View deployment status in iot edge device - azure-iot-edge

Is there any way to see the deployment progress from iot edge device?
My use case :
EDGE Device will initiate provisioning.
The DPS will start deployment.
EDGE Device should display 'deployment complete' message once all modules specified in manifest downloaded.
I know that deployment status can be seen on cloud. but here I need to know it from device.

Assuming you know what containers you are expecting to see running, can't you just use the Docker API to query what's running?


iOS virtual real device with debug facility

Is there anyone know about iOS online paid service with iOS real device (Debug facility). I found few services but they only give upload project file and test. I need to Connect this to Visual studio and debug my iOS app.
Have you tried AWS Device Farm? (I see, you do not like Firebase Test Lab as you said you do not prefer "only give upload project file and test")
Thus AWS Device Farm will be your best choice!
It basically fulfills all your needs.
Connect to a physical iOS device ✅
Actually use the device more than just testing apps. (ex. Swipe, Touch, Open Other iOS apps, etc..) ✅
AWS is an industry-leading company, so quality is guaranteed. ✅
Image of AWS Device Farm
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.
PS: If you need to test in Big Scale, I would personally recommend going to your local Mobile Testing Facility and consult with them. I live in Seoul and there are tons of testing facilities here.

Does Aws Device Farm supports Appium automation in ruby?

I see AWS Device Farm support for Calabash to run Ruby tests, meanwhile, unable find any documentation regarding Appium Ruby combination for WebApp automation.
AWS Device Farm still provides only server-side way of executing tests, and its limited to Java/Python support in combination with Appium.
If you already have set of tests in Ruby, the best option is to look for device clouds with client-side execution (there are many of them today), then you won't be dependent in what language to code your tests, just set host/capabilities of cloud service.
Thanks for reaching out. We do not support appium/Ruby combination on the public fleet as of today. We do have plans to support more frameworks on the public fleet in 2018.
However, we recently launched a Feature called Direct Device Access where customer tests runs on the client side. You can use Direct Device Access to run your appium/ruby tests on Device Farm. However Direct Device Feature is only available on private devices.
To know more about Direct Device Access and Private Devices, please see the links below
You could get a private device pool in device farm. Then you could run any testing framework you want.

Unable to switch to WebView context on iOS Appium test (AWS Device Farm)

I'm using AWS Device farm, and I'm running an Appium Java TestNG test on an hybrid Cordova app (iOS), which contains a WebView, but when I get the available contexts, there's only "NATIVE_APP".
After some research, I've found that you have to launch ios-webkit-debug-proxy to be able to switch contexts on real devices, but I also read that it is automatically launched on AWS Device Farm iOS tests.
When I run the test, the Appium Server Output shows this:
[iOS] Attempted to get a list of webview contexts but could not connect to ios-webkit-debug-proxy. If you expect to find webviews, please ensure that the proxy is running and accessible
Is there any additional configuration needed in order to be able to switch contexts on iOS? If not, does anyone know what can be causing this issue?
Appium 1.6.3 or above is compatible with iOS 10 on device farm.
The issue you pointed out seems to be a recurring issue as noticed on the Appium forums.
The ios-webkit-debug-proxy is automatically launched on device farm.
We are currently in the process of deploying support for Hybrid apps which will enable you to run apps based on Cordova.
Right now the support is only for native apps.
Hope that helps.

NSLogger for Ad Hoc testing

I am looking for a log framework which can show log on my mac when I am running app on my device as ad Hoc distribution.
I have come across NSLogger.
It is working good in simulator but if I run on device (from xcode or from net) it is not working.
Not working means mac Desktop Viewer application is not launching as it launch when I run on simulator.
How can I integrate NSLogger so that I can get log from device to my MAC?
Is there any other framework which provide me this kind of logging?
Here are the steps I took to get NSLogger to work. For the desktop viewer:
download the desktop viewer binary or
follow desktop viewer xcode instructions: part one and part two
run the desktop viewer
goto NSLogger->Preferences->Network
check Publish Bonjour service for automatic discovery on local network
type NSLogger in the Bonjour service name text box
goto NSLogger->Window->Show Logger Status and you should see a status window that displays this:
Bonjour (Ready to accept connections)
Bonjour SSL (Ready to accept connections)
TCP/IP Port 50000 (Unavailable)
NOTE: At this point you WILL NOT see the desktop viewer output window... that window only appear when an NSLogger client correctly connects to the desktop viewer.
For the iOS client:
make sure that your iOS device is on the same local network as the computer running the desktop viewer
install the app Discovery which allows you to browse the Bonjour networks
run Discovery and browse the local Bonjour network, you should see two entries published by NSLogger desktop viewer:
integrate the NSLogger client with your iOS application by following these instructions
when you are done integrating your project will look something like this (my project is named iosTapDetectorDemo)
add #import <NSLogger/NSLogger.h> statements where needed (for me this was in include files included by method files that made NSLogger method calls)
replace all NSLog method calls with LoggerCompat method calls
add the following code to your main program:
LoggerSetOptions(LoggerGetDefaultLogger(), kLoggerOption_BrowseBonjour|kLoggerOption_BufferLogsUntilConnection);
LoggerSetupBonjour(LoggerGetDefaultLogger(), CFSTR("_nslogger._tcp"), CFSTR("NSLogger"));
run your iOS application, a logger output window should appear on the desktop viewer and your LoggerCompat method calls should display text in the viewer

using iphone to trigger events on a Mac

Is there any sample code/open source code available on how you could trigger events on a Mac with an iOS device ? What I want is for me to say click a button on the iOS app and this triggers some event on the MAC which could be running a daemon listening for this trigger ?
Any ideas ? I am interested in writing this just for learning purposes. I am going along the lines of maybe I need to design my own small protocol that both the daemon and the iOS app can understand and then communicate with each other. ANy other recommended approaches ?
You could set up a small web server process to run on the Mac and accept calls through a custom REST-based API.
