Connecting slider to label - ios

How can I connect the position of slider's value with label's position? I want, that when slider change its value, the label move with slider's value too. please help me. I can't write this code.

You need to add this inside the slider change value action
// calculate current space available for movement
let factor = ( self.view.frame.width - self.label.frame.width ) / maxSliderValue
// apply the change according to slider value assuming in x axis
self.label.frame.origin.x = factor * slider.value


(Swift, EarlGrey) move slider to the middle

I'm writing some tests and I need to go to the middle of a slider. I would like to get minimumValue and maximumValue of the slider, like on a picture below:
These values may change so every time I need to get them in my code. Later, I just want to get average of these two values and move the slider to the middle using a method
How can I get minumumValue and maximumValue in my code? Is this the best approach or is there any better to move playhead to the middle of the slider?
You can use EarlGrey's GREYActionBlock to create a new action that slides to half
// Create a new action that slides to half.
GREYActionBlock *slideToHalfAction = [GREYActionBlock actionWithName:#"slideToHalf"
constraints:grey_kindOfClass([UISlider class])
performBlock:^BOOL(id element, NSError *__strong *errorOrNil) {
UISlider *slider = element;
float minValue = slider.minimumValue;
float maxValue = slider.maximumValue;
float halfValue = (minValue + maxValue) / 2;
return [grey_moveSliderToValue(halfValue) perform:element error:errorOrNil];
// Use the new action on the slider.
[[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:grey_accessibilityID(#"slider4")] performAction:slideToHalfAction];

How to make UILabel show the UISlider value?

I've tried to make a slider to show a percentage out of 100, but the label doesn't show that value correctly.
A UISlider has a default min and max of 0 and 1. So the slider is sending all kinds of fractional values as you move the slider such as 0.153343 and .53453545, etc. But you convert that number to an Int. That leaves you with only 0 and 1.
Either multiply the sender.value * 100 or change the slider's max value to 100.
Just set the maximumValue of the slider:
slider.maximumValue = 100
This will have the slider go between 0 and 100.
However, if you would not like to do this, try something like this:
#IBAction func valueChanged(sender: UISlider) {
let rounded = round(100 * sender.value) / 100
let final = rounded * 100
sliderLabel.text = "\(final)"
Made for Objective C. If anybody need.
float founded = roundf(100*self.volumeViewSlider.value)/100;
float final = founded*100;

UISlider limitations in IPhone

In UISlider Control if I set "MinimumValue = 0" & "MaximimValue=2000" then I am not able to set the exact value. On release of slider thumb image it changes the value to + or - 5 to10. My slider width = 225px.
For example:- if I try to set the slider value to 100 then on release of slider thumb it shows me result like 105 or 95.
IBOutlet UISlider * slider;
//"Slider" Object attached using XIB(.NIB)
slider.minimumValue = 0;
slider.maximumValue = 100;
//Attached Below Method Using XIB(.NIB) with "value Changed" event.
//Assigning value to UITextField
textFiled.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",(((int) (slider.value)) * 20)];
Because you have set your slider range to be so large each pixel on the screen is equivalent to 8.888.
2000 / 255 = 8.8888888889
To get graduations of 1 you'll need to move the slider 1/8 of a pixel (this is impossible).
Alternatives are:
Make the slider longer
Reduce the slider range
Use a different control UIStepper
In addition to the answer by #rjstelling, it seems as if you are trying to convert the value of the slider to become an integer value. I believe that the default of the slider is a double value, this would cause the value to become rounded as it is increasing, since there will not be decimal values. Unless it is a requirement, see if you can use double.
textFiled.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f",(slider.value * 20.0)];
or if for some reason you'd want to restrict the level of decimal places you could go, you could do:
textField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.1f", slider.value * 20.0];
This will give you the result of a decimal like 1.5 as your answer.
You could do anything with the decimal or even do something like %1.2f, %4.3f, or even %10.4f,
those will produce results like: 0.34, 0012.446, and something extreme like 000000345.1111
Hope this helps

Changing alpha value with increment of x coordinate value

Is it possible to give different alpha values to the same view at the same time?
I want to display color in a uiview, but it should faded out to a direction. Means I want to change its alpha value within increasing its x coordinate value.
Yes you can achieve this, but you have to remember that the range alpha value is from 0-1. So in this case you can define you can define change according to the width ie
float changeInAlphaPerX = 1/self.frame.width;
And where you are getting changed x value, you can do..
view.alpha = changeInAlphaPerX * x;
Hope it helps..

iOS, trigger UIViewAnimation once at slider value n?

I have a set of sliders, I'm using Value Changed to feed a number to a % indicator. I'm also using this value to check if the slider is below a certain point. If it is, I want to run a UIViewAnimation (which I am, it's all working fine). However, the animation gets called constantly if the slider is moved below the threshold, meaning the items being animated go from point a to point b then back again over and over. So, can I trigger the animation once only at the threshold point?
This is how I get my value in pixels:
_sizeSliderRange = _sizeSlider.frame.size.width - _sizeSlider.currentThumbImage.size.width;
_sizeSliderOrigin = _sizeSlider.frame.origin.x + (_sizeSlider.currentThumbImage.size.width / 4.0);
_sizeSliderValueToPixels = (_sizeSlider.value * _sizeSliderRange) + _sizeSliderOrigin;
And I use a conditional inside the linked Value Changed IBAction function to checkt he value and do the work:
if (_sizeThumbX < 85) { //if within 60px of the left margin we animate the label to sit float left
[UIView transitionWithView:_sizeLabel duration:0.25f options:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut animations:^(void) { etc etc
Like #Luis said, just use a BOOL property like this:
if (_sizeThumbX < 85) { //if within 60px of the left margin we animate the label to sit float left
if (!self.passedBelowThreshold) {
[UIView transitionWithView:_sizeLabel duration:0.25f options:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut animations:^(void) { /* ... */ }
self.passedBelowThreshold = _sizeThumbX < 85;
Your code is working according to your logic that is everytime the slider value is changed and it is below 85 the animation will be invoked .You can have animation triggered only once in the follwing way :-
1>YOu can keep an absolute value at which animation occurs.Something like _sizeThumbX == 85
2>or you canhave counter of how many times the value changes . In a different function count and store the value of slider change.If the slider value lies in the 85 range do not increase the counter value and in your animation part check the counter flag and slider's current position if slider is still in below 85 range do not invoke animation if counter value is already 1 that is animation is already fired else invoke and increase the animation counter.
3>I am not ware of you conditions as you have not mentioned clearly but ithink you want to invoke the animation again if your slider goes beyond the range and comes back again , in that case make the count to zero (slider crosses the specified range) .
