Where can I find documentation for Umbraco 6? - umbraco

I have recently taken over maintenance of some legacy client projects built with Umbraco 6. I have extensive ASP.NET experience but very little with any version of Umbraco. Unfortunately it seems all relevant documentation has been deleted from our.umbraco.com and any links I've been able to find so far that specifically refer to v6 in the URL, are being silently redirected to v7 docs. This is not at all helpful. An Amazon search only revealed one book published specifically on Umbraco, which dates back to 2011 and doesn't specify which version it covers.
Can anyone tell me if there are any comprehensive API documents or even introductory guides on how to use or develop against this particular version?

Sadly most of the documentation from prior to V7 is either gone or has been redirected to the newer documentation (as you've discovered).
There are probably quite a few older blog posts etc still floating around for the older versions, but I don't know about official content.
The internet archive doesn't appear to have cached any older versions of the documentation sadly. The book that you found will be the one that covers V4, so while it might help a bit, a lot changed in V6 (the introduction of MVC and Razor templates for example).
Some of the V7 docs are still sort of relevant to V6 (specifically the templating stuff and some of the APIs), the main difference is that prior to V7 the back office was entirely web forms, whereas from 7 onwards it was a mix of angular and webforms, before becoming all Angular later on.


Which Azure ServiceBus SDK should be used?

At the time of this post there are two Azure Service bus SDKs sitting within sdk/servicebus:
They have both been updated very recently (past week).
This ms doc (written two weeks ago) states;
This quickstart uses the new Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus package. For a
quickstart that uses the old Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus package, see ....
Where as this document (also written two weeks ago) says;
There are two supported Azure Service Bus .NET SDKs. Their APIs are
similar, and it can be confusing which one to choose. Refer to the
following table to help guide your decision. We suggest using the
Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus SDK as It's more modern, performant, and is
cross-platform compatible. Additionally, it supports AMQP over
WebSockets and is part of the Azure .NET SDK collection of open-source
This document goes on to mention Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus as newer and (yet another SDK) WindowsAzure.ServiceBus as older. It does not mention Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus at all.
Does anyone have any advice on which SDK should be used for a new .NET Core 5.0 project?
(I have already reviewed this question which has not helped)
For projects that have no dependency on the older packages, use Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus. For everything else, look at the dependencies. For example, Azure Functions cannot use the latest package today. It will likely be addressed in the future just not ATM. I wrote a blog post awhile ago about these 3 packages. May (or may not) help you with your question.

Difference Between Umbraco and Vanila Umbraco

What is the difference between umbraco and vanila umbraco.
i'm currently using umbraco 6.2.1 version in my website.
Any special procedure available for upgrading this version to Vanila umbraco version.
Vanilla Umbraco means a fresh clean installation of Umbraco, without any customization.
Vanilla is a general term used for software, see also on wiki
Related to upgrading, one approach is to do a new installation of Umbraco (we can called it a vanilla installation) and then deploy your code, and migrate the content. Instead of the General Umbraco upgrade instructions.
I'd say that there is no running website with a vanilla Umbraco install. Umbraco is not a typical CMS. You are customizing it as soon as you start setting up your site in it. This is partly due to a choice on the Umbraco HQ team's decision to store their settings in the same files where you change settings by using Umbraco, requiring you to merge certain files during the upgrade.
As for upgrading, I'll warn you, there are a few ways to install Umbraco (Web PI, Nuget, Zip file), and if you upgrade in a way different than you installed, it can be hell. Step one, back up your site (front-end file-system files and db)! If you did not install Umbraco via Nuget (in Visual Studio), do not upgrade via Nuget. You will regret it.
Umbraco upgrades are a problem.
If the versions are minor running the update-package umbracocms nuget might work, but it often leaves the project mismatching version assemblies elsewhere.
Upgrading Umbraco is a bit of a minefield. Soz
Umbraco is now at version 11 and have moved their code base from the .NET framework into .NET core. Newer version is offering so much more, block-list, block-grid, inline editing, so many new and improved property editors. Editing experience and working with the CMS has changed so much since version 6.
Vanilla Umbraco would a term for a non-configured, fresh install.
You can find out everything you need to know about Umbraco on their documentation pages.
Umbraco is a free open source project so there is no cost if you want to roll your sleeves, dig in and move over to the newest version. There are some paid offerings as well that would give support if you needed it.
Now that they have moved away from the .NET framework and moved their code base over to .NET Core there is no longer a direct path to upgrade from version 8 and earlier to the most recent version 11.
I would recommend you set up a fresh install, configure and customize as desired and then move any relevant content over to your new site.
There are many articles out there detailing how others moved over to the newer version.
Good article here on how they upgraded from version 7 to the newer version 11.
Worth the read if your planning on going down that path.
Good luck.

Localization in ASP.NET 5 MVC 6

There is already 7th beta version of ASP.NET 5, in which they say localization features are done. How can I use localization to write multi-language applications in asp.net 5 mvc 6 with visual studio 2015? Is there any working example project for beta 7 version? I have already searched and found many examples but they no more work because the code has been changed since that. Can I still use .resx files (because visual studio does not auto-generate Designer.cs files any more) or are there any newer or alternative methods they suggest?
Beta 7 introduced the localization, so it's really brand new. I wrote a short write up of everything that is new on my blog. There are a lot of things new, so if you need the features, I recommend reading it.
You can in fact still use Resx, but you have to understand that the resolution by default is, that the engine tries to find the resx file that matches the view.
For example, if you have a HomeController, and an action called Locpage, you need to have Views.Home.Locpage.cshtml.en-GB.resx to Support en-GB locale. The best part, however, is that you don't really need a resx file anymore :-). You can just implement your own implementation of IStringLocalizer and IStringLocalizerFactory, and it'll work. You can see the code for this on my blog, above.
If you want a working sample, the best place right now is their GitHub, so this right here: https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc/tree/dev/samples/LocalizationSample.Web.

Is there an official page for ASP.NET MVC Futures?

I am planning to integrate Mvc.Futures in my project, but am unable to find any official documentation for this library.
Official project page on nuget.org points to old asp.net project page on codeplex and even there is not so clear where information about Futures can be found.
I might be missing something, but would appreciate if anyone can give me pointers to the right place.
This is follow up on my own question:
I haven't found anything else related to Mvc.Futures after i posted this question, so i ended up using T4MVC which seem to get more love from MSFT than the Futures itself (lead developer of this template is MSFT employee David Ebbo).
We are using it quite successfully so far (more than 8 months) and i am pleased with the results.
For better integration with Visual Studio i am using AutoT4MVC extensions which runs the T4 templates on each change in the sections of the MVC app that require rebuild (such as Controllers, Content*, Views etc..)
To sum up - i would suggest that you stay out of Mvc.Futures for now and use T4MVC instead.

upgrading asp.net mvc apps

Upgrading MVC apps done with VS 2010 has been the biggest issue for me. I have an application that I use to run various websites and I maintain and develop this application separetely then upgrade the sites based on it. A lot of things might change during development of a new version - new Views, new Controllers, stuff added into JS files, updated stylesheets etc.
I've searched around the web but nothing useful came up besides this Haack's article but no source code is available.
I also tried making a Nuget package for the entire MVC app and while this works, it doesn't package up the resource files (an issue within Nuget itself) and my apps rely on those so until this is fixed I cannot use this method.
I checked how others do it and this pretty much summarizes Umbraco's way and it's the same painful way of a dozen of steps like I do it now.
Do you have any good advice on it?
You don't specify the target OS, but I create native packages, i.e. .deb for Ubuntu servers.
However this still means you need to specify all files, manage configuration, upgrade database schemes. But if you test this on a CI server it becomes more reliable, and you can do it iteratively. This is all part of good deployment practice. I can recommend the Continuous Delivery book.
