IOS 13 Safe area break after switching between landscape and portrait - orientation

After xcode 11 ios 13 release there were a lot of new bugs in my app: modalPresentationStyle, Facebook SDK and so on. But what really cracked me is that:
In my app i have two windows. One for Unity, one for UIKit client side. I'm switching between them when it needed. Unity window use landscape orientations, client only portrait. The bug happens when i switch to landscape window, minimize and expand back the app and switch back to portrait window. In portrait window the safe area is like for landscape.
I created a project and a video for this bug
Tell me if someone has overcome it.


Window "frame" rotates even though app is portrait only

I'm working on portrait-only app for iOS that even though the interface does not rotate, I'm getting the "frame" rotation animation of the window when rotating the device.
Adding more detail:
The app is a single window application
Its native objc, no web view or react native or weird frameworks
The rectangle in the lower left is added by iOS 11 when you took a screenshot.
Happens in the device with iOS 11 only, not happening on the simulators.
Graphic reference:

Unity 3d (Landscape with autorotate) in Ios 8 (Portrait and landscape)

I have integrated a unity 3d content in a existing IOS app (xcode 8) and works correctly.
The Unity 3d content has autorotation and allow Landscape Right/Left.
The Ios project allow portrait and landscape.
When the ios app runs in iphone portrait (and load unity in appdelegate) as unity mark landscape after a seconds the apps rotate to landscape.
I have looked in private functions unity export to ios but not lucky to disable the first autorotation.
Any help, thanks anyway.
Did you check the rotations you want from here? I think you did not change those from player settings.

Orientation issues (landscape) with TouchID authentication

We are using TouchID for our iPad app, which supports both Portrait & Landscape orientation.
According to our understanding, the TouchID authentication dialog doesn't support Landscape orientation, which is still fine; however, upon turning the screen to landscape mode, the TouchID dialog remains in portrait mode, but the viewcontroller also fails to rotate to landscape! Besides, the statusbar rotates to landscape mode, giving an ugly look.
We have observed the similar behavior on iTunes too. Please advice if this is the standard behaviour or is there any other way to solve the issues.
I have same problem in my app. It seems that Touch ID dialogue prevents view controller under from getting information about device rotation. I tested it on App Store - tried to buy app. When dialogue appeared on dialogue rotate, App Store didn't react to device rotation.
Tested on iOS 10.2 (14C92)

Incorrect stage orientation in Adobe AIR iOS publishing?

I'm developing a game in Adobe Flash, using Adobe AIR to publish a version for iOS devices. The issue I'm encountering is being unable to turn the stage's orientation to Landscape - it appears permanently stuck on Portrait. The publish settings make no difference to this, even when set to Landscape, the game doesn't turn. What is strange is that the iPhone menu at the top does orient to Landscape - so the clock reads landscape, whilst the game is still in portrait. Has anybody ever encountered this issue?
Do you use a framework that may change dynamicaly the orientation ?
Otherwise the right way to get Landscape only in a Air application is to set the following in your nameofyourapp-app.xml

App for iOS6 shows incorrectly in ios5

Im facing a weird problem in iOS 5. My app was build initially for iOS 6 but for client requirements, I need to add support to iOS 5. The app works in iOS >= 6 perfectly. This is an app developed in landscape, I mean, all the screens are in landscape.
Ok, it compiles in iOS5 and I know the issues about the differences for the rotation stuff between ios5 and ios6 but I dont need rotation in this app, Ive faced with that in other apps, the problem is the simulator turn the screen to landscape, right, but instead of showing the app in shows the app in portrait, its like the screen is in landscape, the layout of the view is correct but its loaded in portrait.
Can anyone help me? Thank you very much in advance
