I'm using spacy 2.1.8 and spacy-pytorch-transformers 0.4.0 to train a text classifier. My code is strongly inspired from their example but the model is not learning anything, which seems to be caused by the loss being 0 all the time. A minimum (not-)working example of my code is as follows:
nlp = spacy.load("en_pytt_xlnetbasecased_lg")
textcategorizer = nlp.create_pipe("pytt_textcat", config={"exclusive_classes": True, "architecture": "softmax_last_hidden"})
for label in labels:
nlp.add_pipe(textcategorizer, last=True)
optimizer = nlp.resume_training()
for epoch in range(num_of_epochs):
losses = Counter()
for step, batch in enumerate(minibatch(train, size=batch_size)):
optimizer.pytt_lr = 0.005
texts, cats = zip(*batch)
_, cats = preprocessed_labels_to_categories_for_training_and_eval(cats)
nlp.update(texts, cats, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses, drop=0.1)
I already double and triple checked that relevant variables, such as cats and texts, contain valid and correct values.
Is there anything I'm missing?
I am currently trying to train an image classification model using Pytorch densenet121 with 4 labels (A, B, C, D). I have 224000 images and each image is labeled in the form of [1, 0, 0, 1] (Label A and D are present in the image). I have replaced the last dense layer of densenet121. The model is trained using Adam optimizer, LR of 0.0001 (with the decay of a factor of 10 per epoch), and trained for 4 epochs. I will try more epochs after I am confident that the class imbalanced issue is resolved.
The estimated number of positive classes is [19000, 65000, 38000, 105000] respectively. When I trained the model without class balancing and weights (with BCELoss), I have a very low recall for label A and C (in fact the True Positive TP and False Positive FP is less than 20)
I have tried 3 approaches to deal with the class imbalance after an extensive search on Google and Stackoverflow.
Approach 1: Class weights
I have tried to implement class weights by using the ratio of negative samples to positive samples.
y = train_df[CLASSES];
pos_weight = (y==0).sum()/(y==1).sum()
pos_weight = torch.Tensor(pos_weight)
if torch.cuda.is_available():
pos_weight = pos_weight.cuda()
criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(pos_weight=pos_weight)
The resultant class weights are [10.79, 2.45, 4.90, 1.13]. I am getting the opposite effect; having too many positive predictions which result in low precision.
Approach 2: Changing logic for class weights
I have also tried to get class weights by getting the proportion of the positive samples in the dataset and getting the inverse. The resultant class weights are [11.95, 3.49, 5.97, 2.16]. I am still getting too many positive predictions.
class_dist = y.apply(pd.Series.value_counts)
class_dist_norm = class_dist.loc[1.0]/class_dist.loc[1.0].sum()
pos_weight = 1/class_dist_norm
Approach 3: Focal Loss
I have also tried Focal Loss with the following implementation (but still getting too many positive predictions). I have used the class weights for the alpha parameter. This is referenced from https://gist.github.com/f1recracker/0f564fd48f15a58f4b92b3eb3879149b but I made some modifications to suit my use case better.
class FocalLoss(nn.CrossEntropyLoss):
''' Focal loss for classification tasks on imbalanced datasets '''
def __init__(self, alpha=None, gamma=1.5, ignore_index=-100, reduction='mean', epsilon=1e-6):
super().__init__(weight=alpha, ignore_index=ignore_index, reduction='mean')
self.reduction = reduction
self.gamma = gamma
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.alpha = alpha
def forward(self, input_, target):
# cross_entropy = super().forward(input_, target)
# Temporarily mask out ignore index to '0' for valid gather-indices input.
# This won't contribute final loss as the cross_entropy contribution
# for these would be zero.
target = target * (target != self.ignore_index).long()
# p_t = p if target = 1, p_t = (1-p) if target = 0, where p is the probability of predicting target = 1
p_t = input_ * target + (1 - input_) * (1 - target)
# Loss = -(alpha)( 1 - p_t)^gamma log(p_t), where -log(p_t) is cross entropy => loss = (alpha)(1-p_t)^gamma * cross_entropy (Epsilon added to prevent error with log(0) when class probability is 0)
if self.alpha != None:
loss = -1 * self.alpha * torch.pow(1 - p_t, self.gamma) * torch.log(p_t + self.epsilon)
loss = -1 * torch.pow(1 - p_t, self.gamma) * torch.log(p_t + self.epsilon)
if self.reduction == 'mean':
return torch.mean(loss)
elif self.reduction == 'sum':
return torch.sum(loss)
return loss
One thing to note is that the loss using stagnant after the first epoch, but the metrics varied between epochs.
I have considered undersampling and oversampling but I am unsure of how to proceed due to the fact that each image can have more than 1 label. One possible method is to oversample images with only 1 label by replicating them. But I am concerned that the model will only generalize on images with 1 label but perform poorly on images with multiple labels.
Therefore I would like to ask if there are methods that I should try, or did I make any mistakes in my approaches.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
hello guys i am new in machine learning. I am implementing federated learning on with LSTM to predict the next label in a sequence. my sequence looks like this [2,3,5,1,4,2,5,7]. for example, the intention is predict the 7 in this sequence. So I tried a simple federated learning with keras. I used this approach for another model(Not LSTM) and it worked for me, but here it always overfits on 2. it always predict 2 for any input. I made the input data so balance, means there are almost equal number for each label in last index (here is 7).I tested this data on simple deep learning and greatly works. so it seems to me this data mybe is not suitable for LSTM or any other issue. Please help me. This is my Code for my federated learning. Please let me know if more information is needed, I really need it. Thanks
def get_lstm(units):
"""LSTM(Long Short-Term Memory)
Build LSTM Model.
# Arguments
units: List(int), number of input, output and hidden units.
# Returns
model: Model, nn model.
model = Sequential()
inp = layers.Input((units[0],1))
x = layers.LSTM(units[1], return_sequences=True)(inp)
x = layers.LSTM(units[2])(x)
x = layers.Dropout(0.2)(x)
out = layers.Dense(units[3], activation='softmax')(x)
model = Model(inp, out)
optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.01)
seqLen=8 -1;
global_model = Mymodel.get_lstm([seqLen, 64, 64, 15]) # 14 categories we have , array start from 0 but never can predict zero class
global_model.compile(loss="sparse_categorical_crossentropy", optimizer=optimizer, metrics=tf.keras.metrics.SparseTopKCategoricalAccuracy(k=1))
def main(argv):
for comm_round in range(comms_round):
print("round_%d" %( comm_round))
scaled_local_weight_list = list()
global_weights = global_model.get_weights()
temp_data = train[:]
# data divided among ten users and shuffled
for user in range(10):
user_data = temp_data[user * userDataSize: (user+1)*userDataSize]
X_train = user_data[:, 0:seqLen]
X_train = np.asarray(X_train).astype(np.float32)
Y_train = user_data[:, seqLen]
Y_train = np.asarray(Y_train).astype(np.float32)
local_model = Mymodel.get_lstm([seqLen, 64, 64, 15])
X_train = np.reshape(X_train, (X_train.shape[0], X_train.shape[1], 1))
local_model.compile(loss="sparse_categorical_crossentropy", optimizer=optimizer, metrics=tf.keras.metrics.SparseTopKCategoricalAccuracy(k=1))
local_model.fit(X_train, Y_train)
scaling_factor = 1 / 10 # 10 is number of users
scaled_weights = scale_model_weights(local_model.get_weights(), scaling_factor)
average_weights = sum_scaled_weights(scaled_local_weight_list)
for i in range(len(X_test)):
print('%d,%d' % ((np.argmax(predictions[i])), Y_test[i]),file=f2 )
I could find some reasons for my problem, so I thought I can share it with you:
1- the proportion of different items in sequences are not balanced. I mean for example I have 1000 of "2" and 100 of other numbers, so after a few rounds the model fitted on 2 because there are much more data for specific numbers.
2- I changed my sequences as there are not any two items in a sequence while both have same value. so I could remove some repetitive data from the sequences and make them more balance. maybe it is not the whole presentation of activities but in my case it makes sense.
I followed this tutorial: https://medium.com/#vijayabhaskar96/multi-label-image-classification-tutorial-with-keras-imagedatagenerator-cd541f8eaf24
and wrote some of my code for multilabel classification. I had it working with one-hot encoding on a small scale but I had to move to option 2 mentioned in the article because I have 6000 classes and therefore one hot was not viable. I managed to train the network and it said 99% accuracy and 83% f1 score. However, when I'm trying to test the network, for every image it's outputting some combination of only 3 labels when there are 6000 possible labels. I wondered if maybe the code to test the model was incorrect. I tried using the code mentioned in the post and it doesn't work:
pred = model.predict_generator(test_generator, steps=STEP_SIZE_TEST, verbose=1);
pred_bool = (pred > 0.5)
unorderable types: list() > float()
I've tried hard to fix this and not figured it out and I can't find any examples online of anyone doing something similar. Does anyone have an idea of how to get this prediction part working using this code block (I had it with another 2 options and was getting that issue printing one or several labels) or why the model might be failing in training with this behavior?
EDIT: for more context on the training issue, here is all the training code:
import json
input_file = open ('class_names_6000.json')
json_array = json.load(input_file)
args = parser.parse_args()
gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True)
sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options))
print('Loading Data...')
df = pd.read_csv('dataset_train.csv')
df["labels"]=df["labels"].apply(lambda x:x.split(","))
df = pd.read_csv('dataset_test.csv')
df["labels"]=df["labels"].apply(lambda x:x.split(","))
df = pd.read_csv('dataset_validation.csv')
df["labels"]=df["labels"].apply(lambda x:x.split(","))
print('Data Loaded.')
f1_score_callback = ComputeF1()
model = build_model('train', numclasses=len(json_array), model_name = args.model)
Also, an important detail, when training, it says the accuracy is 99% and the f1 score is 84% with an validation f1 score at 84% as well.
I used Naive Bayes from Spark's MlLib to train a model and test it on the data (in the form of an RDD). The results were confusing.
the data and results are as follows:
The problem is a binary classification one.
The outcome should be either a label with '0' or '1'.
total number of labels with '0' in the testing dataset - 11774
total number of labels with '1' in the testing dataset - 246
Code for reference:
from pyspark.mllib.classification import LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS, LogisticRegressionModel
from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint
from pyspark.mllib.util import MLUtils
from pyspark.mllib.evaluation import MulticlassMetrics
def parsePoint(line):
values = [float(x) for x in line]
return LabeledPoint(values[-1], values[0:-1])
data = myRDD.map(parsePoint)
# Split data aproximately into training (60%) and test (40%)
training, test = data.randomSplit([0.6, 0.4], seed=0)
# Train a naive Bayes model.
model = LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS.train(training, 1.0)
#labelsAndPreds = test.map(lambda p: (p.label, model.predict(p.features)))
predictionAndLabels = test.map(lambda lp: (float(model.predict(lp.features)), lp.label))
accuracy =1.0 * predictionAndLabels.filter(lambda (v, p): v == p).count() / test.count()
after applying the model and obtaining the predictions :
True Positives - 11774
False Positives - 0
False Negatives - 246
True Negatives - 0
All my '0' labels are correctly classified and
whereas all the '1' labels are incorrectly classified!
Now, this is a part of my project and I'm not sure if the results are fine to be submitted.
The code I wrote using Spark's Python API does this: it gets the data from a file and builds the RDD. I just fed this RDD into the Spark MlLib's Naive Bayes documentation provided on the website and the result is as above.
Can someone please tell me if this result is normal?
I am working on a feed forward network in PyBrain. To allow me to compare the effects of varying certain parameters I have initialised the network weights myself. I have done this under the assumption that if the weights are always the same then the output should always be the same. Is this assumption incorrect? Below is the code used to set up the network
n = FeedForwardNetwork()
inLayer = LinearLayer(7, name="in")
hiddenLayer = SigmoidLayer(1, name="hidden")
outLayer = LinearLayer(1, name="out")
in_to_hidden = FullConnection(inLayer, hiddenLayer, name="in-to-hidden")
hidden_to_out = FullConnection(hiddenLayer, outLayer, name="hidden-to-out")
in_to_hidden_params = [
0.27160018, -0.30659429, 0.13443352, 0.4509613,
0.2539234, -0.8756649, 1.25660715
hidden_to_out_params = [0.89784474]
net_params = in_to_hidden_params + hidden_to_out_params
trainer = BackpropTrainer(n, ds, learningrate=0.01, momentum=0.8)
It looks like even by seeding the random number generator, reproducibility is still an issue. See the GitHub issue here
I have done this under the assumption that if the weights are always the same then the output should always be the same
The assumption is correct, but your code is not doing so. Your are training your weights, thus they do not end up being the same. Stochastic training methods often permute training samples, and this permutation leads to different results, in particular BackpropTrainer does so:
def train(self):
"""Train the associated module for one epoch."""
assert len(self.ds) > 0, "Dataset cannot be empty."
errors = 0
ponderation = 0.
shuffledSequences = []
for seq in self.ds._provideSequences():
If you want repeatable results - seed your random number generators.