TFS 2017 SP1 (On premises) and Visual Studio 2017 latest updates.
This may due to the VS is installed after the build agent configured. Then reregister the build agent with TFS, since the system capabilities are only discovered when the agent is first configured -- any changes made after that are not captured.
More ways please refer this similar question: No agent could be found with the following capabilities: msbuild, visualstudio, vstest?
Or install the latest version of the agent for now, which appears to be capable of detecting VS2017.
Also remember to select VS2017 in Visual Studio Version picklist of Visual Studio Build task.
I have resolved this issue by upgrading my TFS from TFS 2017 SP1 to
TFS 2017 SP2.
Thanks to #Patrick-MSFT and #Martin Ullrich for your help.

this project is incompatible with the current edition of visual studio

I developed an application into Visual Studio 2012. Now I installed Visual Studio 2015 and run the same application into Visual Studio 2015. but i found an error "this project is incompatible with the current edition of visual studio" I searched it again and again and found many solutions but these solutions are not working for me.
The problem was that I wasn't select Microsoft Web Development during installation period so that whenever I opened my ASP.net MVC project in that installed IDE. It showed me error this project is incompatible with the current edition of visual studio. So I updated this installed 2015 Visual Studio by Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features. Now it is working
This stackoverflow provides better answer for various other project file failures which cause same error as above.

Web.config fail to transform on TFS 2012

I currently work on a MVC 4.0 project that was upgraded to MVC 5.0 using the official guide.
I use Visual Studio 2012 locally and a publish profile was created for the project.
Locally I call msbuild via the Visual Studio developer command prompt using: msbuild /m /p:Configuration=Dev;DeployOnBuild=true;PublishProfile=Dev my-solution.sln
All projects in the solutions do have a Dev configuration and there is a web.dev.config.
The command line on the server is the same.
So far the difference is that on the server only the visual studio shell is installed (not the full) and we cannot install the full instance of VS2012 on the server.
Also, seeing on the install of TFS on the server, I discovered that only v9.0 target files were installed (Visual Studio 2008). Copying Visual Studio 2012 target files do not fix this problem.
I see 2 solutions so far but searching for a third.
Install full Visual Studio 2012 instance
Update csproj to include a target transformConfigFiles (basically copy and paste the content of the "Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets" section) or import the file via a declaration inside of the .csproj
Would there be a third solution available?
It is pretty common to install full Visual Studio on your build server. As of VS 2012 you couldn't even run Unit Tests in your build without VS installed.
I'd suggest installing VS and seeing if that fixes the issue.

What is required for doing Unit Tests on a Build Server?

I am doing unit tests (no additional frameworks other then what comes out of the box with VS 2013).
It all works locally. What do I need to do to get it working on the build server? The build server is a TFS 2013. There are no visual studio installed other then an 2010 version. I have already moved all the 4.5 .net stuff and .targets files from my visual studio to the build server to be able to compile 4.5 dlls and azure projects.
First I had problem with the build template was using AgileRunner or something thats coming with VS2013. I changed that to MSTest. Is this the correct change? Is there any installers for MSTest only without visual studio that I can install on the build server?
My boss prefers if I can avoid installing Vs2013 on the build server.
Just install Visual Studio on the build server; It is a very common practice. The requirement is mentioned in the installation guidelines. You can have visual Studio 2010 and 2013 installed side-by-side if that is desired. There are so many parts of .NET that depend on it.
Install Visual Studio and other software to enable compilation and other capabilities
You must install on the build agent the version of Visual Studio that your team uses on its dev machines. See Installing Visual Studio. You must also install any other software and components that are installed on your dev machines and that are required to build your app.
You're even allowed to use an existing license for the build server, so there are no additional costs involved if you own an MSDN subscription:
Using Visual Studio on the Build Server
If you have one or more
licensed users of Visual Studio Ultimate with MSDN, Visual Studio
Premium with MSDN, or Visual Studio Professional with MSDN, then you
may also install the Visual Studio software as part of Team Foundation
Server 2013 Build Services. This way, you do not need to purchase a
Visual Studio license to cover the running of Visual Studio on the
build server for each person whose actions initiate a build.
Is there a specific reason for you boss to not want Visual Studio to be installed?
With regards to the Agile Test Runner, it is the improved test runner that shipped with Visual Studio 2012, it's the replacement of the old MsTest runner, and will replace the old MsTest runner for the last few features for which the old runner is still needed. Though the MsTest runner will still work, certain features will not be as easy to use and confugure (like Code Coverage gathering). The Agile test runner is also required for other test framwork extensibility options, including XUnit .NET, NUnit, but also Javascript Unit Test support (using Chutzpah).
Other features that will require Visual Studio to be installed include:
Code Analysis
Code coverage
MsDeploy / WebDeploy
SQL Server Data Tools
and others.
As an alternative to get just the test runners, you could attempt to install the TFS Test Controller and Agent to the server (you don't need to configure them), the Test Agent will install a number of testing related features without actually installing the Visual Studio Shell.
By not installing Visual Studio on your build server, you are violating the license agreement with Microsoft. Although Microsoft themselves might build without installing Visual Studio on their build servers internally, this scenario is definitely not supported officially.
Building without installing Visual Studio is asking for undefined behavior and jeopardizing the integrity of your builds. I would suggest to stay clear from these attempts until Microsoft officially supports this scenario.
Microsoft strongly recommended not to build without installing Visual Studio when we asked as Gold Partner 2 years back as it was not supported in any way officially and there is no license model covering the scenario.
